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최근 수정 시각 : 2024-01-02 09:42:38

런던 정치경제대학교/학위과정 및 전공

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대학 정보
학과 및 연구소 학위과정 및 전공 학교 생활 캠퍼스 및 부속시설
관련 인물
출신 인물
재직 인물
런던 대학교 · 골든 트라이앵글 · 러셀 그룹 · CEMS · CIVICA
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1. 개요2. 학부 학위과정 목록3. 대학원 학위과정 목록

1. 개요

영국 런던 정치경제대학교의 학과(또는 학부) 목록.

2. 학부 학위과정 목록

기본적으로 3년 만에 학사 학위를 따고 졸업할 수 있지만 일부 전공[1]은 학사를 취득하는 데에 4년이 소요되는 경우도 있다.
<rowcolor=white> 전공 명칭(원어) 학위과정 종류
Accounting and Finance BSc
Actuarial Science BSc
Anthropology and Law BA
Data Science BSc
Econometrics and Mathematical Economics BSc
Economic History BSc
Economic History and Geography BSc
Economics BSc
Economics and Economic History BSc
Environment and Sustainable Development BSc
Environment and Sustainable Development with Economics BSc
Finance BSc
Financial Mathematics and Statistics BSc
Geography BA
Geography with Economics BSc
History BA
History and Politics BSc
International Relations and Chinese BSc
International Relations and History BSc
International Social and Public Policy BSc
International Social and Public Policy and Economics BSc
International Social and Public Policy with Politics BSc
Language, Culture and Society BSc
Laws LLB
Management BSc
Mathematics and Economics BSc
Mathematics with Data Science BSc
Mathematics with Economics BSc
Mathematics, Statistics and Business BSc
Philosophy and Economics BSc
Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method BSc
Philosophy, Politics and Economics BSc
Politics BSc
Politics and Data Science BSc
Politics and Economics BSc
Politics and International Relations BSc
Politics and Philosophy BSc
Psychological and Behavioural Science BSc
Social Anthropology BA, BSc
Sociology BSc

3. 대학원 학위과정 목록

수업 석사 과정, 연구 석사 과정, 박사 과정, 그리고 전문 디플로마 과정이 있다. 수업 석사의 경우 기본적으로 1년 만에 석사 학위를 따고 졸업할 수 있다. 일부 전공은 석사를 취득하는 데에 9개월 내지 10개월, 혹은 2년이 소요되는 경우도 있다.

일부 전공 중에는 파트타임(Part time)도 가능한데, 이는 주로 일을 하면서 학업을 병행할 수 있는 시스템이다. 그러나 Tier-4(학생 비자)를 신청하는 학생으로서는 파트타임 전공 입학이 불가능하고, 영국 국적을 보유한 사람이나 영국 영주권이 있는 외국인 입학할 수 있다. 단, Tier-4 비자를 포함한 영국 체류 비자를 취득한 사람과 혼인을 해 가족으로서 비자를 취득하여 영국에서 체류하는 경우, 파트타임 입학을 허락하는 영국 대학들도 일부 있다. 이는 각 학위과정마다 학교 측에 문의하는 것이 필요하다.

