{{{#!wiki style="margin: -10px -10px; word-break: keep-all" | <table width=100%><table bordercolor=#0056b3> | Geekbench Simple, yet powerful. | }}} | |
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<colcolor=#fff>개발 | <colbgcolor=#fff,#1f2023>Primate Labs | |||
플랫폼 | Microsoft Windows | macOS | Linux | iOS | iPadOS | 안드로이드 | |||
출시 | Geekbench 2006: 2006년 7월 10일 Geekbench 2: 2007년 3월 6일 Geekbench 3: 2013년 8월 15일 Geekbench 4: 2016년 8월 29일 Geekbench 5: 2019년 9월 3일 Geekbench 6: 2023년 2월 14일 | |||
관련 사이트 |
1. 개요2. 평가 항목3. 업데이트 내역
3.1. Geekbench 53.2. Geekbench 43.3. Geekbench 3
4. 퇴출 기종5. 관련 문서3.3.1. Geekbench 3.4.x3.3.2. Geekbench 3.3.x3.3.3. Geekbench 3.2.x3.3.4. Geekbench 3.1.x3.3.5. Geekbench 3.0.x
3.4. Geekbench 2[clearfix]
1. 개요
Simple, yet Powerful.
Geekbench는 Primate Labs[1]에서 만들고 서비스중인 크로스 플랫폼 벤치마크 툴이다. x86 CPU에서 자주 활용되는 Cinebench와 함께 ARM 아키텍처 CPU 성능 검증용으로 주로 사용된다.Windows, Linux, macOS는 물론이고 iOS와 iPadOS, 안드로이드까지 크로스 플랫폼을 지원한다.
2. 평가 항목
2.1. Geekbench 2
Processor Integer Performance(Single-Core / Multi-Core)
- Blowfish
- Text Compress
- Text Decompress
- Image Compress
- Image Decompress
- Lua
(Single-Core / Multi-Core)
- Mandelbrot
- Dot Product (Scalar)
- Dot Product (Vector)
- LU Decomposition
- Primality Test
- Sharpen Image
- Blur Image
(Single-Core, Scalar)
- Read Sequential
- Write Sequential
- Stdlib Allocate
- Stdlib Write
- Stdlib Copy
(Single-Core, Scalar / Vector)
- Stream Copy
- Stream Scale
- Stream Add
- Stream Traid
2.2. Geekbench 3
Processor Integer Performance(Single-Core / Multi-Core)
- Twofish
- SHA1
- SHA2
- BZip2 Compress
- BZip2 Decompress
- JPEG Compress
- JPEG Decompress
- PNG Compress
- PNG Decompress
- Sobel
- Lua
- Dijkstra
(Single-Core / Multi-Core)
- BlackScholes
- Mandelbrot
- Sharpen Filter
- Blur Filter
- N-Body
- Ray-Trace
(Single-Core / Multi-Core)
- Stream Copy
- Stream Scale
- Stream Add
- Stream Traid
2.3. Geekbench 4
Geekbench 4는 기존의 CPU 성능 측정, 그리고 새로 추가된 GPU 성능 측정이 가능하다. 특히나 지금까지의 트렌드였던 부동 소수점 연산보다 정수 연산의 비중이 높아졌고, 벤치마크의 로드 시간이 길어지면서 이런 요소들이 치명적인 모바일 CPU에서 성능 순위의 변동을 불러 일으켰다.2.3.1. CPU Benchmark
Single-Core PerformanceMulti-Core Performance
- Canny
- Lua
- Dijkstra
- SQLite
- HTML5 Parse
- Histogram Equalization
- PDF Rendering
- Camera
- N-Body Physics
- Ray Tracing
- Rigid Body Physics
- Gaussian Blur
- Speech Recognition
- Face Detection
- Memory Copy
- Memory Latency
- Memory Bandwidth
2.3.2. Compute Benchmark
Renderscript Performance
OpenCL Performance - 프로 버전만
* Sobel
* Histogram Equalization
* Gaussian Blur
* Face Detection
* Depth of Field
* Particle Physics
OpenCL Performance - 프로 버전만
* Sobel
* Histogram Equalization
* Gaussian Blur
* Face Detection
* Depth of Field
* Particle Physics
2.4. Geekbench 5
Geekbench 5는 기존의 4보다 CPU 중점의 벤치마크를 수행한다.2.4.1. CPU Benchmark
