<colbgcolor=#1f1692> 미합중국 유럽전략공군 United States Strategic Air Forces in Europe | ||||||
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창설일 | 1944년 2월 22일 | |||||
해체일 | 1945년 8월 7일 | |||||
소속 | 미국 육군(육군항공대) | |||||
참전 | 제2차 세계 대전 |
1. 개요
United States Strategic Air Forces in Europe, 미국 유럽전략공군은 제2차 세계 대전 당시 유럽에 전개된 미합중국 육군항공대의 전반적인 지휘를 맡은 부대였다.2. 역사
유럽전략공군은 영국에 전개되어 전략 폭격을 수행하던 제8공군이 1944년 2월에 확대 개편되면서 탄생했다. 그동안 제8공군이 전쟁 내내 유럽에 전개된 제9공군, 제12공군, 제15공군에 영국과의 연락 및 전략적 임무 지침을 제공해 왔기에, 제8공군을 중심으로 전략 폭격의 정보, 목표 지정 및 계획, 조정, 임무 지정 명령 및 통제를 전담하는 새로운 사령부를 창설하기로 했다.이에 따라 유럽전략공군이 창설되었으며, 칼 스파츠 육군항공중장이 유럽전략공군사령관에 취임했다. 새롭게 설립된 유럽전략공군은 제8공군의 작전통제권과 서부전선에서 근접항공지원을 담당하던 제9공군의 행정통제권을 가지고 있었고, 이탈리아 전선에 있는 제12공군과 제15공군의 작전에도 어느 정도 개입할 수 있었다.
유럽전략공군은 창설 직후인 대주간부터 영국 공군 폭격기사령부와 함께 독일을 폭격하기 시작했으며, 특히 독일의 석유생산 시설, 산업 시설과 교통 시설을 잿더미로 만들어 버리면서 서부전선에서의 승전에 기여했다. 하지만 이 과정에서 유럽전략공군 역시 상당한 피해를 보았는데, 당장 제8공군에서만 사상자가 47,000명이 넘었고, 그중 사망자만 26,000명 이상이었다.V-E Day 당시 유럽전략공군은 약 17,000대의 항공기와 약 500,000명의 인원을 보유하고 있었다. 전쟁이 끝난 직후부터 유럽에 전개된 육군항공대의 동원이 해제되면서 유럽전략공군의 규모는 축소되었고, 1945년 8월에 유럽공군으로 재편되었다.
==# 편제 #==
===# 1944년 #===
- 제15공군
Fifteenth Air Force
- 고등공군창고지역
Advanced Air Depot Area
====# 제8공군 #====
Eighth Air Force
- 제8정찰비행단(임시)
8th Reconnaissance Wing (Provisional) - 제7사진전대
7th Photographic Group - 제13사진정찰비행대대[F-5]
13th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron - 제14사진정찰비행대대[F-5]
14th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron - 제22사진정찰비행대대[F-5][Spitfire]
22nd Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron - 제27사진정찰비행대대[F-5]
27th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron - 제55기지보완대대
55th Station Complement Squadron - 제1274군사경찰중대(항공)
1274th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 분견대, 제1070병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment, 1070th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제2134공병소방소대(항공)
2134th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제234분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 234, 18th Weather Squadron - 제802정찰전대(임시)
802nd Reconnaissance Group (Provisional) - 제8기상정찰비행대대(중)(임시)[B-17][B-24]
8th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron (Heavy) (Provisional) - 제653기동훈련부대(경)(임시)[Mosquito]
653rd Mobile Training Unit (Light) (Provisional) - 제654기동훈련부대(특수)(임시)[B-25][B-26][A-26][Mosquito]
654th Mobile Training Unit (Special) (Provisional) - 제50전투비행대대, 쌍발 엔진[P-38]
50th Fighter Squadron, Twin Engine - A분견대, 제1274군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1274th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1070병참중대(근무전대)
1070th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제375근무대대
375th Service Squadron - 제2135공병소방소대(항공)
2135th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제505분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 505, 18th Weather Squadron - 제6전투승무원교체센터
6th Combat Crew Replacement Center - 제6교체훈련비행대대
6th Replacement Training Squadron - 제8택배정찰대대
8th Courier Reconnaissance Squadron - 제8육군항공대전투카메라부대
8th Army Air Force Combat Camera Unit
- 제1기동훈련부대
1st Mobile Training Unit
- 제2기동훈련부대
2nd Mobile Training Unit
- 제3기동훈련부대
3rd Mobile Training Unit
- 제5기동훈련부대
5th Mobile Training Unit
- 제24기동훈련부대
24th Mobile Training Unit
- 제25기동훈련부대
25th Mobile Training Unit
- 제37기동훈련부대
37th Mobile Training Unit
- 제41고도훈련부대
41st Altitude Training Unit
- 본부 및 본부대대, 제5전투승무원교체센터
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 5th Combat Crew Replacement Center
- 제1사진기술전대
1st Photographic Technical Squadron
- A분견대, 제1사진기술전대
Detachment A, 1st Photographic Technical Squadron
- 제2사진기술전대
2nd Photographic Technical Squadron
- 제3육군항공대전투카메라부대
3rd Army Air Force Combat Camera Unit
- 제19사진해석분견대
19th Photo Interpretation Detachment
- 제942공병항공지형대대
942nd Engineer Aviation Topographic Battalion
- 제1지도창고분견대, 제942공병항공지형대대
Map Depot Detachment 1, 942nd Engineer Aviation Topographic Battalion
- 제2지도창고분견대, 제942공병항공지형대대
Map Depot Detachment 2, 942nd Engineer Aviation Topographic Battalion
- 본부 및 본부중대, 제417통신대대
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 417th Signal Battalion
- A분견대, 본부 및 본부중대, 제417통신대대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 417th Signal Battalion
- 제8공군 중앙의무시설
Eighth Air Force Central Medical Establishment
- 제8공군 치의시설
Eighth Air Force Dental Establishment
- 제8공군 재무대표분견대
Eighth Air Force Finance Detachment at Large
- 제739육군항공대군악대
739th Army Air Force Band
- 제1수의분견대(항공)
1st Veterinary Detachment (Aviation) - 본부분견대, 제1수의분견대(항공)
Headquarters Detachment, 1st Veterinary Detachment (Aviation) - 제11수의반, 제1수의분견대(항공)
11th Veterinary Section, 1st Veterinary Detachment (Aviation) - 제12수의반, 제1수의분견대(항공)
12th Veterinary Section, 1st Veterinary Detachment (Aviation) - 제13수의반, 제1수의분견대(항공)
13th Veterinary Section, 1st Veterinary Detachment (Aviation) - 제14수의반, 제1수의분견대(항공)
14th Veterinary Section, 1st Veterinary Detachment (Aviation) - 제21수의반, 제1수의분견대(항공)
11st Veterinary Section, 1st Veterinary Detachment (Aviation)
- 제95기지보완대대
95th Station Complement Squadron
- 제2976재무지출반
2976th Finance Disbursing Section
- 제896군사경찰중대(항공)
896th Military Police Company (Aviation)
- 제1153병참중대(근무전대)
1153rd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
- 제1245병참중대(근무전대)
1245th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
- 제1458병기중형정비중대(항공)
1458th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation)
- 제181의무진료소(항공)
181st Medical Dispensary (Aviation)
=====# 제1폭격사단 #=====
1st Bombardment Division
- 제1폭격비행단(중)
1st Bombardment Wing (Heavy) - 제91폭격전대(중)
91st Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제322폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
322nd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제323폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
323rd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제324폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
324th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제401폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
401st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제1기지보완대대
1st Station Complement Squadron - 제206재무지출반
206th Finance Disbursing Section - 제863화학중대(공중 작전)
863rd Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제982군사경찰중대(항공)
982nd Military Police Company (Aviation) - I분견대, 제985군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment I, 985th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1204병참중대(근무전대)
1204th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1696병기공급&정비중대
1696th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2024공병소방소대(항공)
2024th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제441하위창고
441st Sub-Depot - 제121분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 121, 18th Weather Squadron - 제381폭격전대(중)
381st Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제532폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
532nd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제533폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
533rd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제534폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
534th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제535폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
535th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제7기지보완대대
7th Station Complement Squadron - 제2965재무지출반
2965th Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제881화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 881st Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1142군사경찰중대(항공)
1142nd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1207병참중대(근무전대)
1207th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1775병기공급&정비중대
1775th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2021공병소방소대(항공)
2021st Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제448하위창고
448th Sub-Depot - 제167분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 167, 18th Weather Squadron - 제398폭격전대(중)
398th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제600폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
600th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제601폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
601st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제602폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
602nd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제603폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
603rd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제325기지보완대대
325th Station Complement Squadron - 제2964재무지출반
2964th Finance Disbursing Section - 제860화학중대(공중 작전)
860th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - A분견대, 제1142군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1142nd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1226병참중대(근무전대)
1226th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1449병기공급&정비중대
1449th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2015공병소방소대(항공)
2015th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제478하위창고
478th Sub-Depot - 제131분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 131, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제40폭격비행단(중)
40th Bombardment Wing (Heavy) - 제92폭격전대(중)
92nd Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제325폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
325th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제326폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
326th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제327폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
327th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제407폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
407th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제32기지보완대대
32nd Station Complement Squadron - A분견대, 제205재무지출반
Detachment A, 205th Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제861화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 861st Chemical Company (Air Operations) - A분견대, 제1140군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1140th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1205병참중대(근무전대)
1205th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1755병기공급&정비중대
1755th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2042공병소방소대(항공)
2042nd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제446하위창고
446th Sub-Depot - 제109분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 109, 18th Weather Squadron - 제305폭격전대(중)
305th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제364폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
364th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제365폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
365th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제366폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
366th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제422폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
422nd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제2기지보완대대
2nd Station Complement Squadron - 제205재무지출반
