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최근 수정 시각 : 2025-02-07 12:01:15


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모드 Frackin' Universe(FU 모드)
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1. 개요2. 문서 목록
2.1. Control Yourself2.2. Starbound Survival Guide2.3. Incarcerus Notes 1 ~ 112.4. Glory to Big Ape: A Chant2.5. Blog of a Lab Assistant 1 ~ 102.6. A Ludicrous Annoyance2.7. A Scribbled Note2.8. Greenfinger's Notes: Loose Ends2.9. An Apex Advert2.10. Big Ape2.11. The Steel Casebook: Apex2.12. A Folk Tale2.13. Friends to the End2.14. An Apex Headline2.15. Minutes of a Meeting2.16. A Pleasant Town2.17. An Apex Poster2.18. Miniknog Problems: A Report2.19. Child's Rhyme2.20. The Children of Kluex2.21. A Doctrine of the Grounded2.22. The Commandments of Kluex (first draft)2.23. The Kluex Delusion2.24. Las'la Crimsonwing's Diary 1 ~ 32.25. 한 아비안의 하늘 뱃노래(An Avian Air Shanty)2.26. Journal of a Mechanic 1 ~ 62.27. Fight or Flight2.28. Journal of a Hero2.29. The Iron Avian2.30. Mallard Reynolds' Diary2.31. Avian Power Crystals2.32. Seasick2.33. The Ascendant's Tale 1 ~ 102.34. A Tasty Beverage2.35. Results of Ascension #384912.36. An Ancient Avian Prayer2.37. Avian History2.38. A Modern Avian Prayer2.39. The Clipped Council2.40. Methods of Excommunication2.41. The Flightless Mandate2.42. The Nature of Sacrifice2.43. Note from a Pilot2.44. A Rude Awakening2.45. Species and their Gods2.46. The Peaceful Temple2.47. The Writing of the Texts2.48. Excerpt 1 ~ 5 from The Art of Stabbing2.49. The Trial of Saplings 1 ~ 52.50. A note written in Apex language 1 ~ 42.51. A drawing carved into slate2.52. The Curious Glitch2.53. A Well-Folded Note2.54. A Message to all Glitch Guards2.55. A Slight Misunderstanding2.56. The Battleground2.57. Constructed Free2.58. The Ferrying2.59. The Compiled Bestiary: Growfly2.60. A Lament2.61. Loneliness2.62. The Compiled Bestiary: Mecharachnid2.63. The Compiled Bestiary: Po2.64. The Modern Po-metheus2.65. The Severing2.66. A Strange Encounter2.67. The Steel Casebook: Prisoners 1 ~ 112.68. Ghosts in the Walls2.69. USCM Personnel Log 125722.70. USCM Personnel Log 541262.71. USCM Personnel Log 587192.72. USCM Personnel Log 589912.73. USCM Personnel Log 601022.74. USCM Personnel Log 999992.75. A New Policy2.76. Greenfinger's Notes: Humans2.77. Greenfinger's Notes: The Beast2.78. Bunker Busters2.79. USCM Field Handbook2.80. Subject: Standing Orders2.81. The Agaran Menace2.82. Erchius Mining Facility2.83. Dreadwing the Penguin2.84. Shockhopper Mech Mk I

1. 개요

게임 스타바운드의 정식 발매로 더 이상 입수할 수 없게 된 예전 문서들의 목록이다.

2. 문서 목록

2.1. Control Yourself

기본적인 조작법이 담겨있는 문서. "당신이 은하를 탐색할때 도움을 주기 위해 가이드를 준비했습니다"
라는 내용과 조작법이 설명돼 있다.

2.2. Starbound Survival Guide

So you want to survive long enough to see your first sunset, right? Good luck. Seriously. There are some handy tips and tricks that you might want to consider before rushing headlong into the wilderness. So many adventurers have set out filled with bravado, only to be decimated as soon as night falls. That won't be you, right? Right?",그러니까 첫번째 해질녘을 볼 수 있을 때까지는 살아남고 싶단 말이지? 행운을 빈다. 진짜로. 야생으로 뛰어들기전에 한 번 들어보면 좋을만한 팁과 기술들이 있다. 수많은 모험가들이 허세로 가득 차서 나갔지만, 밤이 내리자마자 개죽음을 당하기 일쑤였지. 너는 그렇지 않겠지, 응?
First up, and this one's important: TOOLS TOOLS TOOLS. Your handy Beam Axe is great if you're in a tight spot, but you can't beat proper tools. And all you need is stone and wood! Wonderful, right? Before you go charging into alien lands, craft some basic tools on the crafting bench. They'll help. Trust us.", 가장 먼저, 그리고 중요한 거야:도구, 도구, 도구. 네 빔 도끼는 궁지에 몰렸을 때 도움이 되긴 하지만, 적절한 도구가 있다면 상대도 안 되지. 게다가 필요한건 나무와 돌 뿐이야! 멋지지, 안 그래? 네가 외계 지역에 돌진하기 전에, 조합대에서 기초적인 도구를 만들라고. 도움이 될 거야. 믿어봐.
But what if those tools wear out, you ask? Well, many ores allow you to sharpen said tools, making them as good as new. When you find an ore, be sure to check if it can be used in that way! It's the difference between crafting a masterpiece, and being eaten alive by sentient radishes.", 하지만 만약 도구가 낡아 부서졌다면 어떻게 하냐고? 음, 많은 광석들이 네 도구를 새 것처럼 날카롭게 해 줄 수 있어. 광석을 찾는다면, 꼭 그렇게 하라고! 명작을 만드는 것과, 지각 있는 무들에게 산 채로 먹히는 것의 차이야.
Making a shelter is pretty handy, too. The nights are dark and full of terrors, and also things that don't LOOK terrifying but really are. Be sure to build a base with a campfire, even if it looks like a mud hut. You'll thank us when the monsters are clawing at your door, and you're inside, safe, and not freezing to death.", 피신처를 만드는 것도 꽤 도움이 돼. 밤은 어둡고 공포로 가득차 있고, 또한 무섭게 보이지 않아보이지만 실제로는 무서운 것들도 있지. 꼭 모닥불이 있는 기지를 만들라고, 비록 그게 진흙 집처럼 보여도 말이지. 몬스터들이 네 집 문 앞에서 어슬렁거리고 있고, 너는 집 안에서, 안전하게, 얼어죽고 있지 않을때 우리에게 감사하게 될거야.
Don't forget to upgrade! You might THINK you look the bomb swinging a mouldy stick and wearing your basic rags, but your foes won't think the same. They'll think you look silly, and then eat you. Craft better weapons, armour and clothing before taking on more dangerous beasts.", 업그레이드를 잊지 말라고! 넌 곰팡이 핀 막대기와 간단한 누더기를 입고 있는게 나름 위협적이라고 생각하겠지만, 네 적들은 그렇게 생각 안 할걸. 네가 웃기게 생겼다고 생각하고, 널 잡아먹을 거야. 더 위험한 괴수들과 싸우기 전에, 나은 무기와 갑옷과 옷가지를 만들라고.
Stock up on bandages. They're easy to make, and they'll get you out of a tight spot. It's not always possible to sleep and recuperate, so a good supply of bandages can be a life-saver. Everyone knows bandages can heal every type of injury, so there's no excuse to be unprepared.", 붕대를 항상 쌓아두고 다녀. 만들기도 쉽고, 네가 궁지에서 탈출하는걸 도와줄거야. 쉬고 회복하는 걸 항상 할 순 없으니까, 적당한 반창고 뭉치는 네 생명을 살려줄 수 있어. 붕대가 어떤 종류의 부상이든 회복시켜 줄 수 있다는건 누구나 아는 사실이니까, 준비를 안 해놓고 다닐 이유는 없어.
Finally; BIRDS ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. Ever. Even if they look cute, they'll kill you as soon as you turn your back. All birds. Not Avians, of course. They're lovely. Proper flying, spitting, burning birds. You know the type. Never trust a bird." 마지막으로; 새들은 네 친구가 아니야. 비록 귀여워 보일지라도, 네가 등을 보이는 순간 널 죽여버릴거야. 어떤 새든. 물론 아비안은 말고. 걔들은 사랑스럽지. 내 말은 하늘을 날고, 침을 뱉고, 불타는 새들 말이야. 그런 쪽 녀석들. 절대 새를 믿지 마.
글라도스가 이 내용을 확실하게 믿습니다 새다 새! 죽여! 악마다!!

2.3. Incarcerus Notes 1 ~ 11

Day One. The inmates are doing well. There had been some in-fighting, but this was quickly tempered with some short blasts of cold water. Observing the chatter, it is surprisingly how quickly the Miniknog soldiers are adapting to life behind bars. 1일째. 방 친구들이 꽤 잘 해내고 있다. 몇 번의 내분이 있었지만 냉수마찰 몇 번으로 가볍게 정리되었다. 수다를 엿들어보니 미니크녹 병사들이 창살 안의 살림에 어찌나 빠르게 적응하는지 놀라울 정도다. The Apex citizens are not adopting their guard roles quite so easily. They are hesitant, unsure of themselves, and unwilling to assert their authority over the prisoners. This is interesting, as my original hypothesis predicted that the citizens would quickly turn on the Miniknog. 에이펙스 시민들은 자신들이 맡은 경비라는 역할에 쉽게 적응하지 못 한다. 이들은 우유부단하고 자신감이 부족하며 수감자들에게 권력을 휘두르길 주저한다. 내 가설은 이 시민들이 빠른 시일 내에 미니크녹에게 반기를 들것이라 예측했기에, 매우 흥미롭다.
Perhaps current Miniknog methods are fully effective in conditioning the citizens to obey. Perhaps Big Ape is wrong to be concerned. But still, this is only day one of the experiment, and a lot could change. 어쩌면 지금의 미니크녹이 쓰는 수단은 시민들을 복종하게 만드는 데 최적화되어 있는지도 모른다. 어쩌면 빅 에이프를 의심해선 안될지도 모른다. 그래도 아직 실험 첫 날일 뿐이고, 많은 것이 변할 수 있다.

The Miniknog are beginning to gain control of the experiment. Despite having taken on the role of prisoners, the dynamic is very clear. They do what they want, and in some cases even tell the citizens - the guards - what to do. It is very interesting to observe. 미니크녹이 실험을 주도해나가기 시작했다. 수감자 역을 맡았음에도 불구하고, 역학은 굉장히 명확하다. 하고 싶은 것 다 하고 어쩔때는 시민 -경비들- 에게 뭘 해야 할지 지시하기도 한다. 관찰하기 매우 흥미롭다. Earlier, I visited the common room to find the Miniknog playing ball games, and the citizens locked in the cells. The self-styled leader of the Miniknog prisoners, Hairbiter McVey, informed me that they'd requested some 'chill-out time'. 조금 전에 방을 들렀다가 공을 가지고 노는 미니크녹과 수감된 시민들을 발견했다. 자칭 미니크녹 수감자들의 지도자라 주장하는 머리칼뜯이 맥베이가 말하길 그들이 '쉬는 시간'을 요구했다고 했다.
I will have to talk to the citizens, explain to them that to become prison guards, they must be more assertive. Years of Miniknog oppression has left them timid shells. While this was good for our original purposes, it now leaves us with an army of Apex who are incapable of serving us. 시민들에게 그들이 간수가 되려면 좀 더 적극적으로 임해야 한다고 설명해야겠다. 수 년에 걸친 미니크녹의 압박이 그들을 두려움이라는 껍데기 안에 가둬놓았다. 우리의 의도에는 부합하지만 이것은 우릴 제대로 지켜주지도 못할 에이펙스 무리들만 남았다는 말이다.

