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최근 수정 시각 : 2019-06-03 03:14:52

핀디쉬 크리처

1. 개요2. 던전 앤 드래곤 시리즈
2.1. 3.5
3. 패스파인더 RPG
3.1. 몬스터 템플릿 데이터표
4. 기타5. 바깥 고리6. 관련 문서

1. 개요

던전 앤 드래곤 시리즈의 등장하는 마계/로워 플레인(Lower Plane)에서 사는 마족 틀/템플릿이 달린 동물들을 뜻한다.

2. 던전 앤 드래곤 시리즈

2.1. 3.5

핀디쉬 크리처/악마계 생물(Fiendish Creature)
Fiendish creatures dwell on the lower planes, the realms of evil, although they resemble beings found on the Material Plane. They are more fearsome in appearance than their earthly counterparts.
Creating A Fiendish Creature
"Fiendish" is an inherited template that can be added to any corporeal aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, or vermin of nongood alignment (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

A fiendish creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and abilities except as noted here. Do not recalculate the creature’s Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saves, or skill points if its type changes.

Size and Type
Animals or vermin with this template become magical beasts, but otherwise the creature type is unchanged. Size is unchanged. Fiendish creatures encountered on the Material Plane have the extraplanar subtype.

Special Attacks
A fiendish creature retains all the special attacks of the base creature and also gains the following special attack.

Smite Good (Su)
Once per day the creature can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD total (maximum of +20) against a good foe.

Special Qualities
A fiendish creature retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following.
Hit Dice Resistance to
Cold and Fire
Damage Reduction
1-3 5
4-7 5 5/magic
8-11 10 5/magic
12 or more 10 10/magic

If the base creature already has one or more of these special qualities, use the better value.

If a fiendish creature gains damage reduction, its natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Same as the base creature, but Intelligence is at least 3.

Any evil-aligned plane.

Challenge Rating
HD 3 or less, as base creature; HD 4 to 7, as base creature +1; HD 8 or more, as base creature +2.

Always evil (any).

Level Adjustment
Same as the base creature +2.
출처: OGL SRD 3.5

3. 패스파인더 RPG

3.1. 몬스터 템플릿 데이터표

네티스의 기록보관소 템플릿/틀: 핀디쉬/악마계

4. 기타

라 만차의 전사에는 1권에 나온 마법 불꽃 때문에 버러진 아파트에 사는 동물들이 악마계 생물로 변이했다.

5. 바깥 고리

6. 관련 문서
