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최근 수정 시각 : 2023-04-21 15:34:11

하트퍼드셔 대학교/학위과정 및 전공

파일:상위 문서 아이콘.svg   상위 문서: 하트퍼드셔 대학교
1. 개요2. 학부 학위과정 목록3. 대학원 학위과정 목록

1. 개요

영국 하트퍼드셔 대학교의 학과 목록.

2. 학부 학위과정 목록

기본적으로 3년 만에 학사 학위를 따고 졸업할 수 있다. 산학 연계 중심 교육을 주도하는 대학의 특성상 실무 현장에서의 인턴 경험 혹은 실제 전문가와의 협업을 해 취업에 유리한 경력을 쌓을 수 있는 과정이 포함되어 있다. 일부 전공은 한국의 학석사 연계과정처럼 기본적인 성적 조건을 충족시켰을 경우 1년 더 다니고 석사 학위까지 따고 졸업할 수 있다.
<rowcolor=#ffffff> 전공 명칭(원어) 학위과정 종류
2D Digital Animation BA
3D Animation and Visual Effects BA
3D Games Art & Design BA
Accounting BA
Accounting and Finance BA
Advertising and Digital Marketing BA
Aerospace Engineering BEng
Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies BEng
Aerospace Engineering with Space Technology BEng
Architecture BA
Astrophysics BSc
Astrophysics with Space Science BSc
Audio Recording and Production BSc
Automotive Engineering BEng
Automotive Engineering with Motorsport BEng
Automotive Technology BSc
Biochemistry BSc
Biological Science BSc
Biomedical Science BSc
Business Administration BA
Business and Accounting BA
Business and Finance BA
Business and Human Resource Management BA
Business and Marketing BA
Business and Sport Management BSc
Business Economics BA
Business Management BA
Business Management and Innovation BA
Business Management with Information Systems BA
Business Management with Leadership BA
Civil Engineering BEng
Comics and Concept Art BA
Computer Science BSc
Computer Science (Applied Data Science) BSc
Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) BSc
Computer Science (Cyber Security and Networks) BSc
Computer Science (Software Engineering) BSc
Criminology and Criminal Justice BA
Data Science BSc
Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging BSc
Dietetics BSc
Digital Media Design BA
Early Childhood Education BA
Economics BA
Education BA
Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng
English Language and Applied Linguistics BA
English Language and Creative Writing BA
English Language and Journalism BA
English Language and Linguistics BA
English Language and Literature BA
English Language and Media BA
English Language with English Language Teaching BA
English Language with Film BA
English Literature BA
English Literature and Creative Writing BA
English Literature and Journalism BA
English Literature and Media BA
English Literature with Film BA
Environmental Management and Ecology BSc
Event Management BA
Event Management and Tourism BA
Fashion and Fashion Business BA
Film and Television Production BA
Finance BA
Finance and Economics BA
Financial Mathematics BSc
Games Design and Development BA
Geography BSc
Graphic Design BA
Graphic Design Advertising and Branding BA
History BA
History and Creative Writing BA
History and English Language BA
History and English Literature BA
History and Journalism BA
History and Philosophy BA
History with Film BA
Illustration BA
Information Technology BSc
Interior Architecture and Design BA
International Business BA
International Business with French BA
International Business with German BA
International Business with Japanese BA
International Business with Mandarin BA
International Business with Spanish BA
International Tourism Management with Placement Year BA
Journalism and Creative Writing BA
Journalism and Media BA
Laws LLC
Leadership and Professional Development BA
Live Sound and Lighting Technology BSc
Marketing BA
Mass Communications BA
Mathematics BSc
Mechanical Engineering BEng
Media BA
Media and Creative Writing BA
Midwifery (Pre-registration) BSc
Midwifery and Women's Health BSc
Model Design (Character and Creative Effects) BA
Model Design (Model Effects) BA
Model Design (Special Effects) BA
Motorsport Technology BSc
Music and Sound Design Technology BSc
Music Composition and Technology for Film and Games BSc
Music Production BSc
Nursing (Adult) BSc
Nursing (Child) BSc
Nursing (Learning Disabilities) BSc
Nursing (Mental Health) BSc
Paramedic Science BSc
Performing Arts BA
Pharmaceutical Science BSc
Pharmacology BSc
Philosophy BA
Philosophy and Creative Writing BA
Philosophy and English Language BA
Philosophy and English Literature BA
Philosophy and Journalism BA
Philosophy and Media BA
Philosophy with Film BA
Philosophy, Religion and Ethics BA
Physics BSc
Physics with Space Science BSc
Physiotherapy BSc
Psychology BSc
Psychology in Education BA
Radiotherapy and Oncology BSc
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence BEng
Social Work BSc
Sociology BA
Sociology and Psychology BA
Songwriting and Music Production BSc
Sport and Exercise Science BSc
Sports Business Management BSc
Sports Coaching BSc
Sports Studies BSc
Sports Studies with Psychology BSc
Sports Therapy BSc
Visual Merchandising, Styling and Promotion BA

3. 대학원 학위과정 목록

수업 석사과정, 연구 석사과정이 있다. 기본적으로 1년 만에 석사 학위를 따고 졸업할 수 있다. 일부 전공은 파트타임(Part time)도 가능한데, 이는 주로 일을 하면서 학업을 병행할 수 있는 시스템이다. 그러나 Tier-4(학생 비자)를 신청하는 학생으로서는 파트타임 전공 입학이 불가능하고, 영국 국적을 보유한 사람이나 영국 영주권이 있는 외국인 입학할 수 있다. 단, Tier-4 비자를 포함한 영국 체류 비자를 취득한 사람과 혼인을 해 가족으로서 비자를 취득하여 영국에서 체류하는 경우, 파트타임 입학을 허락하는 영국 대학들도 일부 있다. 이는 각 학위과정마다 학교 측에 문의하는 것이 필요하다.
<rowcolor=#ffffff> 전공 명칭(원어) 학위과정 종류
Advanced Clinical Practice MSc
Advanced Computer Science MSc
Advanced Medical Imaging MSc
Advanced Paramedic Practice MSc
Advanced Physiotherapy MSc
Advanced Radiotherapy and Oncology Practice MSc
Aerospace Engineering MSc
Animation MA
Architecture and Urbanism MArch