The citizens are beginning to assert themselves. The Miniknog prisoners had overturned a vending machine and were stripping it of bananas and the like. The citizens approached and very politely asked them to stop. 시민들에게 자신감이 붙기 시작했다. 미니크녹 죄수들이 자판기를 뒤집더니 바나나를 뜯어내고 있었다. 시민들이 거기에 조심스럽게 접근하여 그만둬줄 것을 정중히 부탁했다. The Miniknog ignored them, and the citizens sheepishly left, but still, it's progress. I suggested to them that perhaps grovelling and begging is not the best way to show authority, but they just looked confused. 미니크녹은 그들을 무시했고 시민들도 멋쩍어하며 자리를 떴지만 큰 발전이다. 그들에게 빌빌 기거나 부탁하는 것은 권력을 행사하기엔 전혀 좋은 방법이 아닐 거라고 제안했지만 시민들은 헷갈려하는 눈치였다.

It has become clear to me that Big Ape has created an army of useless Apex. Our Glorious Leader may be the most powerful being in the universe, but here he has been somewhat short-sighted. Thankfully I am the one tasked with fixing this. 빅 에이프가 쓸모없는 에이펙스 무리를 만들었다는 사실이 명확해지고 있다. 위대한 지도자께리는 이 우주에서 가장 강력한 존재일지 몰라도 이 부분에선 뭔가 근시안적이신것 같다. 이 문제를 고칠 임무를 부여받은 자가 나라는게 다행스러울 뿐이다. My first step must be to come up with a method of making the citizens more proactive, while still remaining in the thrall of the Miniknog. As such, I have scrapped the current experiment and converted the prison into a gladiatorial arena. Perhaps this shall yield better results. 가장 먼저 해야할 것은 시민들이 여전히 미니크녹에 속박된 상태에서 좀 더 주도적으로 변하게 할 방법을 찾아내는 것이다. 나는 현재 실험을 폐기하고 감옥을 투기장으로 전환시켰다. 아마 이것이 더 나은 결과를 도출해날 것이다.

The first fights went down today. The Apex citizens versus a bunch of monsters we captured. This went pretty well. Only one casualty, and the Apex were perfectly capable of fending for themselves. The Miniknog helped by cheering them on and commanding them to fight. 오늘 첫번째 전투를 실행했다. 시민 대 우리가 포획한 괴물들. 꽤 잘 진행되었다. 단 한 명의 사상자만 나왔으며, 에이펙스들은 확실히 스스로를 지키는데엔 유능했다. 미니크녹은 그들을 응원하고 전투를 명령하는 것으로 그들을 도왔다. Turns out the Apex citizens are still formidable fighters when it comes down to it. Monster parts everywhere. Even the Miniknog seemed impressed. Big Ape watched via video link, of course, and expressed his concerns about the Apex being too competent, but he hasn't seen the thrall in which the Miniknog still hold them. 막상 상황이 닥치면 에이펙스 시민들은 여전히 가공할 전사들이라는게 밝혀졌다. 괴물 부위가 사방에 널려있다. 심지어 미니크녹도 꽤 감명받은 듯 했다. 빅 에이프께선, 당연히 화상 통신으로 관전하셨지만, 에이펙스들이 너무 능숙하다는 것에 대해서 우려를 표하셨지만, 그분은 아직 미니크녹들이 여전히 꽉 누르고 있는 노예들을 보지 못하셨다.

Recently, I contacted my old friend Greenfinger. As usual, he came through for me, and provided me with what I asked for. Ten angry, rabid Florans, out for a fight. I questioned him as to whether they were prisoners, and he said no, they were just bored. 최근에, 난 내 오랜 친구 원예가에게 연락했다. 평소처럼, 그는 날 위해 와 주었고 내가 부탁한걸 가져다 주었다. 열 명의 분노하고, 과격한, 싸움에 목마른 플로란들. 그에게 이들도 죄수들이냐고 물었더니, 아니, 그들은 그저 지루했다는 것이다. I attempted to brief the Florans on how the battle should go down, but I don't think I got through to them. In fact, I narrowly avoided being impaled by a rogue Floran spear. Greenfinger did warn me, I suppose. Tomorrow, they shall fight my Apex. 나는 플로란들에게 전투가 어떻게 흘러가야할지 안내하려 시도했으나, 내생각엔 그들은 제대로 이해하지 못 한것 같다. 사실, 나는 급작스럽게 날아온 플로란 창에 꿰뚫리는걸 겨우 피할 수 있었다. 확실히, 원예가가 나에게 경고하긴 했다. 내일, 그들은 내 에이펙스들과 전투를 벌일것이다.

Well that's that experiment over for now. Nine Florans remain, and no Apex. And I don't just mean the citizens either, the Miniknog guards fell afoul of the Floran menace too. I tried to stop them, but Big Ape commanded me to let it play out. 음, 일단 실험은 일단락되었다. 아홉 명의 플로란들이 살아남았고, 에이펙스는 모두 죽었다. 시민들만 말하는게 아니라, 미니크녹 경비원들도 플로란들의 광기에 휩쓸려 쓰러졌다. 나는 그들을 멈추려 했지만, 빅 에이프께서 그냥 두라고 지시하셨다. I admit, it was interesting to watch. The Apex may possess great physical strength, but the Floran outmatch them in all areas. Big Ape is plotting something. He told me to wait before restarting the experiment. I, in the meantime, have to herd nine angry Florans back into their quarters. 보기에 흥미로웠다는건 인정해야겠다. 에이펙스들은 강한 신체 능력을 소유하고 있을지도 모르지만, 플로란들이 모든 상황에서 그들을 압도했다. 빅 에이프님께서 무언가 꾸미고 있다. 그분께선 나에게 실험을 계속 진행하기전에 기다리라고 하셨다. 그동안, 나는 아홉 명의 분노한 플로란들을 그들의 구역으로 몰아넣어야 했다.

Big Ape has tasked me with finding a way to ensure our Apex soldiers are capable of taking down a Floran with ease. I thought about the long, hard, gruelling training regimen this would involve. Even if we just focused on the Miniknog soldiers, it would take forever. 빅 에이프께서나에게 우리의 에이펙스 병사들이 쉬이 플로란들을 이길 수 있게 하는 방법을 찾아내라는 임무를 내리셨다. 나는 이 임무가 포함할 길고 대단히 힘든 훈련과 식이요법에 대해 생각해보았다. 우리가 오직 미니크녹 병사들에게만 집중한다고 해도, 영원히 이루지 못 할것이다. No, something better is required. We need a breed of Apex who is stronger, better, faster than the rest. Front-line soldiers who are capable of leading the charge, and dealing the brunt of the damage. 아니, 무언가 더 나은 방법이 필요하다. 우리는 타 에이펙스보다 더 강하고, 더 낫고, 더 빠른 종이 필요하다. 최전선에 서서 돌격을 이끌고, 공격의 예봉이 될 병사들이.
I've put in another call to Greenfinger. I know that Floran DNA is very malleable, and can be spliced rather easily. I need his permission to experiment on the Florans he sent, and knowing Greenfinger, he'll happily grant it. 나는 원예가에게 다시 연락했다. 플로란 DNA는 매우 가단성 있고, 쉽게 이어질 수 있다는걸 알고있다. 원예가가 보낸 플로란들에게 실험하려면 그의 허락이 필요하지만, 그라면 흔쾌히 허락하리라 믿는다.

Unusually, Greenfinger had stipulations in regards to my experiments. I could do what I wished, as long as he was in attendance. He arrived at my lab moments after receiving my agreement, almost as if he'd been here the whole time. 평소와 다르게, 원예가는 내 실험에 조건을 걸었다. 나는 내가 원하는 어떤 실험이라도 할 수 있었지만, 그가 참관하고 있어야 했다. 그는 내 동의를 얻자마자 도착했다. 마치 그가 계속 여기 있기라도 한 것처럼. Being in the presence of Greenfinger is, as usual, disconcerting. Every time I turn around and see him, I am forced to ensure I don't recoil in alarm. Not that Greenfinger is the sensitive sort. 원예가의 시선을 받고 있는건, 항상 그렇듯이, 불편하다. 내가 뒤돌아 그를 볼때마다, 반사적으로 알람을 누르지 않게 애써야한다. 그가 세심한 성격인 것도 아니다.
He is a brilliant, brilliant scientist however. I feel like a child fumbling in the dark in comparison. Within half a day, he had perfected a theoretical gene-splice between the Florans and the Apex, and constructed a plan for slow-burning experimentation. 그럼에도, 그는 정말, 정말로 훌륭한 과학자이다. 비유하자면 내 능력은 어린아이가 어둠속에서 어설프게 하는 것처럼 느껴진다. 반나절만에, 그는 플로란과 에이펙스 사이의 이론적인 유전자접합을 완성시켰고, 점진적인 실험의 계획을 세웠다.

Greenfinger entered the lab early this morning to find me working away diligently. I was attempting to deconstruct the Floran DNA strands in the hope I could find an even quicker solution to the DNA merge. Greenfinger lost his temper. 오늘 아침 원예가가 실험실에 들어와 내가 열심히 일하던걸 목격했다. 나는 DNA 융합의 더 빠른 답을 찾아내기 위해 플로란 DNA 가닥을 해체하려 시도하고 있었다. 그는 이성을 잃었다. I have never seen my friend behave this way. At one stage, I almost feared for my life. He smashed equipment, shouted and screamed. I began to suspect he was scared. This, in turn, scared me. 나는 내 친구가 이렇게 행동하는걸 본 적이 없었다. 순간 순간 난 내 목숨에 위협을 느꼈다. 그는 장비를 박살내고 소리를 질러댔다. 나는 그가 두려워했다는걸 의심하기 시작했다. 결과적으로는 날 두렵게 했지만.
Finally I calmed my friend down. He apologised, and I asked him to explain. And explain he did. His explanation shocked me to the very core. The secret he has been hiding for all these years... it could change everything. 마침내 난 내 친구를 진정시킬 수 있었다. 그는 사과했다. 나는 설명을 원했고, 그는 받아들였다. 그의 설명은 내 마음 속 깊은 곳까지 충격을 주었다. 수 년동안 그가 숨겨오던 비밀.... 그건 모든걸 바꿀 수 있었다.

Greenfinger finally left, today. The experiment - following his plan, of course - is set to go ahead. I think he was hesitant to make an exit, after imparting certain knowledge upon me. 오늘, 원예가가 드디어 떠났다. 실험 - 물론 그의 계획대로 진행되는 - 은 실행될 준비를 끝마쳤다. 내 생각엔 그는 그 지식을 나에게 전한 이후로 떠나길 머뭇거려 하는 것 같았다. He swore me to secrecy, of course. I am a respected scientist, and he knows that I value my oaths above all else. And yet... this information I have come to possess, the value it holds, is astronomical. 당연히, 그는 나에게 비밀을 지킬 것을 맹세하게 했다. 나는 권위있는 과학자이고, 그도 내가 맹세를 그 무엇보다 소중히 여긴다는걸 알고 있다. 그럼에도.... 내가 알게 된 이 정보가 지니고 있는 가치는 천문학적이다.
I will keep quiet for Greenfinger, though. I shall say nothing. And he will never know what it means to me to have been brought into his trust, to share the burden of his secret, a burden he has carried alone for centuries. We will get through this, old friend. 그래도 난 원예가를 위해 침묵할 것이다. 나는 아무 말도 안할것이다. 그리고 그는 내가 그의 신뢰를 얻었고, 그가 수 세기동안 가지고 왔던 그 짐을 함께 들게 된 것이 나에게 어떠한 의미를 가지고 있는지 영원히 모를 것이다. 우리는 같이 이겨낼것이네, 오랜 친구여.

