관련 문서 | ||||||||
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1. 개요2. 가이드 목록
2.1. 초보자를 위한 갑옷 가이드(The Beginner's Guide to Armor)2.2. 초보자를 위한 무기류 가이드(The Beginner's Guide to Weaponry)2.3. 초보자를 위한 장신구 가이드(The Beginner's Guide to Accessories)2.4. 연금술사의 관찰(An Alchemist's Observations)2.5. 식사 배달(Meals on Wheels)
3. 저널 목록3.1. 별난 방랑자(Dag Dinger)3.2. 진균 좀도둑(Fungal Pilferers)3.3. 용암은 뜨거운가요?(Is Lava Hot?)3.4. 하늘을 나는 해파리!(Jellyfish in the Sky!)3.5. 브라이어에 대한 기록(Notes on the Briar)3.6. 슬라임은 어디서 오는가(Where Do Slimes Come From)
4. 이야기 목록5. 그림 목록5.1. 고대의 대리석 덩어리에 대한 기록(Notes on Ancient Marble Chunks)5.2. 비스마이트 수정에 대한 기록(Notes on Bismite Crystals)5.3. 마법의 화강암 덩어리에 대한 기록(Notes on Enchanted Granite Chunks)5.4. 마법의 잎에 대한 기록(Notes on Enchanted Leaves)5.5. 혹한의 파편에 대한 기록(Notes on Frigid Fragments)5.6. 반디뿌리에 대한 기록(Notes on Glowroot)5.7. 하트비늘에 대한 기록(Notes on Heart Scales)5.8. 달봉오리에 대한 기록(Notes on Blossmoons)5.9. 발광나방에 대한 기록(Notes on Lumoths)5.10. 영혼의 꽃에 대한 기록(Notes on Soulbloom)5.11. 반짝이는 밤바다(The Glowing Ocean!)5.12. 반짝이는 밤바다(Flora of the Briar)5.13. 반짝이는 밤바다(Flora of the Spirit Biome)
1. 개요
Spirit Mod에서 추가된 설정에 대해 다루는 문서.2. 가이드 목록
2.1. 초보자를 위한 갑옷 가이드(The Beginner's Guide to Armor)
The Beginner's Guide to Armor
by Knight-Crusader Aurelius
The following is a transcript of an informational speech made by renowned adventurer Aurelius Finch, Knight-Crusader.
Hey, folks! Are you ready to become a grand adventurer, just like myself? It seems like a good life up here, and it is! I'm rolling in sponsorship money, and my dating life has never been better! But things weren't always this way. I was just like you all, once- dirt poor and owning nothing but the clothes on my back. It took everything I had to survive. But if you purchase my handy series of guides, you'll be just like me in no-time-flat! I can't wait for you to rise through the ranks, rookie.
The Beginner's Guide to Weaponry
So you're just setting out, and it's time to make your mark on the world. But what to wear? Armor is the most important tool in an adventurer's arsenal. Luckily for you, I've come across many different options for beginners that are easy to forge and effective.
Sunflower Hat.png Sunflower Garb.png Sunflower Leggings.png Sunflower Armor: Are you an aspiring mage? Well, I'm not - haven't got a magical bone in my body! But this thin and comfortable set of armor, made from Sunflowers and Fallen Stars, can give you a boost to your magic power.
Marksman's Hood.png Marksman's Plate.png Marksman's Boots.png Marksman's Armor: If you're willing to venture out at night and take on some zombies, harvest some questionably sourced Old Leather and try your hand at archery. This lightweight (but smelly) armor allows you to focus on your strikes.
Those are some cheap and effective armor sets that'll keep you fighting for a long time. Best of luck, adventurer!
Whew. Thank god that's over. These suckers won't last a day out there, but they'll believe anything I tell them. Easiest money I've made in my life. Hey, why are you still writing this dow-
by Knight-Crusader Aurelius
The following is a transcript of an informational speech made by renowned adventurer Aurelius Finch, Knight-Crusader.