205th Finance Disbursing Section - 제876화학중대(공중 작전)
876th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - A분견대, 제1059군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1059th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1121병참중대(근무전대)
1121st Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1632병기공급&정비중대
1632nd Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2030공병소방소대(항공)
2030th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제442하위창고
442nd Sub-Depot - 제105분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 105, 18th Weather Squadron - 제306폭격전대(중)
306th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제367폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
367th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제368폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
368th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제369폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
369th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제423폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
423rd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제4기지보완대대
4th Station Complement Squadron - 제204재무지출반
204th Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제876화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 876th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - A분견대, 제982군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 982nd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1208병참중대(근무전대)
1208th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1628병기공급&정비중대
1628th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2099공병소방소대(항공)
2099th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제449하위창고
449th Sub-Depot - 제111분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 111, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제41폭격비행단(중)
41st Bombardment Wing (Heavy) - 제303폭격전대(중)
303rd Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제358폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
358th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제359폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
359th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제360폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
360th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제427폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
427th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제3기지보완대대
3rd Station Complement Squadron - 제2978재무지출반
2978 Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제863화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 863rd Chemical Company (Air Operations) - A분견대, 제1199군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1199th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1114병참중대(근무전대)
1114th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1681병기공급&정비중대
1681st Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2097공병소방소대(항공)
2097th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제444하위창고
444th Sub-Depot - 제107분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 107, 18th Weather Squadron - 제379폭격전대(중)
379th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제524폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
524th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제525폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
525th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제526폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
526th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제527폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
527th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제42기지보완대대
42nd Station Complement Squadron - A분견대, 제203재무지출반
Detachment A, 203rd Finance Disbursing Section - 제881화학중대(공중 작전)
881st Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1059군사경찰중대(항공)
1059th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1124병참중대(근무전대)
1124th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1773병기공급&정비중대
1773rd Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2096공병소방소대(항공)
2096th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제445하위창고
445th Sub-Depot - 제117분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 117, 18th Weather Squadron - 제384폭격전대(중)
384th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제544폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
544th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제545폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
545th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제546폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
546th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제547폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
547th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제33기지보완대대
33rd Station Complement Squadron - 제203재무지출반
203rd Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제854화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 854th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1140군사경찰중대(항공)
1140th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1119병참중대(근무전대)
1119th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1774병기공급&정비중대
1774th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2023공병소방소대(항공)
2023rd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제443하위창고
443rd Sub-Depot - 제106분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 106, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제94폭격비행단(중)
94th Bombardment Wing (Heavy) - 제351폭격전대(중)
351st Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제508폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
508th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제509폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
509th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제510폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
510th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제511폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
511st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제11기지보완대대
11th Station Complement Squadron - 제201재무지출반
201st Finance Disbursing Section - 제854화학중대(공중 작전)
854th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1061군사경찰중대(항공)
1061st Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1206병참중대(근무전대)
1206th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1629병기공급&정비중대
1629th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2098공병소방소대(항공)
2098th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제447하위창고
447th Sub-Depot - 제110분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 110, 18th Weather Squadron - 제401폭격전대(중)
401st Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제612폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
612th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제613폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
613th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제614폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
614th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제615폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
615th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제78기지보완대대
78th Station Complement Squadron - 제202재무지출반
202nd Finance Disbursing Section - 제861화학중대(공중 작전)
861st Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1199군사경찰중대(항공)
1199th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1209병참중대(근무전대)
1209th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1597병기공급&정비중대
1597th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2095공병소방소대(항공)
2095th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제450하위창고
450th Sub-Depot - 제128분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 128, 18th Weather Squadron - 제457폭격전대(중)
457th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제748폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
748th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제749폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
749th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제750폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
750th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제751폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
751st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제88기지보완대대
388th Station Complement Squadron - A분견대, 제202재무지출반
Detachment A, 202nd Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제860화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 860th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - A분견대, 제1061군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1061st Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1212병참중대(근무전대)
1212th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1790병기공급&정비중대
1790th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2100공병소방소대(항공)
2100th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제468하위창고
468th Sub-Depot - 제130분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 130, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제311통신중대(사단)
311th Signal Company (Division)
- 제1050통신중대(근무전대)(항공)
1050th Signal Company (Service Group) (Aviation)
- 제1244병참중대(근무전대)
1244th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
- 제980군사경찰중대(항공)
980th Military Police Company (Aviation)
- 제985군사경찰중대(항공)
985th Military Police Company (Aviation) - A분견대, 제985군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 985th Military Police Company (Aviation) - B분견대, 제985군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment B, 985th Military Police Company (Aviation) - C분견대, 제985군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment C, 985th Military Police Company (Aviation) - D분견대, 제985군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment D, 985th Military Police Company (Aviation) - E분견대, 제985군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment E, 985th Military Police Company (Aviation) - F분견대, 제985군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment F, 985th Military Police Company (Aviation) - G분견대, 제985군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment G, 985th Military Police Company (Aviation) - H분견대, 제985군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment H, 985th Military Police Company (Aviation)
=====# 제2폭격사단 #=====
2nd Bombardment Division
- 제2폭격비행단(중)
2nd Bombardment Wing (Heavy) - 제389폭격전대(중)
389th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제564폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
564th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제565폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
565th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제566폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
566th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제567폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
567th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제48기지보완대대
48th Station Complement Squadron - 제209재무지출반
209th Finance Disbursing Section - 제874화학중대(공중 작전)
874th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1200군사경찰중대(항공)
