Discography {{{#!wiki style="margin:0 0.5%; display:inline-block; color: #FFF; min-width: 30%" {{{#!folding [ 발매 음반 ] | <table bordercolor=#000><table bgcolor=#fff> | |||||
[[The Cab#정규 1집《Whisper War》| Whisper War ]]{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; padding: 4px 5px; border-radius: 5px; background: #555; font-size: .8em" (2008/04/29) | [[The Cab#미니 1집《The Lady Luck》| The Lady Luck ]]{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; padding: 4px 5px; border-radius: 5px; background: #555; font-size: .8em" (2009/06/30) | [[The Cab#정규 2집《Symphony Soldier》| Symphony Soldier ]]{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; padding: 4px 5px; border-radius: 5px; background: #555; font-size: .8em" (2011/08/23) | [[The Cab#미니 2집《Lock Me Up》| Lock Me Up ]]{{{#!wiki style="display: inline; padding: 4px 5px; border-radius: 5px; background: #555; font-size: .8em" (2014/04/29) |
<colbgcolor=#000000,#010101><colcolor=#ffffff,#dddddd> 더 캡 The Cab | |
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구성원 | 알렉산더 델리온(Alexander DeLeon): 리드 보컬 조이 썬더(Joey Thunder): 베이스 데이브 브릭스(Dave Briggs): 드럼 챈트리 존슨(Chantry Johnson): 기타, 서브 보컬 |
국적 | |
소속사 | 퓨얼드 바이 라멘(Fueled by Ramen LLC) |
데뷔 | 2007년 정규 1집 Whisper War |
활동 기간 | 2004년 ~ [1] |
관련 사이트 | 공식 웹사이트 공식 유튜브 |
1. 개요2. 멤버
2.1. 알렉산더 델리온 (Alexander DeLeon)2.2. 조이 썬더(Joey Thunder)2.3. 데이브 브릭스(Dave Briggs)2.4. 챈트리 존슨(Chantry Johnson)
3. 활동4. 수상 실적5. 음반5.1. 정규 1집《Whisper War》
5.1.1. One of THOSE Nights5.1.2. Bounce5.1.3. I'll Run5.1.4. High Hopes In Velvet Ropes5.1.5. That '70s Song5.1.6. Take My hand5.1.7. Risky Business5.1.8. I'm a Wonder5.1.9. Zzzzz5.1.10. Vegas Skies5.1.11. Can You Keep a Secret?5.1.12. This City is Contagious
5.2. 미니 1집《The Lady Luck》5.2.1. Take My Hand5.2.2. I Am Who I Am5.2.3. Diamonds Are Forever5.2.4. I'll Run5.2.5. I Want to Break Free5.2.6. Lights
5.3. 정규 2집《Symphony Soldier》5.3.1. Angel With a Shotgun5.3.2. Temporary Bliss5.3.3. Bad5.3.4. Animal5.3.5. Intoxicated5.3.6. La La5.3.7. Her Love Is My Religion5.3.8. Another Me5.3.9. Grow Up and Be Kids5.3.10. Lovesick Fool5.3.11. Living Louder5.3.12. La La (Goldhouse Remix)5.3.13. La La (Feelgud Remix)
5.4. 미니 2집《Lock Me Up》[clearfix]
1. 개요
<rowcolor=#ffffff> 어쿠스틱 버전 Angel With a Shotgun |
2004년에 설립되어 2008년 4월 29일에 '''Whisper War' 앨범으로 데뷔한 미국의 록 밴드이다.
2014년 4월 25일에 주요 멤버였던 알렉스 마샬이 탈퇴한 후에 2014년 4월 29일에 앨범 'Lock Me Up'이 발매되었고 메인 보컬인 알렉산더 델리온이 2015년 11월에 Bohnes라는 활동명으로 솔로 활동을 시작하면서 현재 밴드는 휴식 상태이다. 2019년에 진행한 인터뷰에서 알렉산더 델리온은 언젠가는 The Cab이 다시 활동할 수 있는 날이 올 것이라고 밝혔다.
2. 멤버
2.1. 알렉산더 델리온 (Alexander DeLeon)
<colbgcolor=#dddddd,#010101><colcolor=#000000,#dddddd> 알렉스 Alex | |
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본명 | 알렉산더 마이클 델리온(Alexander Michael DeLeon) |
출생 | 1989년 4월 8일 ([age(1989-04-08)]세), 미국 네바다 주 라스베이거스 |
국적 | |
신체 | 173cm |
학력 | 리버티 고등학교 (졸업) |
포지션 | 리드 보컬 |
SNS | 인스타그램 |
2.2. 조이 썬더(Joey Thunder)
<colbgcolor=#dddddd,#010101><colcolor=#000000,#dddddd> 조이 썬더 Joey Thunder | |
| |
본명 | 조이 썬더(Joey Thunder) |
출생 | 1989년 8월 28일 ([age(1989-08-28)]세) |
국적 | |
포지션 | 베이스 |
2.3. 데이브 브릭스(Dave Briggs)
<colbgcolor=#dddddd,#010101><colcolor=#000000,#dddddd> 데이브 브릭스 Dave Briggs | |
| |
본명 | 데이브 브릭스(Dave Briggs) |
출생 | 미국 로스앤젤레스 |
국적 | |
포지션 | 드럼 |
2.4. 챈트리 존슨(Chantry Johnson)
<colbgcolor=#dddddd,#010101><colcolor=#000000,#dddddd> 챈트리 존슨 Chantry Johnson | |
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본명 | 챈트리 존슨(Chantry Johnson) |
출생 | 1990년 3월 28일 ([age(1990-03-28)]세), 미국 캘리포니아 |
국적 | |
포지션 | 기타, 서브 보컬 |
3. 활동
3.1. 2000년도
- 2004년, 고등학교 친구 사이였던 알렉스 델리온과 캐쉬 콜리건(Cash Colligan)[2]이 밴드를 결성했다.
- 2005년 말, 이안 크로포드(Ian Crawford, 기타), 폴 가르시아(Paul Garcia, 기타), 알렉스 마샬(Alex Marshall, 기타/피아노), 그리고 알렉스 존슨(Alex Johnson, 드럼)을 영입하고, 라스베이거스 The Alley에서 첫 공연을 하면서 정식 밴드가 되었다.
- 2008년 02월, 위스콘신 주에서 타고 가던 밴이 뒤집혔지만 다행히 다친 사람은 없었다. 그저 한 번의 투어를 놓쳤을 뿐이다.
- 2008년 04월 29일, 1번째 앨범인 Whisper War를 발매했다.
- 2009년 06월 01일, 리드 보컬인 알렉산더 델리온은 자신의 블로그에 기타 담당 이안 크로포드가 밴드에서 탈퇴했다는 소식을 알렸다. 그리고 친구인 브라이언 도슨(Bryan Dawson)이 대신하게 되었다.
- 2009년 08월 19일, 베이스 담당 캐쉬 콜리건이 밴드에서 탈퇴했다.
3.2. 2010년도
- 2010년 01월 16일, 브라이언 도슨이 아빠가 되어 밴드에서 탈퇴했다.
- 2010년 여름, 기타 연주자 챈트리 존슨이 캐쉬 콜리건의 빈 자리를 대신한다.
- 2011년 08월 23일, 2집 앨범 Symphony Soldier를 발매했다.
- 2011년 08월, 2번째 기타 연주자인 프랭크 시도리스(Frank Sidoris)를, 드럼의 데이브 브릭스(Dave Briggs)를 영입했다.
- 2014년 04월 25일, 기타 및 피아노 담당 알렉스 마샬이 밴드에서 탈퇴했다.
- 2014년 04월 29일, 미니 2집 Lock Me Up을 발매했다.
- 이후 알렉산더 델리온은 인터뷰에서 밴드가 중단되고 솔로로 활동한다고 밝혔다.
"However, at the moment I just really need to figure out who I am and who I have become. It is insanely different being a solo artist because there is zero artistic compromise. One of both the pros and cons of being in a band is the number of opinions and creative outlooks but when you are a solo artist it all rests on your shoulders. If you succeed it’s because of what you did and created. If you fail it’s also on you. There’s a challenge that I love about being a solo artist. It is extremely difficult and lonely at times, but you can’t get to know yourself or figure out who you are if you never take a look in that mirror. I miss the boys in The Cab deeply and I am sure one of these days we will get together and create and maybe jump around onstage like old times."