Hey, folks! Are you ready to become a grand adventurer, just like myself? It seems like a good life up here, and it is! I'm rolling in sponsorship money, and my dating life has never been better! But things weren't always this way. I was just like you all, once- dirt poor and owning nothing but the clothes on my back. It took everything I had to survive. But if you purchase my handy series of guides, you'll be just like me in no-time-flat! I can't wait for you to rise through the ranks, rookie.
The Beginner's Guide to Weaponry
So you're just setting out, and it's time to make your mark on the world. But what to wear? Armor is the most important tool in an adventurer's arsenal. Luckily for you, I've come across many different options for beginners that are easy to forge and effective.
Sunflower Hat.png Sunflower Garb.png Sunflower Leggings.png Sunflower Armor: Are you an aspiring mage? Well, I'm not - haven't got a magical bone in my body! But this thin and comfortable set of armor, made from Sunflowers and Fallen Stars, can give you a boost to your magic power.
Marksman's Hood.png Marksman's Plate.png Marksman's Boots.png Marksman's Armor: If you're willing to venture out at night and take on some zombies, harvest some questionably sourced Old Leather and try your hand at archery. This lightweight (but smelly) armor allows you to focus on your strikes.
Those are some cheap and effective armor sets that'll keep you fighting for a long time. Best of luck, adventurer!
Whew. Thank god that's over. These suckers won't last a day out there, but they'll believe anything I tell them. Easiest money I've made in my life. Hey, why are you still writing this dow-
초보자를 위한 갑옷 가이드
십자군 기사 Aurelius
다음은 유명한 모험가인 십자군 기사 Aurelius Finch의 정보 제공 연설의 녹취록이다.
안녕, 여러분! 나처럼 대모험가가 될 준비가 되었니? 이 땅 위에서 사는 것은 좋은 삶인 것 같고, 맞는 말이야! 난 후원금으로 돈을 벌고 있고, 내 데이트 생활은 이보다 더 나은 적이 없어! 하지만 상황이 항상 이렇지는 않았습니다. 나도 너희들과 같았지, 한때는 가난했고 내 등에 걸쳐진 옷들만 가지고 있었지. 내가 살아남기 위해서는 모든 것이 필요했어. 하지만 여러분들이 내 편리한 가이드 시리즈를 구입한다면, 여러분들은 바로 나처럼 될 것이야! 어서 출세했으면 좋겠어, 아쎄이.
초보자를 위한 갑옷 가이드
아무튼 자네는 여행할 준비를 하였고 이제 세계에 이름을 남길 시간이야. 하지만 무엇을 입어야 할까? 갑옷은 모험가의 군수품에서 가장 중요한 도구야. 운 좋게도, 나는 초보자들에게 있어 단조하기 쉽고 효과적인 다양한 옵션들을 발견했어.
해바라기 갑옷: 자네는 마법사 지망생인가? 응? 난 아니야. 내 몸에 마법의 재능이 없거든! 하지만 해바라기와 별똥별들로 만들어진 이 얇고 편안한 갑옷 세트는 자네의 마법의 힘을 북돋아 줄 수 있어.
명사수의 갑옷: 밤에 나가서 좀비들을 상대할 의향이 있다면, 근원이 의심스러운 오래된 가죽을 얻고 양궁을 해봐. 이 가벼운(하지만 냄새가 나는) 갑옷을 사용하면 공격에 집중할 수 있어.
그것들은 값싸고 효과적인 갑옷 세트로, 오랫동안 싸울 수 있을거야. 행운을 빌지, 모험가!
어휴, 끝나서 다행이야. 이 머저리들은 밖에서 하루도 버티지 못하겠지만, 그들은 내가 말하는 것은 무엇이든 믿을 거야. 내 인생에서 가장 쉽게 번 돈. 이봐, 이걸 왜 아직도 적ㅇ...
십자군 기사 Aurelius
다음은 유명한 모험가인 십자군 기사 Aurelius Finch의 정보 제공 연설의 녹취록이다.