1200th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1215병참중대(근무전대)
1215th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1750병기공급&정비중대
1750th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2032공병소방소대(항공)
2032nd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제464하위창고
464th Sub-Depot - 제114분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 114, 18th Weather Squadron - 제445폭격전대(중)
445th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제700폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
700th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제701폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
701st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제702폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
702nd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제703폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
703rd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제53기지보완대대
53rd Station Complement Squadron - 제210재무지출반
210th Finance Disbursing Section - 제858화학중대(공중 작전)
858th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - A분견대, 제1200군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1200th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1216병참중대(근무전대)
1216th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1826병기공급&정비중대
1826th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2043공병소방소대(항공)
2043rd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제462하위창고
462nd Sub-Depot - 제124분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 124, 18th Weather Squadron - 제453폭격전대(중)
453rd Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제732폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
732nd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제733폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
733rd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제734폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
734th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제735폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
735th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제80기지보완대대
80th Station Complement Squadron - A분견대, 제210재무지출반
Detachment A, 210th Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제874화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 874th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - A분견대, 제1193군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1193rd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1231병참중대(근무전대)
1231st Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1792병기공급&정비중대
1792nd Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2103공병소방소대(항공)
2103rd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제467하위창고
467th Sub-Depot - 제144분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 144, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제14폭격비행단(중)
14th Bombardment Wing (Heavy) - 제44폭격전대(중)
44th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제66폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
66th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제67폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
67th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제68폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
68th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제506폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
506th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제50기지보완대대
50th Station Complement Squadron - 제208재무지출반
208th Finance Disbursing Section - 제806화학중대(공중 작전)
806th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1287군사경찰중대(항공)
1287th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1132병참중대(근무전대)
1132nd Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1646병기공급&정비중대
1646th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2033공병소방소대(항공)
2033rd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제464하위창고
464th Sub-Depot - 제115분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 115, 18th Weather Squadron - 제392폭격전대(중)
392nd Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제576폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
576th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제577폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
577th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제578폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
578th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제579폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
579th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제10기지보완대대
10th Station Complement Squadron - 제2974재무지출반
2974th Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제806화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 806th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - A분견대, 제987군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 987th Military Police Company (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1287군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1287th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1217병참중대(근무전대)
1217th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1825병기공급&정비중대
1825th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2101공병소방소대(항공)
2101st Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제465하위창고
465th Sub-Depot - 제118분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 118, 18th Weather Squadron - 제492폭격전대(중)
492nd Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제856폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
856th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제857폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
857th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제858폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
858th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제859폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
859th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제326기지보완대대
326th Station Complement Squadron - 제2967재무지출반
2967th Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제882화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 882nd Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1261군사경찰중대(항공)
1261st Military Police Company (Aviation) - B분견대, 제1287군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment B, 1287th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1234병참중대(근무전대)
1234th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1450병기공급&정비중대
1450th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2108공병소방소대(항공)
2108th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제479하위창고
479th Sub-Depot - 분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제20폭격비행단(중)
20th Bombardment Wing (Heavy) - 제93폭격전대(중)
93rd Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제328폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
328th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제329폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
329th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제330폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
330th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제409폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
409th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제5기지보완대대
5th Station Complement Squadron - 제211재무지출반
211th Finance Disbursing Section - 제885화학중대(공중 작전)
885th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1248군사경찰중대(항공)
1248th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1094병참중대(근무전대)
1094th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1675병기공급&정비중대
1675th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2031공병소방소대(항공)
2031st Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제461하위창고
461st Sub-Depot - 제104분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 104, 18th Weather Squadron - 제446폭격전대(중)
446th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제704폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
704th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제705폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
705th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제706폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
706th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제707폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
707th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제25기지보완대대
25th Station Complement Squadron - 제212재무지출반
212th Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제885화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 885th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - C분견대, 제987군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment C, 987th Military Police Company (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1248군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1248th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1214병참중대(근무전대)
1214th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1821병기공급&정비중대
1821st Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2035공병소방소대(항공)
2035th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제460하위창고
460th Sub-Depot - 제125분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 125, 18th Weather Squadron - 제448폭격전대(중)
448th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제712폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
712th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제713폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
713th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제714폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
714th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제715폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
715th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제58기지보완대대
58th Station Complement Squadron - A분견대, 제212재무지출반
Detachment A, 212th Finance Disbursing Section - 제862화학중대(공중 작전)
862nd Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1193군사경찰중대(항공)
1193rd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1232병참중대(근무전대)
1232nd Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1596병기공급&정비중대
1596th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2102공병소방소대(항공)
2102nd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제459하위창고
459th Sub-Depot - 제146분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 146, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제95폭격비행단(중)
95th Bombardment Wing (Heavy) - 제489폭격전대(중)
489th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제848폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
848th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제849폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
849th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제850폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
850th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제851폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
851st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제329기지보완대대
329th Station Complement Squadron - 제2982재무지출반(임시)