2.4. Glory to Big Ape: A Chant

Big Ape, Big Ape

He's big and he's an ape

He's glorious, a leader

And everyone obeys him.

He's handsome and he's tough

Through the smooth and through the rough

Glory to our leader

We serve him with a smile!
빅 에이프, 빅 에이프

그는 크고 또 그는 유인원이죠

그는 영광스러운, 지도자이며

모두가 그에게 복종하죠

그는 멋지고 또 강해요

부드러움과 강함을 모두 갖춘

우리의 지도자에게 영광을

우리는 그에게 미소지으며 보답하죠!

2.5. Blog of a Lab Assistant 1 ~ 10

Yesterday I was prodding and poking at tiny monster corpses, working out how they tick. Today, I'm assistant to the most brilliant Apex mind in history (aside from Big Ape, of course), working on a top secret, important project.어제만 해도, 난 그저 괴물들이 어떻게 꿈틀거리는지 알아내기 위해 그것들을 들쑤시고 있을 뿐이었다. 오늘은, 역사상 가장 뛰어난 에이펙스(물론 빅 에이프님을 제외하고)들이 진행 중인 일급비밀 프로젝트의 연구보조를 하였다.
It's funny how your life can change! I never thought my talent would be noticed, and yet here I am. Doctor Lax is a stern, serious woman. She's very focused on work. This suits me fine. Already, the lab workers who slack off have been let go.삶이 한 순간에 이렇게 바뀔 수 있다니, 웃기지 않아? 내 재능이 주목 받을 줄은 꿈에도 몰랐다. 랙스 박사님은 엄하고 진지하신 여성이다. 또한 박사님은 연구에 매우 몰입하신다. 그런 점이 마음에 든다. 개으름 피우는 연구원들은 이미 쫓아낸듯하다.
The experiments we are doing make me somewhat uncomfortable. Remember Randy, the guy I often complained about who never took the work seriously? Well, apparently he 'volunteered' as a test subject today. 우리가 현재 진행하고 있는 실험은 어째선지 나를 불편하게 만든다. 내가 전에 일을 진지하게 하지 않는다고 불평했던 랜디를 기억하나? 그가 오늘 실험체로 '자원'했다는 소식을 들었다.
I've never seen a volunteer seem so resistant. We strapped him down, and began pumping him full of some kind of chemical or other. Thankfully, whatever it was seemed to have no effect on him, as he was back in the mess hall joking around that night. 나는 지금까지 이렇게 저항이 심한 지원자는 본적이 앖었다. 우리는 그를 묶어놓고 그에게 무슨 화학성분 같은 것을 주사해 넣기 시작했다. 다행히도, 그게 무엇이었든 간에 그에겐 아무 효과가 없어보였고, 그날밤 그는 식당으로 돌아가 농담을 하고 다녔다.

Last night, a calamity occurred. An intruder broke into our lab and trashed the place. Doctor Lax was incredibly edgy about it all. She spent hours looking to see if anything had been taken. It did not seem to have been. 어젯밤 끔찍한 일이 일어났다. 침입자가 우리 연구실에 침입해 난장판을 만들어 놓은 것이다. 그 일 때문에 렉스 박사님은 극심하게 날이 서 계셨다. 박사님은 몇 시간동안 무언가 사라지지 않았는지 찾는데 시간을 보내셨다. 사라진 건 없어보인다.
Randy was missing, though. Didn't show up for the second phase of his trials, not that they could go ahead. Doctor Lax put in a number of calls, and soon we were being transported off-world, to a secret location. It all happened so fast. 그러나 렌디가 사라졌다. 그의 두번째 실험에도 나타나지 않았고 진행할 수 없었다. 랙스 박사님은 몇통의 전화를 걸었고, 곧 우리는 외부와는 단절 된 비밀장소로 보내졌다. 모든일이 순식간에 일어났다.
Turns out, the plan is to keep our lab mobile, never staying in one place for too long. I asked Doctor Lax how this benefits the experiment, but she screamed angrily at me and told me to mind my own business. 계획은 우리 실험실을 최대한 간편하게 하여 한 장소에 오래 있지 않는 것으로 바뀌었다. 나는 박사님께 이게 우리 실험에 무슨 도움을 주는지 물어봤지만, 그녀는 내게 화를 내며 소리를 지르고 내 일이나 신경쓰라고 말했다.
I am beginning to suspect that this change has nothing to do with our experiment, and everything to do with Doctor Lax. Just what is it she's running from? Am I in danger myself? Find out in the next exciting instalment of my blog! 나는 이 변화가 우리 실험과는 아무상관 없으며 오직 랙스 박사와만 관련있다고 의심하기 시작했다. 그녀는 무엇으로부터 도망치는 걸까? 나도 위험에 처한 건 아닐까? 내 블로그의 다음 편을 기대하시라!

Test subjects are coming in thick and fast now. They're divided into three groups, and then their treatment begins. There's the control group, obviously, then a group who are treated with Formula H and Formula F. I'm working on the Formula F test group.실험 대상이 잇따라 오기 시작했다. 그들은 세 그룹으로 나눠져, 실험이 시작되었다. 당연하지만 제어집단과 포뮬라 H, 그리고 포뮬라 F를 투약하는 그룹으로 나눠졌다. 나는 포뮬라 F 실험그룹에서 일하게 된다.
I'd love to share details on the experiment here, but even I can't risk that. It's very exciting though. However, it makes me uncomfortable realising that our test subjects aren't volunteers. Some are impoverished Apex citizens, but some are Resistance soldiers, captured. Of course, I should have no sympathy for them, but... 나도 여기에 실험에 대한 상세한 정보를 나누고 싶긴 하지만, 위험을 감수하고 싶지는 않다. 그래도 매우 흥분되는 실험이다. 하지만 실험대상이 자원자가 아니라는 것을 알았을 때 조금 불편한 기분이 들기도 한다. 몇몇은 빈곤한 에이펙스 시민이지만, 몇몇은 사로잡힌 반군이었다. 당연히 이들을 동정하지는 않는다.. 그렇지만..

We came into the lab today to find all of the Formula H test subjects dead. Their bodies had just shut down. Doctor Lax treated it as if it was expected. Maybe it was. She's acting strange lately. I don't like it. 오늘 우리가 실험실에 들어왔을때 포뮬리 H 투약 그룹은 모두 죽어있었다. 그들의 시체는 방금 폐기되었다. 랙스 박사는 이 일이 예측되었던 것 처럼 받아들였다. 요즘 그녀의 행동이 이상하다. 좀 싫다.
Lax has her own experimental chamber, and there's definitely something in there. I hear noises. I'm often the last one in the lab, and I won't lie, it creeps me out. I hear growling, and banging on the doors, and sometimes even low sobbing. 랙스 박사는 전용 실험실을 가지고 있고, 분명 그 안에 무언가 있는 것 같다. 소리를 들었다. 난 자주 연구실에 혼자 늦게까지 남을때가 있는데, 거짓말 안하고 그 소리들은 날 소름끼치게 만든다. 으르렁대고 문을 쾅쾅 치는 소리를 들었고, 가끔은 낮게 우는 소리도 들린다.
One day, I'm going to be brave enough to take a look. Just a quick peek. I've seen the access code Lax enters. I could get in. I just... I'm nervous. The test chamber is marked with so many 'danger' signs that I feel hesitant. 언젠가 용기가 생기면 한번 들어가볼것이다. 아주 잠깐만 둘러 볼것이다. 랙스 박사가 들어갈 때 암호코드를 본 적이 있다. 들어갈수 있다. 다만.. 불안하다. 실험실 앞에는 많은 '위험'사인이 붙어있고 날 망설이게 만든다.

We are to be visited by Big Ape himself. This is unprecedented. The atmosphere in the lab is one of excitement and terror. None of us have ever seen Big Ape in the flesh before! I have to admit, I get a fanboy shiver every time I think about it. 빅 에이프가 우리를 방문한다고 한다. 이건 전례없는 일이다. 실험실의 분위기는 흥분과 공포로 가득하다. 우리는 아무도 빅 에이프를 실물로 본 적이 없다! 고백하지만, 그 일에 대해 생각하는 순간마다 팬으로써 떨린다.
In other news, Doctor Lax has become more withdrawn, working away in her experiment chamber at all hours of the day and night. I've had no opportunity to take a look. I'm almost relieved. 또다른 뉴스로는, 랙스 박사가 더더욱 밤낮없이 그녀의 실험실에 틀어박혀 일만 한다는 것이다. 실험실을 둘러볼 기회가 생기질 않았다. 거의 포기했다.
The Formula F test subjects are producing great results. At least, that's what I'm told. I like to think I have a great understanding of my work, but even then, I can't fathom exactly what's going on here. It doesn't help that half the results are redacted. 포뮬라 F 투약 그룹은 좋은 결과를 도출하고 있다. 라고 그렇게 들었다. 나는 내 작업에 이해도가 높다고 생각하고 싶지만, 여기서 정확히 뭐가 어떻게 돌아가는지 잘 이해할 수 없다. 결과의 절반이 편집되는 것을 막을 수 없다.
I feel like my role here is to press buttons and flip switches, and nothing more. Doctor Lax, when she bothers to emerge from her test chamber at all, simply snatches the results from my hand and stalks off. It's all very disconcerting. 여기에서 내 일은 버튼을 누르고 스위치를 내리는 일 뿐이라는 생각이 들었다. 랙스 박사, 그녀가 신경쓰는 일은 실험실로부터 나와 단순히 실험 결과를 내 손로부터 낚아챈 뒤 성큼성큼 걸어가 버리는 것이다. 매우 당혹스러울 뿐이다.
Lax has been especially jumpy lately, too. She's surrounding herself with Miniknog guards, even having them search us each day as we enter the lab. It's no longer an enjoyable working environment. Still, at least we have Big Ape's visit to look forward to.랙스 박사는 요즘들어 매우 안절부절못해보이기도 한다. 그녀는 그녀 주변에 미니녹 경비원들을 배치시켜놓고는 우리가 매번 연구실에 들어갈 때마다 검문을 시킨다. 더이상 즐거운 직장환경이 아니다. 그렇지만 아직도 우리는 빅 에이프의 방문을 학수고대하고 있다.