안녕, 여러분! 나처럼 대모험가가 될 준비가 되었니? 이 땅 위에서 사는 것은 좋은 삶인 것 같고, 맞는 말이야! 난 후원금으로 돈을 벌고 있고, 내 데이트 생활은 이보다 더 나은 적이 없어! 하지만 상황이 항상 이렇지는 않았습니다. 나도 너희들과 같았지, 한때는 가난했고 내 등에 걸쳐진 옷들만 가지고 있었지. 내가 살아남기 위해서는 모든 것이 필요했어. 하지만 여러분들이 내 편리한 가이드 시리즈를 구입한다면, 여러분들은 바로 나처럼 될 것이야! 어서 출세했으면 좋겠어, 아쎄이.
초보자를 위한 갑옷 가이드
아무튼 자네는 여행할 준비를 하였고 이제 세계에 이름을 남길 시간이야. 하지만 무엇을 입어야 할까? 갑옷은 모험가의 군수품에서 가장 중요한 도구야. 운 좋게도, 나는 초보자들에게 있어 단조하기 쉽고 효과적인 다양한 옵션들을 발견했어.
해바라기 갑옷: 자네는 마법사 지망생인가? 응? 난 아니야. 내 몸에 마법의 재능이 없거든! 하지만 해바라기와 별똥별들로 만들어진 이 얇고 편안한 갑옷 세트는 자네의 마법의 힘을 북돋아 줄 수 있어.
명사수의 갑옷: 밤에 나가서 좀비들을 상대할 의향이 있다면, 근원이 의심스러운 오래된 가죽을 얻고 양궁을 해봐. 이 가벼운(하지만 냄새가 나는) 갑옷을 사용하면 공격에 집중할 수 있어.
그것들은 값싸고 효과적인 갑옷 세트로, 오랫동안 싸울 수 있을거야. 행운을 빌지, 모험가!
어휴, 끝나서 다행이야. 이 머저리들은 밖에서 하루도 버티지 못하겠지만, 그들은 내가 말하는 것은 무엇이든 믿을 거야. 내 인생에서 가장 쉽게 번 돈. 이봐, 이걸 왜 아직도 적ㅇ...
2.2. 초보자를 위한 무기류 가이드(The Beginner's Guide to Weaponry)
The Beginner's Guide to Weaponry
by Knight-Crusader Aurelius
The following is a transcript of an informational speech made by adventurer Aurelius Finch, Knight-Crusader.
Hey, all! Knight-Crusader Aurelius here, again. Before we get started (and on a completely unrelated note), my last guide on Armor didn't sell as well as I want to, and I have no clue why! But I need YOUR money to support my lavish hero lifestyle. So buy this new weapon guide for your dad, your grandma, and maybe even your cat. Please? I promise it'll be useful!
The Beginner's Guide to Weaponry
Aside from a strong set of armor, you'll need a trusty weapon by your side to really stand out as an adventurer. Now, not all of us can have a weapon that's as flashy as my trusted fireblade. And some of you never will! But that's okay. Let's start small, with weapons that are reliable and easy to forge.
Wooden Club.png Wood.png Wooden Club: You'll definitely need some arm strength for this one. Throw together some wood and iron or lead bars at a workbench to make this ugly but effective club. I have an image to maintain, so I'd never be caught dead using this thing. But it makes for a great crowd-control tool!
Frigid Javelin.png Frigid Fragment.png Frigid Javelin: Do you live close to a snowy tundra or boreal forest? Then this weapon is perfect for you! Simply harvest some Frigid Fragments and temper them at an anvil to make this ice-cold, razor sharp weapon. Unlike other inaccurate throwing weapons (who uses those, anyway?), you can aim for precise strikes with javelins!
Bismite Crystal Staff.png Bismite Crystal.png Bismite Crystal Staff: Normally, I wouldn't recommend summoned creatures, since they love to bite me and rip up my things. But you won't have that problem with a semi-sentient poisonous rock, that's for sure. Made of Bismite Shards, it's sure to help deal with enemies for you.
Jellyfish Staff.png Coral.png Jellyfish Staff: Again, familiars and I don't get along, but this one has no teeth or claws! I suggest this little electrical buddy because you may not be strong enough to fight on your own, like I am. But keep trying, and you're maybe probably not going to get to my level! Until then, piece together this shockingly effective weapon from Coral, Starfish, and Glowsticks.