2982nd Finance Disbursing Section (Provisional) - A분견대, 제867화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 867th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - A분견대, 제1276군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1276th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1240병참중대(근무전대)
1240th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1448병기공급&정비중대
1448th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2116공병소방소대(항공)
2116th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제474하위창고
474th Sub-Depot - 제364분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 364, 18th Weather Squadron - 제491폭격전대(중)
491st Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제852폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
852nd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제853폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
853rd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제854폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
854th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제855폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
855th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제327기지보완대대
327th Station Complement Squadron - 제2973재무지출반
2973rd Finance Disbursing Section - 제867화학중대(공중 작전)
867th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - A분견대, 제983군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 983rd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1236병참중대(근무전대)
1236th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1802병기공급&정비중대
1802nd Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2107공병소방소대(항공)
2107th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제476하위창고
476th Sub-Depot - 제366분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 366, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제96폭격비행단(중)
96th Bombardment Wing (Heavy) - 제458폭격전대(중)
458th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제752폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
752nd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제753폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
753rd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제754폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
754th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제755폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
755th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제60기지보완대대
60th Station Complement Squadron - 제2983재무지출반
2983rd Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제858화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 858th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1119군사경찰중대(항공)
1119th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1105병참중대(근무전대)
1105th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1686병기공급&정비중대
1686th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2016공병소방소대(항공)
2016th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제469하위창고
469th Sub-Depot - 제123분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 123, 18th Weather Squadron - 제466폭격전대(중)
466th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제784폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
784th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제785폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
785th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제786폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
786th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제787폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
787th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제61기지보완대대
61st Station Complement Squadron - A분견대, 제207재무지출반
Detachment A, 207th Finance Disbursing Section - 제882화학중대(공중 작전)
882nd Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1233병참중대(근무전대)
1233rd Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1452병기공급&정비중대
1452nd Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2104공병소방소대(항공)
2104th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제472하위창고
472nd Sub-Depot - 제120분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 120, 18th Weather Squadron - 제467폭격전대(중)
467th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제788폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
788th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제789폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
789th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제790폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
790th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제791폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
791st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제74기지보완대대
74th Station Complement Squadron - 제207재무지출반
207th Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제862화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 862nd Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1286군사경찰중대(항공)
1286th Military Police Company (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1286군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1286th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1229병참중대(근무전대)
1229th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1451병기공급&정비중대
1451st Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2105공병소방소대(항공)
2105th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제470하위창고
470th Sub-Depot - 제145분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 145, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제315통신중대(사단)
315th Signal Company (Division)
- 제1080통신중대(근무전대)(항공)
1080th Signal Company (Service Group) (Aviation)
- A분견대, 제1244병참중대(근무전대)(항공)
Detachment A, 1244th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) (Aviation)
- A분견대, 제1119군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1119th Military Police Company (Aviation)
- 제987군사경찰중대(항공)
987th Military Police Company (Aviation) - B분견대, 제987군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment B, 987th Military Police Company (Aviation)
=====# 제3폭격사단 #=====
3rd Bombardment Division
- 제4폭격비행단(중)
4th Bombardment Wing (Heavy) - 제94폭격전대(중)
94th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제331폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
331st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제332폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
332nd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제333폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
333rd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제410폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
410th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제6기지보완대대
6th Station Complement Squadron - 제217재무지출반
217th Finance Disbursing Section - 제879화학중대(공중 작전)
879th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제979군사경찰중대(항공)
979th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1138병참중대(근무전대)
1138th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1734병기공급&정비중대
1734th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2025공병소방소대(항공)
2025th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제453하위창고
453rd Sub-Depot - 제468분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 468, 18th Weather Squadron - 제385폭격전대(중)
385th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제548폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
548th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제549폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
549th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제550폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
550th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제551폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
551st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제31기지보완대대
31st Station Complement Squadron - A분견대, 제218재무지출반
Detachment A, 206th Finance Disbursing Section - 제2969재무지출반
2969th Finance Disbursing Section - 제877화학중대(공중 작전)
877th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1249군사경찰중대(항공)
1249th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1152병참중대(근무전대)
1152nd Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1735병기공급&정비중대
1735th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2036공병소방소대(항공)
2036th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제455하위창고
455th Sub-Depot - 제155분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 155, 18th Weather Squadron - 제447폭격전대(중)
447th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제708폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
708th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제709폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
709th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제710폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
710th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제711폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
711st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제57기지보완대대
57th Station Complement Squadron - 제218재무지출반
218th Finance Disbursing Section - 제871화학중대(공중 작전)
871st Chemical Company (Air Operations) - E분견대, 제1192군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment E, 1192nd Military Police Company (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1249군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1249th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1223병참중대(근무전대)
1223rd Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1822병기공급&정비중대
1822nd Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2111공병소방소대(항공)
2111th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제454하위창고
454th Sub-Depot - 제126분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 126, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제13폭격비행단(중)
13th Bombardment Wing (Heavy) - 제95폭격전대(중)
95th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제334폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
334th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제335폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
335th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제336폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
336th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제412폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
412nd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제8기지보완대대
8th Station Complement Squadron - 제215재무지출반
215th Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제879화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 879th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1285군사경찰중대(항공)
1285th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1210병참중대(근무전대)
1210th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1676병기공급&정비중대
1676th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2022공병소방소대(항공)
2022nd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제457하위창고
457th Sub-Depot - 제119분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 119, 18th Weather Squadron - 제100폭격전대(중)
