나무모에 미러 (일반/어두운 화면)
최근 수정 시각 : 2023-05-05 17:59:59

스타트렉 온라인/에피소드/튜토리얼/클링온 방위군

파일:스타트렉 온라인 로고.png
스타트렉 온라인의 클링온 방위군 에피소드
튜토리얼 제국
1. 개요2. 스토리
2.1. 프롤로그2.2. End of Watch2.3. Red Alert!2.4. Intruder Alert2.5. Challenge for Command!2.6. Your New Command2.7. Journey to Qo'noS
3. 등장인물4. 등장 함선

1. 개요

스타트렉 온라인의 클링온 방위군 튜토리얼이다.

2. 스토리

2.1. 프롤로그

델타 모집 컷신(3:49 부터)
'''-- June, 2410. Location: CLASSIFIED --'''
-- 2410년 6월. 위치: 기밀 --

One year from now...
지금으로부터 1년 후...

2.2. End of Watch

감시의 끝
End of Watch
<colcolor=#FFE0C0> 싱글 플레이 전용 <colbgcolor=white>O
반복 가능 X
출시 2013년 11월 12일
스타 트렉 온라인에 오신 것을 환영합니다.
you are the Second Officer aboard a Klingon Bird-of-Prey, currently in charge of the ship while Captain Jurlek and First Officer Doran are off duty.
당신은 클링온 버드 오브 프레이에 타고 있는 줄렉 선장과 도란 일등 항해사가 비번인 현재 함선의 대장인 이등 항해사입니다.

Your shift nears its end. Third Officer Lt. K'Gan would like to have a word with you before you leave the bridge.
당신의 교대가 거의 끝났습니다. 삼등 항해사 크간 대위가 당신이 함교를 떠나기 전 할 말이 있는 듯합니다.

크간 대위와 대화하세요.
상호작용할 수 있는 사람들은 머리 위에 [!] 아이콘이 있습니다.
상호작용 키를 눌러(기본 F) 대화를 할 수 있습니다.
앞으로 이동하려면 W키를 누르세요
왼쪽으로 이동하려면 Q키를 누르세요
뒤로 이동하려면 S키를 누르세요
오른쪽으로 이동하려면 D키를 누르세요

주변을 보려면 마우스 오른쪽 단추를 누르고 드래그하세요.

크간 대위에게 간 후 말을 거세요.
[크간 대위와 대화]
||<-2><tablewidth=100%><tablebgcolor=#601000><tablecolor=#FFFFFF><bgcolor=#A01502> 크간 대위 ||
The end of the shift is near, at last. I have updated the duty logs, not that there was a lot to report.
결국 교대의 끝이 다가왔군요. ...

Still, we have our duties. you will need to approve the logs before the Captain arrives... unless you are fond of cleaning up after his targ.
아직 할게 있어요. 선장님이 도착하기 전에 기록을 승인해야 할겁니다... 그의 타그를 씻기는 걸 좋아하는 게 아니라면요.
Very well, Lieutenant.
잘 알겠네, 대위.
The logs are up on my station now. Use it to transfer them into the Record of Battle.
기록은 지금 제 위치에 있습니다. 그걸 사용해서 전투 기록 보관소에 보내세요.

Humph. "Battle." The only battle we face is against the forces of boredom! We are warriors of the Empire! We should be finding glory against Starfleet, in honorable combat, not flyiing through empty space!
흠. "전투." 우리가 대면하는 유일한 전투는 지루한 힘과의 전투 뿐이예요! 우리는 제국의 전사들입니다! 영광은 빈 공간을 날아디니는 게 아니라 스타플릿과의 명예로운 전투에서 찾아야 한다고요!
표시된 콘솔로 이동하고 콘솔을 사용해 기록을 승인하세요.
Remember your place, Lieutenant. That will be all.
자네의 분수를 지키게, 대위. 모두가 그러하니까.

근무 기록을 승인해 과제를 마쳤습니다. 크간 대위에게 돌아가세요.
[크간 대위와 대화]
||<-2><tablewidth=100%><tablebgcolor=#601000><tablecolor=#FFFFFF><bgcolor=#A01502> 크간 대위 ||
I hope the logs didn't bore you too much. I almost fell asleep writing them.
기록이 너무 지루하지 않았으면 좋겠군요. 그걸 쓰는 동안 잠들 뻔했어요.

If you'd something more entertaining, I've made some adjustments to the standard Disrubtor training program on the holodeck. I think you'll find them... interesting.
좀 더 재미있는 것을 원한다면 복도 갑판에 표준 디스럽터 훈렬 프로그램을 조정해뒀어요. 거기에서 재미를 찾을 수 있을... 겁니다.
Anything would be better than shooting drones. I will try it.
뭐든 드론을 쏘는 것 보다는 재미있겠지. 해보도록 하지.