Floran Cutter.png Floran Bar.png Floran Cutter: Now, if you want a sleek, cool, and potent weapon, look no further. The caveat is that you'll need to venture into the depths of the dark Briar to harvest Floran Bars. Are you capable of doing that? Probably not! But if you do manage to luck out, throw these sharp disks along the ground and watch them cut up your foes.
Cactus Staff.png Cactus.png Cactus Staff: Would you ever think that cacti would have magical properties? I sure wouldn't! The only interaction I've had with cacti is falling straight into a pit of pricklethorns when I was a novice adventurer, like you. But I've been told that Cactus Staves are quite powerful and poisonous.
I'm barely breaking even anymore. These pieces of junk better tide me over so I can afford that solid gold statue I commissioned. Well, the people still love me. I'm sure they'll buy my book this time. Hey, why are you still here? The speech is over. Shoo!
by Knight-Crusader Aurelius
The following is a transcript of an informational speech made by adventurer Aurelius Finch, Knight-Crusader.
Hey, all! Knight-Crusader Aurelius here, again. Before we get started (and on a completely unrelated note), my last guide on Armor didn't sell as well as I want to, and I have no clue why! But I need YOUR money to support my lavish hero lifestyle. So buy this new weapon guide for your dad, your grandma, and maybe even your cat. Please? I promise it'll be useful!
The Beginner's Guide to Weaponry
Aside from a strong set of armor, you'll need a trusty weapon by your side to really stand out as an adventurer. Now, not all of us can have a weapon that's as flashy as my trusted fireblade. And some of you never will! But that's okay. Let's start small, with weapons that are reliable and easy to forge.
Wooden Club.png Wood.png Wooden Club: You'll definitely need some arm strength for this one. Throw together some wood and iron or lead bars at a workbench to make this ugly but effective club. I have an image to maintain, so I'd never be caught dead using this thing. But it makes for a great crowd-control tool!
Frigid Javelin.png Frigid Fragment.png Frigid Javelin: Do you live close to a snowy tundra or boreal forest? Then this weapon is perfect for you! Simply harvest some Frigid Fragments and temper them at an anvil to make this ice-cold, razor sharp weapon. Unlike other inaccurate throwing weapons (who uses those, anyway?), you can aim for precise strikes with javelins!
Bismite Crystal Staff.png Bismite Crystal.png Bismite Crystal Staff: Normally, I wouldn't recommend summoned creatures, since they love to bite me and rip up my things. But you won't have that problem with a semi-sentient poisonous rock, that's for sure. Made of Bismite Shards, it's sure to help deal with enemies for you.
Jellyfish Staff.png Coral.png Jellyfish Staff: Again, familiars and I don't get along, but this one has no teeth or claws! I suggest this little electrical buddy because you may not be strong enough to fight on your own, like I am. But keep trying, and you're maybe probably not going to get to my level! Until then, piece together this shockingly effective weapon from Coral, Starfish, and Glowsticks.
Floran Cutter.png Floran Bar.png Floran Cutter: Now, if you want a sleek, cool, and potent weapon, look no further. The caveat is that you'll need to venture into the depths of the dark Briar to harvest Floran Bars. Are you capable of doing that? Probably not! But if you do manage to luck out, throw these sharp disks along the ground and watch them cut up your foes.
Cactus Staff.png Cactus.png Cactus Staff: Would you ever think that cacti would have magical properties? I sure wouldn't! The only interaction I've had with cacti is falling straight into a pit of pricklethorns when I was a novice adventurer, like you. But I've been told that Cactus Staves are quite powerful and poisonous.
I'm barely breaking even anymore. These pieces of junk better tide me over so I can afford that solid gold statue I commissioned. Well, the people still love me. I'm sure they'll buy my book this time. Hey, why are you still here? The speech is over. Shoo!
초보자를 위한 무기류 가이드
십자군 기사 Aurelius
다음은 모험가인 십자군 기사 Aurelius Finch의 정보 제공 연설의 녹취록이다.