"하지만 지금 이 순간에는 제 자신이 누구이고 어떤 존재가 되었는지 알아야 합니다. 예술적인 타협이란 게 전혀 없기 때문에 1인 아티스트가 되기란 말이 안될 정도로 다른 겁니다. 밴드에 속해 있을 때의 장단점 중 하나는 멤버 각자의 의견과 관점이 있다는 것이지만, 혼자가 된다면 모든 것이 스스로에게 달려있는 것입니다. 여러분이 성공한다면 그건 당신이 해낸 것이고 그렇게 만든 것입니다. 실패하는 것도 자신에게 달린 일이죠. 1인 아티스트의 길 위에는 제가 좋아하는 도전이 있습니다. 무척 어렵고 외롭겠지만 자신을 있는 그대로 보지 않는다면 스스로가 누구인지 알 수 없을 겁니다. 저는 The Cab 친구들이 너무 보고 싶습니다. 지금은 아니지만 언젠가는 그때처럼 같이 무대 위를 뛰어다닐 거라고 확신합니다."
{{{#!wiki style="float:right"
출처: All Access Music Group, Inc}}}"하지만 지금 이 순간에는 제 자신이 누구이고 어떤 존재가 되었는지 알아야 합니다. 예술적인 타협이란 게 전혀 없기 때문에 1인 아티스트가 되기란 말이 안될 정도로 다른 겁니다. 밴드에 속해 있을 때의 장단점 중 하나는 멤버 각자의 의견과 관점이 있다는 것이지만, 혼자가 된다면 모든 것이 스스로에게 달려있는 것입니다. 여러분이 성공한다면 그건 당신이 해낸 것이고 그렇게 만든 것입니다. 실패하는 것도 자신에게 달린 일이죠. 1인 아티스트의 길 위에는 제가 좋아하는 도전이 있습니다. 무척 어렵고 외롭겠지만 자신을 있는 그대로 보지 않는다면 스스로가 누구인지 알 수 없을 겁니다. 저는 The Cab 친구들이 너무 보고 싶습니다. 지금은 아니지만 언젠가는 그때처럼 같이 무대 위를 뛰어다닐 거라고 확신합니다."
{{{#!wiki style="float:right"
4. 수상 실적
<rowcolor=#ffffff> 날짜 | 내용 | 출처 | 앨범 / 곡명 |
2007. 09. | Top 100 Hot Report - 75위 | Blender | |
2008. 05. 07. | US Billboard 200 - 108위 | US Billboard | Whisper War |
2008. 05. 07. | Billboard Heatseekers Albums - 1위 | Billboard | Whisper War |
2008. 10. 30. | US Billboard Pop 100 Chart - 69위 | US Billboard | Bounce |
2010. 04. 22. | The Band You Need to Know 2008 | Alternative Press | |
2011. 07. 18. | Masterpiece | AbsolutePunk[3] | Symphony Soldier |
2011. 08. 23. | 100 Bands You Need to Know in 2010 | Alternative Press |
5. 음반
5.1. 정규 1집《Whisper War》
정규 1집 Whisper War | |||||||
발매일 : 2008. 04. 29 | |||||||
트랙 | 곡명 | 작사 | 작곡 | 편곡 | 가수 | 길이 | |
1 | One of THOSE Nights | 3:48 | |||||
2 | Bounce | 3:34 | |||||
3 | I'll Run | 3:46 | |||||
4 | High Hopes In Velvet Ropes | 3:22 | |||||
5 | That '70s Song | 3:33 | |||||
6 | Take My Hand | 3:27 | |||||
7 | Risky Business | 3:35 | |||||
8 | I'm a Wonder | 3:32 | |||||
9 | Zzzzz | 3:38 | |||||
10 | Vegas Skies | 4:37 | |||||
11 | Can You Keep a Secret? | 3:50 | |||||
12 | This City is Contagious | 3:36 | |||||
구입 | |||||||
Amazon | |||||||
스트리밍 | |||||||
지니 벅스 멜론 Spotify Apple Music Amazon Music |
5.1.1. One of THOSE Nights
가사 | ||
{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | I've been let loose and now I'm crawling up the walls Word is I got away and now I must be caught Don't leave Take it from me, I'll be more than a King (I can't take that, I can't take that) I'm going crazy and I've been awake for days My mirrors are stained with painted portraits of your face Don't Leave Take it from me, you're my dirty disease (I can't take that, I can't take that) My flat line inhibition Is my ammunition I'm just fighting to get by Just spit me some direction I'll be your infection How could you leave me behind? I'm a mess and you're worse Just give me time to give you a waste of time One of those nights When you leave me for no reason I'll give you a reason If seconds heal all wounds I'll put these tips on you I brought apologies wrapped tight in a bouquet Just to find out that my face had been replaced Deceived It was a breeze I was tossed to the streets (I can't take that, I can't take that) My flat line inhibition Is my ammunition I'm just fighting to get by Just spit me some direction I'll be your infection How could you leave me behind? I'm a mess and you're worse Just give me time to give you a waste of time One of those nights When you leave me for no reason I'll give you a reason I'm a mess and you're worse Just give me time to give you a waste of time One of those nights When you leave me for no reason I'll give you a reason If seconds heal all wounds I'll put these tips on you When faith is left to prove It's all you have to lose I'm a mess and you're worse Just give me time to give you a waste of time One of those nights When you leave me for no reason I'll give you a reason I'm a mess and you're worse Just give me time to give you a waste of time One of those nights When you leave me for no reason I'll give you a reason | }}} |
5.1.2. Bounce
가사 | ||
{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | The lips that skip Are the lips that press And the lips that leak Seem to know you best I put bodies into motion Get this skin out in the open Liars turn me on Bedspread bandit since '89 You wear your heart on your sleeve I threw mine to the sky Bounce, bounce, baby bounce back to me (You don't need this) Bounce, bounce, baby bounce back to me (You don't need this) This is it, call it quits with honesty (You don't need this) Every word is a curse Let it loose on me Your mouth, it moves But fails to speak And when you use your lips They better be on me The lies that tied Your tongue in knots Are the words that grew To hit my spots So filthy Dialed desire Swallow pride but spit out fire Liars turn me on Bedspread bandit since '89 You wear your heart on your sleeve I threw mine to the sky Bounce, bounce, baby bounce back to me (You don't need this) Bounce, bounce, baby bounce back to me (You don't need this) This is it, call it quits with honesty (You don't need this) Every word is a curse Let it loose on me Your mouth, it moves But fails to speak And when you use your lips They better be on me Bounce, bounce, baby (Bounce, bounce, baby) Bounce, bounce, baby (Bounce, bounce, baby) So filthy Dialed desire Swallow pride but spit out fire Liars turn me on Bounce, bounce, baby bounce back to me (You don't need this) Bounce, bounce, baby bounce back to me (You don't need this) This is it, call it quits with honesty (You don't need this) Every word is a curse Let it loose on me Your mouth, it moves But fails to speak And when you use your lips They better be on me | }}} |
5.1.3. I'll Run
가사 | ||
{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | I can see it in your eyes you're scared All these things they force you to do aren't fair I'm here to chase away these tears Baby, we can chase away these fears Because sometimes, baby, you fall on your back But girl, you're three times a lady I'll ever have You know, you know it's true This is a fight I refuse to lose And I'll run Have a little faith in me You're scared and alone And I'll run This is where we both break free I'll bring you home, you home, you home I can hear it in your voice you care Let me run my fingers in and through your hair I'll keep you company at night And baby, I'm here to make this right Because sometimes, baby, you fall on your back But girl, you're three times a lady I'll ever have You know, you know it's true This is a fight I refuse to lose And I'll run Have a little faith in me You're scared and alone And I'll run This is where we both break free I'll bring you home, you home, you home Believe me and don't think twice And don't leave me or say goodbye Believe me, believe me tonight Believe me and don't think twice Believe me And I'll run Have a little faith in me You're scared and alone And I'll run Have a little faith in me You're scared and alone And I'll run This is where we both break free I'll bring you home you home you home Have a little faith in me Have a little faith in me Have a little faith in me If you have a little faith in me | }}} |
5.1.4. High Hopes In Velvet Ropes
가사 | ||
{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | And baby take it off, checkered thighs on a pretty pawn This vicious velvet ain't enough So baby make a move, my neon eyes are set on you The devil's language tastes of lust Tell me what can I say (What can I say? What can I say?) To make your body come this way? (Won't you come this way?) We're only two in a crowded room (A crowded room, a crowded room) Where others fade away (Others fade away) It's only a crime if I get caught Only if I, if I get caught It's only a line if it gets bought I woke up 12:05, I left that room with no goodbye And now I'm on my way back home That's why I'm telling you it's not that your lipstick failed But girl I was just born to bail, do it better on my own Tell me what can I say (What can I say? What can I say?) To make your body come this way? (Won't you come this way?) We're only two in a crowded room (A crowded room, a crowded room) Where others fade away (Others fade away) It's only a crime if I get caught Only if I, if I get caught It's only a line if it gets bought It's the same game I play till the give becomes the take (What can I say? What can I say?) It's the same game I play till the bend The bend becomes the break And baby take it off, checkered thighs on a pretty pawn This vicious velvet ain't enough So baby make a move, my neon eyes are set on you The devil's language tastes of lust It's only a line if it gets bought It's the same game I play till the give becomes the take (What can I say? What can I say?) It's the same game I play till the give becomes the take (Won't you come this way?) It's the same game I play till the give becomes the take (What can I say? What can I say?) It's the same game I play till the bend The bend becomes the break | }}} |