Single-Core PerformanceMulti-Core Performance
- Text Compression
- Image Compression
- Navigation
- SQLite
- PDF Rendering
- Text Rendering
- Clang
- Camera
- N-Body Physics
- Rigid Body Physics
- Gaussian Blur
- Face Detection
- Horizon Detection
- Image Inpainting
- Ray Tracing
- Structure From Motion
- Speech Recognition
- Machine Running
2.4.2. Compute Benchmark
OpenCL PerformanceVulkan Performance
- Sobel
- Canny
- Stereo Matching
- Histogram Equalization
- Gaussian Blur
- Depth of Field
- Face Detection
- Horizon Detection
- Feature Matching
- Particle Physics
2.5. Geekbench 6
2023년 2월 14일부로 새로 릴리즈되었다. 기술의 흐름에 따라 프로세서들에게 새로이 요구되는 능력들도 추가적으로 평가한다.- 영상 회의 스트리밍에서의 배경 블러 처리 능력
- SNS 에서의 이미지 필터링 및 보정 능력
- 사진에서 원하지 않는 개체를 제거하는 능력
- 머신러닝 모델을 통해 사진에서 개체를 감지하고 태그하는 능력
- 스크립팅 언어를 이용하여 텍스트를 분석, 처리 , 변환하는 능력
GeekBench의 John Poole에 따르면 GeekBench 6은 이상적으로 병렬화 가능한 문제를 코어 개수만큼 생성하여 각 코어에 동일하게 할당하던 기존의 방식에서 벗어났다고 한다. 현실에서의 워크로드는 비순차적인 실행이 필요한 문제도 존재하고, 병렬화가 쉬운 문제와 어려운 문제가 혼재되어 있기 때문.
따라서 주어진 상황을 해결하기 위해 각 코어에 워크로드를 효율적으로 분배하는 스케쥴러의 능력과 코어들간의 상호작용 능력을 측정하는데 집중한다고 한다.
이러한 평가 방식 때문인지, 코어의 개수가 늘어나는만큼 정직하게 비례하는 멀티코어 점수를 보여주던 GeekBench 5와는 다르게, 멀티코어 점수가 코어 수에 완전히 비례하지 않는다. GeekBench 5는 매우 이상적인 상황에서의 프로세서의 최고점을 보여준다면 GeekBench 6은 현실적인 상황에서의 프로세서의 성능을 보여준다 할 수 있다.
2.6. Geekbench AI
2024년 8월 14일 1.0버전으로 최초로 릴리즈되었다. Geekbench AI는 Windows 11, macOS와 같은 운영체제를 지원하고, Linux 및 Microsoft의 오픈비노에서 시작하여, 삼성 ENN, Qualcomm QNN, ArmNN에 이르기까지 제조사별 프레임워크를 지원한다. 현재는 1.1.0이다.3. 업데이트 내역
해당 업데이트 내역은 PC 버전의 업데이트 내역만 서술되어 있습니다.3.1. Geekbench 5
3.2. Geekbench 4
Geekbench 4.0.12016년 9월 15일에 릴리즈.
- Adds support for OS X 10.10.
- Adds support for the latest iOS and Android devices.
- Fixes an issue where single-core scores are lower than expected when the CPU Benchmark is run through the GUI on dual-core Macs.
- Fixes an issue where benchmark results were flagged as invalid or corrupted on some Windows systems.
- Fixes an issue where the Compute Benchmark interface was enabled when no compatible compute devices were available.
- Fixes an issue where Geekbench identified macOS 10.12 as Mac OS X 10.12.
- Fixes an issue where the --workload-gap switch was being ignored.
- Fixes an issue where Geekbench would generate block sizes that were too large for the current CUDA device, causing the Compute Benchmark to crash.
Geekbench 4.0.0
2016년 8월 29일에 릴리즈.
- Initial Release.
3.3. Geekbench 3
3.3.1. Geekbench 3.4.x
Geekbench 3.4.12016년 4월 12일에 릴리즈.
Geekbench 3 OS X용 보안 패치가 있으므로 OS X 유저는 반드시 3.4.1 버전으로 업데이트 해주자.
- Changed to secure connections to download update information and release notes.
- Updated comparison chart design to improve readability.
- Updated Android, iOS comparison devices.
Geekbench 3.4.0
2015년 10월 9일에 릴리즈.
- Added support for Intel SHA-NI instructions for the SHA-1 workload.