100th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제349폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
349th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제350폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
350th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제351폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
351st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제418폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
418th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제28기지보완대대
28th Station Complement Squadron - 제216재무지출반
216th Finance Disbursing Section - 제2970재무지출반
2970th Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제869화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 869th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - A분견대, 제1285군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1285th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1141병참중대(근무전대)
1141st Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1776병기공급&정비중대
1776th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2110공병소방소대(항공)
2110th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제456하위창고
456th Sub-Depot - 제139분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 139, 18th Weather Squadron - 제390폭격전대(중)
390th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제568폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
568th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제569폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
569th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제570폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
570th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제571폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
571st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제30기지보완대대
30th Station Complement Squadron - A분견대, 제216재무지출반
Detachment A, 216th Finance Disbursing Section - 제889화학중대(공중 작전)
889th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1143군사경찰중대(항공)
1143rd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1091병참중대(근무전대)
1091st Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1683병기공급&정비중대
1683rd Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2034공병소방소대(항공)
2034th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제458하위창고
458th Sub-Depot - 제153분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 153, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제45폭격비행단(중)
45th Bombardment Wing (Heavy) - 제96폭격전대(중)
96th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제337폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
337th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제338폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
338th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제339폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
339th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제413폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
413rd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제27기지보완대대
27th Station Complement Squadron - 제213재무지출반
213th Finance Disbursing Section - 제869화학중대(공중 작전)
869th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1250군사경찰중대(항공)
1250th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1213병참중대(근무전대)
1213rd Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1747병기공급&정비중대
1747th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2109공병소방소대(항공)
2109th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제451하위창고
451st Sub-Depot - 제138분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 138, 18th Weather Squadron - 제388폭격전대(중)
388th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제560폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
560th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제561폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
561st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제562폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
562nd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제563폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
563rd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제29기지보완대대
29th Station Complement Squadron - 제214재무지출반
214th Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제877화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 877th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1284군사경찰중대(항공)
1284th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1211병참중대(근무전대)
1211th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1751병기공급&정비중대
1751st Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2019공병소방소대(항공)
2019th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제452하위창고
452nd Sub-Depot - 제136분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 136, 18th Weather Squadron - 제452폭격전대(중)
452nd Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제728폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
728th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제729폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
729th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제730폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
730th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제731폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
731st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제87기지보완대대
87th Station Complement Squadron - A분견대, 제214재무지출반
Detachment A, 214th Finance Disbursing Section - 제872화학중대(공중 작전)
872nd Chemical Company (Air Operations) - A분견대, 제1284군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1284th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1230병참중대(근무전대)
1230th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1797병기공급&정비중대
1797th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2112공병소방소대(항공)
2112th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제466하위창고
466th Sub-Depot - 제142분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 142, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제92폭격비행단(중)
92th Bombardment Wing (Heavy) - 제486폭격전대(중)
486th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제832폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
832nd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제833폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
833rd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제834폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
834th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제835폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
835th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제86기지보완대대
86th Station Complement Squadron - 제2980재무지출반
2980th Finance Disbursing Section - 제803화학중대(공중 작전)
803rd Chemical Company (Air Operations) - G분견대, 제1192군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment G, 1192nd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1202병참중대(근무전대)
1202nd Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1453병기공급&정비중대
1453rd Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2113공병소방소대(항공)
2113rd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제473하위창고
473rd Sub-Depot - 제174분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 174, 18th Weather Squadron - 제487폭격전대(중)
487th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제836폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
836th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제837폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
837th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제838폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
838th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제839폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
839th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제85기지보완대대
85th Station Complement Squadron - 제2968재무지출반
2968th Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제803화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 803rd Chemical Company (Air Operations) - A분견대, 제1202군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1202nd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1238병참중대(근무전대)
1238th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1685병기공급&정비중대
1685th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2114공병소방소대(항공)
2114th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제471하위창고
471st Sub-Depot - 제137분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 137, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제93폭격비행단(중)
93rd Bombardment Wing (Heavy) - 제34폭격전대(중)
34th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제4폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
4th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제7폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
7th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제18폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
18th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제391폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
391st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제83기지보완대대
83rd Station Complement Squadron - 제2981재무지출반
2981st Finance Disbursing Section - 제814화학중대(공중 작전)
814th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - 제1276군사경찰중대(항공)
1276th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1139병참중대(근무전대)
1139th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1446병기공급&정비중대
1446th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제1778병기공급&정비중대
1778th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2115공병소방소대(항공)
2115th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제475하위창고
475th Sub-Depot - 제156분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 156, 18th Weather Squadron - 제490폭격전대(중)
490th Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제848폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
848th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제849폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
849th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제850폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
850th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제851폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
851st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제329기지보완대대
329th Station Complement Squadron - A분견대, 제814화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 814th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - A분견대, 제1276군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1276th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1240병참중대(근무전대)
1240th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1448병기공급&정비중대
1448th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2116공병소방소대(항공)
2116th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제477하위창고
477th Sub-Depot - 제134분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 134, 18th Weather Squadron - 제493폭격전대(중)
493rd Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제860폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
860th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제861폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
