Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU)
1. 개요
홍콩의 개방대학, 원격대학이다.과거 이름은 홍콩공개대학( 香港公開大學, The Open University of Hong Kong, OUHK )이다. 2021년에 현재의 이름(香港都會大學, 홍콩도회대학)으로 변경되었다.
강의 언어로 영어와 중국어가 제공된다.
2. 캠퍼스
호 맨 틴(Ho Man Tin) 캠퍼스, 콰이 힝(Kwai Hing) 캠퍼스, CITA 학습 센터 등으로 구성된다.
3. 구성
- School of Arts and Social Sciences
- Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration
- School of Education and Languages
- School of Nursing and Health Studies
- School of Science and Technology
- School of Open Learning
- Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE)
4. 연구 기관
- Institute for Research in Innovative Technology & Sustainability
- Institute for Research in Open and Innovative Education
- Research Institute for Bilingual Learning and Teaching (RIBiLT)
- Institute of International Business and Governance
- Public and Social Policy Research Centre
- Research Institute for Digital Culture and Humanities
- OUHK Tin Ka Ping Centre of Chinese Culture