CSM CSM Implant | 씨에스엠 | Clean Safe Manufacturer |
회사명 | CSM Implant |
설립일 | 2000.01.24 |
대표 | 조성암 |
전화 | 053-951-8261 |
국가 | [[대한민국| ]][[틀:국기| ]][[틀:국기| ]] |
기업형태 | 중소기업/개인 |
소재지 | 대구광역시 북구 경대로 17길 47 경북대학교 테크노빌딩 B205호 |
링크 |
1. 개요
CSM Implant는 2000년도에 설립된 치과용 임플란트 전문 제조 기업입니다.2. 주요 연혁
2000.01.24 Established in Deagu, Korea by Prof. Cho2003.01 CSM company moved to into Kyungpook National University Techno Building.
2004.05 Obtained CE certification approval(EN ISO 9001:2000), Obtained ISO 13485:2003 approval,EC Directive 931421EEC Annex II, Article 3)
2005.06 Nominated as Main Company of Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Evaluation & planning(research Council of Dissimilar Materials Bonding Technology)
2007. 04 Obtained KGMP (Korea Good Manufacturing Practice) in Korea.
2009.10 Obtained Russia FDA.
2010.03 Obtained R&D Center Certificate by KOITA.
2010.06 Obtained INNO BIZ company in Korea.
2011.01 Obtained SFDA approval
2011.03 Obtained FAD approval
2014.06 India CDSCO License Renewal
2019.01 ISO 13485:2016 License Renewal
2020.05 Taiwan Food and Drug Administration TFDA Obtained.
2021.04 Iranian Ministry of Health License Renewal.
3. 주요 기술
Laser Surface Fixture4. 대표 논문
Retrospective Chart Analysis on Survival Rate of Fixtures Installed at the Tuberosity Bone for Cases With Missing Unilateral Upper Molars: A Study of 7 Cases- Young-Jin Park, DDS,* and Sung-Am Cho, DDS, MS, PhD†
The removal torque of titanium screw inserted in rabbit tibia treated bydual acid etching
- Sung-Am Cho*, Kyung-Tae Park
A removal torque of the laser-treated titanium implants in rabbit tibia
- Sung-Am Cho*, Sang-Kyoo Jung
Comparison of Removal Torques for Laser-Treated Titanium Implants With Anodized Implants
- Sang-Hwan Kang, DDS, and Sung-Am Cho, DDS, PhD
Comparison of Osseointegration Between Laser-Etched and Magnesium-Incorporated Oxidized Implants in the Rabbit Femur
- Sang-Hwan Kang, DDS1/Jin Hyun Cho, DDS, PhD2/Sang-Hun Park, DDS3/ Randall Toothaker, DDS4/Sung-Am Cho, DDS, PhD4
Comparison of removal torques between laser- treated and SLA-treated implant surfaces in rabbit tibiae
- Nam-Seok Kang, Lin-Jie Li, Sung-Am Cho*
Comparison of removal torques of SLActive® implant and blasted, laser-treated titanium implant in rabbit tibia bone healed with concentrated growth factor application
- Sang-Hun Park, Kyung-Soon Park, Sung-Am Cho*
An eight-year retrospective study on the clinical outcomes of laser surface-treated implants
- Richard Leesungbok1,4* , Sung Ok Hong2* , Suk‐Won Lee1 Phyo Ei Ei Htay1 , Joseph Junesirk Choi1 and Jung Jin Park3
Clinical outcome of immediately and early loaded implants with laser treated surface: a 3-year retrospective study
- Richard Leesungbok1, Jin-Ho Seo1, Sung-Am Cho2*