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최근 수정 시각 : 2024-10-25 12:47:59

Hard Times for Heroes

파일:enchanted logo.png
{{{#!wiki style="word-break: keep-all; text-align:center; margin: 0 -10px -5px;"
{{{#!wiki style="display: inline-block; min-width: 35%"
{{{#!folding [ 마법에 걸린 사랑 ]
{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -0px -10px"
파일:enchanted soundtrack.jpg
1True Love's Kiss
2Happy Working Song
3That's How You Know
4So Close
5Ever Ever After
15That's Amore
[ 마법에 걸린 사랑 2 ]
}}} ||
파일:disenchanted soundtrack.jpg
발매 2022년 11월 18일
녹음 2021년 ~ 2022년
러닝 타임 3:46
발매사 월트 디즈니 레코드
작곡가 앨런 멩컨
작사가 스티븐 슈왈츠
프로듀서 앨런 멩컨

1. 개요2. 영상 및 가사


1. 개요

2022년 공개된 영화 마법에 걸린 사랑 2사운드트랙이다. 앨런 멩컨이 작곡, 스티븐 슈왈츠가 작사했으며, 로버트 필립 역의 패트릭 뎀시와 꽃장수 역의 앤 하라다, 제빵사 역의 제임스 먼로 아이글하트, 간판장이 역의 마이클 맥코리 로즈가 노래를 불렀다.

먼로라시아의 마을사람들이 각자 용감한 전사로 활약하던 과거를 회상하며 평범한 인물이 될 수밖에 없던 현실을 아쉬워한다. 이 때, 로버트가 용사가 되겠다며 나서자 마을사람들이 로버트를 북돋아주고 로버트는 모험을 떠난다. 작중에 등장하지 않은 삭제곡이다.

2. 영상 및 가사

Hard Times for Heroes - Patrick Dempsey, Ann Harada, James Monroe Iglehart, Michael McCorry Rose
Once I had a quest to save a sleeping beauty
Couldn't wait to carry out my prince-ly duty
Bramble, I cut through it
Dragon, yeah, I slew it
So inspired, giving the required kiss
What bliss

But now it's hard times for heroes
Got no lass to save now
Lasses are so brave now
They're the ones who earn the praise
And it's hard times for heroes
Shield right to the rescue
Meanwhile, at your desk you sigh and gaze
And now true love's kisses
Not something she misses
It's hard times for heroes nowadays

Once I had to do an evil witch's bidding
She told me to cut out some girl's heart, no kidding
But I have a big heart
Sent the witch a pig heart
What a story, sure to keep my glory bright
Yeah, right

(He said it's hard times for heroes)
Once the famous huntsman
Now I'm just a dunce, man
Who can use a new crusade
(Oh, yes, it's hard times for heroes)
Now the girls fight firstwhile
Our glory days are erstwhile
Watch 'em fade
Once I punched and I kicked
Now I'm just a sidekick
It's hard times for heroes I'm afraid

You think that's bad?
Once I was a warrior, a fierce fighting female
Then, I was unique and oh-so-very proud
But ever since I proved that warriors don't have to be male
Look what I am now, just one of the crowd
For crying out loud

[SIGN PAINTER] Where are all the damsels calling out, S.O.S now
[BAKER] Once upon a time we all were well supplied (Ah, well)

When there are no damsels
We're the ones in distress now
What are we to do with all the stride and pride
Pent up inside

Lately, I've been wondering what my life was lacking
Then I saw a quest would send those doldrums packing
Sorry, you're all grubbed up
I'm still feeling pumped up
Strong and stoic
Showing a heroic pluck
(Good luck)

(Because it's hard times for heroes)
We'll, I won't be downhearted (Hard times)
I'm just getting started
And adventure lies in store

And so, though we feel like zeroes
Your energies contagious
Maybe you'll re-engage us like before
So go and pursue it
'Cause, man, if you do it
[SIGN PAINTER] Then we'd be depress-less
[BAKER] Not restless,
[FLORIST] and quest-less!
So we'll have a bean now
And go use that seed now

And bring good times for heroes
Back once more!

I'm off!