융합전공(Joint degree)이 존재한다. Joint degree로 석사학위를 할 경우 양 측의 학부(Department)에서 원하는 수업을 취사선택할 수 있다.
<rowcolor=white> 전공 명칭(원어) 학위과정 종류
(석사, 디플로마, 박사)
Accounting (Accounting, Organisations and Institutions) MRes/PhD
Accounting (Economics of Accounting) MRes/PhD
Accounting and Finance MSc
Accounting, Organisations and Institutions MSc
Anthropology MRes/PhD
Anthropology and Development MSc
Applicable Mathematics MSc
Applied Social Data Science MSc
Behavioural Science MSc
China in Comparative Perspective MSc
City Design and Social Science MSc
Criminal Justice Policy MSc
Culture and Conflict in a Global Europe MSc
Culture and Society MSc
Data, Networks and Society MPhil/PhD
Data Science MSc
Demography (Social/Formal) MPhil/PhD
Development Management MSc
Development Studies MSc
Diploma in Accounting and Finance PgDip
Econometrics and Mathematical Economics MSc
Economic Geography MPhil/PhD
Economic History MSc, MPhil/PhD
Economic History (Research) MSc
Economic Policy for International Development MSc
Economics MSc, MRes/PhD
Economics and Management[2] MSc, MRes/PhD
Economy and Society MSc
Empires, Colonialism and Globalisation MSc
Environment and Development MSc
Environmental Economics MPhil/PhD
Environmental Economics and Climate Change MSc
Environmental Policy and Development MPhil/PhD
Environmental Policy and Regulation MSc
European and International Politics and Policy MSc
European Studies MPhil/PhD
Finance MSc, MRes/PhD
Finance and Economics[3] MSc
Finance and Private Equity MSc
Finance and Risk MSc
Financial History MSc
Financial Mathematics MSc
Gender MSc, MPhil/PhD
Gender (Research) MSc
Gender (Rights and Human Rights) MSc
Gender (Sexuality) MSc
Gender, Development and Globalisation MSc
Gender, Media and Culture MSc
Gender, Peace and Security MSc
Gender, Policy and Inequalities MSc
Geographic Data Science MSc
Global Health Policy MSc
Global Master's in Management GMiM
Health and International Development MSc
Health Data Science MSc
Health Policy and Health Economics MPhil/PhD
Health Policy, Planning and Financing MSc
History of International Relations BSc
Human Geography and Urban Studies MPhil/PhD
Human Geography and Urban Studies (Research) MSc
Human Resources and Organisations MSc
Human Rights MSc
Human Rights and Politics MSc
Inequalities and Social Science MSc
International and Asian History MSc
International Development MRes/PhD
International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies MSc
International Health Policy MSc
International Health Policy (Health Economics) MSc
International History MPhil/PhD
International Migration and Public Policy MSc
International Political Economy MSc
International Political Economy (Research) MSc
International Relations MSc, MPhil/PhD
International Relations (Research) MSc
International Social and Public Policy MSc
Law MPhil/PhD
Local Economic Development MSc
Management - Employment Relations and Human Resources MRes/PhD
Management - Information Systems and Innovation MPhil/PhD
Management - Marketing MRes/PhD
Management and Strategy MSc
Management of Information Systems and Digital Innovation MSc
Marketing MSc
Master's in Management MiM
Master of Public Administration MPA
Master of Public Policy MPP
Mathematics MPhil/PhD
Media and Communications MSc, MPhil/PhD
Media and Communications (Data and Society) MSc
Media and Communications (Media and Communication Governance) MSc
Media and Communications (Research) MSc
Media, Communication and Development MSc
Modern History MA
MPA - Data Science for Public Policy MPA
Operations Research & Analytics MSc
Organisational and Social Psychology MSc
Philosophy MPhil/PhD
Philosophy and Public Policy MSc
Philosophy of Economics and the Social Sciences MSc
Philosophy of Science MSc
Political Economy of Europe MSc
Political Economy of Late Development[4] MSc
Political Science MRes/PhD
Political Science (Conflict Studies and Comparative Politics) MSc
Political Science (Global Politics) MSc
Political Science (Political Behaviour) MSc
Political Science (Political Science and Political Economy) MSc
Political Sociology MSc
Political Theory MSc
Politics and Communication MSc
Psychological and Behavioural Science MPhil/PhD
Psychology of Economic Life MSc
Public Policy and Administration MSc
Quantitative Methods for Risk Management MSc
Real Estate Economics and Finance MSc
Regional and Urban Planning Studies MSc, MPhil/PhD
Regulation MSc
Social and Cultural Psychology MSc
Social and Public Communication MSc
Social Anthropology MSc
Social Anthropology (Religion in the Contemporary World) MSc
Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship MSc
Social Policy MPhil/PhD
Social Research Methods MSc, MPhil/PhD
Sociology MSc, MPhil/PhD
Statistics MSc, MPhil/PhD
Statistics (Financial Statistics) MSc
Statistics (Financial Statistics) (Research) MSc
Statistics (Research) MSc
Statistics (Social Statistics) MSc
Statistics (Social Statistics) (Research) MSc
Strategic Communication and Society MSc
Theory and History of International Relations[5] MSc
Urbanisation and Development[6] MSc

[1] 대표적으로 PPE[2] Joint degree of the Department of Economics and the Department of Management[3] Joint degree of the Department of Finance and the Department of Economics[4] Joint degree of the Department of Economic History and the Department of International Development[5] Joint degree of the Department of International History and the Department of International Relations[6] Joint degree of the Department of Geography and Enviornment and the Department of International Development