5.1.5. That '70s Song
가사 | ||
{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | And lately I've been walking From all these places that I cannot stand I guess it's just my history talking Or I'm refusing to supply your demands You say the storm will pass We'll work it out The road can get a little rough sometimes I'll move it fast without a doubt Our hearts will beat in separate rooms tonight But tonight Baby, we belong alone Guess my second chance is blown Baby, we belong alone I got another you at home Baby, we belong alone, alone And lately you've been knocking But I never really listened or cared 'Cause when I told you I was walking I was reeling her in with my stare You say the storm will pass We'll work it out The road can get a little rough sometimes I'll move it fast without a doubt Our hearts will beat in separate rooms tonight But tonight Baby, we belong alone Guess my second chance is blown Baby, we belong alone I got another you at home Baby, we belong alone, alone Baby, we belong alone Guess my second chance is blown Baby, we belong alone I got another you at home Baby, we belong alone Guess my second chance is blown Baby, we belong alone I got another you at home Baby, we belong alone, alone | }}} |
5.1.6. Take My hand
가사 | ||
{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | Calm your nerves now And don't worry, just breathe Are you sure now? Don't bother packing, let's just leave All of them say they wanna change I hope that you remain the same To show that this is not a game Let's end this tragedy today Now take my hand and we will run away Down to this place that I know How did this night become the enemy? It's over, it's over, it's over Lay down with me and let me hold you Baby, just breathe This is ending We will get through eventually All of them say they wanna change I hope that you remain the same To show that this is not a game We'll end this tragedy today Now take my hand and we will run away Down to this place that I know How did this night become the enemy? It's over, it's over, it's over Now take my hand and we will run away Down to this place that I know How did this night become the enemy? It's over, it's over, it's over We won't be a part of We won't be a part of this We won't be a part of We won't, we won't Take my hand and we will run away Down to this place that I know How did this night become the enemy? It's over, it's over, it's over Now take my hand and we will run away Down to this place that I know How did this night become the enemy? It's over, it's over, it's over Take my hand and we will run away Down to this place that I know How did this night become the enemy? It's over, it's over, it's over now We won't be a part of We won't be a part of this We won't be a part of We won't, we won't | }}} |
5.1.7. Risky Business
가사 | ||
{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | Hide the key 'cause I'm coming over To settle the score, whoa, whoa Don't forget how well I know you Stop asking and keep dancing You don't stand a chance, girl You'll fall apart Start talking with your hands, girl You'll have to start over, over again Baby, I'll come up and call you out Maybe next time you should turn around Over, over again And put, put, put Your heart where your mouth is And put, put, put Your heart where your mouth is now Hide the key 'cause I'm coming over To settle the score, whoa Stop asking and keep dancing You think that I am blind, girl My eyes are always floating in your mind, girl You'll have to start over, over again Maybe I'm the one who plays the game Maybe I tend to make the same mistake Over, over again Baby, you should put, put, put Your heart where your mouth is And put, put, put Your heart where your mouth is now Hide the key 'cause I'm coming over To settle the score, whoa Don't forget how well I know you I'll take, take, take, take you down Stop asking and keep dancing Stop asking and keep dancing I'm talking about change You really wanna see the rain But if you wanna see Then you need to settle down We're talking about change You really wanna see the rain But if you wanna see Then you need to settle down, down, down, down Hide the key 'cause I'm coming over To settle the score, whoa Don't forget how well I know you I'll take, take, take, take you down Stop asking and keep dancing Stop asking and keep dancing | }}} |
5.1.8. I'm a Wonder
가사 | ||
{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | I came, you went Was there something I should have said? I'm sure that isn't I'm supposed to know If I could be myself for just a minute And I could make her pleased with myself in this relationship Now all I want is a moment alone Without you, without you Time out but keep the tapes rolling Just in case I say anything brilliant Time out but keep those cameras rolling Just in case I don't look this good forever Like hell I'm spent You were someone I shouldn't have met For your own sake let's take my side for once If I could be myself for just a minute And I could make her pleased with myself in this relationship Now all I want is a moment alone Without you, without you Time out but keep the tapes rolling Just in case I say anything brilliant Time out but keep those cameras rolling Just in case I don't look this good forever I'm sure that isn't I'm supposed to know Time out but keep those cameras rolling Just in case I don't look this good forever Time out but keep those tapes rolling Just in case I say anything brilliant | }}} |
5.1.9. Zzzzz
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | And I'm up, down, I'm spinning around High and dry and kicked to the ground I'm lost and I'll never be found My lips were much too shy The lines about you they never rhymed You said I never get things right (I never said I was the best thing for you) But baby where'd you go? I need you here tonight Singing myself to sleep You're still my favorite melody It's been three weeks How long can this go on? Singing myself to sleep You're haunting every memory Get out, goodbye, get out of my life Goodnight And you're hot, cold, you're better than my bones You run while I lose control I miss you, forever you'll stay gold And you know I'm not getting by I've lost it, you're in my mind And every day's the darkest of my life (I never said I was the best thing for you) But baby where'd you go? I need you here tonight Singing myself to sleep You're still my favorite melody It's been three weeks How long can this go on? Singing myself to sleep You're haunting every memory Get out, goodbye, get out of my life 'Cause I'm drowning (When I close my eyes) And I'm falling (I can't breathe tonight) End of story, I fade to black inside (I never said I was the best thing for you) 'Cause I'm drowning (When I close my eyes) And I'm falling (I can't breathe tonight) End of story, I fade to black inside Singing myself to sleep You're still my favorite melody It's been three weeks How long can this go on? Singing myself to sleep You're haunting every memory Get out, goodbye, get out of my life 'Cause I'm drowning When I close my eyes And I'm falling I can't breathe tonight End of story, I fade to black inside | }}} |
5.1.10. Vegas Skies
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | It's twelve o'clock and I need your attention It's like the alcohol making my head spin The sand is a wall, the room is a bottle Keeping me hopeless till I wake tomorrow And if tonight ever makes a difference The way that I feel, the way that I'll remember it I'll take this down till the glass remains Swallow the words that I was meant to say It's a long drive back to Vegas skies So why don't I make one more wrong turn tonight So say goodnight, our first goodbye I've only got forever and forever is fine Just take your time, we'll stop the clock together And know that the timing was right All of these guards they stand tall and defensive Putting up walls around what once was innocent Won't let me in but I'm stronger than that 'Cause you stole my eyes and I'll never look back Girl, last night I forgot to mention The way that I feel, the way that I'll remember this When we're this young we have nothing to lose Just a clock to beat and a hand to choose It's a long drive back to Vegas skies So why don't I make one more wrong turn tonight So say goodnight, our first goodbye I've only got forever and forever is fine Just take your time, we'll stop the clock together And know that the timing was right It's a long way down And just fall into place And you'll fall into me We'll make it out, you'll see So say goodnight, our first goodbye I've only got forever and forever is fine Just take your time, we'll stop the clock together And say goodnight, our first goodbye I've only got forever and forever is fine Just take your time, we'll stop the clock together And know that the timing was right | }}} |