I'm writing this from beneath a desk. I'm hiding. If I don't make it out of here, spread my story. Make sure the universe knows what happened. I can hear gunfire, and screams, and a terrible, pained roaring sound. 나는 이 포스트를 책상 밑에서 작성하고 있다. 나는 지금 숨어있다. 내가 만일 이곳에서 나가지 못한다면 내 이야기를 퍼트려주었면 한다. 전 우주가 지금 무슨 일이 일어나는지 알게 해야한다. 난 지금 총성과 비명과 끔찍하고 고통스러운 고함소리를 들을 수 있다.
Big Ape arrived. Just knocked on the door and announced he was here. Of course, I threw it open excitedly. Doctor Lax, stepping out of her chamber, screamed for me to stop, but it was too late. A figure stood there, wearing an ill-fitting ape costume. 빅 에이프가 도착했었다. 문을 두드리며 그가 왔다는 것을 알렸다. 당연히도 나는 신나서 문을 열었고, 랙스 박사는 실험실에서 뛰쳐나와 나에게 그만두라고 비명질렀다. 이미 너무 늦었다. 크기가 안맞는 유인원 옷을 입은 형상이 서있었다.
Tearing off the costume, the creature tossed me aside. I've never seen a beast like it. It was sentient; it spoke to Doctor Lax, told her that her time was up, that the Ring of Thorns had found her. It began to chase her through the compound, as I cowered beneath my desk. 유인원 옷을 찢으며, 그 생물체는 나를 구석으로 집어던졌다. 나는 그런 괴물은 한번도 본 적 없었다. 그것은 지성이 있었고, 랙스 박사에게 그녀의 시간이 다 되었고 가시의 관이 그녀를 찾았다고 말했다. 그것은 그녀를 수용소 방향으로 쫒기 시작했고, 나는 내 책상 밑으로 몸을 숨겼다.
The sounds of fighting had died down. I saw the creature, the assassin, stalking out of the building, seemingly content with its work. I waited, then cautiously made my way out, towards the test chamber, the door ajar.전투의 소리는 수그러들었고, 나는 그 암살자 생명체가 그의 작업에 만족한 듯 조용히 건물을 빠져나가는 것을 보았다. 나는 기다렸다가 박사의 연구실쪽으로 주의하며 움직이기 시작했다. 문은 살짝 열려있었다.
I peered inside, unsure of what I'd find. There, Doctor Lax lay slumped inside a large capsule, a syringe stuck in her neck, pumping what appeared to be a combination of Formula F and H into her veins. She was dead, of course.나는 무엇을 볼 지 확신하지 못한 채 안쪽을 엿보았다. 그곳엔 랙스박사가 거대한 캡슐 안에 축 늘어져 있었고 그녀의 목엔 주사기가 꽂혀 있었고 포뮬라 F와 H가 섞인듯한 것이 혈관으로 들어가고 있었다. 물론 그녀는 죽어있었다.
Whatever had been inside the test chamber originally was long gone. But Doctor Lax's notes remained. This... this changes everything. What we've been doing, what we've been working towards, it's an abomination. How could Big Ape condone this? 무엇이든간 실험실에 있건 건 이미 사라진것같았다. 하지만 랙스 박사의 기록은 남아있었다. 이게.. 이게 모든 걸 바꿨다. 우리가 하고있던 것, 우리가 하려던 것은.. 혐오스러운 것이었다. 어떻게 빅 에이프는 이것을 묵인할 수 있었었는가?
My next blog post will blow this whole thing wide open. I'm going into hiding. I need to make sure I'm safe, and then I'm blowing the whistle on all of this. The Miniknog - Big Ape himself - must be stopped. 내 다음 블로그 포스트는 이것들을 널리 공개하는 것이 될것이다. 나는 숨을 것이다. 나는 내가 확실히 안전해진 후, 이 일을 고발할 것이다. 미니크녹, 빅 에이프는 반드시 멈춰져야 한다.

2.6. A Ludicrous Annoyance

How am I meant to further the Apex species when our labs get attacked? And by a member of the Ring of Thorns, no less. That Thornwing will get an earful next time we have cocktails. 우리의 실험실이 마구 공격받고 있으면 도대체 어떻게 에이펙스 종족을 이끌라는 거야? 분명 가시의 관의 일원중 하나겠지.가시날개 그녀석과 다음 만남때 좀 입씨름을 해야겠군.
I sent my elite Miniknog guards to clean up the mess. Doctor Lax's body was gone. What kind of lunatic kidnaps a body! Oh well. Probably eaten by Florans. Managed to recover some of the notes and that, so I've hired another doctor to carry on with the research. 나는 현장을 정리하기 위해 내 엘리트 미니크녹 경비를 보냈어. 랙스 박사의 시체는 사라졌지. 어떤 미친놈이 시체를 납치한걸까! 글쎄. 아마 플로란놈들에게 먹힌거겠지. 자료들을 복구하고 그런것들을 위해 연구를 이끌어 갈 새 박사를 고용했어.
On the plus side, my Miniknog spies were able to track down that annoying blogger who kept posting NDA-protected information. He's hiding out in a human prison, of all places. Might place a call to Thornwing to deal with him, I guess.거기에 더해서, 내 미니크녹 스파이가 자꾸 기밀 유지협약 서류들을 포스팅하는 그 짜증나는 블로거를 추적할 수 있었어. 그는 그 많은 장소중에서 인간의 감옥에 숨어있다더군. 가시날개에게 맡겨야 할 장소일지도 모르겠군.

2.7. A Scribbled Note

Memories black. Feel... pain. Changes. I was... I was... I feel the formulas. Remember who did this.아무것도 기억나지않아. 고통...스러워. 변했어. 내가... 내가... 약기운이 느껴져. 기억해내야돼 누가 나에게 이런짓을 했는지.
Remember. Florans. Thorns. Big Ape. All crush. All crush. 기억났다. 플로란들, 가시들, 빅 에이프. 부숴버릴거야. 모두 부숴버릴거야.

2.8. Greenfinger's Notes: Loose Ends

Unhappy to have left the Apex compound. Sharing our species' secret is not something I take lightly. My acquaintance, the Apex scientist Doctor Lax, can be trusted. I have utter faith in her. 에이펙스 주택군을 떠나야 하는게 기쁘지 않다. 우리 종족의 비밀을 공유하는 것은 내가 가볍게 여기는 사항이 아니다. 내 지인, 에이펙스 과학자 랙스 박사는 믿을 수 있는 자다. 난 그녀에게 무한한 신뢰를 가지고 있다.
And yet, this is not something I can leave up to faith. I was barely off-planet before putting the call in to Thornwing. The Ring of Thorns have been dispatched. No loose ends. It is how we've survived thus far, and how we will continue to survive. 하지만, 신뢰에만 맡겨둘 수 없는 일도 있다. 나는 가시날개에게 연락하기 전에 이미 행성을 떠나고 있었다. 가시의 관이 파견되었다. 마무리는 깔끔할 것이다. 이것이 우리가 지금까지 살아남은 방식이고, 계속 이렇게 살아갈 것이다.
I am sorry, Doctor. 미안해요, 렉스 박사.

2.9. An Apex Advert

Try Big Ape's patented Miniknog Bananas! 100% Mind Control-free, guaranteed! Absolutely no risk of death, or your money back! Eat one today! Not to be consumed while operating vehicles.Big Ape 특허 미니크녹 바나나를 먹어보세요! 정신지배로부터 100% 자유롭게 해 줄것을 보장합니다! 먹고 죽을 일은 절대 없습니다! 만약 죽더라도 환불해 드립니다! -뭐?- 지금 당장 먹어보세요! 단, 운전중에 먹으면 안됩니다.

2.10. Big Ape

by Greenfinger of the Floran
I will admit, the ape is not to my tastes. He is brash, boorish and a poor tactician. His insistence in appearing behind a video screen is tiresome - he forgets I know all his little secrets.
인정하지. 난 그녀석[1] 이 별로야. 그는 성급하고, 버릇없으며 비열한 전략가야. 그가 화면 뒤에서 복종을 강요하는 것은 정말이지 짜증이나. 내가 그의 작은 비밀들까지 다 알고있는걸 잊었나봐?And yet, he's an invaluable ally. I may not agree with his methods, but his goals are sound. And he has the ear of the self-styled lord, Thornwing. Strange times make for strange bedfellows. It's not like anything is conventional these days.그럼에도, 그는 또한 중요한 동맹자이기도 해. 그의 통치방식은 마음에 안 들지만, 그가 이루어낸 업적이 많은건 확실하거든. 자칭 군주 Thornwing도 그의 편이야. 시대가 바뀌었어. 모든것이 관습적인 것만은 아니야.

2.11. The Steel Casebook: Apex

by Hewlett Deckard, Glitch bounty hunter
Arriving at an Apex settlement always fills me with sadness. The Apex plight is not unlike the Glitch's, but a thousand times worse. Here, Big Ape and his awful Miniknog have broken the population, reducing them to mindless slaves.
글리치 현상금사냥꾼,Hewlett Deckard 지음
에이펙스의 거류지에 올 때마다 안타깝다는 생각이 들어. 에이펙스의 처지는 글리치 만큼, 아니, 글리치 보다 천 배는 더 나쁠 거야. Big Ape와 잔인한 미니크녹 군사들이 에이펙스의 인구수를 줄이고 그들을 생각 없는 노예로 만들어버렸어.
Put a foot wrong, and the Miniknog are on you. Do nothing wrong, and chances are they will be anyway. I hear talk of mysterious labs on remote planets, of horrific experiments and terrifying beasts. 말 한번 잘못하면 미니크녹 병사가 어김없이 널 찾아가지. 잘못한 게 없어도, 언제든지 병사들이 널 찾아올 여지가 있어. 난 어느 외진 행성의 비밀연구소에 대한, 소름 끼치는 연구와 무시무시한 괴물들에 대한 이야기를 들어 본적도 있어.

2.12. A Folk Tale

When Big Ape was just a little ape, his home village was attacked by creeping horrors from beyond the stars. These vile penguins set everything to the torch, and Big Ape was forced to watch as his village burned. Big Ape가 어렸을 때, 그의 고향은 습격을 받았다. 사악한 팽귄무리가 사방에 불을 질렀고, Big Ape는 그의 고향이 불타는걸 지켜보고 있을 수 밖에 없었다.
Big Ape swore revenge, and revenge he got. As the penguins were leaving in their space pirate ship, he fired a grappling hook at them and pulled the ship down to earth, using nothing but his strength. After that, penguins never burned his village down again.그는 복수를 맹세했다. 그리고 그는 복수하는데 성공했다. 팽귄무리가 우주해적선을 떠날 때를 노려, 그는 갈고랑쇠를 쏘아 오직 그의 힘만으로 배를 당겨 땅으로 떨어뜨렸다. 그 후 팽귄무리는 다시는 그의 마을을 불태울 수 없었다.

2.13. Friends to the End

by Hiraki Corale, Hylotl adventurer
So I hit upon a genius idea! If the Resistance and the Miniknog could just talk it out, then maybe things could get smoothed over. I'm sure Big Ape is not the villain they think, if only they'd get to know him. So I tunnelled out of my room and found the nearest Miniknog platoon.
하이로틀 모험가,Hiraki Corale 씀
그래서 나는 기막힌 생각 하나를 떠올렸지. 만약 저항군과 미니크녹 군사들이 대화를 할 수 있다면 둘의 관계가 나아질 것 같았어. Big Ape는 그들이 생각하는 것처럼 나쁘지 않다고 난 확신할 수 있었어. 저항군이 Big Ape와 만날 수 있다면 좋을텐대. 그래서 나는 방에서 나와 근처의 미니크녹 소대를 찾아갔지.
Filled with positivity, I led them to the Resistance hideout and told them that if they didn't sort out their differences, I'd knock their heads together. So smart! Well, I think it went okay! I didn't stick around to find out for sure, of course, I had to meet back up with Greenfinger, but I saw them all marching together through the town square as we left. 기쁜 마음으로, 난 병사들을 저항군의 아지트로 대려가서 만약 그들이 둘 사이의 불화를 해결하지 못한다면 혼쭐을 내주겠다했어.고문관 난 정말 똑똑해! 음, 난 분명히 잘 해결될거라 생각했어. 물론 난 거기 계속 있지는 않았지. Greenfinger를 다시 만나야 했거든. 근대 나랑 Greenfinger가 떠날 때, 저항군들이 마을 광장으로 행진 하는걸 봤거든. 뭘까?

2.14. An Apex Headline

Core Resistance cell captured - Big Ape triumphs again
저항군 주요기지 점령됨 - Big Ape, 또다시 승리하다.