- Added support to detect Low Power Mode on iOS 9.
- Fixed L4 cache reporting on systems without an L4 cache.
- Fixed errors that could occur when uploading results from Intel NUC systems.
- Fixed interface issues on iOS 9.
3.3.2. Geekbench 3.3.x
Geekbench 3.3.02014년 12월 15일에 릴리즈.
- Added a battery test for Android, iOS.
- Added a brief summary to "Share Results" email on iOS.
- Addressed 64-bit code generation issues on Android/AArch64.
- Fixed a crash that occurred on Windows 10.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on 32-core systems.
- Reduced the memory footprint of the BlackScholes workload.
3.3.3. Geekbench 3.2.x
Geekbench 3.2.22014년 10월 7일에 릴리즈.
- Added support for iOS 8, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.
- Added benchmark comparison charts on iOS.
- Added support for High DPI mode on Windows.
- Fixed code signing issues on OS X Mavericks, Yosemite.
Geekbench 3.2.1
2014년 9월 10일에 릴리즈.
- Fixed crashes that could occur on Intel-based Android devices.
Geekbench 3.2.0
2014년 9월 2일에 릴리즈.
- Added support for AArch32 processors on Android.
- Added benchmark comparison charts on Android.
- Redesigned benchmark results view to increase information density.
3.3.4. Geekbench 3.1.x
Geekbench 3.1.62014년 5월 16일에 릴리즈.
- Bug fixes.
Geekbench 3.1.5
2014년 3월 10일에 릴리즈.
- Added support for BlackBerry 10.
- Added support for Android devices with MIPS processors.
- Added Android CPU governor to system information.
- Added L4 cache information to system information.
- Fixed an issue where results uploaded to Dropbox were given meaningless names.
Geekbench 3.1.4
2014년 1월 8일에 릴리즈.
- Added support for the Mac Pro (Late 2013).
- Added the ability to export benchmark results to XML.
- Fixed an issue that broke Dropbox integration on 64-bit iOS devices.
Geekbench 3.1.3
2013년 12월 11일에 릴리즈.
- Added support for the iMac (Late 2013) and the MacBook Pro (Late 2013).
- Added support for the latest Android and iOS devices.
- Stress test now works as expected and uses approximately 100% of processor resources.
- Processor information is now more accurate on Android devices with an Intel processor.
- Fixed an issue where Geekbench mistook the Nexus 7 (2013) for the Nexus 7 (2012).
- Fixed an issue where standalone mode did not work on OS X.
- Fixed an issue where 64-bit iOS devices were reported as 32-bit iOS devices.
- Fixed an issue where processor frequency could be misreported on Linux.
Geekbench 3.1.2
2013년 9월 18일에 릴리즈.
- Re-introduced 64-bit benchmarks on iOS.
- Removed support for iOS 6.
Geekbench 3.1.1
2013년 9월 16일에 릴리즈.
- Removed 64-bit benchmarks on iOS, fixing a crash that occurred on iOS 6.
Geekbench 3.1.0
2013년 9월 13일에 릴리즈.
- Introduced 64-bit benchmarks on iOS.
- Added ARM cryptography instruction implementations of AES and SHA-1.
- Re-enabled standard optimizations for the STREAM Copy workload.
- Reduced the memory footprint of the BlackScholes and STREAM workloads.
- Added support for older Linux distributions.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on dual-processor systems running Windows.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on 32-core systems running Windows.
3.3.5. Geekbench 3.0.x
Geekbench 3.0.22013년 8월 17일에 릴리즈.
- Fixed a bug that caused updates to fail with a "The update is improperly signed." message.
- Fixed a typo in the Dropbox dialog box.
- Fixed a misaligned icon on the iPad 2, iPad mini.
Geekbench 3.0.1
2013년 8월 16일에 릴리즈.
- Added support for OS X 10.6.
- Fixed a bug that caused Geekbench to crash on OS X 10.7.
Geekbench 3.0.0
2013년 8월 15일에 출시.
- Initial Release.
3.4. Geekbench 2
3.4.1. Geekbench 2.4.x
Geekbench 2.4.42016년 2월 11일에 릴리즈.
Geekbench 2 OS X용 보안 패치가 있으므로 OS X 유저는 반드시 2.4.14 버전으로 업데이트 해주자.
- Changed to secure connections to download update information and release notes.