5.1.11. Can You Keep a Secret?
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | It's true that I'm a silver shadow And that you are always on my mind You, you need to get over here We'll disappear Your secret's safe And no one has to know I'm your getaway And a little bit more than you could take I can make everything feel so damn good I could have sworn we danced right here tonight Come on dance with me Come on and dance with me baby And don't you know I'm just here tonight? You wanna dance with me You wanna dance with me all night Nobody there will ever see your eyes Don't talk, don't walk, just the two of us Dance with me, dance with me Come on and dance with me, dance with me baby Soon we're heading to a place where I'll prove I'm all you want and more And you need to let it unfold Just like you're told Your secret's safe And no one has to know I'm your getaway And a little bit more than you could take I can make everything feel so good I could have sworn we danced right here tonight Come on dance with me Come on and dance with me baby And don't you know I'm just here tonight? You wanna dance with me You wanna dance with me all night Nobody there will ever see your eyes Don't talk, don't walk, just the two of us Dance with me, dance with me Come on and dance with me, dance with me baby Soon we're heading to a place where I'll prove I'm all you want and more And you need to let it unfold Just like you're told Your secret's safe And no one has to know I'm your getaway And a little bit more than you could take I can make everything feel so good I could have sworn we danced right here tonight Come on dance with me Come on and dance with me baby And don't you know I'm just here tonight? You wanna dance with me You wanna dance with me all night Nobody there will ever see your eyes Don't talk, don't walk, just the two of us Dance with me, dance with me Come on and dance with me, dance with me baby Good, good, feel so damn good, good | }}} |
5.1.12. This City is Contagious
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | The word is out, this town can hardly breathe The air is filled with dust and dying dreams Attaching wings to all the sights We're making sure these buildings fly We've worked too hard to leave without a fight Go ahead and tell everyone you know We stole the show Right now this town is for the taking We'll bring neon to its knees Our time to shine beyond the pavement We got everything we need So turn the music up You're hearing more than sound Right now this town is for the taking And it's all we'll ever need The word is out, this town it never sleeps A feeding ground for those who still believe Kissing curbs to bide our time On this last night to feel alive We will never leave this place behind Go ahead and tell everyone you know We stole the show Right now this town is for the taking We'll bring neon to its knees Our time to shine beyond the pavement We got everything we need So turn the music up You're hearing more than sound Right now this town is for the taking And it's all we'll ever need Make us, this city's contagious Caught inside its pages, we are leaving it all Hate us, it'll only save us Stronger than we came up, we are leaving it all Make us, this city's contagious Caught inside its pages, we are leaving it all Hate us, it'll only save us (Right now this town is for the taking) (We'll bring neon to its knees) Stronger than we came up, we are leaving it all (Our time to shine beyond the pavement) (We got everything we need) Right now this town is for the taking We'll bring neon to its knees Our time to shine beyond the pavement We got everything we need So turn the music up (So turn the music up) You're hearing more than sound (You're hearing more than sound) Right now this town is for the taking And it's all we'll ever need | }}} |
5.2. 미니 1집《The Lady Luck》
미니 1집 The Lady Luck | |||||||
발매일 : 2009. 06. 30 | |||||||
트랙 | 곡명 | 작사 | 작곡 | 편곡 | 가수 | 길이 | |
1 | Take My Hand | 3:41 | |||||
2 | I Am Who I Am | 3:39 | |||||
3 | Diamonds Are Forever | 3:13 | |||||
4 | I'll Run | 4:42 | |||||
5 | I Want to Break Free | 3:54 | |||||
6 | Lights | 3:46 | |||||
스트리밍 | |||||||
Amazon Music Spotify Anghami |
5.2.1. Take My Hand
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | Calm your nerves now Don't worry, just breathe Are you sure now? Don't bother packing, let's just leave Said they wanted change I hope that you remain the same To show that this is not a game Let's end this tragedy today Now take my hand and we will run away Down to this place that I know How did this night become the enemy? It's over, it's over, it's over Lay down with me Let me hold you, baby just breathe This is ending We will get through eventually Said they wanted change I hope that you remain the same To show that this is not a game We'll end this tragedy today Now take my hand and we will run away Down to this place that I know How did this night become the enemy? It's over, it's over, it's over Take my hand and we will run away Down to this place that I know And did this night become the enemy? It's over, it's over, it's over now We won't be a part of We won't be a part of this We won't be a part of We won't be a part of this We won't be a part of We won't be a part of this We won't be a part of We won't, we won't Take my hand and we will run away Down to this place that I know How did this night become the enemy? It's over, it's over, it's over Now take my hand and we will run away Down to this place that I know How did this night become the enemy? It's over, it's over, it's over Take my hand and we will run away Down to this place that I know How did this night become the enemy? It's over, it's over, it's over now We won't be a part of We won't be a part of this We won't be a part of We won't, we won't | }}} |
5.2.2. I Am Who I Am
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | I write songs, not my wrongs You can say bye, but don't consider me gone Cause I'll stay where I stand You're like an hour glass that needs more sand. And how can I trust anyone else when I can barely trust myself? I write songs, baby, not my wrongs, baby I win, you lose, same song, baby! I am who I am! You know I bend the truth, I break it too. I am who I am! You know I care for you, but not enough to let you go (Go, go) x3 Not enough to let you go (Go, go) x3 Not enough to let you go! (I, I am who I, I am) I confess all the rest Caused a wreck in my chest, made a mess Cupid crashed, now he's back! Girl, if you want me you can only have half! how can I trust anyone else when I can barely trust myself? I write songs, baby, not my wrongs, baby I win, you lose, same song, baby! I am who I am! You know I bend the truth, I break it too. (Come on!) I am who I am! You know I care for you, but not enough to let you go (Let's go!) (Go, go) x3 Not enough to let you go (Go, go) x3 Not enough to let you go! (Oh yeah!) Eloquent: Cmon, let's go! Yeah, yeah, yeah The Cab (Yeaahh) ELOQUENT! Bringin' the house down, let's drive 'em crazy Over the top, rock the hands up, baby Full of agression and attention lately I'm rollin' with The Cab, that's money PAY ME! Lately, you've been pretty hard to hang cause we go back and forth just like a boomerang (I'm sayin') I don't know how well you'll take this Secrets won't leak, like what happens in Vegas Face it, you're the one who starts the fights - screaming loud until your face turn red like brake lights Balancing the scale on the wrong and rights But you're the first one I call on my lonely nights And baby, baby, this ain't fair I'm Eloquent and I ain't going nowhere This love affair got plenty of flaws But I'm never gonna ch-ch-change because (The Cab) I am who I am You know I bend the truth, I break it too. And I am who I am! You know I care for you, but not enough to let you go (Go, go) x3 Not enough to let you go (Go, go) x3 Not enough to let you go! | }}} |
5.2.3. Diamonds Are Forever
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | Don't stop Just gotta face it Too young and living a lie Eyes lock Can you taste that? Your heart's numb 'Cause you've been paralyzed Here's two words for you Break up All you want from him is everything But he's no happy ever after I'm not saying that I'm the one But these hips sure move faster Now go, say goodbye Like Prince said Forever, forever is a mighty long time Forever, forever is a mighty long time 'Cause I can wait For you to run my way Forever be mine Heartbreak You make it too easy Don't you see it's a mistake? Spilled words Were meant to stun you Whiplash It's time to fly away Here's two words for you Break up All you want from him is everything But he's no happy ever after I'm not saying that I'm the one But these hips sure move faster Now go, say goodbye Like Prince said Forever, forever is a mighty long time Forever, forever is a mighty long time 'Cause I can wait For you to run my way Forever be mine Forever, forever is a mighty long time Forever, forever is a mighty long time 'Cause I can wait For you to run my way Forever be mine Forever, forever is a mighty long time Forever, forever is a mighty long time 'Cause I can wait For you to run my way Forever be mine | }}} |
5.2.4. I'll Run
