1. 개요
미국 해군 소속의 제독을 설명하는 항목이다.출처
Becker Paul까지 함.
2. 현역
2.1. 대장
- 해군참모총장[1] : 조너선 그리너트(JONATHAN W. GREENERT), 해사 1975
- 해군참모차장[2] : 미셸 하워드(Michelle Howard), 해사 1982
- 인도-태평양사령관 : 존 아킬리노(John C. Aquilino), 해사 1984
2.2. 중장
- 해군본부 작전전투체계부장[3]: 조지프 오코인(JOSEPH P. AUCOIN), OCS 1980
2.3. 소장
2.3.1. 국방부 국방장관실
- 국방부 정책차관 사이버정책 수석 군사고문 겸 국방부 사이버 담당 부보좌관[4] 방위청
2.3.2. 합동참모본부 합동참모의장실 통합전투사령부
- 중부사령부 정보참모 (J-2)[12]
- 중부사령부 작전참모 (J-3)[13]
- 유럽사령부 군수참모 (J-4)[14]
- 인도태평양사령부 작전참모 (J-3)[15]
- 북부사령부 북미항공우주방위사령부 참모장[16]
- 북부사령부 북미항공우주방위사령부 기획정책전략참모 (J-5)[17]
- 남부사령부 작전참모 (J-3)[18]
- 우주사령부 참모장[19]
- 전략사령부 기획정책참모 (J-5)[20] 기타 공동직위/특별직위
2.3.3. 해군부 비서실
- 해군연구소장[24]
- AUKUS 해군 차관보(연구, 개발 및 인수)의 특별 보좌관[25]
- 해군 예산 부차관보 및 해군 작전사령관실 재정참모(N82)[26]
- 해군 법무차관보 및 국방부 해양정책 담당 부대표[27] 해병대사령부 해군참모총장실
- 해군참모차장[30]
- 해군참모총장 특별보좌관[31]
- 인사 계획 및 정책참모 (N13)[32]
- 국가해양정보통합실국장 및 해군 정보국장[33]
- 통합전투참모 (N2/N6I)[34]
- 통합전략참모 (N2/N6T)[35]
- 작전계획 및 전략 부사령관(N3/N5B)[36]
- 예비군 운영, 계획 및 전략참모(N3/N5)[37]
- 보급, 군수 및 물류 운영참모(N41)[38]
- 전투 개발 작전 부사령관 및 전쟁개발국장(N7B/N72)[39]
- 예비군전투개발국장(N7)[40]
- 프로그래밍부장 (N80)[41]
- 통합전투참모 (N91)[42]
- 수상전부장 (N96)[43]
- 수중전부장 (N97)[44]
2.4. 준장
- 해군원정전투사 부사령관[45]: 샌디 애덤스(SANDRA E. "SANDY" ADAMS), OCS 1981
- 우주해군전투체계사령부 최고기술관[46]: 존 에일스(JOHN W. AILES), 학군 1985
- 제5항모전단장[47]: 존 알렉산더(JOHN D. ALEXANDER), OCS 1982[48]
- 제7함대 부사령관[49]: 러셀 앨런(RUSSELL ALLEN), OCS 1984[50]
- 해군의무실 동부담당 부사령관[51]: 티나 앨버라도(CHRISTINA M. "TINA" ALVARADO), 직접임관[52]
- 해군모병사령관[53]: 애니 앤드루스(ANNIE B. ANDREWS), 불명.
- 연안전투함프로그램국장[54]: 브라이언 안토니오(BRIAN K. ANTONIO), 해사 1983
- 합동역량강화사령관[55]: 브렛 배처들러(BRET C. BATCHELDER), OCS 1984
[1] Chief of Naval Operations[2] Vice Chief of Naval Operations[3] DEPUTY CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS WARFARE SYSTEMS (N9)[4] Senior Military Advisor for Cyber Policy to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and Deputy Principal Cyber Advisor to the Secretary of Defense[5] Director, National Capital Medical Directorate, Defense Health Agency (DHA)[6] Deputy Commander, Joint Force Headquarters Department of Defense Information Network (JFHQ-DoDIN)[7] Director of Logistics Operations (J-3), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and Commander, Joint Regional Combat Support[8] Director, Defense Logistics Agency Distribution (DLA-D)[9] Vice Director of the Joint Staff (VDJS)[10] Vice Director for Operations (J-3), Joint Staff[11] Deputy Director for Joint Training (J-7), Joint Staff[12] Director of Intelligence (J-2), U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM)[13] Director of Operations (J-3), U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM)[14] Director of Logistics (J-4), U.S. European Command (USEUCOM)[15] Director of Operations (J-3), U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM)[16] Chief of Staff, U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) and North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)[17] Director of Plans, Policy and Strategy (J-5), U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) and North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)[18] Director of Operations (J-3), U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM)[19] Chief of Staff, U.S. Space Command (USSPACECOM)[20] Director, Plans and Policy (J-5), U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)[21] Commander, Special Operations Command Africa (SOCAFRICA)[22] Special Assistant to the National Security Advisor (NSA)[23] Attending Physician of the United States Congress and Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS)[24] Chief of Naval Research (CNR)[25] Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition) for AUKUS[26] Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Budget (FMB) and Director, Fiscal Management Division (N82), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations[27] Deputy Judge Advocate General of the Navy (DJAG) and Deputy Department of Defense Representative for Ocean Policy Affairs (REPOPA)[28] Medical Officer of the Marine Corps, Director, Health Services, Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) and Deputy Chief for Reserve Policy and Integration, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED)[29] 해병 소장[30] Vice Director of the Navy Staff (VDNS)[31] Special Assistant to the Director of the Navy Staff (DNS) and Director, Learning to Action Board[32] Director, Military Personnel Plans and Policy Division (N13), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations[33] Director, National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office (NMIO) and Commander, Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)[34] Director, Warfare Integration (N2/N6I), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations[35] Director, Strategic Integration (N2/N6I), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations[36] Assistant Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Operations, Plans, and Strategy (N3/N5B), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations[37] Reserve Deputy for Operations, Plans and Strategy (N3/N5), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations[38] Director, Supply, Ordnance and Logistics Operations Division (N41), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations[39] Assistant Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfighting Development and Director, Warfare Development (N7B/N72), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations[40] Reserve Deputy for Warfighting Development (N7), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations[41] Director, Programming Division (N80), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations[42] Director, Warfare Integration (N91), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations[43] Director, Surface Warfare Division (N96), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations[44] Director, Undersea Warfare Division (N97), Office of the Chief of Naval Operations[45] DEPUTY COMMANDER, NAVY EXPEDITIONARY COMBAT COMMAND[46] CHIEF ENGINEER, SPACE AND NAVAL WARFARE SYSTEMS COMMAND[47] COMMANDER, BATTLE FORCE 7TH FLEET, TASK FORCE 70, CARRIER STRIKE GROUP 5[48] 본래는 해군항공사관후보생(Aviation Officer Candidate School) 출신이나 해당 과정이 OCS에 통합.[49] DEPUTY COMMANDER, UNITED STATES 7TH FLEET[50] 본래 해군핵추진프로그램에 1978년에 사병 입대했다. 1986년에 해군 항공대로 전과.[51] DEPUTY COMMANDER, NAVY MEDICINE EAST[52] 임관년도는 불명이나 해군 예비역으로 임관했다가 현역으로 왔다.[53] COMMANDER, NAVY RECRUITING COMMAND[54] PROGRAM EXECUTIVE OFFICER, LITTORAL COMBAT SHIPS[55] COMMANDER, JOINT ENABLING CAPABILITIES COMMAND