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최근 수정 시각 : 2024-04-17 17:50:59

레일웨이 엠파이어/패치 내역

파일:상위 문서 아이콘.svg   상위 문서: 레일웨이 엠파이어
1. 1.1.22. 1.23. 1.34. 1.45. 1.56. 1.67. 1.7
7.1. 핫픽스
8. 1.89. 1.9
9.1. 핫픽스
10. 1.1011. 1.11
11.1. 핫픽스
12. 1.12
12.1. 핫픽스
13. 1.13
13.1. 핫픽스
14. 1.14
14.1. 1.14.2

1. 1.1.2


Added / New features
A new scenario! (Region: South, 1850) has been added!
Love is in the air with the new free scenario for Railway Empire! But are those truly hearts in his eyes, or are they dollar signs...?

We have added a new info mode for the usage and utilization of trains.
Select the i-Option on the upper left screen (Controller: action menu)
Hotkeys added to PC version. See the updated in-game manual for details.
Supply towers can now be placed upon signals (these signals will be deleted)
Express trains are now characterized by an icon in the menus (lightning bolt)
Sound effects have been added for the unlocking animation of new chapters in the campaign screen
We have added better feedback after winning the campaign related to the ending dialog
New audio/volume slider for AI opponents has been added
The game now memorizes the last used science diagram and science field
Now the game remembers your last scroll-position in the tech-tree to make the player not scroll constantly starting from the first locomotive on.
A new button tip has been added and will be shown close to the task list symbol, if a task has to be fulfilled in the next 3 months
Values transferred from DataMgr to ScenarioData (more settings for modding available)

Many small UI fixes
Chinese small fonts are larger now
We have fixed a bug in the effects of the employees which resulted in extremely fast trains
We also have fixed a bug in the campaign “Great Plains” which blocked the task list during the tutorial
With an open train list, the camera would sometimes repeatedly center on a chosen train. This has also been fixed with this version.
Copy/pasting empty train routes is no longer possible
Clicking the mouse wheel button outside the game window in windowed mode could cause the camera to rotate, which has been fixed now.
Some interface issues concerning the express status of a train have been reworked
We have fixed a bug, when clicking/double-clicking was not registered when the mouse is over the date or station icons in load/save dialog
A bug related to scenario “Gold Rush” which caused a task to be fulfilled although a wrong town was connected with an express train has been fixed.
Additionally, we have fixed a bug related to waypoints and removed stations from the station list of a train route
Another bug that could result in damaged track joints causing trains to teleport has been fixed.
Some functions of the bulldozer tool have been improved
Players couldn’t build station at “Promontory Point” station will now be able to do so, as this has been fixed, too.
We also have fixed a bug with two tasks of chapter two being fulfilled at once, although only one goal was achieved
Two bugs related to the creation of user scenarios and their custom description have been fixed.
Replaced the trash icon with the “new savegame” icon as the first element
A bug related to cloning a train has been fixed.
Waypoints are now updated accordingly when tracks are joined or split
We have fixed a bug related to counting the transported passengers on routes using waypoints
A bug related to pressing the Ctrl-key has been fixed.
If a train drives through a loop, it would sometimes visually jump to a position behind the loop, which has been fixed now.

The AI will not merge with the player’s company in campaign mode anymore.
The effects and power of some research perks were adjusted
Some locomotive / engine data were changed to make the locomotive more different / unique
More tolerance when placing signals in the tutorial
User can now achieve the highest rank in the campaign mode (chapter 3, 4, 5)
It’s now easier to open the town menu from a higher distance (town buildings are ignored from a certain distance).
(Please check the updated in-game manual for more details.)
Picking the radius of objects increased from higher distant view/zoom

Vsync option for Linux has been added.
Dump call stack on crash has been added.
Pad navigation in the graphic options
Some languages could not be selected in the options

Two controller bugs related to building signals mode (rotation of signals and placing multiple signals) have been fixed
The camera can now be tilted in the “center train” mode
We have fixed a bug related to the camera tilt when switching between the building modes

2. 1.2


New Transcontinental North America Map
Playable in Free & Sandbox Mode
Build your railway empire from coast to coast

New Centennial Era
Expand your empire over 100 years from 1830 to 1930
Research and develop all available locomotives in a single game
New and specifically balanced tech tree spanning 100 years of scientific progress
Dynamically growing markets introducing new goods and commodities over time

