나무모에 미러 (일반/어두운 화면)
최근 수정 시각 : 2022-01-02 13:51:06


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1. 기본 정보

출처 대한민국 정부
저작자 대한민국 정부
저작권 Public domain

2. 이미지 설명

This work is in the public domain because it is a work of Republic of Korea Government that is not eligible for copyright under Article 7 of the Copyright Act of South Korea. Works ineligible for copyright include the following:
Constitution, laws, treaties, decrees, ordinances and rules;
Notices, public notifications, directions and others similar to them issued by the state or local government;
Judgments, decisions, orders, or rulings of courts, as well as rulings and decisions made by the administrative appeal procedures, or other similar procedures;
Compilations or translations of works as referred to in Subparagraphs 1 to 3 which are produced by the state or local government; and
Current news reports which transmit simple facts, and digital audio transmission