Captain on the bridge!

선장에게 다가간 후 F키를 눌러 상호작용하세요.
[줄렉 선장과 대화]
||<-2><tablewidth=100%><tablebgcolor=#601000><tablecolor=#FFFFFF><bgcolor=#A01502> 크간 대위 ||
NuqneH! I see you and K'Gan kept my ship from blowing up during your watch. Kahless would be proud.

I relieve you. Return in six hours, Lieutenant... you are dismissed.

문을 나가 터보리프트로 이동하세요.
지휘권을 넘긴다
복도를 지나 홀로그램실 조작기로 이동하세요.

조작판을 사용해 홀로그램실을 프로그래밍하세요.
미니맵은 목표물이 어디에 있는지 보여줍니다.

목표물로부터 멀리 떨어져있다면 미니맵에 화살표가 표시됩니다.
복도를 지나 홀로그램실 조작기로 이동하세요.

조작판을 사용해 홀로그램실을 프로그래밍하세요.

[델타 신병 한정 내용]

[미래의 자신과 대화]
||<-2><tablewidth=100%><tablebgcolor=#601000><tablecolor=#FFFFFF><bgcolor=#A01502> <이름> 중장 ||
Greetings ... . I know this is going to sound like the ramblings of a lunatic, but I am you, from your future, and I've come back in time to fulfil my destiny, a destiny I had laid before me when I was standing where you are now.
I have no time fot this foolishness.
I knew I was destined for great deeds. I expected this to happen someday.
Lies! A Warrior does not partake in such foolishness. You should ashamed.
Let us assume I take what you say as truth. Why am I ... are you ... here now?
{{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px -5px; min-height:calc(1.5em + 5px)"
{{{#!folding I have no time fot this foolishness.
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -1px -10px"
Scan me. I am not a hologram or a photonic lifeform. I am likely coated in chroniton particles.

Think of your greatist ambition, your secret desire that only you know. I will prove that I am you. I know your secret.
"To lead my own House and eventually earn a spot on the High Council."
"To die gloriously in battle and fight the eternal battle in Sto-vo-kor."
"To take a mate and find a life of a peace and safety."
"Become a Warrior whose legend rivals Kahless."
{{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px -5px; min-height:calc(1.5em + 5px)"
{{{#!folding "To lead my own House and eventually earn a spot on the High Council."
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -1px -10px"
"To lead my own house and eventually earn a spot on the High council."

A noble goal, and one I have yet to achieve. But the groundwork is laid, and it's only a matter of times.
한글 대사
I'm still skeptical.
Very well. You are me. From the future. Why have you come?
{{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px -5px; min-height:calc(1.5em + 5px)"
{{{#!folding I'm still skeptical.
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -1px -10px"
As was I. After receiving my first command, I spoke with an agent from Temporal Investigations. They confirmed this entire incident occurs ... um ... occured. You can do so too. Or will do so.
I'm going to do just that. For now, what is it you want to tell me? }}}}}}}}} }}}}}}}}}
{{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px -5px; min-height:calc(1.5em + 5px)"
{{{#!folding "To die gloriously in battle and fight the eternal battle in Sto-vo-kor."
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -1px -10px"
"To die gloriously in battle and fight the eternal battle in Sto-vo-kor."

'''Be thankful that day has not come ... yet.
I'm still skeptical.
Very well. You are me. From the future. Why have you come?
{{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px -5px; min-height:calc(1.5em + 5px)"
{{{#!folding I'm still skeptical.
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -1px -10px"
As was I. After receiving my first command, I spoke with an agent from Temporal Investigations. They confirmed this entire incident occurs ... um ... occured. You can do so too. Or will do so.
I'm going to do just that. For now, what is it you want to tell me? }}}}}}}}} }}}}}}}}}
{{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px -5px; min-height:calc(1.5em + 5px)"
{{{#!folding "To take a mate and find a life of a peace and safety."
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -1px -10px"
(Whispered): "To take a mate and find a life of peace and safety."

It's not a very Klingon desire, but it is something to which I still aspire. If only this galaxy would let me have a moment's respite!
한글 대사
I'm still skeptical.
Very well. You are me. From the future. Why have you come?
{{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px -5px; min-height:calc(1.5em + 5px)"
{{{#!folding I'm still skeptical.
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -1px -10px"
As was I. After receiving my first command, I spoke with an agent from Temporal Investigations. They confirmed this entire incident occurs ... um ... occured. You can do so too. Or will do so.
I'm going to do just that. For now, what is it you want to tell me? }}}}}}}}} }}}}}}}}}
{{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px -5px; min-height:calc(1.5em + 5px)"
{{{#!folding "Become a Warrior whose legend rivals Kahless."
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -1px -10px"
"Become a Warrior whose legend rivals Kahless" is my secret desire.