모두들! 십자군 기사 Aurelius가 또 왔어. 시작하기 전에 (그리고 전혀 관련이 없는 노트에서) 갑옷에 대한 마지막 가이드는 내가 원하는 만큼 잘 팔리지 않았고, 왜 그런지 전혀 모르겠어! 하지만 나의 호화로운 영웅 생활을 지원해줄 여러분들의 돈이 필요해. 그러니 여러분들의 아버지, 할머니, 어쩌면 거기에 고양이를 위해 이 새로운 무기 안내서를 사봐. 부탁해도 될까? 도움이 될 거라고 장담하지!
초보자를 위한 무기류 가이드
강력한 갑옷 세트 외에도, 모험가로서 확실히 두각을 나타내려면 믿을 수 있는 무기가 곁에 있어야 할 것이야. 자, 나의 믿음직한 파이어 블레이드만큼 화려한 무기를 우리 모두가 가질 수 있는 것은 아냐. 그리고 여러분들 중 몇몇은 절대 그렇게 되지 않을거야! 하지만 괜찮아. 믿음직스럽고 단조하기 쉬운 무기로 작은 것부터 시작해 보겠습니다.
나무 곤봉: 이 무기는 확실히 팔 힘이 필요할 거야. 나무와 쇠 또는 납 주괴로 작업대에서 못생겼지만 효과적인 곤봉을 만들 수 있지. 나는 이미지 관리 때문에 이것을 쥔 상태로 죽지 않을 거야. 하지만 그것은 훌륭한 군중 제어 도구가 될거야!
혹한의 재블린: 여러분들은 눈 덮인 툰드라나 아한대나무 숲 근처에 사는가? 그렇다면 이 무기는 여러분에게 딱 좋을거야! 그저 혹한의 파편을 얻어 모루에서 담금질하여 얼음처럼 차갑고 매우 날카로운 무기를 만들면 돼. 다른 부정확한 투척 무기들(어쨌든 이걸 사용하는 사람이 있나?)과는 달리, 여러분은 재블린으로 정밀한 타격을 노릴 수 있어!
비스마이트 수정 스태프: 보통 소환수들은 나를 물고 내 물건을 찢는 것을 좋아하기 때문에 추천하지 않을 거야. 하지만 약간의 지성이 있는 유독성 바위에는 그런 문제가 없을 거야, 확실해. 비스마이트 파편으로 만들어졌기 때문에 적을 상대하는 데 도움이 될 거야.
해파리 스태프: 다시 말하지만, 난 소환수와 친하지 않아, 하지만 이 녀석은 이빨이나 발톱이 없어! 나는 이 작은 전기 친구를 추천하지. 왜냐하면 여러분은 나처럼 혼자서 싸울 만큼 강하지 않을 수도 있기 때문이야. 하지만 계속 노력하면 아마 내 수준에 도달하지 않을까! 그때까지, 산호, 불가사리, 그리고 야광봉으로 이 충격적으로 효과적인 무기를 만들어 보라고.
플로란 커터: 자, 날렵하고, 멋지고, 강력한 무기를 원한다면, 저 멀리 볼 필요없어. 주의할 점은 여러분들이 플로란 바를 수확하기 위해서는 어두운 브라이어의 깊은 곳으로 모험을 해야 한다는 것이야. 여러분은 그것을 할 수 있을까? 아마 아닐걸! 하지만 운이 좋다면, 이 날카로운 원반을 땅을 따라 던져 적들을 베는 것을 봐봐.
선인장 스태프: 선인장이 마법의 특성을 가지고 있다고 생각해 본 적이 있습니까? 그럴 리가! 선인장과의 유일한 상호작용은 제가 풋내기 모험가였을 때 가시 돋친 구덩이에 직접 빠진 것입니다, 여러분처럼 말이죠. 하지만 선인장 지팡이는 꽤 강력하고 독이 있다고 들었습니다.
이제 겨우 손익분기점을 넘기고 있네. 내가 의뢰한 금상을 살 수 있도록 이 쓰레기 조각들이 돈을 벌어줄 거야. 그래, 사람들은 아직도 날 사랑해. 그들이 이번에 내 책을 살 거라고 확신해. 왜 아직도 여기 있어요? 연설은 끝났습니다. 쉿!