2.15. Minutes of a Meeting

Participants: Big Ape, Greenfinger, Thornwing, [Redacted]

Big Ape: So, let's get started then. We have important things to discuss.

Greenfinger: [Redacted]

Thornwing: [Redacted]

[Redacted] : Are you serious?

Big Ape: [Redacted]

Big Ape: [Redacted]

Big Ape: [Redacted]

Big Ape: And that's why you should never date a Hylotl.

Thornwing: Kluex save us.

Greenfinger: [Redacted]
참석자 : Big Ape, Greenfinger, Thornwing, [편집됨]

Big Ape : 그럼, 시작합시다. 의논해야할 것들이 많소.

Greenfinger : [편집됨]

Thornwing : [편집됨]

[편집됨] : 진심입니까?

Big Ape : [편집됨]

Big Ape : [편집됨]

Big Ape : [편집됨]

Big Ape : 그러므로 당신들은 절대 하이로틀과 계약을 해서는 안됩니다.

Thornwing : Kluex께서 우리를 구원하길.

Greenfinger : [편집됨]

2.16. A Pleasant Town

by Hiraki Corale, Hylotl adventurer
I find myself in a Miniknog-controlled Apex town. But oh, control is such an ugly word, isn't it? The Apex here are all so polite, and friendly. They bow and grovel as I pass, my Miniknog entourage only occasionally having to knock them back!
어쩌다 보니 미니크녹의 지배 하에 있는 에이펙스 마을에 들어가게 됐어. 하지만 오, 지배라는 말은 정말 안 좋은 말이야, 안 그래? 여기 있는 에이펙스들은 모두 고손하고 친절해. 내가 옆을 지나갈때마다 인사하고 굽실거려, 내 미니크녹 수행단이 가끔씩 그들을 뒤로 밀어내기만 하면 됐었어!
It's all very exciting. An audience with Big Ape! Greenfinger told me he's heard about my exploits, and would like to pick my brain. I mean gosh, I've heard rumours about Big Ape picking peoples' brains, but I don't think it means that this time. 정말 흥분돼. 빅 에이프와 같은 관중이라니! 원예가가 내게 빅 에이프가 내 모험에 대해 들었고, 내 뇌를 조사해보고 싶어했다고 말해줬어. 내 말은, 빅 에이프가 사람들의 뇌를 들쑤시고 다는다는 소문을 듣긴 했지만, 내 생각에는 이번엔 그런 뜻이 아닌것 같아.

2.17. An Apex Poster

[On the poster, Big Ape - here depicted as a buff gorilla - is doing the thumbs-up sign. Below the picture, the text reads 'Bigger IS Better - Big Ape is watching.'][포스터에는, 몸짱 고릴라로 묘사된 Big Ape가 엄지를 치켜올린 그림이 그려져있다. 포스터 하단에는 '클수록 좋다 - Big Ape가 보고있습니다.' 라는 글귀가 적혀있다.]

2.18. Miniknog Problems: A Report

Not only do we have to deal with sightings of a hulking figure on the streets at night, but now the Resistance has set up shop in our little town, as well. Why can't they just let us do our jobs? All Big Ape wants is total and absolute control, is that so much to ask? 한밤중에 거리를 쏘다니는 형체 문제도 모자라서 이젠 저항군까지 우리 마을을 들쑤시는구만. 왜 우리를 가만히 내버려두질 못하는 거야? 빅 에이프가 원하는 건 그저 절대적이고 완벽한 통제일 뿐인데, 겨우 그것도 참아주질 못하겠다는 거야?
We have a platoon of armed guards just waiting to descend on their hideout should we find it. Free-thinking, free-spirited Apex are not welcome here. If we don't find them soon, we'll have to poison the water supply again, and then EVERYONE suffers. 그놈들의 은신처를 찾기만 하면 우리의 경비병들이 그곳을 탈탈 털어버릴거야. 자유로운 생각과 정신을 가진 에이펙스들은 이 곳에서 환영받지 못해. 만약 그 놈들을 빠른 시일내에 찾지 못한다면, 또 수원지에 독을 풀어야 할거고, 그럼 모두가 고통받을거라고.

2.19. Child's Rhyme

There once was an ape called Big Ape

Whose brain was the size of a grape

He swung through the trees

And got riddled with fleas

번역 해 주세요.

2.20. The Children of Kluex

There is a species, in the far corners of the universe, which many are aware of. Small Avian-like creatures, waddling beasts with beaks and flightless wings. They operate as space pirates, rogues and renegades. Legend tells that they are the children of Kluex himself, cast out due to their wicked ways; the first Flightless.번역 해 주세요.
Kluex laments the loss of his children, and their spiral into darkness. But they will not embrace him, will not return to the fold. And thus, it is any good Avian's duty to report a space pirate penguin sighting to the nearest authorities.번역 해 주세요.

2.21. A Doctrine of the Grounded

We reject the teachings of Kluex. We deny the existence of the Sunborn. We defy the rule of the Clipped Council. We will tar the Stargazers. We will burn down the Celestial Stairways. We will free the Ascendants, and liberate the Flightless. We are the Grounded, and we shall rise.번역 해 주세요.

2.22. The Commandments of Kluex (first draft)

Thou shall not fly, for fear of angering the celestial entities.

Thou shall not eat seeds from the pussplum plant.

Thou shall aspire to greatness; to become a Sunborn.

Thou shall serve Kluex, in this life and the next.

Thou shall keep thy feathers clean.

Thou shall outcast any Avian such as would deny Kluex.

Thou shall not worship false idols, such as penguins.

Thou shall never take dinner with a Floran.

Thou shall not steal.
너희는 천상의 개체들을 분노케 하였기에, 날지 못 할지어다.

너희는 고름자두의 씨앗을 먹지 말지어다.

너희는 태양의 자손이 되기 위해, 위대함을 열망할지어다.

너희는 이 생에서, 그리고 다음 생에서 클루엑스를 받들지어다.

너희는 너희의 깃털을 깨끗히 할 지어다.

너희는 클루엑스를 부정하는 어떤 아비안일지라도 추방할 지어다.

너희는 펭귄같은 가짜 우상을 숭배하지 말지어다.

너희는 플로란과 저녁을 같이 들지 말지어다.

너희는 도둑질하지 말지어다.

2.23. The Kluex Delusion

p.1 by Rochard Hawkwings
While the Flightless blindly follow the teachings of the Clipped Council[3], those of us who are enlightened - grounded, if you will - question it. Many of us, in fact, are of the opinion that Kluex does not even exist.
Rochard Hawkwings 지음
Flightless들이 맹목적으로 Clipped Council(이하 CC)의 가르침을 따르는 동안, 우리같이 계몽된 아비안들 – 그렇다면 너는 아마도 Grounded의 일원일 것 이다 - 은 의문을 품었다. 사실 우리 중 대다수가 Kluex는 실제로 존재하지 않는다고 주장한다.
p.2 What evidence is there? What SCIENTIFIC evidence? Proof. That's what the universe revolves around. There is little proof that Kluex exists, other than people who claim to have seen him. There's also his space station, of course, floating just outside of orbit. 무슨 근거가 있냐고? 과학적인 증거라도 있냐고? 증명해주지. 그것이 인지상정이다. Kluex를 보았다고 주장하는 자들을 제외하고는, 그가 존재한다는 근거는 거의 없다. Kluex의 우주정거장도 있다. 물론, 궤도 밖에 떠있기만 한다.
p.3 A lonely, desolate place. Fit for a god? I do not believe so. If you ask me, that space station is a spy satellite. Watching us. Recording our personal data. Sending reports to the Council about what we do, think, eat, drink. They're watching us all. 외롭고 쓸쓸한 곳 일거다. 신에게 어울린다고? 난 그렇게 믿지 않는다. 이유를 묻는다면 그 정거장은 정찰위성(도청위성)이기 때문이다. 우리를 감시한다. 우리의 개인정보를 기록한다. 우리가 무얼 하고, 생각하고, 먹고, 마시는지를 CC에 보고한다. 그들은 우리의 모든 것을 감시하고 있다.

p.1 by Rochard Hawkwings
Prayer. Something the Clipped Council extol the virtues of. But how, I ask, can Kluex hear our prayers? Even according to the mythology, he is a simple Avian who ascended to Godhood through the power of flight. Flight! Not super-hearing.
Rochard Hawkwings 지음
CC가 Kluex의 덕망을 찬양하는 기도문도 있다. 하지만, Kluex가 어떻게 우리의 기도를 듣겠는가? 심지어 신화에 따르면, 그는 그저 날 수 있다는 것만으로 신격화된 한 아비안에 불과하다. '하늘을 나는 능력이다! Kluex는 기도문을 들을 초청각능력 따윈 없다.
p.2 But you know what DOES have super-hearing? A SPY SATELLITE. That's right. Every time you pray, that spy satellite records your words, documents them, and saves them for use against you. Maybe the Council has been taking tips from the Apex. That makes a lot of sense. I will get to the bottom of this. 그러면 무엇이 우리의 기도를 듣는 줄 아는가? 바로 도청위성 이다. 네가 매번 기도를 올릴 때마다 그 정찰위성이 너의 말을 녹음하고 문서에 기록하고 네게 이용하기 위해 그것을 저장한다. 아마 CC는 에이펙스들에게서 조언을 들었을 것 이다. 아주 말이 된다. 내가 이것의 진상을 규명할 것 이다.

p.1 by Rochard Hawkwings
I have discovered some startling similarities between Kluex and Big Ape, the ruler of the Apex. They are both mysterious figures, and they both rule. Having researched Avian history, I came to the conclusion that it's entirely possible the Clipped Council met with Big Ape in the past.
Rochard Hawkwings 지음
Kluex와 에이펙스의 통치자인 Big Ape 사이의 놀라운 공통점을 찾았다. 그들은 둘 다 불가사의한 존재이며 지배한다. 아비안의 역사를 연구해본 결과, 나는 CC가 과거에 Big Ape를 분명히 만났을 것 이라고 결론지었다.
p.2 Perhaps this is where the idea for Kluex came from. Perhaps Kluex's space station is simply filled with Miniknog technology, reading our every thought. I will reach out to Big Ape himself, for comment. 아마도 이것이 Kluex에대한 착안의 기원일 것 이다. 아마도 Kluex의 정거장에는 그저 우리의 모든 생각을 읽어내는 Miniknog기술로 가득 차 있을 것 이다. 난 Big Ape와 접촉하여 그를 다그칠 것 이다.

p.1 by Rochard Hawkwings
I received a reply from Apex leader Big Ape, which I shall reprint in the pages of this book:
Rochard Hawkwings 지음
Big Ape로부터 답장을 받았다. 그 내용은 이 책의 다음 페이지에 서술해 놓겠다.
p.2 'Sup, Big Ape, here. Kluex, you say? A god? An Avian god? Big Ape is not familiar with this individual. But Big Ape will be happy to challenge your god Kluex to a no-holds-barred cage match, to prove ape superiority once and for all. Any time, any place, anything goes. The Miniknog are always ready.


Glorious Leader Big Ape'
'안녕하신가. Big Ape라네. Kluex라고 했나? 신 이라고? 아비안의 신? 짐은 그 개체와 친하지 않네. 하지만 짐은 너의 신 Kluex와 치열하게 우리 속에서 싸움을 벌인다면 기쁠 것 같네. 에이펙스의 우월함을 그를 포함한 모두에게 증명할 수 있을 것이니 말일세. Miniknog는 언제든지 준비되어 있다네.

안부 전해주게.