Improvements and Tweaks
Added: Demolishing tracks and stations now gives a refund
Added: Hotkey "C" to center camera on selected train
Added: Game speed can be modified at any time in options menu
Added: Town list overview
Added: New wheel menu layout for gamepad mode
Added: New GUI elements and icons for construction mode and train status window
Added: New option to list all trains for a selected station
Added: Rotation speed modifier in building construction mode (CTRL)
Fixed: Locomotive speed error in Sandbox Mode
Fixed: Renaming trains in gamepad mode

3. 1.3


New Features:

Community-requested feature
Random Map Generator
We are happy to introduce the community-requested Random Map Generator. Therefore when selecting Free Game or Sandbox Game you will find a new map: "Random"
The “Random”-map will be available in Free Game and Sandbox Game modes. With this map, you can generate a random map with various parameters.

Additional new feature:
New difficulty options for Free Game mode
Player can now choose whether they want easier or harder tasks in Free Mode.
In general, tasks will now consider the number of towns available on the map.

We have added steel and stone bridges. These will be shown when tracks reach a specific height.
We have added a counter to the towns in route editing mode.
The icon for an available factory slot is now shown more often.
We have added some AI route optimization tweaks.
We have added more details to the train list.
It is now possible to align the camera to the north with hotkey “n”
We have added a town list.
New GUI elements and icons for construction mode and train status window have been added.
We have added a new action menu layout.
We have added transparent goods images when the train is loading in a station.
We have added new GUI elements in "Bulldozer" mode.
[Modding] Random maps have also been added to the editor
[Modding] Delete button in editor has been added.

[LINUX] Rendering of contour lines and tunnels has been fixed.
A bug in the town generation, which caused cities to vanish has been fixed.
We have fixed a random crash, which occurred in large game worlds.

4. 1.4


AI opponents are now able to use the complex track system.
The AI can now make use of signals and multi-tracks, when the player selects the realistic track-building mode in the game settings.
In realistic mode, the AI usually builds two parallel tracks – one for each direction. They will also make use of signals and crossings.
Players can select the track-system for the AI in the game settings. So there are now three modes that you can now choose from:
“Realistic” - Both the player and the AI use the realistic track-building system.
“Normal” - Both the player and the AI use the simple track-building system, where trains can pass through each other.
“Normal AI” - The player uses realistic track-building, but the AI uses the normal (ie. Simple) track-building system.
Hint: Players that are looking for the greatest challenge should use the “Normal AI” setting and “Very Hard” difficulty.

Players and AI can build crossings.
Players and AI can now make use of a multitude of crossings, for example the frequently-requested X-crossings, among many others.

Fixed several issues related to random maps, by changing the way that random maps are created in the first place.
Disclaimer: Because of this change, and the other improvements that have been made in favor of the enhanced AI and crossings, there is a chance that old save games before update 1.4 may be corrupted and in rare cases, might even be broken. If you want to continue playing your version 1.3 random map save games, you can do so on the newly introduced Legacy branch.
Added an "Undo" button to the "Set up rail line" options.
Added "Track utilization" to the "Edit station" screen.
Based on community feedback, new rails will now snap into a parallel position at the end of existing tracks.

5. 1.5


New features
Placing warehouses near cities or rural businesses will open new possibilities in transport.
Warehouses receive a radius of influence like train stations. If the user sets up a warehouse close enough to a city or a rural business, a connecting line between the warehouse and the city/business is displayed, as in the case of train stations. After placing the warehouse, it will be connected to the city/business. Warehouses close to cities or rural businesses then exchange goods with each other automatically.
As a result, cities can be supplied easier and with less congestion!
Also new, is a filter that has been added for the “Replace locomotives” dialog in the engine shed. It is now possible to replace locomotives based on station type (city, rural).
The in-game Tips & Tricks ’Transport Business’ section now features information regarding the reworked warehouses.

We have fixed a bug while constructing crossings.
Additionally, we have corrected some AI problems in complex track laying mode.
In the Mexico region, we have fixed passenger wagons in the 100 years scenario that were not properly changing appearance when shifting into new eras.

6. 1.6


Staff and character expansion
New feature: Character traits
Before: Every character had one specific bonus.
With update 1.6: With this expansion all characters will receive up to 5 positive and negative traits which creates more depth and variety of gameplay.

2 new staff members added:
The auctioneer can start an auction of competitors’ businesses.
The promoter helps a city to experience faster growth.
The staff screen now features a new button which allows for automatic employment of all available train personnel.