I'm barely breaking even anymore. These pieces of junk better tide me over so I can afford that solid gold statue I commissioned. Well, the people still love me. I'm sure they'll buy my book this time. Hey, why are you still here? The speech is over. Shoo!십자군 기사 Aurelius
다음은 모험가인 십자군 기사 Aurelius Finch의 정보 제공 연설의 녹취록이다.
모두들! 십자군 기사 Aurelius가 또 왔어. 시작하기 전에 (그리고 전혀 관련이 없는 노트에서) 갑옷에 대한 마지막 가이드는 내가 원하는 만큼 잘 팔리지 않았고, 왜 그런지 전혀 모르겠어! 하지만 나의 호화로운 영웅 생활을 지원해줄 여러분들의 돈이 필요해. 그러니 여러분들의 아버지, 할머니, 어쩌면 거기에 고양이를 위해 이 새로운 무기 안내서를 사봐. 부탁해도 될까? 도움이 될 거라고 장담하지!
초보자를 위한 무기류 가이드
강력한 갑옷 세트 외에도, 모험가로서 확실히 두각을 나타내려면 믿을 수 있는 무기가 곁에 있어야 할 것이야. 자, 나의 믿음직한 파이어 블레이드만큼 화려한 무기를 우리 모두가 가질 수 있는 것은 아냐. 그리고 여러분들 중 몇몇은 절대 그렇게 되지 않을거야! 하지만 괜찮아. 믿음직스럽고 단조하기 쉬운 무기로 작은 것부터 시작해 보겠습니다.
나무 곤봉: 이 무기는 확실히 팔 힘이 필요할 거야. 나무와 쇠 또는 납 주괴로 작업대에서 못생겼지만 효과적인 곤봉을 만들 수 있지. 나는 이미지 관리 때문에 이것을 쥔 상태로 죽지 않을 거야. 하지만 그것은 훌륭한 군중 제어 도구가 될거야!
혹한의 재블린: 여러분들은 눈 덮인 툰드라나 아한대나무 숲 근처에 사는가? 그렇다면 이 무기는 여러분에게 딱 좋을거야! 그저 혹한의 파편을 얻어 모루에서 담금질하여 얼음처럼 차갑고 매우 날카로운 무기를 만들면 돼. 다른 부정확한 투척 무기들(어쨌든 이걸 사용하는 사람이 있나?)과는 달리, 여러분은 재블린으로 정밀한 타격을 노릴 수 있어!
비스마이트 수정 스태프: 보통 소환수들은 나를 물고 내 물건을 찢는 것을 좋아하기 때문에 추천하지 않을 거야. 하지만 약간의 지성이 있는 유독성 바위에는 그런 문제가 없을 거야, 확실해. 비스마이트 파편으로 만들어졌기 때문에 적을 상대하는 데 도움이 될 거야.
해파리 스태프: 다시 말하지만, 난 소환수와 친하지 않아, 하지만 이 녀석은 이빨이나 발톱이 없어! 나는 이 작은 전기 친구를 추천하지. 왜냐하면 여러분은 나처럼 혼자서 싸울 만큼 강하지 않을 수도 있기 때문이야. 하지만 계속 노력하면 아마 내 수준에 도달하지 않을까! 그때까지, 산호, 불가사리, 그리고 야광봉으로 이 충격적으로 효과적인 무기를 만들어 보라고.
플로란 커터: 자, 날렵하고, 멋지고, 강력한 무기를 원한다면, 저 멀리 볼 필요없어. 주의할 점은 여러분들이 플로란 바를 수확하기 위해서는 어두운 브라이어의 깊은 곳으로 모험을 해야 한다는 것이야. 여러분은 그것을 할 수 있을까? 아마 아닐걸! 하지만 운이 좋다면, 이 날카로운 원반을 땅을 따라 던져 적들을 베는 것을 봐봐.
선인장 스태프: 선인장이 마법의 특성을 가지고 있다고 생각해 본 적이 있습니까? 그럴 리가! 선인장과의 유일한 상호작용은 제가 풋내기 모험가였을 때 가시 돋친 구덩이에 직접 빠진 것입니다, 여러분처럼 말이죠. 하지만 선인장 지팡이는 꽤 강력하고 독이 있다고 들었습니다.