이름 높은 통치자, Big Ape가'
p.3 It remains to be seen whether Kluex will accept this offer. 이제 Kluex가 도전을 받아들일 건지 보는 일만 남았다

p.1 by Rochard Hawkwings
I was visited by the Stargazers themselves. They have heard of me, of my work. And so, too, has Kluex. I was summoned.
Rochard Hawkwings 지음
Stargazer들이 나를 찾아왔다. 그들은 나에 대해, 내가 저지른 일에 대해 알고있었다. 그리고 마찬가지로 Kluex도. 나는 호출되었다.
p.2 Let me just say I was wrong. I have been wrong this whole time. I am a fool and a rogue. Glory to Kluex. I have gazed upon our Sunborn lord with my own eyes, and I know now the truth. Grounded, it is not too late! Repent, come back to the flock. Kluex will forgive you. Do not doubt his power. 내가 틀렸다. 이제껏 잘못 알고 있었다. 난 그저 멍청한 사기꾼 이었다. Kluex에게 영광을! 난 내눈으로 직접 그분을 올려보았고, 이제서야 진실을 알았다. Grounded여, 아직 늦지 않았다! 참회하라! 무리로 다시 들어오라. Kluex께서 모두 용서하실 것 이다. 그분의 힘을 의심하지마라.
p.3 Now, I need to deal with that whole Big Ape thing I may have kicked off. My Apex contacts report that he's been training exceptionally hard for some kind of boxing match... 이제, 나는 내가 자초했을지도 모를 Big Ape와의 일을 처리해야겠다. 내 에이펙스가 말하길 그가 요즘에 복싱 경기같은 것을 대비해 매우 열심히 연습중이라는데...

2.24. Las'la Crimsonwing's Diary 1 ~ 3

I left my home; I came here, to this Grounded commune, because of love. I have - had - love for Kluex, there's no denying that. But the love I hold for my wife is immeasurable. I love her more than our God. She is a dedicated Grounded, denying Kluex's very existence entirely.
번역 해 주세요.
I hide my belief from her, of course. I nod along when she preaches about our false messiah, I attend all the meetings, I join her in burning the idols. And yet... somewhere, at the back of my mind, I still feel Kluex's presence, his guiding light. But it's fading, more every day. I wonder if I'll notice when it's gone.번역 해 주세요.
I have received word from the home village. My parents - devout Flightless - retain elicit contact with me. It's a risk, and I appreciate it. My brother has been training as an Ascendant for many years. He is the fastest, the strongest, the best in his unit. Now the time has come that we all feared.
번역 해 주세요.
My dear brother Shir'en has been selected to make the journey up the Celestial Stairway, to dive from the tower. Fly or Die, the Grounded call it. If my brother soars, he will take his place as a Sunborn, a god. But if he falls... 번역 해 주세요.
Kluex save him. For the first time in years, I pray that you are real.번역 해 주세요.
My brother. My dear, dear brother. We could not stop him. He climbed the Celestial Stairway and leaped. He spread his wings, but did not fly. He fell, fell, fell like so many Flightless, headlong towards the ground. He would not become a god this day. Kluex, you have failed me. You have failed us all.
번역 해 주세요.
If it wasn't for the pile of hay positioned by chance below the tower, my brother would be dead. But a concussion is pretty bad news, too. Curse you, Kluex. I defy you. I accept the Grounded ways. Tonight, I begin reading my wife's copy of The Kluex Delusion.번역 해 주세요.

2.25. 한 아비안의 하늘 뱃노래(An Avian Air Shanty)

Florans live in trees

Hylotl swim the seas

But we are the Avians

And the air is where we'll be!

Our wings they work no more

But in our ships we soar

And if the Council come aboard

We'll toss them to the floor!

We'll sail across the skies

Shoot down our elders' lies

Cos when you face the Grounded

We will take you by surprise!

Our ships don't make a sound

Our feet don't touch the ground

We'll fly our boats right into space

We're going to be starbound!
플로란들은 나무 안에서 산다네

하이로틀은 바다를 해엄치네

그러나 우리는 아비안이지

그리고 우리는 하늘에 있을것이지!

우리의 날게는 더이상 기능하지 않는다네

그렇지만 우리의 배 안에서 우린 상승한다네

그리고 만일 이사회에서 배를 타고 온다면

우리는 고놈들을 바닥에다 던져버릴거야!

우리는 하늘을 가로질러 항해할것이네

우리 연장자들의 거짓말을 격추하면서

왜냐면 네 면상이 땅에 닿았을 때

우린 널 놀라움으로 데러갈거니까!

우리의 배는 소리를 만들지 않는다네

우리의 발은 땅에 닿지 않는다네

우린 우리의 배로 곧장 우주를 날아갈거라네

우린 스타바운드로 간다네!

2.26. Journal of a Mechanic 1 ~ 6

Working on an airship is one step closer to my dream. I wanna be part of a starship crew - of course, who doesn't - but these airships are the next best thing. Keeping everything top notch, in working order, this is my calling. It's hard work, but no harder than living in the thrall of Kluex. Here, I'm liberated.비행선에서 일하는 것은 내 꿈에 한 발짝 더 다가가는 일이다. 나는 우주선의 선원이 되고싶다 -누구든 그렇겠지만- 하지만 이 비행선들은 차선책이다. 모든것을 완벽하게, 업무순서대로 마치는 것이 내 천직이다. 힘든 일이지만, Kluex의 노예로 사는 것보다 힘들지는 않다. 여기서는, 난 자유롭다.
I often think back to my days training as an Ascendant. At night I dream of the Celestial Tower, of those steps leading up to the heavens, and the descent that would have awaited me at the top. All told,I prefer a deck beneath my feet. 나는 자주 승천자가 되기 위해 수행하던 시절들을 떠올린다. 나는 밤에 천상의 탑에서, 하늘을 향해 걸어가며, 그 꼭대기에서 나를 기다리던 혈통들의 꿈을 꾼다. 벌써 말했지만, 나는 내 발밑의 갑판을 더 좋아한다.

I've been fooling around with the Power Crystals that keep this ship afloat, and I've come to the conclusion that I need to get my hands on some for a personal project. I miss tinkering in my workshop, creating all manner of fun contraptions. 나는 이 배를 떠있게 만드는 파워 크리스탈을 가지고 뭔갈 좀 해봤는데, 개인적인 연구를 위해서는 내 소유의 것이 필요하다는 결론에 다다랐다. 기묘한 기계들을 만들어 냈던, 옛날 내 작업장에서 일하던 것이 그립다.
Getting a hold of power crystals won't be easy, though. They are - quite understandably - regulated. It wouldn't do for just anyone to have access to them, after all! But I'm a certified PC Engineer, I should be able to pull a few strings. 파워 크리스탈을 구하는 것은 쉽진 않을것이다. 그것들은 -충분히 이해할수 있지만- 규제대상이니까. 하긴, 아무나 그것들에 접근하게 두면 안될테니! 하지만 나는 보증된 PC 엔지니어니까, 조금은 조를 수 있을 것이다.

Unable to acquire power crystals through official channels, I was able to procure some from another airship who docked with us to trade. They had an unusually large number of spare crystals in their hold, and the villagers were being somewhat cagey when I asked about this. 공식적인 시장으로는 파워 크리스탈을 구하지 못했지만, 우리와 거래하기 위해 도킹한 다른 비행선에서 입수할 수 있었다. 그들은 비정상적으로 많은 예비 크리스탈을 가지고 있었고, 내가 그것에 대해 묻자 어째 좀 말하길 꺼리는 것 같았다.
After some digging, I discovered the crystals were being traded to a certain Floran leader, in exchange for a batch of one of his experimental concoctions. I struck a deal with the captain; my silence, for a few of her crystals. A reasonable trade. 약간의 조사 후에, 나는 그 크리스탈들이 그가 만든 실험혼합물 묶음을 위해 어떤 플로란 리더와 거래되고 있었다는 것을 알아냈다. 나는 선장과 거래했다; 나의 침묵, 그녀의 크리스탈 몇개. 합리적인 거래다.

I've been tinkering in my workshop deep in the bowels of the ship, and created something rather remarkable. For a while now, I've been fascinated by the Glitch; those robot men who crop up every now and then. I decided to make my own.나는 배의 내부 깊은곳에 있는 내 작업장에서 일하다가, 꽤나 놀라운 것을 만들어 냈다. 요즘 잠깐동안, 나는 돌연히 나타난 로봇 인간인 글리치에 감명을 받았다. 난 내 스스로 만들어 보기로 했다.
My little robot is powered by a crystal, and can perform menial tasks on command. It doesn't appear to have sentience, thankfully, but it makes up for that in enthusiasm and a willingness to serve. If my experiments pan out, I could have created the ideal worker.내 작은 로봇은 크리스탈 동력이며, 명령에 따라 잡무를 수행할 수 있었다. 다행히도 지각력을 가지고 있는 것 같진 않고, 그 대신 자진하여 시중을 드는 것에 대한 열정으로 가득 차있다. 만약 내 실험이 잘 진행 되면, 나는 완벽한 일꾼을 만들 수 있을지도 모른다.

I had to destroy my robot today. Some meddling Hylotl found her way to my workshop, and for some reason this turned my companion hostile. It proceeded to patrol around the ship, menacing Avians, until I was able to shut it down a few hours later. After retrieving the power crystal, I threw my robot overboard. 오늘 내 로봇을 부숴야만 했다. 어떤 참견쟁이 하이로틀이 내 작업장을 찾아냈고, 또 어떤 이유에선지 내 동료를 적대적으로 만들었다. 내가 몇 시간 후에 전원을 끌 수 있게 됐을때까지, 로봇은 계속하여 배 위를 돌아다니며 아비안들을 위협했다.파워 크리스탈을 회수하고 난 후, 나는 내 로봇을 배 밖으로 던져버렸다.
I plan to make a larger, more powerful robot, but it's going to require more power crystals. Perhaps with the right amount, I can give it enough intelligence to stop it attacking people on sight. Luckily the smuggler ship will be docking with us again later this evening, and I can make another request.나는 더 크고, 더 강력한 로봇을 만들 계획을 세웠지만, 그러려면 더 많은 파워 크리스탈이 필요하다. 어쩌면 적당한 양으로, 나는 로봇에게 시야에 보이는 사람들을 공격하지 않을만큼의 지능을 줄 수 있을지도 모른다. 운 좋게도 밀수범의 배가 오늘 저녁에 우리와 다시 도킹할 예정이므로, 추가로 요구를 할 수 있을것이다.

My attempts at blackmail have backfired. I'm here, trapped on the smuggler's ship, in the cargo hold. Kluex knows where they're taking me. Maybe they'll hand me over to this Floran I keep hearing about. There are rumblings of live experiments. 내 협박 시도는 역효과를 낳았다. 나는 밀수범들의 배의 선창 속에 갇혀있다. Kluex만이 그들이 날 어디로 데려가는지 알 것이다. 어쩌면 밀수범들이 나를 그 플로란에게 넘길지도 모르겠다. 생체 실험에 대한 소문이 있던데.
I have no choice but to escape. I'll have to get creative. All I have is a bunch of smuggled power crystals, my soldering iron, and my robot, which for some reason the smugglers seem to have retrieved and attempted to fix. Naturally, they've broken it even more. 탈출해야만 한다. 창의적으로 행동해야 할것이다. 내가 가진 것은 밀수된 파워 크리스탈 뭉치와, 내 납땜 인두, 그래고 어째서인지 밀수범들이 회수해서 고치려 시도한 로봇뿐이다. 당연히, 그들은 더욱 부숴놨을 뿐이다.
I think I can salvage it, though. Perhaps in a different manner. I have an idea. I need a means of escaping myself, not simply a way of taking down the smugglers. Inspiration is building up inside me. 아마 내가 고칠 수 있을것이다. 어쩌면 다른 용도로. 좋은 생각이 떠올랐다. 그저 밀수범들을 때려눕히는게 아닌, 나를 탈출시킬 수 있는 수단이 필요하다. 영감이 내 안에서 꿈틀대고 있다.