Geekbench 2.4.3
2013년 4월 12일에 릴리즈.
- Added support for sharing benchmark results with other applications on BlackBerry 10.
- Improved interface layout on BlackBerry 10.
- Improved processor model detection on BlackBerry 10.
- Fixed a bug where system information was invisible on the BlackBerry Q10.
- Fixed a bug where stress test output did not appear on the command line.
- Fixed a bug where Geekbench misreported the processor frequency on BlackBerry 10.
- Fixed a bug where Geekbench didn't prevent the screen from sleep when running benchmarks on BlackBerry 10.
- Fixed a bug that could cause uploads to fail when using a proxy.
- Fixed a bug that could cause uploads to fail on older hardware.
Geekbench 2.4.2
2013년 3월 7일에 릴리즈.
- Ported Geekbench to BlackBerry 10.
- Added "Export License File" to Geekbench 2 Pro.
- Added support for iMac (Late 2012).
- Added support for MacBook Pro (Retina Early 2013).
- Added a comparison chart to the benchmark results on Android.
- Added support for sharing benchmark results with other applications on Android.
- Fixed a bug where Geekbench misidentified Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 processors.
- Fixed a bug that could cause unwanted characters to appear in messages.
- Worked around an issue that could cause Geekbench to underreport performance on Android 4.0.0 through 4.0.3.
Geekbench 2.4.0
2012년 11월 15일에 릴리즈.
- Added support for Mac mini (Late 2012).
- Added support for iPad (4th generation), iPad mini, and iPod touch (5th generation).
- Added support for Nexus 4 and Nexus 10.
- Added progress view to track benchmark progress on Android.
- Added localizations on Android and iOS.
- Removed the need to run Geekbench as root in order to gather accurate system information under Linux.
- Improved support for Windows 8.
- Improved support for Windows systems with more than 64 cores.
- Improved support for systems with less than 512MB of memory.
- Fixed a bug that misidentified the international iPhone 5.
- Fixed a bug that caused benchmarks to cancel when the device was rotated on Android.
- Disabled the idle timer that could cause the screen to sleep during benchmarks on iOS.
- Refreshed results view design.
3.4.2. Geekbench 2.3.x
Geekbench 2.3.42012년 7월 10일에 릴리즈.
- Added support for Mountain Lion and Gatekeeper.
- Added support for Retina Display.
- Added 'geekbench' tool to Geekbench for Linux.
- Added support for Intel-based Android devices.
- Improved support for Windows systems with more than 32 cores.
- Improved results display on iPhone, iPod touch, and Android.
- Improved handset and processor detection on Android.
- Fixed spurious high-resolution timer errors on older Windows systems.
Geekbench 2.3.3
2012년 6월 12일에 릴리즈.
- Renamed MacBook Pro (Retina) to match Apple's naming convention.
Geekbench 2.3.2
2012년 6월 12일에 릴리즈.
- Added support for MacBook Air (Mid 2012).
- Added support for MacBook Pro (Mid 2012).
- Added preliminary support for MacBook Pro (15-inch Retina Display).
Geekbench 2.3.1
2012년 4월 12일에 릴리즈.
- Fixed "ordinal 344 could not be located" error on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 R2.
Geekbench 2.3.0
2012년 4월 10일에 릴리즈.
- Removed support for PowerPC-based Macs.
- Removed offline result management from tryout mode.
- Added portable installs for Pro licenses.
- Added support for Ivy Bridge processors.
- Improved support for MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009).
- Improved "internal timer error" diagnostic message.
3.4.3. Geekbench 2.2.x
Geekbench 2.2.72012년 2월 20일 릴리즈.
- Fixed an unhandled exception on OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion).
- Fixed a bug that prevented "Check for Updates..." from working properly.
- Fixed a bug that misidentified the iPhone 4 (CDMA).
- Improved processor frequency detection on Windows.
- Improved processor detection on Linux.
Geekbench 2.2.6
2012년 1월 19일 릴리즈.
- Fixed a hang that could occur when running benchmarks on Windows.
- Fixed a bug that canceled benchmarks prematurely on Android.
- Fixed a bug that misidentified some late model MacBook Pros.
- Re-enabled multi-threaded tests on single-core systems.
- Improved compatibility with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
- Improved upload error messages on Windows and Linux.
- Improved handling of corrupted Geekbench files.
Geekbench 2.2.5
2012년 1월 15일 릴리즈.