이제 겨우 손익분기점을 넘기고 있네. 내가 의뢰한 금상을 살 수 있도록 이 쓰레기 조각들이 돈을 벌어줄 거야. 그래, 사람들은 아직도 날 사랑해. 그들이 이번에 내 책을 살 거라고 확신해. 왜 아직도 여기 있어요? 연설은 끝났습니다. 쉿!
2.3. 초보자를 위한 장신구 가이드(The Beginner's Guide to Accessories)
The Beginner's Guide to Accessories
by Knight-Crusader Aurelius
The following is a transcript of an informational speech made by adventurer Aurelius Finch, Knight-Crusader.
Aurelius here. Things aren't going too hot for me. The people were 'disappointed by my superiority complex' and 'excessive, almost comical indulgence'. I was stripped of my titles and- after going bankrupt- all my assets were seized. I've fallen into a pretty bad crowd now, and I'm just getting this book out there because I'm being strongarmed into endorsing their products. Is this an emotional plea to get your sympathy? Of course not! I still care about making sure you all sucee... who am I kidding? Let's get this over with.
The Beginner's Guide to Accessories
Ace of Clubs.png Ace of Diamonds.png Ace of Spades.png Ace of Hearts.png Ace Cards: Like I said, I've been approached by some pretty shady folks, and I've had to get acquainted with some dubious accessories lately. Aces are useful tools if you can land critical hits on foes. You can find them if you run across the Gambler when travelling. She sells different variations based on the moon phase. And if you see her, please tell her I sent you? Please?
Assassin's Magazine.png Assassin's Magazine: How low have I fallen? I can't believe I'm talking about items used by the same mercenaries I used to fight against. But that Bandit has eyes everywhere. If you're a long-range fighter like he is, this magazine should help you switch your ammo types quickly. I feel so much shame right now.
Arcane Necklace.png Arcane Necklace: You know what? I'm not going to live like this anymore. I hate who I've become. It's time for me to take my own advice and start adventuring again for the people I swore to protect. No more shady equipment. Instead, if you're a mage and have some Fallen Stars and chains lying around, make this pendant to fortify your magic attacks.
Leather Safeguard.png Leather Fistwraps.png Leather Striders.png Leather Equipment: I guess you and I are on the same page now. I no longer have my enchanted gear, so I'm using these pieces of equipment made from Old Leather. Yes, they're ugly. Yes, they smell. But they'll keep us safe and light out there. It's time for me to return to my roots. To slay monsters and fight for good again. If you've read all my books, I really do hope they help you and me both. Maybe I'll see you out there.
Editor's Note: The night after this transcription, Aurelius Finch vanished, leaving only a note behind. In it, he promised to become worthy once again by journeying the world and defeating monsters. His current whereabouts are unknown.
by Knight-Crusader Aurelius
The following is a transcript of an informational speech made by adventurer Aurelius Finch, Knight-Crusader.
Aurelius here. Things aren't going too hot for me. The people were 'disappointed by my superiority complex' and 'excessive, almost comical indulgence'. I was stripped of my titles and- after going bankrupt- all my assets were seized. I've fallen into a pretty bad crowd now, and I'm just getting this book out there because I'm being strongarmed into endorsing their products. Is this an emotional plea to get your sympathy? Of course not! I still care about making sure you all sucee... who am I kidding? Let's get this over with.
The Beginner's Guide to Accessories
Ace of Clubs.png Ace of Diamonds.png Ace of Spades.png Ace of Hearts.png Ace Cards: Like I said, I've been approached by some pretty shady folks, and I've had to get acquainted with some dubious accessories lately. Aces are useful tools if you can land critical hits on foes. You can find them if you run across the Gambler when travelling. She sells different variations based on the moon phase. And if you see her, please tell her I sent you? Please?
Assassin's Magazine.png Assassin's Magazine: How low have I fallen? I can't believe I'm talking about items used by the same mercenaries I used to fight against. But that Bandit has eyes everywhere. If you're a long-range fighter like he is, this magazine should help you switch your ammo types quickly. I feel so much shame right now.