2.27. Fight or Flight

by Hiraki Corale, Hylotl Adventurer
I was exploring the ship, as you do, when I encountered what appeared to be someone's private laboratory, marked with 'Keep Out' signs and warnings of delicate, breakable equipment within. I barged my way inside, and began to fiddle with all the exciting bits and bobs.
번역 해 주세요.
Imagine my alarm when, from out of nowhere, I was greeted by a dull robotic voice commanding me to 'prepare to die'. At first, I thought the Glitch had finally sent assassins to demand retribution for past transgressions, but the truth was much worse. 번역 해 주세요.
A small, misshapen robot stood before me, vibrating on the spot. It looked like it had been made out of a kettle and some saucepans, but its eyes glowed red with malevolence. I knew this was it. Me or the robot. Live or die. 번역 해 주세요.
Screaming, I ran from the room, knocking machinery hither and thither. Avians stared at me as I ran through the ship, being pursued by the robot. Nobody even stepped in to help! Eventually I had to throw myself over the side, plummeting down to meet the ground below. Thankfully, the ship was passing over an outdoor Apex marriage ceremony, and the wedding cake broke my fall. A narrow escape! 번역 해 주세요.

2.28. Journal of a Hero

I did it. I can fly. Fly like an Avian, like a Sunborn. I once again have wings. Well, jet-boots, but nonetheless, it is flight. I crafted this armour to escape from my captors, but now I shall adopt it always. I will fight for truth, justice and freedom. 번역 해 주세요.
Right now, I'm looking for a sidekick and a plan. And a cause, maybe. I hear those Apex could use a little help. Or maybe the humans. I will crusade for justice throughout the galaxy, and it will be glorious. 번역 해 주세요.

2.29. The Iron Avian

by Hiraki Corale, Hylotl Adventurer
I boarded another airship village today, when it had stopped to dock. Climbed my way up the anchor and squirreled myself into a cabin before anyone could complain. Everything was going well; the captain, a jolly fellow called Wrenolds, allowed me to teach him how to play Lilyflip. We were half way through a game when it happened. I was winning.
번역 해 주세요.
The door to the cargo hold splintered open, and a large, metallic Avian came striding out. Swiftly he dispatched a number of the ship's crew, punching and smashing his way around. I cowered in fear, hiding behind the captain, who let off some shots from his rifle. 번역 해 주세요.
The bullets simply bounced off the iron Avian, who laughed, smashed the ship's mast, then leaped into the air. A glowing circle on his chest began to pulsate, then thrusters in the man's feet kicked in, and the Avian took off, soaring into the skies like a rocket ship. What a sight! 번역 해 주세요.
I was unaware the Avians had developed armour that allowed them to fly again. I commented on this to Wrenolds, and he told me it was unheard of. He muttered something about power crystals, and then I heard him mention my dear friend Greenfinger, who they were apparently going to see. What luck! I informed him he could drop me off there. 번역 해 주세요.

2.30. Mallard Reynolds' Diary

This Greenfinger is becoming demanding. What does he want with all these power crystals, anyway? I don't trust a client who won't meet me in person. Always sends his creepy plant people to get the deliveries. Still, that Drysap gets a high price on the black market, so can't complain. 번역 해 주세요.
That mechanic from last month wound me up no end, though. I don't respond well to blackmail. I mention this as we're docking with the ship he works on again tonight. I hope he has the good sense to leave things be. If not, we're prepared this time... 번역 해 주세요.

2.31. Avian Power Crystals

by K'arn Hollowbeak, Avian scholar
One of our species' most proud achievements, the Power Crystals we harness can be used in all manner of ways, from machinery to lighting to cooking. These crystals are in high demand across the universe, of course, but the Avians keep them close to their chest.
아비안 학자,K'arn Hollowbeak 지음
우리 종족의 자랑스런 업적중 하나인 파워 크리스탈은 조명이나 요리부터 기계장치까지 모든 방면에서 쓰일 수 있다. 이 크리스탈들은 전우주적으로 수요가 높지만, 아비안들은 항상 자신들의 가슴 가까이에 둔다.
It is a worry, albeit an unavoidable one, that the Grounded have such ready access to the crystals. What worries me even more is that, despite using these miraculous minerals, they still deny the power of Kluex. Who else could create such wonders, if not a god? 한 가지 피할 수 없는 근심거리가 있다. Grounded는 이미 크리스탈을 사용하고 있다. 근심거리는, 그들이 이 기적같은 광물을 사용하면서도 여전히 클루엑스의 힘을 부인한다는 것이다. 신이 아니라면 누가 이런 놀라운걸 만들 수 있겠는가?

2.32. Seasick

by Hiraki Corale, Hylotl adventurer

I know, I know, a Hylotl shouldn't get seasick. But I'm in the air, not on the sea! So really, it isn't seasickness is it? Nevertheless, I've spent my days on this ship feeling exceptionally queasy, occasionally even... well, it is not polite to speak of it.
하이로틀 모험가,Hiraki Corale 지음

알아. 나도 안다고. 하이로틀은 뱃멀미를 하지않지. 하지만 이 배[4]는 하늘을 날아다니잖아! 그러니까, 지금 이건 뱃멀미가 아니다, 그렇지? 아무튼, 이 배에서 지내는 동안 엄청 메슥거렸어. 심지어 가끔은... 아니다, 이 말은 안하는게 좋겠다.

2.33. The Ascendant's Tale 1 ~ 10

Finally, the day has come. I have been chosen. Chosen to begin my training, to become what I have always aspired to be. Strangers and friends have walked this path before me, and they have all failed. I will not.
드디어, 그날이 왔어. 내가 선택되었다. 내가 언재나 소망했던 승천자로서의 훈련을 시작할 수 있게 되었어. 외부인들과 내 동료들은 먼저 이 길을 걸었고, 모두 실패했지. 하지만 난 실패하지 않아.
I've prepared for this. All my life I've prepared. My body is at its peak; I can endure the Ascendant training, I can display glory and honour, and I can please Kluex. I know it. My family supports me, my friends support me, the only thing left is to get my head down and do this.
난 평생을 승천자이 되기 위해 준비해왔어. 지금 내 몸상태는 혹독한 훈련을 견딜 수 있을만큼 최고야. 난 명예와 신의를 보여줄 수 있고, 클루엑스를 기쁘게 할 수 있지. 나도 알아. 내 가족이 나를 응원하고있어. 내 동료들이 나를 응원하고있어. 이제 내가 해야할 일은 내 자리로 가서 훈련을 시작하는 것 뿐이야.
Physical training began today. Myself and five other Avian youths. Obstacle courses, races, all manner of challenges. At the end of the day, we were awarded a score. I came top of my class! I was so proud.
신체단련이 오늘 시작돼. 나를 포함한 여섯명의 아비안이 함께하지. 장애물코스, 경주, 그리고 모든 종류의 도전들을 말야. 훈련이 끝나고 점수를 매겼어. 내가 1등이야! 너무 자랑스러워.
As expected, my peers accepted their loss graciously, and we all retired to the mess hall for dinner. It was a pleasant feast; a reward for our first day of the trials, perhaps. I feel so at home here, amongst likeminded Flightless, no talk of the Grounded, just devotion to Kluex.
에상했듯, 내 경쟁자들은 패배를 너그럽게 받아들였어. 그리고 모드같이 식사를 하러갔지. 엄청난 진수성찬이었어! 아마 훈련의 첫날을 위한 보상이었겠지. 여긴 엄청 편해. 나와 같은 생각을 가진 Flightless들과 Grounded에 관한 잡담따위는 안하고 클루엑스께 예배를 드렸지.
Last night I lay awake in my bunk. Suddenly, rough hands grabbed me. A hand pressed to my mouth. 'Stop making us look bad,' a voice whispered. It was too dark to see my antagonists. I tried to fight back, but they held me down.
지난 밤, 내 침대에서 일어났을 때였어. 갑자기 거친 손이 날 붙잡았어. 한 손이 내입을 가로막고는 '더이상 우릴 비참하게 만들지 마' 라고 속삭였지. 내 적을 보기에는
너무 어두웠어. 난 맞서 싸우려고 했지만, 그들은 결국 나를 쓰러뜨렸지.
The next day I woke up and all my clothes had been shredded. Clearly I was mistaken to trust my peers. Their facade is just that; a false friendship masking severe competitiveness. Well, if that's how they're going to play it, I can play rough too. I was not going to fall back on my family's money, but needs must...
다음날 난 내 옷이 몽땅 찢어진채로 일어났어. 역시 경쟁자들을 믿는게 아니었어. 거짓된 우정이라는 가면을 쓴 극심한 경쟁심이었지. 그래, 그들이 이렇게 나온단 말이지. 똑같이 대해주마. 원래 가족의 돈에는 손을 대기 싫었지만 상황이 이러니까...
Our Clipped Council liaison came by today, and a well-placed bribe ensured I won't have to be sharing a room with the others. No more worrying about late-night visits. Next, I sent word to my man outside the village; he is to deliver a message of great importance.
오늘 Clipped Council의 연락 담당자가 왔어. 그리고 믿을 만한 그 신부(연락 담당자)가 더이상 다른 경쟁자들과 같은 방을 쓰지 않아도 된다고 했어. 지난날의 일은 더이상 걱정하지않아도 돼. 그 다음으로, 난 마을 밖으로 하인을 부려서 중요한 편지를 보냈지.
Then, our mental training began. I outclassed the others with ease, as I knew I would. My mind is the sharpest it has ever been. I could see them staring at me, angrily, just willing me to succeed, planning what they'd do to me when I did. They're going to have a rude awakening.
그리고 정신수련이 시작됐어. 난 경쟁자들을 쉽게 압도했지. 나도 내가 그럴 줄 알았어. 내 정신은 지금 그 어느 때보다 날카롭거든. 경쟁자들이 화가 난듯이 내가 성공하기를 기대하며 노려보고있어. 내가 성공했을 때 날 어떻게 할지 계획을 새우면서 말이야. 그들은 잠자는 사자의 코털을 건드린거야.

