{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; display: inline-table" | <tablebordercolor=#fff><tablebgcolor=#fff> | Revolver 트랙리스트 | }}} |
{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0 -10px -5px; min-height: 26px" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" | Side A | ||
<rowcolor=#000> 트랙 | 곡명 | 재생 시간 | |
<colcolor=#000><colbgcolor=#fff> 1 | Taxman | <colcolor=#000,#fff> 2:36 | |
2 | Eleanor Rigby | 2:11 | |
3 | I'm Only Sleeping | 2:58 | |
4 | Love You To | 3:00 | |
5 | Here, There and Everywhere | 2:29 | |
6 | Yellow Submarine | 2:40 | |
7 | She Said She Said | 2:39 | |
Side B | |||
<rowcolor=#000> 트랙 | 곡명 | 재생 시간 | |
1 | Good Day Sunshine | 2:08 | |
2 | And Your Bird Can Sing | 2:02 | |
3 | For No One | 2:03 | |
4 | Doctor Robert | 2:14 | |
5 | I Want to Tell You | 2:30 | |
6 | Got to Get You into My Life | 2:31 | |
7 | Tomorrow Never Knows | 3:00 | |