861st Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제862폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
862nd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제863폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
863rd Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제330기지보완대대
330th Station Complement Squadron - 제2971재무지출반
2971st Finance Disbursing Section - A분견대, 제887화학중대(공중 작전)
Detachment A, 887th Chemical Company (Air Operations) - A분견대, 제1143군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1143rd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1227병참중대(근무전대)
1227th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1788병기공급&정비중대
1778th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2117공병소방소대(항공)
2117th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제480하위창고
480th Sub-Depot - 제152분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 152, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제304통신중대(사단)
304th Signal Company (Division)
- 제1092통신중대(항공)
1092nd Signal Company (Aviation)
- A분견대, 제1245병참중대(근무전대)(항공)
Detachment A, 1245th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) (Aviation)
- 제1192군사경찰중대(항공)
1192nd Military Police Company (Aviation)
- A분견대, 제1250군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1250th Military Police Company (Aviation)
=====# 제8전투기사령부 #=====
VIII Fighter Command
- 본부 및 본부대대, 제8전투기사령부
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, VIII Fighter Command
- 제65전투비행단
65th Fighter Wing - 제4전투전대
4th Fighter Group - 제334전투비행대대[P-51]
334th Fighter Squadron - 제335전투비행대대[P-51]
335th Fighter Squadron - 제336전투비행대대[P-51]
336th Fighter Squadron - B팀, 제33근무전대
Team B, 33rd Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제33근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 33rd Service Group
45th Service Squadron
1770th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 제1126병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1126th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
24th Station Complement Squadron
2119th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1130통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1130th Signal Company (Service Group)
1063rd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제56전투전대
56th Fighter Group - 제61전투비행대대[P-47]
61st Fighter Squadron - 제62전투비행대대[P-47]
62nd Fighter Squadron - 제63전투비행대대[P-47]
63rd Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제33근무전대
Team A, 33rd Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제33근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 33rd Service Group
41st Service Squadron
1631st Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
1126th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
15th Station Complement Squadron
2124th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
1130th Signal Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제1181군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1181st Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제355전투전대
355th Fighter Group - 제354전투비행대대[P-51]
354th Fighter Squadron - 제357전투비행대대[P-51]
357th Fighter Squadron - 제358전투비행대대[P-51]
358th Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제1근무전대
Team A, 1st Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제1근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 1st Service Group
5th Service Squadron
1754th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
1104th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
14th Station Complement Squadron
2028th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
1066th Signal Company (Service Group)
1181st Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제356전투전대
356th Fighter Group - 제359전투비행대대[P-47]
359th Fighter Squadron - 제360전투비행대대[P-47]
360th Fighter Squadron - 제361전투비행대대[P-47]
361st Fighter Squadron - B팀, 제85근무전대
Team B, 85th Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제85근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 85th Service Group
394th Service Squadron
1834th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 제1065병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1065th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
54th Station Complement Squadron
2122nd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1101통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1101st Signal Company (Service Group)
1184th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제479전투전대
479th Fighter Group - 제434전투비행대대[P-38]
434th Fighter Squadron - 제435전투비행대대[P-38]
435th Fighter Squadron - 제436전투비행대대[P-38]
436th Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제331근무전대
Team A, 331st Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제331근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 331st Service Group
364th Service Squadron
1447th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
77th Station Complement Squadron
2123rd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1063군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1063rd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제327통신중대(비행단)
327th Signal Company (Wing) - 제52전투통제대대
52nd Fighter Control Squadron
- 제66전투비행단
66th Fighter Wing - 제55전투전대
55th Fighter Group - 제38전투비행대대[P-38]
38th Fighter Squadron - 제338전투비행대대[P-38]
338th Fighter Squadron - 제343전투비행대대[P-38]
343rd Fighter Squadron - B팀, 제97근무전대
Team B, 97th Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제97근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 97th Service Group
315th Service Squadron
1601st Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 제1087병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1087th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
59th Station Complement Squadron
2126th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1029통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1029th Signal Company (Service Group)
1182nd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제78전투전대
78th Fighter Group - 제82전투비행대대[P-47]
82nd Fighter Squadron - 제83전투비행대대[P-47]
83rd Fighter Squadron - 제84전투비행대대[P-47]
84th Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제79근무전대
Team A, 79th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제79근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 79th Service Group
84th Service Squadron
1671st Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
1099th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
23rd Station Complement Squadron
2027th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
1042nd Signal Company (Service Group)
989th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제339전투전대
339th Fighter Group - 제485전투비행대대[P-51]
485th Fighter Squadron - 제503전투비행대대[P-51]
503rd Fighter Squadron - 제504전투비행대대[P-51]
504th Fighter Squadron - B팀, 제314근무전대
Team B, 314th Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제314근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 314th Service Group
464th Service Squadron
2786th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 제1178병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1178th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
72nd Station Complement Squadron
2120th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1029통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1029th Signal Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제989군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 989th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제353전투전대
353rd Fighter Group - 제350전투비행대대[P-47]
350th Fighter Squadron - 제351전투비행대대[P-47]
351st Fighter Squadron - 제352전투비행대대[P-47]
352nd Fighter Squadron - B팀, 제79근무전대
Team B, 79th Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제79근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 79th Service Group
378th Service Squadron
1807th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 제1099병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1099th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
43rd Station Complement Squadron
2125th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1042통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1042th Signal Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제1260군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1260th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제357전투전대
357th Fighter Group - 제362전투비행대대[P-51]
362nd Fighter Squadron - 제363전투비행대대[P-51]
363rd Fighter Squadron - 제364전투비행대대[P-51]
364th Fighter Squadron - 팀, 제50근무전대
Team, 50th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제50근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 50th Service Group
469th Service Squadron
1600th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
1177th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
70th Station Complement Squadron
2121st Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
1076th Signal Company (Service Group)
1260th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제312통신중대(비행단)
312th Signal Company (Wing) - 제50전투통제대대
50th Fighter Control Squadron
- 제67전투비행단
67th Fighter Wing - 제20전투전대
20th Fighter Group - 제55전투비행대대[P-38]
55th Fighter Squadron - 제77전투비행대대[P-38]
77th Fighter Squadron - 제79전투비행대대[P-38]
79th Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제97근무전대
Team A, 97th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제97근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 97th Service Group
384th Service Squadron
1806TH Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
1087th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
44th Station Complement Squadron
2041st Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
1029th Signal Company (Service Group)
1221st Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제352전투전대
352nd Fighter Group - 제328전투비행대대[P-51]
328th Fighter Squadron - 제486전투비행대대[P-51]
486th Fighter Squadron - 제487전투비행대대[P-51]
487th Fighter Squadron - B팀, 제1근무전대
Team B, 1st Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제1근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 1st Service Group
17th Service Squadron
1772nd Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
A분견대, 제1104병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1104th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
22nd Station Complement Squadron
2039th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1066통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1066th Signal Company (Service Group)
1141th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제359전투전대
359th Fighter Group - 제368전투비행대대[P-51]
368th Fighter Squadron - 제369전투비행대대[P-51]
369th Fighter Squadron - 제370전투비행대대[P-51]
370th Fighter Squadron - 팀, 제85근무전대
Team, 85th Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제85근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 85th Service Group
395th Service Squadron
1833rd Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
1065th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