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | I can see it in your eyes you're scared All these things they force you to do aren't fair I'm here to chase away these tears Baby, we can chase away these fears Because sometimes, baby, you fall on your back But girl, you're three times a lady I'll ever have You know, you know it's true This is a fight I refuse to lose And I'll run Have a little faith in me You're scared and alone And I'll run This is where we both break free I'll bring you home, you home, you home I can hear it in your voice you care Let me run my fingers in and through your hair I'll keep you company at night And baby, I'm here to make this right Because sometimes, baby, you fall on your back But girl, you're three times a lady I'll ever have You know, you know it's true This is a fight I refuse to lose And I'll run Have a little faith in me You're scared and alone And I'll run This is where we both break free I'll bring you home, you home, you home Believe me and don't think twice And don't leave me or say goodbye Believe me, believe me tonight Believe me and don't think twice Believe me And I'll run Have a little faith in me You're scared and alone And I'll run Have a little faith in me You're scared and alone And I'll run This is where we both break free I'll bring you home you home you home Have a little faith in me Have a little faith in me Have a little faith in me If you have a little faith in me | }}} |
5.2.5. I Want to Break Free
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | I want to break free I want to break free from your lies You're so self-satisfied I don't need you I've got to break free God knows God knows I want to break free I've fallen in love I've fallen in love for the first time And this time I know it's for real I've fallen in love God knows God knows I've fallen in love It's strange but it's true I can't get over the way You love me like you do But I have to be sure When I walk out that door Oh, how I want to be free, baby Oh, how I want to be free, yeah Oh, I want to break free But life still goes on I can't get used to living without Living without, living without you By my side I don't want to live alone God knows got to make it on my own So, baby, can't you see? I've got to break free I've got to break free I want to break free I can't get used to living without Living without, living without you Living without, living without Living without you I can't get used to living without Living without, living without you | }}} |
5.2.6. Lights
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | Now it's time to leave the lights And hope that the future is just as bright Please think of me back home So, so close I planted all my songs with seeds In hopes that they would be my escape From my, my life I never read machines You pushed me to succeed I won't be gone for, for long, long, long, long I'm more than just a product I'm not a clever line you thought of You gotta save that for someone who cares Now it's time to leave the lights And hope that the future is just as bright Please think of me back home I'm so, I'm so close And even though I'm so far gone Know that I've grown With one last song A piece of me to hold So, so close We are so, so close Come and take a walk with me We'll slither up my sleeves This isn't lust This is, is more, more, more, more We're months and miles away from dreams We're swallowing this scene This love tells No, no, no No, no, no, no I'm more than just a product I'm not a clever line you thought of You gotta save that for someone who cares Now it's time to leave the lights And hope that the future is just as bright Please think of me back home I'm so, I'm so close And even though I'm so far gone Know that I've grown With one last song A piece of me to hold So, so close We are so, so close Don't, don't Don't, don't You wanna be Don't, don't Don't, don't You wanna be Don't, don't Don't, don't You wanna be So, so close to me? Now it's time to leave the lights And hope that the future is just as bright Please think of me back home I'm so, I'm so close And even though I'm so far gone Know that I've grown With one last song A piece of me to hold So, so close We are so, so close The End | }}} |
5.3. 정규 2집《Symphony Soldier》
정규 2집 Symphony Soldier | |||||||
발매일 : 2011. 08. 23 | |||||||
트랙 | 곡명 | 작사 | 작곡 | 편곡 | 가수 | 길이 | |
1 | Angel With a Shotgun | 3:43 | |||||
2 | Temporary Bliss | 3:44 | |||||
3 | Bad | 3:21 | |||||
4 | Endlessly | 3:57 | |||||
5 | Animal | 3:50 | |||||
6 | Intoxicated | 4:09 | |||||
7 | La La | 3:25 | |||||
8 | Her Love Is My Religion | 3:48 | |||||
9 | Another Me | 3:24 | |||||
10 | Grow Up and Be Kids | 3:10 | |||||
11 | Lovesick Fool | 4:16 | |||||
12 | Living Louder | 4:43 | |||||
13 | La La (Goldhouse Remix) | 4:14 | |||||
14 | La La (Feelgud Remix) | 3:21 | |||||
스트리밍 | |||||||
지니 벅스 멜론 Amazon Music Spotify Apple Music |
5.3.1. Angel With a Shotgun
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun Get out your guns, battle's begun Are you a saint or a sinner? If loves a fight then I shall die With my heart on a trigger They say before you start a war You better know what you're fighting for Well baby, you are all that I adore If love is what you need, a soldier I will be I'm an angel with a shotgun fighting 'til the wars won I don't care if heaven won't take me back I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe Don't you know you're everything I have? And I wanna live, not just survive tonight Sometimes to win, you've got to sin Don't mean I'm not a believer And major Tom will sing along Yeah, they still say I'm a dreamer They say before you start a war You better know what you're fighting for Well baby, you are all that I adore If love is what you need, a soldier I will be I'm an angel with a shotgun fighting 'til the wars won I don't care if heaven won't take me back I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe Don't you know you're everything I have? And I wanna live, not just survive tonight Oh, oh, whoa, whoa, oh, whoa Oh, oh, whoa, whoa, oh, whoa Oh, oh, whoa, whoa, oh, whoa Oh, oh, whoa, whoa, oh, whoa I'm an angel with a shotgun fighting 'til the wars won I don't care if heaven won't take me back I'm an angel with a shotgun fighting 'til the wars won I don't care if heaven won't take me back I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe Don't you know you're everything I have? And I want to live, not just survive tonight And I'm gonna hide, hide, hide my wings tonight They say before you start a war You better know what you're fighting for Well baby, you are all that I adore If love is what you need, a soldier I will be | }}} |
5.3.2. Temporary Bliss
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | I come over, quarter past two Love in my eyes blinded by you Just to get a taste of heaven I'm on my knees I can't help it, I'm addicted But I can't stand the pain inflicted In the morning You're not holding on to me Tell me what's the point of doing this every night What you're giving me is nothing but a heart It's a lullaby, gonna kill my dreams, oh This is the last time, baby, make up your mind 'Cause I can't keep sleeping in your bed If you keep messing with my head Before I slip under your sheets Can you give me something, please? I can't keeping touching you like this If it's just temporary bliss, just temporary bliss We were on fire, now we're frozen There's no desire, nothing spoken You're just playing, I keep waiting for your heart (I keep waiting for you) I am fiending for the sunshine To show our love in a good light Give me reason, I am pleading to the stars Tell me what's the point of doing this every night What you're giving me is nothing but a heart It's a lullaby, gonna kill my dreams, oh This is the last time, baby, make up your mind 'Cause I can't keep sleeping in your bed If you keep messing with my head Before I slip under your sheets Can you give me something, please? I can't keeping touching you like this If it's just temporary bliss, just temporary bliss I'm your one and only, only when you're lonely (Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na) I'm your one and only, only when you're lonely (Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na) I'm your one and only, only when you're lonely Baby why you callin' me? (Na, na, na, na) Not another one, not try'na be your whole life I don't wanna fall asleep I'm your one and only, only when you're lonely Baby, why you callin' me? (Na, na, na, na) Not another one, not try'na be your whole life, oh I can't keep sleeping in your bed If you keep messing with my head Before I slip under your sheets Can you give me something, please? I can't keeping touching you like this If it's just temporary bliss Just temporary bliss, temporary bliss I can't keep sleeping in your bed If you keep messing with my head I can't keep feeling love like this It's not worth temporary bliss | }}} |
5.3.3. Bad
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | It feels just like it was yesterday We were in love, why's it falling apart I've never been one to walk away But I've had enough and it's breaking my heart 'Cause you love me just the way that you should It's nothing that you do, no it's nothing you say Yeah baby, I know that you're good But I don't want a good girl no, not today 'Cause I want it bad, I want a bad girl, baby, bad I want a love that's crazy, yeah I want a bad girl, baby, bad, I want it bad I want a girl who stays out too late And when I call, she doesn't answer the phone Oh, I want a girl who likes it her way And through it all, I know I'll end up alone Yeah yeah, you love me just the way that you should It's nothing that you do, no no, it's nothing you say Oh pretty baby, I know that you're good But I don't want a good girl, no not today, mm 'Cause I want it bad I want a bad girl, baby, bad I want a love that's crazy, yeah I wanna fight, I wanna rock and roll and party all night Yeah, I want it bad, I want a bad girl, baby, bad, I want it bad I'm getting sick of predictable, tired of acting logical Oh yeah, I gotta shake it up tonight Yeah girl I want something physical Not something invisible, oh yeah I'm tired of being good, let's be bad I want a bad girl baby, bad And I want a love that's crazy, yeah I want a bad girl, baby, bad I want a love that's crazy, yeah I wanna fight, I wanna rock and roll and party all night Yeah, I want it bad, I want a bad girl, baby, bad I want a love that's crazy, yeah I wanna fight, I wanna rock and roll and party all night Yeah, I want it bad | }}} |
