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최근 수정 시각 : 2020-04-24 23:19:35

틀:깡통사단 연합국

Steel Division: Normandy 44
연합국 사단
{{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px -5px"
{{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ]
{{{#!wiki style="margin:-6px -1px -11px"
미국 3rd Armored
101st Airborne
Screaming Eagles
2nd Infantry
4th Armored
Georgie's BoysSW
1st Infantry
Big Red One
자유 프랑스 2e Blindée
2e DB
Demi-Brigade SAS
Le Bataillon du CielBtH
영국Guards Armoured
The Household Division
6th Airborne
Red Devils
15th Infantry
1st SSB
Commando BrigadeSW
7th Armoured
The Desert RatsBtH
캐나다 3rd Canadian Infantry
폴란드 1 Pancerna
Czarna Dywizja
SW: Second Wave DLC 필요
BtH: Back to Hell DLC 필요
추축국 사단 둘러보기
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