49th Station Complement Squadron
2040th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
1101st Signal Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제1141군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1141st Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제361전투전대
361st Fighter Group - 제374전투비행대대[P-51]
374th Fighter Squadron - 제375전투비행대대[P-51]
375th Fighter Squadron - 제376전투비행대대[P-51]
376th Fighter Squadron - B팀, 제50근무전대
Team B, 50th Service Group
A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제50근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 79th Service Group
468th Service Squadron
1598th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
1073rd Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
66th Station Complement Squadron
2118th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
1097th Signal Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제1184군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1184th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제364전투전대
364th Fighter Group - 제383전투비행대대[P-38]
383rd Fighter Squadron - 제384전투비행대대[P-38]
384th Fighter Squadron - 제385전투비행대대[P-38]
385th Fighter Squadron - A팀, 제314근무전대
Team A, 314th Service Group
본부 및 본부대대, 제314근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 314th Service Group
467th Service Squadron
1599th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
1178th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
68th Station Complement Squadron
2017th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
A분견대, 제1097통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1097th Signal Company (Service Group)
A분견대, 제1221군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1221st Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제326통신중대(비행단)
326th Signal Company (Wing) - 제57전투통제대대
57th Fighter Control Squadron
- A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제8전투기사령부
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, VIII Fighter Command
- 제418통신중대(항공)
418th Signal Company (Aviation)
- 제887군사경찰중대(항공)
887th Military Police Company (Aviation)
- 제10가스방어분견대
10th Gas Defense Detachment
=====# 제8복합사령부 #=====
VIII Composite Command
- 전투승무원교체센터그룹
Combat Crew Replacement Center Groups - 제1전투승무원교체센터
1st Combat Crew Replacement Center - 본부 및 본부대대, 제1전투승무원교체센터
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 1st Combat Crew Replacement Center - 제1교체훈련비행대대, 제1전투승무원교체센터
1st Replacement Training Squadron, 1st Combat Crew Replacement Center - 제26기지보완대대
26th Station Complement Squadron - 제2977재무지출반
2977th Finance Disbursing Section - 제978군사경찰중대(항공)
978th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1071병참중대(근무전대)
1071st Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1787병기공급&정비중대
1787th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2128공병소방소대(항공)
2128th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제347근무대대
347th Service Squadron - 제1054병참중대(근무전대)
1054th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제112분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 112, 18th Weather Squadron - 제2전투승무원교체센터
2nd Combat Crew Replacement Center - 본부 및 본부대대, 제2전투승무원교체센터
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 2nd Combat Crew Replacement Center - 제47기지보완대대
47th Station Complement Squadron - 제1262군사경찰중대(항공)
1262nd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1220병참중대(근무전대)
1220th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1730병기공급&정비중대
1730th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2069공병소방소대(항공)
2069th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제465근무대대
465th Service Squadron - A분견대, 제1077통신중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1077th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제238분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 238, 18th Weather Squadron - 제3전투승무원교체센터
3rd Combat Crew Replacement Center - 본부 및 본부대대, 제3전투승무원교체센터
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 3rd Combat Crew Replacement Center - 제3교체훈련비행대대, 제3전투승무원교체센터
3rd Replacement Training Squadron, 3rd Combat Crew Replacement Center - 제34기지보완대대
34th Station Complement Squadron - 제1253군사경찰중대(항공)
1253rd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1056병참중대(근무전대)
1056th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1561병기공급&정비중대
1561st Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2050공병소방소대(항공)
2050th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제556근무대대
556th Service Squadron - 제1110통신중대(근무전대)
1110th Signal Company (Service Group) - 제236분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 236, 18th Weather Squadron - 제4전투승무원교체센터
4th Combat Crew Replacement Center - 본부 및 본부대대, 제4전투승무원교체센터
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 4th Combat Crew Replacement Center - 제4교체훈련비행대대, 제4전투승무원교체센터
4th Replacement Training Squadron, 4th Combat Crew Replacement Center - 제9기지보완대대
9th Station Complement Squadron - 제2966재무지출반
2966th Finance Disbursing Section - 제1283군사경찰중대(항공)
1283rd Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1385군사경찰중대(항공)
1385th Military Police Company (Aviation) - A분견대, 제1071병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1071st Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1664병기공급&정비중대
1664th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2129공병소방소대(항공)
2129th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제401통신중대(근무전대)
401st Signal Company (Service Group) - 제113분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 113, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제18기상대대
18th Weather Squadron - 제003분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 003, 18th Weather Squadron - 제004분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 004, 18th Weather Squadron - 제101분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 101, 18th Weather Squadron - 제103분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 103, 18th Weather Squadron - 제116분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 116, 18th Weather Squadron - 제122분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 122, 18th Weather Squadron - 제127분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 127, 18th Weather Squadron - 제133분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 133, 18th Weather Squadron - 제141분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 141, 18th Weather Squadron - 제147분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 147, 18th Weather Squadron - 제154분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 154, 18th Weather Squadron - 제175분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 175, 18th Weather Squadron - 제235분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 235, 18th Weather Squadron - 제237분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 237, 18th Weather Squadron - 제239분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 239, 18th Weather Squadron - 제240분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 240, 18th Weather Squadron - 제341분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 341, 18th Weather Squadron - 제356분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 356, 18th Weather Squadron - 제357분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 357, 18th Weather Squadron - 제365분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 365, 18th Weather Squadron - 제367분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 367, 18th Weather Squadron - 제369분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 369, 18th Weather Squadron - 제370분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 370, 18th Weather Squadron - 제371분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 371, 18th Weather Squadron - 제372분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 372, 18th Weather Squadron - 제373분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 373, 18th Weather Squadron - 제374분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 374, 18th Weather Squadron - 제375분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 375, 18th Weather Squadron - 제377분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 377, 18th Weather Squadron - 제378분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 378, 18th Weather Squadron - 제407분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 407, 18th Weather Squadron - 제470분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 470, 18th Weather Squadron - 제510분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 510, 18th Weather Squadron - 제525분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 525, 18th Weather Squadron - 제550분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 550, 18th Weather Squadron - 제568분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 568, 18th Weather Squadron - 제573분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 573, 18th Weather Squadron - 제575분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 575, 18th Weather Squadron - 제582분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 582, 18th Weather Squadron - 제586분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 586, 18th Weather Squadron - 제595분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 595, 18th Weather Squadron - 제597분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 597, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제482폭격전대(중)(선도기)
482nd Bombardment Group (Heavy) (Pathfinder) - 본부 및 본부대대, 제482폭격전대(중)
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 482nd Bombardment Group (Heavy) - 제812폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
812th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제813폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
813th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제814폭격비행대대(중)[B-17]
814th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제41기지보완대대
41st Station Complement Squadron - 제2960재무지출반
2960th Finance Disbursing Section - 제1251군사경찰중대(항공)
1251st Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1203병참중대(근무전대)
1203rd Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1645병기공급&정비중대
1645th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2131공병소방소대(항공)
2131st Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제102분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 102, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제495전투전대
495th Fighter Group - 제551전투기훈련대대
551st Fighter Training Squadron - 제552전투기훈련대대
552nd Fighter Training Squadron - 본부 및 본부대대, 제333근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 333rd Service Group - 제356근무대대
356th Service Squadron - A분견대, 제1148병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment A, 1148th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1761병기공급&정비중대
1761th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2020공병소방소대(항공)
2020th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제342분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 342, 18th Weather Squadron - A분견대, 제1004통신중대