5.3.4. Animal
가사 | ||
{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | Baby girl, I'm not quite human And I'm not quite a machine So I guess that leaves you staring At something that's somewhere in between Yeah, I'm another hungry lover But I was born a different breed Yeah, I can shake you but then I'll break you And baby, sweat is guaranteed I wish I could give you my love and my soul But inside my chest there is nobody home My heart may be missing But my hands will make up for it Don't think this is innocent I'll sink my teeth right into it My eyes and my mouth agree You'll be coming home with me 'Cause girl, you know, 'cause girl, you know 'Cause girl, you know I'm an animal, animal I'm just a animal, animal Girl, you locked the door behind you When you walked into my room And your eyes have got me thinking That maybe there's a different side of you 'Cause when I'm attacking, your nails are scratching So I wonder could it be That when your clothes fall to your feet You could be an animal like me I wish I could give you my love and my soul But inside my chest there is nobody home My heart may be missing But my hands will make up for it Don't think this is innocent I'll sink my teeth right into it My eyes and my mouth agree You'll be coming home with me 'Cause girl, you know, 'cause girl, you know 'Cause girl, you know I'm an animal, animal I'm just a animal, animal Crawling on your hands and knees slowly Oh but to me, reach out to touch my face, anticipation Push me up against the wall, whispers And nicks and all these tricks you try and pull, manipulation My heart may be missing But my hands will make up for it Don't think this is innocent I'll sink my teeth right into it My eyes and my mouth agree You'll be coming home with me 'Cause girl, you know, 'cause girl, you know 'Cause girl, you know I'm an animal, animal I'm just a animal, animal | }}} |
5.3.5. Intoxicated
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | And I think you're from another world And I, I couldn't love another girl 'Cause you, you make me feel Like I'm intoxicated In a room full of frozen faces And a moment of fractured time We eclipse in a conversation As the words, they pass us by With you, we could be the only ones here 'Cause I think you're from another world And I, I couldn't love another girl 'Cause you, you make me feel Like I'm intoxicated, toxicated To the sky, flying high, take me to the moon Day or night, we don't have to say a word 'Cause you make me feel Like I'm intoxicated, toxicated Your eyes like a shot of whiskey Warms me up like a summer night Can you tell that I need ya with me? Let me drink you down tonight No, I don't just want any pretty face Wanna wake up next to yours each day Baby, won't you be my saving grace tonight, tonight? With you, we could be the only ones here 'Cause I think you're from another world And I, I couldn't love another girl 'Cause you, you make me feel Like I'm intoxicated, toxicated To the sky, flying high, take me to the moon Day or night, we don't have to say a word 'Cause you make me feel Like I'm intoxicated, toxicated Feel like I black out, pass out every time that we touch And if it hurts in the morning than it must be love I want your heart, baby, straighten up chaser I wanna feel it in my head when I wake up, when I wake up And I think you're from another world And I, I couldn't love another girl 'Cause you, you make me feel Like I'm intoxicated, toxicated To the sky, flying high, take me to the moon Day or night, we don't have to say a word 'Cause you make me feel Like I'm intoxicated, toxicated To the sky, flying high, take me to the moon Day or night, we don't have to say a word 'Cause you make me feel Like I'm intoxicated, toxicated And I think you're from another world And I, I couldn't love another girl 'Cause you, you make me feel Like I'm intoxicated | }}} |
5.3.6. La La
가사 | ||
{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh Come, feel my heart It's beating like a drum and I confess When you're around It's like an army's marching through my chest And there's nothing I can do I just gravitate towards you You're pulling on me like the moon I just wanna get you sideways I say anything I can To get me more than just a dance Tell me where to put my hands You know that you could be my favorite one-night stand You get me higher What would you do if I told you That I la, la, la, la, loved you? Do if I said it tonight What would you do if I told you That I la, la, la, la, loved you? 'Cause you know I la, la, la, lie You're like a song A beautiful symphony to my eyes So take me on I wanna sing along all through the night I'm not like the other boys 'Cause with you I've got no choice You make me wanna lose my voice I just wanna get you sideways No, I'm not the type to lie But I might just start tonight Let me turn off all the lights You know that you could be my favorite lullaby You get me higher What would you do if I told you That I la, la, la, la, loved you? Do If I said it tonight What would you do if I told you That I la, la, la, la, loved you? 'Cause you know I la, la, la, lie Like a symphony, like a symphony Like a symphony tonight Like a symphony, like a symphony Like a symphony tonight Sounds like a symphony, like a symphony Like a symphony tonight Like a symphony, like a symphony Like a symphony tonight What would you do if I told you That I la, la, la, la, loved you? Do If I said it tonight What would you do if I told you That I la, la, la, la, loved you? 'Cause you know I la, la, la, la, la, ooh What would you do if I told you That I la, la, la, la, loved you? Do if I said it tonight What would you do if I told you That I la, la, la, la, loved you? 'Cause you know I la, la, la, lie, ooh | }}} |
5.3.7. Her Love Is My Religion
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | I said her love is my religion It's my religion, it's my religion, it's my religion Some have their Bibles and some go to church Well, I found my heaven inside of her We only talked until believe Gotta find our destiny I've got her and she's got me I see her when I close my eyes She's my only God in life Never gonna say goodbye 'Cause I see the stars in the freckles on her face And I'm seein' God every time she says my name So Mother Mary, pray for me Without her, I'm so lost, her love is my religion Some have their crosses and their golden gates Well, she is the grace I wear when I lose my faith We only talked until believe The words we say before we sleep Close my eyes and she's my dream She's the truth inside the world of lies Keeping all my hope alive Never going to say goodbye 'Cause I see the stars in the freckles on her face And I'm seein' God every time she says my name So Mother Mary, pray for me Without her I'm so lost, her love is my religion Her love is my religion Is my religion, is my religion I said her love is my religion Is my religion, is my religion I said her love is my religion Is my religion, is my religion 'Cause I see the stars in the freckles on her face And I'm seein' God every time she says my name So Mother Mary, pray for me Without her I'm so lost, her love is my religion I said her love is my religion Is my religion, is my religion I said her love is my religion Is my religion, is my religion, is my religion | }}} |
5.3.8. Another Me
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | Remember when I sang that song to you And you called it out of tune Remember when I said I loved you And you said it wasn't true Remember we used to talk for hours Staying up all through the night Remember when I bought you flowers And you left them out to die but now that's over I gave you everything you ever wanted You gave me nothing but grief Now that I'm gone you'll see I'm your missing piece Well, good luck, finding another me Finding another me Remember how I used to kiss you You can kiss that all goodbye Remember how I used to miss you Now you don't even cross my mind And I can't remember Why I ever let you walk all over me I won't take your shit forever Now it's time for me to leave, yeah I gave you everything you ever wanted You gave me nothing but grief Now that I'm gone you'll see I'm your missing piece Well, good luck, finding another me Finding another me When you cry yourself to sleep tonight You will wish that I was by your side, yes, you will I gave you everything you ever wanted You gave me nothing but grief Now that I'm gone you'll see I'm your missing piece Well, good luck, finding another me, yeah Finding another me, ooh Now don't you know that karma tastes so sweet So good luck finding another me | }}} |
5.3.9. Grow Up and Be Kids
