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최근 수정 시각 : 2024-10-09 13:08:33


개발사 Appest Inc
플랫폼 iOS
웹 브라우저
용도 생산성
to do list
비즈니스 모델 무료 버전과
프리미엄(구독 포함)
공식 홈페이지
Twitter @TickTick

1. 개요2. 역사3. 주요 기능
3.1. 지원3.2. 투두리스트&작업관리3.3. 일정관리 및 스케줄링3.4. 포커스 - 포모 타이머 & 스톱워치3.5. 습관 추적3.6. 메모


1. 개요

TickTick은 사람들이 조직적이고 창의적으로 지낼 수 있도록 도와주는 다용도 생산력 어플이다.

2. 역사

2013년 뉴어크 델라웨어에 본사를 둔 스타트업 'Appest Inc.'가 설립됐다. TickTick은 Appest Inc.에서 출시한 이전 앱인 GTasks에서 파생된 2013년에 처음 출시됐다. TickTick은 많은 기능을 통합하고 여러 플랫폼에서 동기화할 수 있다. [1]

3. 주요 기능

3.1. 지원

TickTick은 안드로이드, iOS, 웹 브라우저, Mac, WindowsApple Watch를 포함하여 10개 이상의 플랫폼에서 동기화되었다. 이 기간 동안 TickTick은 Siri,[7] Google Assistant,[8] Amazon Alexa,[9] Zapier,[10] IFTTT,[11] Gmail,[12]Apache Spark.[13]와 통합되었다.

3.2. 투두리스트&작업관리[14]

3.3. 일정관리 및 스케줄링

3.4. 포커스 - 포모 타이머 & 스톱워치

3.5. 습관 추적

3.6. 메모

[1] TickTick About—One Team, One Goal[2] TickTick 2.0 is Now Here. TickTick. 2015-07-03[3] TickTick Task Manager 2.0 Wows Users with Its Free Calendar & Reminders. The App Times. 2016-07-20[4] Introducing TickTick 3.0, an Awesome Update. TickTick. 2016-07-20[5] Say Hi to TickTick 4.0. TickTick. 2017-10-18[6] TickTick 5.0: Change your life with a simple daily “habit”. TickTick. 2019-03-14[7] Pierce, David(June 2, 2019). publisher=WSJ|What Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant Can Do—and Annoyingly Still Can’t Do. WSJ[8] Let’s Talk on Google Assistant!. TickTick. 2019-12-06[9] Stay Organized Hands-Free With the Alexa Integration. TickTick. 2020-03-11[10] Martinez, Krystina. How to automate your tasks in TickTick. Zapier[11] Stay Connected Automatically with TickTick + IFTTT. TickTick. 2020-04-03[12] Handle Your Inbox More Efficiently With TickTick for Gmail. TickTick. 2020-06-03[13] Connect TickTick to Your Spark Inbox. TickTick. 2020-06-18[14] Kastrenakes, Jacob(Dec 27, 2019). Here are 9 great apps for your new Android device. The Verge.[15] Martinez, Krystina. TickTick: App of the day. Zapier.[16] Dove, Jackie; Beaton, Paula (March 3, 2021)The best to-do apps for Android and iOS. Digital Trends.[17] Lindenfeld Hall, Sarah (January 13, 2021)9 great time management apps for students. Mashable.[18] TickTick Markdown. Product Hunt. 2019-12-21[19] Klosowski, Thorin (August 31, 2016)TickTick Adds Task Progress Indicators, Smart Lists, and a Grid View. Lifehacker.[20] TickTick launch Kanban Boards. Keep Productive. May 16, 2019.[21] Kee, Roxine (January 6, 2021). The Best To-Do List App in 2021 - Our Top 12 Picks. College Info Geek.[22] Mchale, Curtis (October 8, 2020)A Close Look at TickTick. The Sweet Setup.[23] Nield, David (February 3, 2021). Days Blurring Together? Add Structure with These Apps. GIZMODO.[24] McMahon, Jordan (April 4, 2020). The Best Tech and Apps for Your Home Office. Wirecutter.[25] Writtenhouse, Sandy (July 9, 2018). How to Turn TickTick Into a Convenient Pomodoro Timer. iDB.[26] Pac, David (August 25, 2019). 12 TickTick tips for all types of tasks. Tipsmake.[27] Agarwal, Shubham (August 22, 2019). How to Use TickTick for Productivity: Notes, Read-Later, and Tasks. Make Use Of.[28] Bidasaria, Gaurav (September 28, 2020). Microsoft To Do vs TickTick: Should You Pay for A To-Do App. Guiding Tech.[29] Simplify Your Note-Taking with the Brand-new Note Feature in TickTick. TickTick. 2020-09-21.