Detachment A, 1004th Signal Company - 제182의무진료소(항공)
182nd Medical Dispensary (Aviation)
- 제496전투전대
496th Fighter Group - 제554전투기훈련대대
554th Fighter Training Squadron - 제555전투기훈련대대
555th Fighter Training Squadron - A분견대, 본부 및 본부대대, 제333근무전대
Detachment A, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 333rd Service Group - 제332근무대대
332nd Service Squadron - 제13기지보완대대
13th Station Complement Squadron - 제1275군사경찰중대(항공)
1275th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1148병참중대(근무전대)
1148th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1771병기공급&정비중대
1771st Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company - 제2130공병소방소대(항공)
2130th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제345분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 345, 18th Weather Squadron - 제1004통신중대
1004th Signal Company - 제183의무진료소(항공)
183rd Medical Dispensary (Aviation)
- 제801폭격전대(임시)(카펫배거즈)[222]
801st Bombardment Group (Provisional) (Carpetbaggers) - 제36폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
36th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제406폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
406th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제788폭격비행대대(중)[C-47]
788th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 제850폭격비행대대(중)[B-24]
850th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy) - 본부 및 본부대대, 제39근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 39th Service Group - 제352근무대대
352nd Service Squadron - 본부 및 본부대대, 제328근무전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 328th Service Group - 제35기지보완대대
35th Station Complement Squadron - 제1139군사경찰중대(항공)
1139th Military Police Company (Aviation) - C분견대, 제1220병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment C, 1220th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제2132공병소방소대(항공)
2132nd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제179분견대, 제18기상대대
Detachment 179, 18th Weather Squadron
- 제803폭격대대(레이더 대책)(임시)[B-24]
803rd Bombardment Squadron (Radar Countermeasures) (Provisional)
- 제1사수&견인표적편대
1st Gunnery & Tow Target Flight
- 제2사수&견인표적편대
2nd Gunnery & Tow Target Flight
- 제4사수&견인표적편대
4th Gunnery & Tow Target Flight
- 제84기지보완대대
84th Station Complement Squadron
- A분견대, 제1139군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1139th Military Police Company (Aviation)
- B분견대, 제1220병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment B, 1220th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
- D분견대, 제1056병참중대(근무전대)
Detachment D, 1056th Quartermaster Company (Service Group)
- A분견대, 제1771병기공급&정비중대
Detachment A, 1730th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
- B분견대, 제1771병기공급&정비중대
Detachment B, 1787th Ordnance Supply & Maintenance Company
- B분견대, 제1077통신중대
Detachment B, 1077th Signal Company
- 공군사단사수학교
Air Division Gunnery School
=====# 제8공군근무사령부 #=====
VIII Air Force Service Command
- 제1전략공군창고
1st Strategic Air Depot - 제9공군창고전대
9th Air Depot Group - 본부 및 본부대대, 제9공군창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 9th Air Depot Group - 제9창고정비대대
9th Depot Repair Squadron - 제9창고공급대대
9th Depot Supply Squadron - 제40공군창고전대
40th Air Depot Group - 본부 및 본부대대, 제40공군창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 40th Air Depot Group - 제40창고정비대대
40th Depot Repair Squadron - 제40창고공급대대
40th Depot Supply Squadron - 제1579병참대대(기동)(항공)
1579th Quartermaster Battalion (Mobile) (Aviation) - 본부 및 본부분견대, 제1579병참대대(기동)(항공)
Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 1579th Quartermaster Battalion (Mobile) (Aviation) - 제1090병참중대(근무전대)
1090th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1976병참트럭중대(항공)
1976th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2077병참트럭중대(항공)
2077th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2088병참트럭중대(항공)
2088th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2465병참트럭중대(항공)
2465th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제5창고수리대대(독립)
5th Depot Repair Squadron (Seperate) - 제6병기기동개간수리대대
6th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제7병기기동개간수리대대
7th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제13병기기동개간수리대대
13th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제14병기기동개간수리대대
14th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제977군사경찰중대(항공)
977th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1736병기중형정비중대(항공)
1736th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제1839병기중형정비중대(항공)
1839th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제1965병기창고중대
1965th Ordnance Depot Company - 제2003공병소방소대(항공)
2003th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제38의무공급소대(항공)
38th Medical Supply Platoon (Aviation) - 제899통신창고중대(항공)
899th Signal Depot Company (Aviation) - 제38기지보완대대
38th Station Complement Squadron
- 제2전략공군창고
2nd Strategic Air Depot - 제5공군창고전대
5th Air Depot Group - 본부 및 본부대대, 제5공군창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 5th Air Depot Group - 제5창고정비대대
5th Depot Repair Squadron - 제5창고공급대대
5th Depot Supply Squadron - 제35공군창고전대
35th Air Depot Group - 본부 및 본부대대, 제5공군창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 35th Air Depot Group - 제35창고정비대대
35th Depot Repair Squadron - 제35창고공급대대
35th Depot Supply Squadron - 제1580병참대대(기동)(항공)
1580th Quartermaster Battalion (Mobile) (Aviation) - 본부 및 본부분견대, 제1580병참대대(기동)(항공)
Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 1580th Quartermaster Battalion (Mobile) (Aviation) - 제1097병참중대(근무전대)
1097th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1915병참트럭중대(항공)
1915th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제1978병참트럭중대(항공)
1978th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2187병참트럭중대(항공)
2187th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2468병참트럭중대(항공)
2468th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제1병기기동개간수리대대
1st Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제2병기기동개간수리대대
2nd Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제10병기기동개간수리대대
10th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제11병기기동개간수리대대
11th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제1145군사경찰중대(항공)
1145th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1708병기중형정비중대(항공)
1708th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제1840병기중형정비중대(항공)
1840th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제2002공병소방소대(항공)
2002th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제3의무공급소대(항공)
3rd Medical Supply Platoon (Aviation) - 제904통신창고중대(항공)
904th Signal Depot Company (Aviation) - 제39기지보완대대
39th Station Complement Squadron
- 제3전략공군창고
3rd Strategic Air Depot - 제46공군창고전대
46th Air Depot Group - 본부 및 본부대대, 제46공군창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 46th Air Depot Group - 제46창고정비대대
46th Depot Repair Squadron - 제46창고공급대대
46th Depot Supply Squadron - 제31공군창고전대
31st Air Depot Group - 본부 및 본부대대, 제31공군창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 31st Air Depot Group - 제1581병참대대(기동)(항공)
1581st Quartermaster Battalion (Mobile) (Aviation) - 본부 및 본부분견대, 제1581병참대대(기동)(항공)
Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 1581st Quartermaster Battalion (Mobile) (Aviation) - 제1219병참중대(근무전대)
1219th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1973병참트럭중대(항공)
1973rd Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2214병참트럭중대(항공)
2214th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2215병참트럭중대(항공)
2215th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2482병참트럭중대(항공)
2482nd Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제89창고정비대대(분리)
89th Depot Repair Squadron (Separate) - 제93창고정비대대(분리)
93rd Depot Repair Squadron (Separate) - 제3병기기동개간수리대대
3rd Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제4병기기동개간수리대대
4th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제5병기기동개간수리대대
5th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제8병기기동개간수리대대
8th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제9병기기동개간수리대대
9th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - A분견대, 제1145군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 1145th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1720병기중형정비중대(항공)
1720th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제1727병기중형정비중대(항공)
1727th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제2005공병소방소대(항공)
2005th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제31의무공급소대(항공)
31st Medical Supply Platoon (Aviation) - 제913통신창고중대(항공)
913th Signal Depot Company (Aviation) - 제52기지보완대대
52nd Station Complement Squadron
- 제4전략공군창고
4th Strategic Air Depot - 제21공군창고전대
21st Air Depot Group - 본부 및 본부대대, 제21공군창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 21st Air Depot Group - 제21창고정비대대
21st Depot Repair Squadron - 제21창고공급대대
21st Depot Supply Squadron - 제44공군창고전대
44th Air Depot Group - 본부 및 본부대대, 제44공군창고전대
Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 44th Air Depot Group - 제44창고정비대대
44th Depot Repair Squadron - 제92창고공급대대
92nd Depot Supply Squadron - 제1582병참대대(기동)(항공)
1582nd Quartermaster Battalion (Mobile) (Aviation) - 본부 및 본부분견대, 제1582병참대대(기동)(항공)
Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 1582nd Quartermaster Battalion (Mobile) (Aviation) - 제1218병참중대(근무전대)
1218th Quartermaster Company (Service Group) - 제1951병참트럭중대(항공)
1951st Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2098병참트럭중대(항공)
2098th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2190병참트럭중대(항공)
2190th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제2216병참트럭중대(항공)
2216th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation) - 제16병기기동개간수리대대
16th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제17병기기동개간수리대대
17th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제18병기기동개간수리대대
18th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제19병기기동개간수리대대
19th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - 제20병기기동개간수리대대
20th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron - A분견대, 제977군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment A, 977th Military Police Company (Aviation) - 제1459병기중형정비중대(항공)
1459th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제1717병기중형정비중대(항공)
1717th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (Aviation) - 제2007공병소방소대(항공)
2007th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation) - 제47의무공급소대(항공)
47th Medical Supply Platoon (Aviation) - 제899통신창고중대(항공)
899th Signal Depot Company (Aviation) - 제56기지보완대대
56th Station Complement Squadron
- A분견대, 제2465병참트럭중대(항공)
Detachment A, 2465th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation)
- B분견대, 제1145군사경찰중대(항공)
Detachment B, 1145th Military Police Company (Aviation)
- 제2127공병소방소대(항공)
2127th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon (Aviation)
- 제6의무공급소대(항공)
6th Medical Supply Platoon (Aviation)
- 제46의무공급소대(항공)
46th Medical Supply Platoon (Aviation)
- 제301기지보완대대
301st Station Complement Squadron
- 제15병기기동개간수리대대
15th Ordnance Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron
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- 문서 삭제식 이동(미국 유럽 전략공군 → 미합중국 유럽전략공군)
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