- Fixed a startup crash that occurred on Android 4 (Ice Cream Sandwich).
Geekbench 2.2.4
2012년 1월 14일 릴리즈.
- Initial Android release.
Geekbench 2.2.3
2011년 11월 2일 릴리즈.
- Removed support for Mac OS X 10.4.
- Added support for the the MacBook Pro (Late 2011).
- Added support for the iPhone 4S.
- Improved performance on systems with less than 512MB of RAM.
- Improved processor detection on Linux.
- Improved compatibility with older Linux distributions.
- Fixed divide-by-zero errors that occurred on Windows XP 64-Bit Edition.
- Fixed floating-point exceptions that occurred on Debian Wheezy.
- Fixed a deadlock that could occur when running benchmarks on Mac OS X and Windows.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Mac App Store version to overreport performance.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent uploading results to the Geekbench Browser.
- Fixed processor core counts on computers with more than 64 cores.
Geekbench 2.2.0
2011년 8월 31일 릴리즈.
- Moved 32-bit and 64-bit benchmarks into the same user interface.
- Added a new hardware stress test.
- Added a new command-line tool for Mac OS X and Windows.
- Added new "Export As..." commands.
- Added a new document-based interface on Windows.
- Added new hardware information on Windows (processor socket, processor codename, northbridge, and southbridge)
- Added automatic updates on Mac OS X.
- Added support for the latest Macs.
- Added support for the latest AMD and Intel processors.
- Redesigned Geekbench result presentation.
- Improved hardware detection on Linux and Windows.
- Fixed a bug that caused some Geekbench workloads to misreport performance on 8-core systems.
- Fixed processor cache detection bugs on late-model AMD and Intel processors.
- Fixed a startup crash that could occur on Lion.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when loading saved Geekbench files.
- Fixed processor core counts for late-model AMD processors.
- Fixed processor core counts for hyper-threaded processors under Linux.
- Fixed a bug that could cause Geekbench results to render incorrectly.
- Fixed registration bugs some users encountered when registering.
- Fixed thread affinity bugs on multi-socket systems.
- Fixed several race conditions in multi-threaded workloads.
4. 퇴출 기종
2022년, 삼성전자의 Galaxy S10 및 이후 출시한 S20, S21, S22 시리즈의 모든 스마트폰(Lite, FE 포함)[2][3]은 삼성 갤럭시 GOS 성능 조작 사건으로 인해 차트에서 퇴출되었다.[4] 퇴출된 기종은 링크의 최하단에서 확인 가능하다.- OnePlus 5
- Huawei Mate 10
- Huawei Mate 10 Pro
- Huawei P20
- Huawei P20 Pro
- Huawei Honor Play
- Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro
- OnePlus 9
- OnePlus 9 Pro
- 삼성 갤럭시 S10e
- 삼성 갤럭시 S10
- 삼성 갤럭시 S10+
- 삼성 갤럭시 S10 5G
- 삼성 갤럭시 S10 Lite
- 삼성 갤럭시 S20
- 삼성 갤럭시 S20+
- 삼성 갤럭시 S20 Ultra
- 삼성 갤럭시 S20 FE
- 삼성 갤럭시 S21
- 삼성 갤럭시 S21+
- 삼성 갤럭시 S21 Ultra
- 삼성 갤럭시 S21 FE
- 삼성 갤럭시 S22
- 삼성 갤럭시 S22+
- 삼성 갤럭시 S22 Ultra
- 삼성 갤럭시 탭 S8[5]
- 삼성 갤럭시 탭 S8+
- 삼성 갤럭시 탭 S8 Ultra
5. 관련 문서
[1] 캐나다의 소프트웨어 회사[2] 긱벤치 개발자가 S8, S9 및 S7 또한 조사한다고 밝혀, S10 이전 시리즈도 퇴출될 가능성이 있다.[3] 아래 리스트에는 기종만 적혀 있으나 리스트에는 시리즈의 모든 모델명이 적혀 있어 좀 더 많이 표기되어 있다.[4] 리스트에서 한번이라도 퇴출되면 벤치마크의 신뢰성을 완전히 잃은 것으로 판단하기 때문에 앞으로 앱의 버전이 얼마나 올라가든 영원히 복귀할 수 없다.[5] https://news.naver.com/main/read.naver?mode=LSD&mid=shm&sid1=105&oid=008&aid=0004719971