[The Great Lakes] Fixed a mission block that could occur when reaching the 8 million company value goal immediately.

7. 1.7


Dynamic platform choice
Large train stations and warehouses can now be upgraded with a signaling control. All trains passing or stopping at such a station will make their own choice of platform.
Trains will then always choose the platform which is the least busy at that time, which will then reduce idle time at highly frequented stations.
During the creation of train lines, routing to a specific platform is not available at train stations with a signaling control.
Another use of train stations with a signaling control is the ability to reduce idle times caused by maintenance of engines. While a locomotive engine is serviced at a station with signaling control, other trains entering the station will choose a different platform automatically.
For highly frequented lines, an additional warehouse with signaling control and maintenance shed can be constructed.
Trains that need to be serviced will stop at the warehouse, while other trains will pass the warehouse on a free track.

New Staff member has been added
The Analyst will cause hysteria on the stock market by planting false reports to increase ordecrease the share price of a company.

Banks / Finance update
It is now possible to acquire 100% of a company’s shares without merging with it. In such an event, the player will automatically receive all surplus of the company. It will no longer be able to expand, but will continue to do business as usual. This state can only be change by a merger with that company.

Some seed values of random scenarios have not been processed correctly during input.
Awards, which have already been paid out for connecting a city or a business, will not be offered again.
Added a video tooltip and manual entry for the dynamic platform choice station.
Rearranged building menu, such that the supply tower is on the first page.

[Great Britain & Ireland DLC] Based on community feedback, we have replaced the flat roofs of some buildings with gable roofs.

7.1. 핫픽스


All maps
Fixed a bug that deleted supply towers when tracks were being deleted.
The mini map now shows both owners of stations in a town.

Great Britain & Ireland DLC
Fixed Union Jack in the main menu artwork.
Added ‘Big Ben‘ (today’s Elizabeth Tower) in London.
A new game needs to be started in order to see this change/addition.
Now the golden eagle has replaced the white-tailed eagle.
Pound currency will now be shown instead of dollars.
However, the dollar-sign ($) is still used as symbol for the universal “buy” action.
Only steel and stone bridges will now be used, instead of wooden bridges.
Increased the probability of bad weather.
Sometimes it is supposed to rain in the British Isles, right?
Removed American wooden huts in cities and have replaced them with more British-looking residences.

8. 1.8


New Railway Buildings:
Terminal station (4 tracks)
Terminal station (4 tracks) with signaling control
Train station (2 tracks) with signaling control
Warehouse (2 tracks)
Warehouse (2 tracks) with signaling control
Maintenance station (4 tracks) with signaling control

New Hotkeys:
Confirm with “Enter” key while in track construction or accepting a dialogue.
“Delete” key can now be used for deleting the selected train (confirmation required), or planning (no confirmation required).
“Backspace” key will cancel various actions.

Advanced settings for ‘Free Mode’:
Difficulty for tasks
Increasing option for costs for tracks / bridges / tunnels
Increasing construction costs (This option lets you decide if the construction of railroad stations and businesses should become increasingly expensive over time)
100% … 200%
100% … 300%
Income from transports (With this option, the income for freight, passengers and mail can be reduced)
Innovation points (This option enables the reduction of monthly innovation points)
Service costs
Stealing staff

Other features:
Main menu theme can now be changed in the graphic options.
The task list now shows if tasks have been completed in half the time.
The minimap now shows if a new building can be constructed in a city, and if more than one tycoon has a train station in a city.
Tracks may be deleted, even if a train is currently using it. Affected trains are set back to their origin city.
The maximum number of warehouses and parallel tracks allowed has been raised.
Setting the amount of wagons to maximum or minimum can now be done with one click.
If a station is deleted and a new station is placed at the position of the old station, trains that went to the old station will also travel to the new station. But only, if the new station was built 3-12 months after the old station was deleted depending on the duration of the game.
Fixed: Q and E keys had no function, when a non-rotatable building was selected.
Fixed: Show name of good in tooltip at freight station.
Fixed: Duplicate money type letter in localization, when player buys 100 % share of competitor.
Fixed: Set employees to state noticed, if hired with bulk hiring. Because of this, no star appeared in the train dialog at a personnel button, if there are no unnoticed personnel.
Fixed: Description was not updated, when train route was changed, while loading wares.
Fixed: Bug that occurred, when cloning trains, which had names ending with a number.
Fixed: Sometimes highlighting was broken when factories were deleted.
Fixed: Town and farm icons were sometimes displayed during ride-along camera.
Fixed: Controller Pad navigation in train list has been reworked.