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | Release the doves [Incomprehensible] surrender love I've paid my dues, my heart was born to bruise So I think of a child when my wonder was cage free Before I lost innocence Back then I'd live forever and grow old I'd keep my friends warm when times got cold I'd live forever and grow old I'd keep my friends close, we couldn't be sold Go on, go on, go on, we'll forget all of this even exists We'd make a stand, the exit was our great plan Live for the second, good times were made We'll let you in, before I worried about the world I just worried about me Back then I'd live forever and grow old I'd keep my friends warm when times got cold I'd live forever and grow old I'd keep my friends close, we couldn't be sold Go on, go on, go on, go on One day, we'll grow up and be kids, whoa One day, one day, one day We'll grow up and be kids We'll forget all of this even exists [Incomprehensible] in a haze, the miracle is I'm still standing, reminisce the cloudy days I can think better in a hurricane, hurricane, hurricane One day, we'll grow up and be kids Back then I'd live forever and grow old I'd keep my friends warm when times got cold I'd live forever and grow old I'd keep my friends close, we couldn't be sold Go on, go on, go on Back then I'd live forever and grow old I'd keep my friends warm when times got cold I'd live forever and grow old I'd keep my friends close, we couldn't be sold Go on, go on, go on, we'll forget all of this even exists | }}} |
5.3.10. Lovesick Fool
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | Who are you? You're looking like a stranger You were once my love and my savior Now I'm left with nothing but your makeup on my pillow And I can't sleep, the pills they never helped Tried counting sheep, still hurts like hell I can't believe this rose has lost its red and its petals Who put that rock in your chest, won't you tell me? If I said I wished you the best, I was lying Waking up just brings me down, down 'Cause every morning you are nowhere to be found Nowhere to be found And my bed is half empty not half full I'd rather live with broken bones Then lay here all on my own like a lovesick fool Like a lovesick fool, like a lovesick fool Like a lovesick fool Where'd you go? You said you'll never leave me All alone, my heart is barely beating Like a ghost you haunt me every day that you're gone I'm not the same, now something went missing There's a cage, it feels like a prison Here, I'll stay until you come back home, home Who put that rock in your chest, won't you tell me? If I said I wished you the best, I was lying Waking up just brings me down, down 'Cause every morning you are nowhere to be found Nowhere to be found And my bed is half empty not half full I'd rather live with broken bones Then lay here all on my own like a lovesick fool Am I a lovesick fool? Or am I giving up? Am I a lovesick fool? Waking up just brings me down, down 'Cause every morning you are nowhere to be found Nowhere to be found Waking up just brings me down, down 'Cause every morning you are nowhere to be found Nowhere to be found And my bed is half empty not half full I'd rather live with broken bones Then lay here all on my own like a lovesick fool Like a lovesick fool, like a lovesick fool Like a lovesick fool | }}} |
5.3.11. Living Louder
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | If today's the day I die Lay me down under the lights Let me fall in love Let me save a life And let me loose my voice Singing all my favorite songs Let me stare up at the stars 'Cause it's where we all belong My heart like a fight, you're working my chest My only regret is having regrets Traveled the world, I loved every step And all I know is No one, no one lives forever We will be remembered For what we do right now And baby, I'm living louder And dreaming longer, tonight (We're living louder, we're living louder) And baby, I'm fighting harder And loving stronger tonight (We're loving stronger, we're loving stronger) 'Cause we're all just kids Who grew up way too fast Yeah, the good die young But the great will always last We're growing older But we're all soldiers tonight, whoa, whoa If today's the day I go Gonna drink with all my friends Gonna laugh until we cry As we talk and reminisce And let me kiss a stranger And rob the local bank Let me become real rich So I can give it all away 'Cause no one, no one lives forever But we will be remembered For what we do right now And baby, I'm living louder And dreaming longer, tonight (We're living louder, we're living louder) And baby, I'm fighting harder And loving stronger tonight (We're loving stronger, we're loving stronger) 'Cause were all just kids Who grew up way too fast Yeah, the good die young But the great will always last We're growing older But we're all soldiers tonight When you've got your breath inside your head Every day's a second chance If I wake up with a beating heart Will I stand or will I fall? I'm living louder Dreaming longer tonight Baby, I'm fighting harder And loving stronger tonight And baby, I'm living louder And dreaming longer tonight (We're living louder, we're living louder) And baby, I'm fighting harder And loving stronger tonight (We're loving stronger, we're loving stronger) 'Cause we're all just kids Who grew up way too fast Yeah, the good die young But the great will always last We're growing older But we're all soldiers tonight | }}} |
5.3.12. La La (Goldhouse Remix)
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oooh Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oooh Come feel my heart It's beating like a drum and I confess When you're around It's like an army's marching through my chest And there's nothing I can do I just gravitate towards you You're pulling on me like the moon I just wanna get you sideways I say anything I can to get me more than just a dance Tell me where to put my hands You know that you could be my favorite one-night stand You get me higher What would you do if I told you that I la, la, la, la, loved you? Do if I said it tonight? What would you do if I told you that I la, la, la, la, loved you? Cause you know I la, la, la, lie You're like a song A beautiful symphony to my eyes So take me on I wanna sing along all through the night I'm not like the other boys Cause with you I've got no choice You make me wanna lose my voice I just wanna get you sideways No, I'm not the type to lie But I might just start tonight Let me turn off all the lights You know that you could be my favourite lullaby You get me higher What would you do if I told you that I la, la, la, la, loved you? Do If I said it tonight? What would you do if I told you that I la, la, la, la, loved you? Cause you know I la, la, la, lie Like a symphony Like a symphony Like a symphony tonight Like a symphony Like a symphony Like a symphony tonight Sounds like a symphony Like a symphony Like a symphony tonight Like a symphony Like a symphony Like a symphony tonight What would you do if I told you that I la, la, la, la, loved you? Do If I said it tonight? What would you do if I told you that I la, la, la, la, loved you? Cause you know I la, la, la, la, la, oooh What would you do if I told you that I la, la, la, la, loved you? Do if I said it tonight? What would you do if I told you that I la, la, la, la, loved you? Cause you know I la, la, la, lie Ooooh | }}} |
5.3.13. La La (Feelgud Remix)
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | Come feel my heart It's beating like a drum and I confess When you're around It's like an army's marching through my chest And there's nothing I can do I just gravitate towards you You're pulling on me like the moon I just wanna get you sideways I say anything I can to get me more than just a dance Tell me where to put my hands You know that you could be my favorite one-night stand You get me higher What would you do if I told you that I la, la, la, la, loved you? Do if I said it tonight? What would you do if I told you that I la, la, la, la, loved you? Cause you know I la, la, la, lie You're like a song A beautiful symphony to my eyes So take me on I wanna sing along all through the night I'm not like the other boys Cause with you I've got no choice You make me wanna lose my voice I just wanna get you sideways No, I'm not the type to lie But I might just start tonight Let me turn off all these lights You know that you could be my favourite lullaby You get me higher What would you do if I told you that I la, la, la, la, loved you? Do If I said it tonight? What would you do if I told you that I la, la, la, la, loved you? Cause you know I la, la, la, lie Like a symphony Like a symphony Like a symphony tonight Like a symphony Like a symphony Like a symphony tonight Sounds like a symphony Like a symphony Like a symphony tonight Like a symphony Like a symphony Like a symphony tonight What would you do if I told you that I la, la, la, la, loved you? Do If I said it tonight? What would you do if I told you that I la, la, la, la, loved you? Cause you know I la, la, la, la, la, oooh What would you do if I told you that I la, la, la, la, loved you? Do if I said it tonight? What would you do if I told you that I la, la, la, la, loved you? Cause you know I la, la, la, lie Ooooh | }}} |
5.4. 미니 2집《Lock Me Up》
미니 2집 Lock Me Up | |||||||
발매일 : 2014. 04. 29 | |||||||
트랙 | 곡명 | 작사 | 작곡 | 편곡 | 가수 | 길이 | |
1 | Lock Me Up | 3:31 | |||||
2 | Moon | 3:16 | |||||
3 | Numbers | 4:09 | |||||
4 | Stand Up | 4:23 | |||||
5 | These Are the Lies | 3:46 | |||||
구입 | |||||||
Yes24 | |||||||
스트리밍 | |||||||
벅스 지니 멜론 Apple Music Amazon Music |
5.4.1. Lock Me Up