Arcane Necklace.png Arcane Necklace: You know what? I'm not going to live like this anymore. I hate who I've become. It's time for me to take my own advice and start adventuring again for the people I swore to protect. No more shady equipment. Instead, if you're a mage and have some Fallen Stars and chains lying around, make this pendant to fortify your magic attacks.
Leather Safeguard.png Leather Fistwraps.png Leather Striders.png Leather Equipment: I guess you and I are on the same page now. I no longer have my enchanted gear, so I'm using these pieces of equipment made from Old Leather. Yes, they're ugly. Yes, they smell. But they'll keep us safe and light out there. It's time for me to return to my roots. To slay monsters and fight for good again. If you've read all my books, I really do hope they help you and me both. Maybe I'll see you out there.
Editor's Note: The night after this transcription, Aurelius Finch vanished, leaving only a note behind. In it, he promised to become worthy once again by journeying the world and defeating monsters. His current whereabouts are unknown.
2.4. 연금술사의 관찰(An Alchemist's Observations)
An Alchemist's Observationsby Lena Ashwood, Alchemist
After experimenting with ingredients from all around this world, I've decided to detail some of the more interesting concoctions that I've produced.
Toxin Potion.png Toxin Potion I believe I made this nasty brew from a combination of a poisonous Noxophyll and some of those strange metallic Bismite Crystals. The poisons cancelled each other out and I was left with this foul-tasting, but drinkable, substance that proves to be quite potent in battle.
Sporecoid Potion.png Sporecoid Potion After obtaining a rare sample of Glowroot from a band of field researchers, I mixed it in with Glowing Mushrooms to produce this. The field researchers told me that they were never going back to that 'freaky place', but that I could retrieve more Glowroot by cutting down giant mushroom trees. I must investigate soon.
Jump Potion.png Jump Potion It was one of those days where I decided to throw stuff in a pot at random to see what would happen. Who would've thought that Pink Gel and Daybloom would cause me to feel so giddy! After downing this sweet stuff, I was jumping for joy- and jumping much higher than I normally would, too.
Zephyr Potion.png Zephyr Potion I couldn't help but notice an interesting new herb sprouting up in patches everywhere. I thought there might be some connection to the islands above, so I combined it some Clouds and Harpy Feathers ,and rather recklessly drank the concoction. I felt as light as the air! Perhaps the aerial properties of this stalk are to be studied further...
2.5. 식사 배달(Meals on Wheels)
Meals on Wheelsby Explorer Trev Irwin
Despite the lack of cravings in this place, that won't stop us gettin' absolutely chockers' ey? Oddly enough, full course meals are a regular thing to find in most dead buggers, fresh and hot too - tell that to ya closet mate and they'll think you're off to chops! Sane or not, I've noted down some sources for ya, so get ya runners on and your magical sword of death and destruction in your favorite hand, ready for a good hunt.
Hummus.png Hummus: Travelling the desert unprepared could lead some shifty bandits to jump ya! Fortunately, it wasn't me. Unfortunately, it was some other wandering bloke. Dealin' with them proper rewarded me with a bowl of 'hummus' from their wrappings remains - that's what the turban bloke calls it, anyway. Think he sells dye or sum'n. Goes well on any sanger!
Meatballs.png Meatballs: This place is rather cute compared to my home, smell included. Although, can't say I expected an angry rotting meatball to gun me down. After kindly telling it to rack off with my knife, its interiors revealed a fresh plate of meatballs. The irony couldn't be higher. After debating it, I gave it a chomp and it seemed solid enough, so you don't have to worry about spending your day on the dunny after having some.
Popsicle.png Popsicle: Going to the tundra during a storm is not a great vacation plan, especially when the locals are dissocial and probably want you dead. One entered the cave I snuggled in, and frankly never left. Bored, an idea popped into my head and a skinner in my hand. I gave one of its toothpicks some good whacks and it magically turned into a popsicle after hitting the floor with a poof, stick and all! Sadly it melted quick near my campfire, along with the buggers' remains and my mood.