Note for DLC owners:
Combined European tech tree:
All engines from “Mexico”, “Crossing the Andes”, “Great Britain & Ireland”, “Germany” and “France” are playable on uropean maps, if the appropriate DLCs are selected.

9. 1.9


DLC scenarios are now mod-able.
Increased the maximum number of trains and stations.
Hotkey "p" added to skip the currently played music track.
The train list now shows any problems that employees currently have.
Added tooltips to train list sorting.
New option to disable all newspapers, except historic newspapers.
New options to filter train lists.
New list for stations.
New list for factories, farms and mines.
New icon added to mark trains delivering goods to warehouses. They do not show a negative balance/values.
Freight and express research topics are marked in tech-tree.
Added a German newspaper logo.
During build mode: Areas, which are reserved by an industry for later expansions, are now highlighted in red color
After company merge, assigned employees are no longer marked as “new”
The speed of trains with missing supplies, such as water, has been reduced.
Maintenance of the trains is now more important as break-down delays have been increased if the engine is in a bad condition.
Fixed a bug that occurred when a new rail was connected to the wrong track in track building mode.
Fixed a bug that caused rail ends to appear on the track.
Fixed: Issue with showing costs for inactive territories in the interface.
Filter / Sort buttons now only appear if a list has at least two entries.
Fixed: The signal part of the tutorial does not block anymore, if sections of the track are deleted.
Fixed: Stations can be rotated in any case.
Fixed: "I made it, eh"- trophy is now awarded, when taking over a competitor.
Fixed: No more auctions will take place, when all competitors are out of the game.
Fixed: University title and description in town dialog.
Fixed: Some routing issues caused by signal-controlled stations.
Fixed: Train showing permanent "Being serviced" state.
Achievement fix for “Just in beaver” - triggers for factories that were bought or built
Achievement fix for “The Customs and the Seven Young Rail Spikes” - this can now only be unlocked within the Germany scenario
Train is no longer marked as unloading if it has no load.
Fixed: In the scenario "Dominion Day" (The Great Lakes - DLC), the 8th and 9th tasks cannot be completed as "gold"

9.1. 핫픽스


Fixed: Missing bread in France 1910 free game.
Fixed: Name of caoutchouc factories changed to "farm".
Fixed: Issues with France free game maps (among others, tasks, train speed and more).
Fixed: Stability issues with France maps.
Fixed: In build mode, city buildings show green preview highlight.
Fixed: White signal bug. (Thank you for reporting!)
Fixed: Building a steel factory did not reset delivered steel counter during France scenario.
Fixed: Maintenance stations will no count towards station goals in random map free game.

10. 1.10


New features
Introducing Challenge Mode:
We will be releasing challenge maps with specific tasks on a regular basis, enabling players to compete via a global ranking list.
Halloween event:
To celebrate October, some characters have donned spooky new atire.
A new symbol now indicates the presence of a maintenance shed in the list of train stations.

Bug fixes
Fixed rare cases of parallel tracks being blocked by signal deletion on a neighbouring track.
Fixed a few instances of auto-save timer not resetting properly.
Fixed track bed sometimes not appearing when laying tracks.
Fixed occasional issues with A.I. not able to build train stations in Portland and Corpus Christi.

11. 1.11


New Features
Challenge #2 ‘Dallas’ is now available.
New option to deactivate refunds for demolishing rails and buildings.
Special Christmas decoration is now available during holiday period.
Can be turned off at any time during the duration of the event via the in-game main menu
Tasks for the transport of commodities can now only be fulfilled by delivering to cities.

Changes to Challenge Mode
Freelancers have been deactivated to avoid randomised advantages.
Refunds for rails and train stations have been deactivated.
Three new tasks have been added to Challenge Mode. Among these are quests to operate a train line for a certain time, and simultaneously make available certain commodities in cities.

11.1. 핫픽스


Signals not showing up correctly has been fixed.
Crashes releated to campaign-mission 4 savegames have been fixed


Signals not showing up correctly has been now fixed completely.
Fixed some Spanish strings appearing in the French localization

12. 1.12


About Challenge 3 – Great Plains
After the transcontinental railroad was completed in May 1869, more and more cities of the Great Plains east of the Rocky Mountains have been connected to major railroad lines and cities have prospered as a result. The railroads also brought farmers to the region, who were now able to deliver their products to the East and West Coasts by rail. In this challenge, your job is to connect all the cities, create metropolises like Denver and promote the production of agricultural commodities.

