<colbgcolor=#dddddd,#000000><colcolor=#000000,#dddddd> 프랭크 밸내프 롱 Frank Belknap Long | |
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출생 | 1901년 4월 27일 |
미국 뉴욕주 뉴욕시 맨해튼 | |
사망 | 1994년 1월 3일 (향년 92세) |
미국 뉴욕주 뉴욕시 | |
국적 |
학력 | 뉴욕 대학교 졸업 |
직업 | 소설가 |
서명 |
1. 개요
미국의 소설가. 뉴욕에서 태어났으며 뉴욕 대학교를 졸업했다.2. 상세
대표적인 러브크래프티안 작가들 중 한 명으로, 대표적인 작품으로는 그 유명한 틴달로스의 사냥개와 우주를 먹는 자(The Space Eater)로, 작품 자체로 볼 때는 틴달로스의 사냥개는 오히려 미숙하고 우주를 먹는 자가 더 뛰어나지만, 어쩐지 아는 사람이 거의 없다(...). 참고로 우주를 먹는 자는 아무리 봐도 러브크래프트를 모델로 한 하워드란 인물이 나와 그의 작품에 나올 법한 괴물들과 만난다. 사실상 패러디 작품이라 보면 은근히 웃기다. 특히 하워드가 괴기 소설에 대한 장광성을 늘어놓는다거나, 괴이한 사건을 맞이하고 조언을 묻는 인물에게 열폭해서 자신은 고심해가며 새로운 공포를 찾는데 이 인간은 그냥 운좋게 공포를 마주쳤다며 방방 뛴다(...). 그만큼 러브크래프트와 절친이었다고 볼 수 있다.하워드 필립스 러브크래프트와 특별한 우정을 가지기도 했는데, 러브크래프트는 프랭크를 친구이자 멘토로 삼았다고 한다. 러브크래프트 본인도 롱을 매우 높게 평가했다.
3. 작품
3.1. 장편 소설
- Space Station 1 (Ace Books D242,1957 - an Ace double, bound with Empire of the Atom by A.E. van Vogt)
- Mission to a Distant Star (Satellite SF magazine serial in 5 parts)
- Woman from Another Planet (Chariot Books,1960)
- The Horror Expert (Belmont Books, Dec 1961)
- The Mating Center (Chariot Books,1961)
- Mars is My Destination (Pyramid Books, June 1962)
- The Horror from the Hills (Arkham House,1963); expanded edition as Odd Science Fiction (1964)
- Three Steps Spaceward (Avalon Books, 1963)
- It Was the Day of the Robot (Belmont Books, 1963). Reprint: Dennis Dobson, 1964.
- The Martian Visitors (Avalon Books, 1964)
- Mission to a Star (Avalon Books, 1964)
- Lest Earth Be Conquered (Belmont Books, Dec 1966); reissue as The Androids, (Tower Books, 1969)
- This Strange Tomorrow (Belmont Books, Feb 1966)
- So Dark a Heritage (Lancer Books,1966)
- Journey Into Darkness (Belmont Books, April 1967)
- ...And Others Shall Be Born (Belmont Books, Jan 1968) (bound with The Thief of Thoth by Lin Carter)
- The Three Faces of Time (Tower Books, 1969)
- To the Dark Tower (Lancer Books, 1969) (as by Lyda Belknap Long)
- Monster From Out of Time (Popular Library, 1970 pbk original). Reprinted in hc, London: Robert Hale, 1971.
- Survival World (Lancer Prestige/Magnum, 1971)
- The Witch Tree (Lancer Books, 1971) (as by Lyda Belknap Long)
- Fire of the Witches (Popular Library, 1971) (as by Lyda Belknap Long)
- The Shape of Fear (Beagle Books, July 1971) (as by Lyda/Lydia Belknap Long; the author's pseudonym 'Lyda Belknap long' was misprinted on the cover as 'Lydia Belknap Long').
- The Night of the Wolf (Popular Library, 1972)
- House of the Deadly Nightshade (Beagle Books, March 1972) (as by Lyda Belknap Long)
- Legacy of Evil (Beagle Books, June 1973) (as by Lyda Belknap Long)
- Crucible of Evil (Avon, July 1974)(as by Lyda Belknap Long)
- The Lemoyne Heritage (Zebra Books, 1977)(as by Lyda Belknap Long)
- Rehearsal Night (Pub: Thomas L. Owen,1981)
- Ghor Kin-Slayer (Long has one episode in this round-robin sequence; Necronomicon Press, 1997)
3.2. 단편소설
- The Hounds of Tindalos (Arkham House, 1946). Reprints: London: Museum Press, 1950. NY: Belmont books, Aug 1963.
- John Carstairs: Space Detective (Frederick Fell, 1949). Reprints: Toronto: McLeod, 1949 (?); Kemsley, 1951.
- The Horror from the Hills (1963)
- Odd Science Fiction (Aug 1964). Reprint, London: Brown Watson, 1965 (as The Horror from the Hills).
- The Dark Beasts and Eight Other Stories from the Hounds of Tindalos (1964). Contains half the contents of the 1946 The Hounds of Tindalos collection.
- The Rim of the Unknown (Arkham House, 1972). Reprint (pbk) Condor Books, 1978.
- The Black Druid and Other Stories. (London: Panther, 1975)
- A Dangerous Experiment (Necronomicon Press,, 1977; single story in chapbook form)
- The Early Long (NY: Doubleday, 1975)(London: Robert Hale, 1977). (NY: Jove/HBJ, 1979 as The Hounds of Tindalos).
- Night Fear (Zebra Books, 1979)
- Escape from Tomorrow: Three Previously Unreprinted Weird Tales (Necronomicon Press, 1995)
- The Man Who Died Twice & Three Others (Wildside Press, 2009)
3.3. 시
- A Man from Genoa (1926) (Athol, MA: W. Paul Cook)
- The Goblin Tower (Cassia FL: Dragon-Fly Press, 1935; New Collectors Group, 1945. Note: Due to the somewhat misleading publisher's introduction to the 1945 edition, it is often mis-catalogued as a reprint of the 1935 Dragon-Fly Press edition. In fact, the selection of poems differs; the New Collectors Group edition drops four, "When Chaugner Wakes," "Exotic Quest," "West Indies" and "Martial: The Vacationist" and adds three, "The Prophet," "Prediction" and "Walt Whitman."
- On Reading Arthur Machen (Pengrove: Dog and Duck Press, 1949)
- The Marriage of Sir John de Mandeville John Mandeville (Roy A. Squires, 1976)
- In Mayan Splendor (Arkham House, 1977; includes contents of A Man from Genoa and The Goblin Tower plus additional poems)
- When Chaugnar Wakes Chaugnar Faugn (Fantome Press, 1978; 80 copies only). A chapbook of this single poem, originally published in Weird Tales 20, No 3 and reprinted in In Mayan Splendour.
- The Darkling Tide: Previously Uncollected Poetry (Tsathoggua Press, 1995; edited by Perry M. Grayson)