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | Time to listen to my confession. I'm much less than I wanted to be, wanted to be. You shine a light on my dark side, But you don't care what you see. Overjoyed over you overnight. But that's what you do. Why don't you lock me up with joy and kisses? Lock me up with love? Chain me to your heart's desire. I don't want you to stop. Lock me in and hold this moment, never get enough. Ain't no way I'm never breaking free. Lock me up. Lock me up. Criticize. You don't analyse me 'Cause you can see what I'm trying to be, trying to be. I've been lost And I've been blinded By all the things that I've seen. Overjoyed over you overnight. Girl, that's what you do. So why don't you lock me up with joy and kisses? Lock me up with love? Chain me to your heart's desire. I don't want you to stop. Lock me in and hold this moment, never get enough. Ain't no way I'm never breaking free. Lock me up. Why don't you—? Why don't you—? Why don't you lock me up? Why don't you—? Why don't you—? Why don't you lock me up? Overjoyed over you overnight. Girl, that's what you do. So why don't you lock me up with joy and kisses? Lock me up with love? Chain me to your heart's desire. I don't want you to stop. Lock me in and hold this moment, never get enough. Ain't no way I'm never breaking free. Lock me up. Why don't you—? Why don't you—? Why don't you lock me up? Why don't you—? Why don't you—? Why don't you lock me up? | }}} |
5.4.2. Moon
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | It's so fake, this world of ours. More satellites than shooting stars; they're all around. Yeah, their broken hearts on the boulevard, You know world will leave you scarred and let you down. By leaving here with you, one of you will be living on the dark side. Yeah, right here, right now, we'll leave this crowded room. I'll take your body to the moon. Then I'll let you turn it around. Girl, let's show me something new. Let me watch you take it off now. Baby we don't need these lights, 'cause you'll be seeing stars tonight. I'll take your body to the moon. Let's fly. Let's fly. Let's not complicate the night. Just look up, everything is black and white. If the universe is you and I, then I know everything is gonna be alright. So tell me, what do you have to lose? Don't you let this moment pass you by. Yeah, right here, right now, we'll leave this crowded room. I'll take your body to the moon. Then I'll let you turn it around. Girl, let's show me something new. Let me watch you take it off now. Baby we don't need these lights, 'cause you'll be seeing stars tonight. I'll take your body to the moon. Let's fly. Let's fly. | }}} |
5.4.3. Numbers
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | Out of the seven billion people in this world, there's only you Almost a million words that I could say, but none of them will do So many years that I have lived, but it feels like I've just begun Out of the seven billion people, baby, you're the only one I've been too many places. I've seen too many faces I wrote too many pages; never found a love like you (Love like you) I don't know how to say it. It's been more than amazing My whole life, I've been waiting; never found a love like you (Love like you) Sleep, dream, you, repeat. Live, die next to me Sleep, dream, you, repeat. Sleep, dream Out of the seven billion people in this world, there's only you Almost a million words that I could say, but none of them will do So many years that I have lived, but it feels like I've just begun Out of the seven billion people, baby, you're the only one You were unexpected, when our lips connected I was resurrected; never found a love like you (love like you) Don't care where I'm headed when the world is ending 'cause you are my heaven; never found a love like you (love like you) Sleep, dream, you, repeat. Live, die next to me Sleep, dream, you, repeat. Sleep, dream Out of the seven billion people in this world, there's only you Almost a million words that I could say, but none of them will do So many years that I have lived, but it feels like I've just begun Out of the seven billion people, baby, you're the only one Surrounded by numbers (Numbers, numbers, numbers) You're the only one (Numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers) You're the only one You brought me back to life You did the unthinkable Yeah, you are my miracle Out of the seven billion people in this world, there's only you Almost a million words that I could say, but none of them will do So many years that I have lived, but it feels like I've just begun Out of the seven billion people, baby, you're the only one Surrounded by numbers (Numbers, numbers, numbers) You're the only one (Numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers) You're the only one Surrounded by numbers (Numbers, numbers, numbers) You're the only one (Numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers) You're the only one | }}} |
5.4.4. Stand Up
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | They had tongues like guns I had nowhere to run Yeah, this world can get so lonely Yeah, the paper and pen Were my two best friends 'Cause the sad songs understood me The irony and all my dreams were keeping me from sleeping 'Cause there’s something so fun being young and being dumb 'Cause you’re not afraid of feeling Yeah, all of my demons are kicking and screaming but I’ll never leave them behind Yeah, maybe I’m crazy but don’t try to save me 'cause I’ve never felt so alive Yeah, when they knock you down, down, down Kid, you gotta stand up (stand up), stand up (stand up) Yeah, when they gotcha down, down, down Gotta make your own luck (own luck), own luck (own luck) So, tell me I’m outta my mind Give me a sign Take it one step at a time I know it's gonna be fine Open your eyes Shut up and give it a try Yeah, when they knock you down, down, down Kid, you gotta stand up (stand up), stand up (stand up) Everybody go Oh, oh [2x] They had eyes like knives I had nowhere to hide Yeah, this world can cut you open But all the scars they prove That I fought my way through So, I always keep 'em showing 'Cause sanity is suicide And crazy are the legends But, yeah, I'd rather have fun Being young and being dumb Than be saved a spot in heaven Yeah, all of my demons are kicking and screaming but I’ll never leave them behind Yeah, maybe I’m crazy but don’t try to save me 'cause I’ve never felt so alive Yeah, when they knock you down, down, down Kid, you gotta stand up (stand up), stand up (stand up) Yeah, when they gotcha down, down, down Gotta make your own luck (own luck), own luck (own luck) So, tell me I’m outta my mind Give me a sign Take it one step at a time I know it's gonna be fine Open your eyes Shut up and give it a try Yeah, when they knock you down, down, down Kid, you gotta stand up (stand up), stand up (stand up) Everybody go Oh, oh [2x] All of my demons are kicking and screaming but I’ll never leave them behind Yeah, maybe I’m crazy but don’t try to save me 'cause I’ve never felt so alive Yeah, when they knock you down, down, down Kid, you gotta stand up (stand up), stand up (stand up) Yeah, when they gotcha down, down, down Gotta make your own luck (own luck), own luck (own luck) So, tell me I’m outta my mind Give me a sign Take it one step at a time I know it's gonna be fine Open your eyes Shut up and give it a try Yeah, when they knock you down, down, down Kid, you gotta stand up (stand up), stand up (stand up) Everybody go Oh, oh Kid, you gotta stand up Oh, oh Kid, you gotta stand up Oh, oh Kid, you gotta stand up Oh, oh (Stand up! Stand up!) Kid, you gotta stand up Oh, oh (Stand up! Stand up!) Kid, you gotta stand up | }}} |
5.4.5. These Are the Lies
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{{{#!folding [ 접기 ] | La-la-la-la-lies La-la-la-la-lies La-la-la-la-lies La-la-la-la-lies I don't love you, I don't need you I don't ever want to see you again Cause girl, I moved on and things are perfect I'm okay with us just being friends Cause I don't think about you every single night; I'll be fine without you Can sleep tight when I'm not beside you; I'm moving on No, I don't cry about you; never seen tears in my eyes about you Gonna be fine if I die without you; Baby, I'm gone These are the lies that I tell myself at night These are the lies that are keeping me alive These are the lies (La-la-la-la-lies. La-la-la-la-lies. La-la-la-la-lies lies) These are the lies (La-la-la-la-lies. La-la-la-la-lies. La-la-la-la-lies lies) I've got a new girl and she's my whole world And I don't care if you're not sleeping alone Cause life is so good; I'm doing so good Don't spend hours sitting here by the phone Cause I don't think about you every single night; I'll be fine without you Can sleep tight when I'm not beside you; I'm moving on No, I don't cry about you; never seen tears in my eyes about you Gonna be fine if I die without you; Baby, I'm gone These are the lies that I tell myself at night These are the lies that are keeping me alive These are the lies (La-la-la-la-lies. La-la-la-la-lies. La-la-la-la-lies lies) These are the lies (La-la-la-la-lies. La-la-la-la-lies. La-la-la-la-lies lies) These are the lies. These are the lies These are the lies. These are the lies These are the lies. These are the lies These are the lies. These are the lies These are the lies. These are the lies Cause the truth is, I'm about to lose it Don't think I can do this if I'm not with you Cause the truth is, I'm about to lose it Don't think I can do this if I'm not with you Cause the truth is, I'm about to lose it Don't think I can do this if I'm not with you Cause the truth is, I'm about to lose it Don't think I can do this if I'm not with you These are the lies that I tell myself at night These are the lies that are keeping me alive These are the lies These are the lies that I tell myself at night These are the lies that are keeping me alive These are the lies (La-la-la-la-lies. La-la-la-la-lies. La-la-la-la-lies lies) These are the lies (La-la-la-la-lies. La-la-la-la-lies. La-la-la-la-lies lies) | }}} |