12.1. 핫픽스


Save game compatibility was restored.
You can continue playing your savegames made in previous versions without problems.
Refunding works as intended again, if not turned off (like e.g. in Challenges).


Fixed a Bug, which prevented a town to deliver goods to a warehouse, if it was the only town on the train route.

13. 1.13


New addition
New Challenge Map ‘Thunder Across the prairie’
Thousands of miles of open prairie to conquer, your clients are breathing down your neck with a busy schedule and on top of it all, speculators have driven up property prices. Make your way through the diverse landscapes of North America, connect the coastal cities and create a railroad empire from scratch. Building a transcontinental railroad is no walk in the park, but if you can’t do it, who else can do it?

Fixed a bug where the game would crash if a farm was purchased in Scandinavia
Fixed a bug where extended game options weren't editable using a gamepad
Fixed refund of maintenance buildings in Challenge games
Fixed internal error in rail builder
Fixed a bug where players could accrue too many staff and personnel
Fixed the colour coding in Express Goods dialogue

Added an end date to Market Crier and Promoter
Optimized the performance of signal-controlled stations.

13.1. 핫픽스


Fixed random crashes on Windows and Linux OS
Fixed scoreboard for new challenge map “Thunder across the prairie”
Fixed Editor


Fixed various random crashes.
Fixed scoreboard for challenge map ‘Thunder across the prairie’.
Down Under DLC: reduced number of citizens required to found new settlements in late game.
Fixed various bugs in scenario editor.

14. 1.14


Added tree colours which reflect the change of seasons (blossoms).
Added preview pylon added that snaps when Shift is held and the track is hovering. Added preview pylon which snaps to the end of parallel tracks.
Removed minimum threshold for placing pylons on tracks.
Fixed a bug where sometimes tracks were not connected properly when creating a junction.
Tracks without an owner no longer belong to the player when loading a savegame.

Railway Empire – Down Under – DLC
Added ‘Adelaide’ to Free games with inactive settlements.

14.1. 1.14.1


ALL Platforms:
Base game
Fixed a bug that stopped the Monster Snack achievement from being unlocked.
Fixed a rare crash that occurred after demolishing railway tracks.
Fixed a bug that caused trains not to be properly unloaded.
Fixed a bug that prevented the demolishing of railway tracks.
Fixed faulty save games resulting in ‘nameless’ AI competitor tycoons.
Fixed a bug that displayed the wrong controller icon within the games UI.
Fixed a bug that would stop the player from renaming companies, cities, and train stations.
Fixed multiple issues with localization.

Railway Empire – Japan DLC
Fixed a bug that prevented the construction of specific buildings e.g., the Publishing House.
Fixed a bug that occurred during the task to build a hotel which had those hotels already built not recognized by the game.
Fixed a bug that gave the visual impression that players could build in a blocked area of the map.
Fixed a bug that had passenger tracks not recognized when using waypoints.
Fixed a rare bug that could occur during a mission in the ‘Rising Sun’ scenario where no task would appear within the quest log.
Fixed a task list bug in the ‘Twisted Paths’ scenario that caused dates to add up.

Steam / Epic / GOG
Fixed achievement issues.
Steam: Fixed an issue where the counter would not work if the industry was connected to the warehouse.

Fixed a bug that would falsely show colored circles beneath the passenger feature display.
Fixed an issue that allowed the player to skip a number of tasks in the scenario.

Fixed broken Microsoft Store link.

14.2. 1.14.2


All Platforms:
Main game
Fixed an issue that caused transported passengers to not be counted in scenarios.
Fixed an issue that caused that a mass replacement option of locomotives (‘replace engines older than X years’) to not be applied when selected.
Railway Empire – Great Britain DLC
Fixed a bug that prevented unlocking a region in the Great Britain scenario despite meeting all the requirements.
Railway Empire – Japan DLC
Fixed several minor issues with areas being blocked, although there were no visual restrictions.
Fixed an issue that caused the passenger feature to be unlocked too early in the ‘Rising Sun’ scenario.

Steam / Epic / GOG
Main game
Fixed a rare crash that occurred when clicking on passenger lines repeatedly.
Increased the maximum amount of signals placeable for massive save games.
[Steam only] Fixed a crash on Linux and Steam Deck when starting or loading a game.