You have longed for glory all your life. As have I. You will earn what you seek.
한글 대사
I'm still skeptical.
Very well. You are me. From the future. Why have you come?
{{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px -5px; min-height:calc(1.5em + 5px)"
{{{#!folding I'm still skeptical.
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -1px -10px"
As was I. After receiving my first command, I spoke with an agent from Temporal Investigations. They confirmed this entire incident occurs ... um ... occured. You can do so too. Or will do so.
I'm going to do just that. For now, what is it you want to tell me? }}}}}}}}} }}}}}}}}} }}}}}}}}}
{{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px -5px; min-height:calc(1.5em + 5px)"
{{{#!folding I knew I was destined for great deeds. I expected this to happen someday.
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -1px -10px"
Just as accepting as I remember being. Be careful not to trust too much. Not everyone you meet will act with honor.

But, if you have any nagging doubts, you can always check with the Klingon Temporal Intelligence agency after you talk to Chancellor J'mpok when you return to Qo'nos.

Are you prepared to hear what I have to say?
I will persue that line of inquiry when it presents itself. Now, why are you here? }}}}}}}}}
{{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px -5px; min-height:calc(1.5em + 5px)"
{{{#!folding Lies! A Warrior does not partake in such foolishness. You should ashamed.
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -1px -10px"
There are events that transpire in the future that necessitate contacting my past self in order to ensure that those events actually occur.

I have chosen this point in time as the one where I am most accepting of my predetermined fate, as this is the beginning of a series of life-changing events that lead to my first command.

there is no deception here. To you, this is a normal day. To me, it is something more.
Your logio is sound. What do you ask of me? }}}}}}}}}
Let us begin.

There is a war coming. An ancient race known as the Iconians once ruled huge areas of space, including this one. They had power of gods -- technorogy far beyond what anyone else had. It look all of the Iconians' enemies rising up against them as one to defeat them.
전쟁이 다가오고 있어. 아이코니안으로 알려진 고대 종족은 한때 이곳을 포함한 우주의 거대한 지역을 지배하고 있었지. 그들은 신의 힘을 가지고 있었어. 다른 이들이 가지고 있는 것보다 훨씬 뛰어난 것이였지. 아이코니안들의 모든 적들이 그들을 무찌르기 위해 하나로 맞서고 있는 것처럼 보여.

We thought they were extinct. Now, we know we were wrong. And they've returned to take back everything that was once theirs. that's where you come in.
우린 아이코니안이 멸종된 줄 알았어. 이제, 우리가 틀렸다는 것을 알았지. 그리고 아이코니안들은 한때 그들의 것이였던 모든 것들을 되찾으러 돌아왔어. 바로 너가 오는 곳이야.
Why me? What makes me special?
왜 냐야? 뭐가 나를 특별하게 만들었어?
Most of our Warriors had no opportunity to gather intelligence in this race, their capabilities, and their possible plans, but I did. Throughout your career, you ... we ... will benefit from the knowledge I'll give you today. When the war with the Iconians comes, the galaxy will have a fighting chance, thanks to what you learned.
대부분의 스타플릿 장교들은 이 종족의 정보, 능력, 가능한 계획을 수집할 기회가 없었지만, 나는 해냈어. 네 경력 내내, 넌 ... 내가 오늘 너에게 줄 지식의 혜택을 받을거야. 네가 배운 덕분에 아이코니안과의 전쟁이 다가오면 은하계는 싸울 기회를 갖게 될거야.

That's why I've come back ... so I will know what to do.
그게 내가 돌아온 이유야 ... 그러니 뭘 해야할 지 알겠지.
Tell me everything I need to know.
내가 알아야 하는 걸 전부 알려줘.
I can't just drop everything on you at once. That could cause a paradox. You'll need to locate all this information yourself. I'll help guide you.
모든 걸 다 얘기할 순 없어. 그게 역설의 원인이 될 수 있거든. 모든 정보는 직접 찾아야 해. 내가 안내를 도와줄거야.
Guide me? How?
나를 안내해? 어떻게?
Take this. It's a Tesseract Communication Device. It allows me one-way communication from the future to you.
이걸 가져. 테서랙트 통신 장치야. 그 장치가 내가 미래에서 일방적으로 의사소통할 수 있게 해줄거야.

There will be updates thorugh that device as you progress through your career. Chack it often.

I think I've taken up as much of your time as I can. you must return to your duties.
I understand, and I will not fall.

2.3. Red Alert!

2.4. Intruder Alert

2.5. Challenge for Command!

2.6. Your New Command

2.7. Journey to Qo'noS

3. 등장인물

4. 등장 함선