최근 수정 시각 : 2023-04-28 13:36:47
상위 문서: 노팅엄 트렌트 대학교 1 . 개요2 . 동물전원환경과학대학 (School of Animal, Rural and Environmental Sciences)3 . 건축디자인건조환경대학 (School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment)4 . 예술인문대학 (School of Arts and Humanities)5 . 노팅엄 비즈니스 스쿨 (Nottingham Business School)6 . 노팅엄 로스쿨 (Nottingham Law School)7 . 노팅엄 아트 디자인 스쿨 (Nottingham School of Art & Design)8 . 과학기술대학 (School of Science and Technology)9 . 사회과학대학 (School of Social Sciences) 영국 노팅엄 트렌트 대학교 의 학과(또는 학부)와 연구소 목록.2. 동물전원환경과학대학 (School of Animal, Rural and Environmental Sciences) <rowcolor=white> 학과, 학부, 연구소 홈페이지 농학·원예학부 (Department of Agriculture and Horticulture) 동물학·마학·수의과학부 (Department of Animal, Equine and Veterinary Sciences) 보존생태학부 (Department of Conservation and Ecology) 지리학·환경과학·기후변화학부 (Department of Geography, Environmental Science and Climate Change) 식품과학·제조학부 (Department of Food Science and Production)
3. 건축디자인건조환경대학 (School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment) <rowcolor=white> 학과, 학부, 연구소 홈페이지 건축학부 (Department of Architecture) 시공관리적산학부 (Department of Construction Management and Quantity Surveying) 제품디자인학부 (Department of Product Design) 부동산관리개발학부 (Department of Property Management and Development)
4. 예술인문대학 (School of Arts and Humanities) <rowcolor=white> 학과, 학부, 연구소 홈페이지 영어교육학부 (Department of English Language Teaching) 영어학·언어학·문예창작학부 (Department of English, Linguistics and Creative Writing) 역사유산학부 (Department of History and Heritage) 언론학부 (Department of Journalism) 철학부 (Department of Philosophy)
5. 노팅엄 비즈니스 스쿨 (Nottingham Business School) <rowcolor=white> 학과, 학부, 연구소 홈페이지 책임지속가능성사업연구소 (Responsible and Sustainable Business Lab) 경제정책공영센터 (Centre for Economics, Policy and Public Management) 인력근무조직업무센터 (Centre for People, Work and Organizational Practice) 국제비즈니스전략판단센터 (Centre for International Business Strategy and Decisions) 근무약식화장소연구센터 (Work, Informalisation and Place Research Centre) 행동과학센터 (Centre for Behavioural Sciences) 재정기술사회센터 (Centre for Finance, Technology and Society) 비즈니스산업변형센터 (CBIT - Centre for Business and Industry Transformation)
6. 노팅엄 로스쿨 (Nottingham Law School) <rowcolor=white> 학과, 학부, 연구소 홈페이지 권리정의센터 (Centre for Rights and Justice) 상법·도산법센터 (Centre for Business and Insolvency Law) 법률교육센터 (Centre for Legal Education)
7. 노팅엄 아트 디자인 스쿨 (Nottingham School of Art & Design) <rowcolor=white> 학과, 학부, 연구소 홈페이지 패션학부 (Department of Fashion) 비주얼커뮤니케이션학부 (Department of Visual Communication) 미디어커뮤니케이션영화방송학부 (Department of Media, Communications, Film and Television) 순수미술학부 (Department of Fine Art) 공연설계학부 (Department of Design for Performance) 디지털스크린예술학부 (Department of Digital Screen Arts) 사진학부 (Department of Photography)
8. 과학기술대학 (School of Science and Technology) <rowcolor=white> 학과, 학부, 연구소 홈페이지 생명과학부 (Department of Biosciences) 화학부 (Department of Chemistry) 컴퓨터과학부 (Department of Computer Science) 공학부 (Department of Engineering) 수사과학부 (Department of Forensic Science) 수학부 (Department of Mathematics) 물리학부 (Department of Physics) 스포츠과학부 (Department of Sports Science)
9. 사회과학대학 (School of Social Sciences) <rowcolor=white> 학과, 학부, 연구소 홈페이지 사회복지학부 (Department of Social Work and Care) 사회학부 (Department of Sociology) 심리학부 (Department of Psychology) 정치학·국제관계학·세계개발학부 (Department of Politics, International Relations and Global Development) 교육교원양성학부 (Department of Education and Teacher Training) 범죄학·정책학부 (Department of Criminology and Policing) 청소년학부 (Department of Youth) 간호학·의료보조과학부 (Department of Nursing and Paramedicine) 유아학부 (Department of Childhood)