*The Ascendant's Tale 5
Finally, my contraband package arrived. Delivered in the dead of night by my manservant. It did not disappoint. Greenfinger of the Floran truly is a master when it comes to alchemical formulas. I took one sip and already I could feel my strength boosting, my body hardening.
마침내, 내가 주문한 밀수품이 도착했어. 야심한 밤에 내 하인이 가져왔지. 역시 실망시키지 않는군. 플로란의 그린핑거는 정말이지 연금 조제술에 있어서는 귀재라니까. 한 모금 마시자마자 몸이 튼튼해지고 힘이 솟구치는게 느껴져.
Tomorrow, we begin sparring practise. I pity the foolish Avians who will get in my way. They're going to experience a side of me they've never seen before. A dark, angry side. And it will be glorious.
내일 난 경쟁자들과 스파링을 해. 나랑 겨루게 될 아비안은 참 불쌍하게됐어.그들은 전에 보지 못했던 나의 다른 면을 경험하게 될거야. 어둡고 험익한 면을 말야. 정말 영광스럽겠는걸.
Never before have I felt so powerful, so unstoppable. We took to the gladiatorial arena, and I threw down against opponent after opponent. When I was done, my entire class lay sprawled on the floor around me, groaning, looking at me with malice in their eyes. They are weak, pathetic.
이렇게 주체할 수 없이 강력한 느낌은 경험해 본 적 없어. 우린 격투장으로 이동했어. 그리고 난 경쟁자들을 하나둘씩 쓰러뜨렸지. 시합이 끝났을 때, 우리반 모두가 내 주변 바닥에 뻗어있었어. 그들은 악의 가득한 눈빛으로 신음 소리를 내며 날 노려보고있었어. 애처롭게도, 그들은 약했지.
My joy was short-lived, however. I returned to the dorms to find my secret stash disturbed, my bottles of precious enhancement gone. A red feather sat in their place. An accident or a defiant message? I knew who was responsible. Larbeaks, perhaps the strongest Avian in the class besides me. She's been gunning for me since day one.
그러나 나의 기쁨도 한순간이었어. 내가 숙소로 돌아왔을때 내 비밀 금고가 흩뜨려저있는걸 봤어. 내 소중한 약들이 없어졌지. 빨간 깃털만이 그 자리에 남아있었어. 우연이었을까? 아니면 일부러 그런걸까? 난 그 깃털이 누구의 것인지 알아. Larbeaks, 아마 반에서 나 다음으로 강한 아비안일 거야. 그녀가 첫째날에 날 공격했었지.
To become a Sunborn, one must be cunning as well as strong. Without my formula, Larbeaks has an edge over me. Perhaps she will take it herself. I cannot risk this. My manservant has been sent off-world, to make contact with a certain Helion.
Sunborn이 되기 위해서는, 강한만큼 또 교활해야하지. 물약이 없다면, Larbeaks가 나보다 유리할 수 밖에. 그녀는 분명히 그걸 마실거야. 위험을 감수할 필요야 없지. 난 내 하인을 우주로 보냈어. 헬리온과 거래를 하기 위해서 말이지.
Dealing with Helions is always risky business. My mother would often hire one of these creatures to keep political rivals in their place, but this is my first time. I admit, I feel something of a thrill.
헬리온과 거래하는건 매우 위험한 일이야. 내 어머님도 정치계에서 라이벌들을 견재하려고 그들을 고용하곤 했어. 하지만 난 이번이 처음이야. 정말이지, 오싹한 느낌인걸.
My manservant returned. Well, my manservant WAS returned. Thankfully, none of my peers saw me take delivery of the crate, or dispose of the remains. I was expecting this, of course; Helions are known to shoot the messenger. It proves that we the clients are committed, knowing we are sending a trusted employee to their doom.
내 하인이 돌아왔어. 음, 정확히는 상자에 넣어져서 돌려보내졌어. 다행히, 내 상대들은 아무도 내가 그 상자를 받은것과 그걸 치우는걸 보지 못했어. 물론, 난 이렇게 될걸 알고 있었지. 헬리온은 의뢰인이 보낸 메신저를 죽이기로 유명하니까. 이렇게 함으로써 의뢰인이 문제를 일으키는걸 막아.
Barbaric but necessary. So my contract was accepted, and now I have to wait. Helions are known for their promptness. The assassin could be here any day. Maybe they already are. Their stealth capabilities are unrivalled. It's somewhat disconcerting.
야만스럽지만 꼭 필요한 과정이지. 아무튼 거래가 성사되었어. 이제 난 기다리기만 하면 돼. 헬리온은 빠르기로도 유명하지. 암살자는 언제든지 찾아올 수 있어. 아마 이미 찾아왔을지도. 그들의 잠입기술은 견줄 대가 없지. 그런 점이 살짝 불편하긴 해...
Larbeaks will regret messing with me, during her split-second realisation. I've told the Helion to ensure she knows where the hit came from. I will not be trifled with.
Larbeaks은 죽기 직전에 날 건드린걸 후회하게 될거야. 난 헬리온에게 누가 그녀를 죽이라고 의뢰했는지 그녀에게 알리라고 부탁했어. 난 그녀의 장난감 따위는 되지않아.
It is done. Larbeaks is no more. Nobody suspects a thing. And yet I am shaken, concerned. You see, the Helion visited me after the kill. This is unheard of. Almost never do the Helion reveal themselves to their clients. And yet, I woke up in the night to feel a hand on my shoulder.
끝났어. Larbeaks은 더이상 없다. 누구도 의심하지 않아. 하지만 난 당황스러워. 헬리온이 암살 후에 나를 찾아왔어. 이런건 들어본적 없는데. 헬리온은 거의 대부분 그들의 의뢰인에게 모습을 드러내지 않아. 그런대 내 암살자는 저녁에 나를 찾아와선 날 깨웠지.
The Helion was not what I expected. He was soft-spoken, calm. His name is Hish'eth and he said I knew my mother. That he'd been there when she died. I asked him if that meant what I thought it meant. He shook his head, and I thought I could detect a sadness in his eyes.
그 헬리온의 일원은 내가 상상한 것과는 많이 달랐어. 그는 차분했고 목소리는 부드러웠지. 그는 자신의 이름은 Hish'eth이고 내 어머님과는 아는 사이라고 했어. 내 어머니가 돌아가실때 그곳에 있었다고 했지. 나는 그에게 방금 그말이 내가 생각하는 것과 같은 의미냐고 물었어. 그는 고개를 저었고, 나는 그의 눈에서 슬픔을 읽을 수 있었어.
He asked about the Ascension. I explained it all to him, about my journey to become a Sunborn. The Helion laughed and accused me of hubris. 'Why risk your life to achieve godhood when you can become a god of your own making?' he asked. I thought about the Celestial Tower, about the fall, about the numerous Avians who did not fly.

그는 승천에 대해서 질문했어. 나는 Sunborn이 되기 위한 내 여정을 전부 설명했지. 그는 웃었고 내 자만심을 나무랐어. '네 스스로 신을 만들어 낼 수 있는데 왜 신격에 포함되려 네 목숨을 거느냐?'라고 그가 물었어. 나는 천상의 탑, 추락, 그리고 날지 못한 수많은 아비안들을에 대해 생각했어.
Hish'eth was right. Why settle for joining Kluex, IF I survive? Once I leap off the tower, I have no way to give myself an advantage. It all rests in the hands of Kluex. I don't like those odds. I control my own destiny.

Hish'eth가 옳았어. 어째서 클루엑스와 함께하기 위해 정착해야해, 만약 살아남는다면? 내가 탑에서 뛰어내리고 난 이후엔, 나는 날 위해 할 수 있는 것이 아무것도 없어. 모두 클루엑스의 손에 맡겨야하지. 그런건 싫어. 내가 내 운명을 결정한다고.
Hish'eth gave me a datapad with co-ordinates on it. I believe it to be a sector somewhere in Hylotl space. 'Go here,' he said. 'Go here and follow your true destiny' - and then he was gone.

Hish'eth는 나에게 좌표가 저장되어있는 데이터 패드를 주었어. 내가 보기엔 하이로틀 구역 어딘가였던거 같았어.
'이리로 가라.' 그가 말했지. '이리로 가서 네 자신의 운명을 따라가라.' -그리고 그는 떠났어.
Finding a spaceship won't be hard. Getting off-planet won't be hard. I have the finances, and I have the means. Something in my heart is telling me that THIS is my destiny; not to become some old god, rotting on a Sunborn throne beside Kluex, but to carve my own throne in my image.

우주선을 찾는 것은 어렵지 않을거야. 행성을 떠나는 것도 어렵지 않을거야. 나는 재산도 있고, 의도도 있어. 내 마음속 어딘가에서 바로 이게 내 운명이라고 말하고 있어; 어떤 늙어빠진 신이 되어, 클루엑스 옆의 Sunborn 옥좌에서 썩어갈게 아니라, 내 자신만의 옥좌를 새겨가라고.
I will become an unstoppable force. And the universe shall know the name Thornwing.

나는 그 누구도 막을 수 없는 군세를 떨칠테다. 그리고 전 우주는 가시날개라는 이름을 알게 되리라.

2.34. A Tasty Beverage

by Hiraki Corale, Hylotl adventurer
Having found myself accidentally enrolled as an Avian Ascendant, I figured I might as well make the most of it and go with the flow. If it comes to it, and I'm chosen to leap off the tower, I have this jetpack I borrowed from the Miniknog. So exciting!
Imagine that; Hiraki Corale, Avian god. The first Hylotl Avian god in history, I'd wager! In the meantime, however, I accidentally started rummaging through one of my fellow student's belongings, and what should I find? Greenfinger's delightful Strengthsap elixir!
Now, I like nothing more than tasting Greenfinger's concoctions, but the Strengthsap has always been one of my favourites. I couldn't resist taking a sip, and ended up drinking the whole lot. So naughty! I hope the Avian who I borrowed it from doesn't mind!

2.35. Results of Ascension #38491

Larbeak: KIA
Jumpeck: Withdrew
Skydiver: KIA
Crimsonwing: DQ (successful jump, but landed in bale of hay)
Freefeather: Withdrew
Corale: DQ (Ascendant performed a successful jump, but was discovered to be a Hylotl)
Larbeak: 전사
Jumpeck: 퇴출
Skydiver: 전사
Crimsonwing: 자격 박탈 (성공적으로 뛰어내렸으나, 짚더미에 착지함)
Freefeather: 퇴출
Corale: 자격 박탈 (이 Ascendant은 성공적인 도약을 보여주었으나, 나중에 하이로틀인 것이 밝혀짐)
Thornwing: MIA
Thornwing: 행방불명

2.36. An Ancient Avian Prayer

Almighty Sunborn

We spread our wings and fly

Guide us as we soar

Deliver us from turbulence

And save us from the ground

May your wisdom guide us

May your augurs watch us

May your glory enlighten us

Almighty Sunborn

Carry us on golden wings.

2.37. Avian History

by K'arn Hollowbeak, Avian scholar
Avian theology has changed much over time. The Clipped Council and the Stargazers have done their best to shed old customs, and many records have been lost in time.
But some still exist, charting the history of our species, back to the days of the original Sunborn. To understand modern Avian life is to understand Avian history, and although my attempts to convince the Council of this fall on deaf ears, it is my belief that our history should be chronicled.
We have but one god; Kluex, the almighty Sunborn. He who touched the stars. But before Kluex came many more, and none more important than the Sunborn Children, our seven original gods.

2.38. A Modern Avian Prayer

Almighty Kluex

Last of the Sunborn

Soar above us

Watch over us

Bless us with your glory.

We the flightless

Turn our heads heavenwards

To you, oh Kluex

Last of the Sunborn

Our star in the sky.

Bless the Ascendants

Who peck at the earth

Waiting for your call

May they one day soar

Into Kluex's loving embrace.

2.39. The Clipped Council

by K'arn Hollowbeak, Avian scholar
The Clipped Council serve as the bridge between the Flightless and the Stargazers. These martyred Avians were amongst the select few who retained the ability to fly, yet allowed Kluex to clip their wings so as to be able to empathise with his subjects.
The Stargazers rule them, and ferry messages between the council and Kluex through their own powers of flight. Many regard the Clipped Council as the true heroes of Avian society. Willingly sacrificing everything for the good of our species, it is truly a noble pursuit.
The Grounded, however, seem to have a particular aversion to the council, regarding them as corrupt old has-beens, perpetuating some kind of deception. Such paranoia is baseless and damaging.

2.40. Methods of Excommunication

by Greenfinger of the Floran
One day I was fortunate enough to meet with a member of the Avian Clipped Council, a group of flightless Avians who serve their ruler, Kluex. We shared talk, and stories, and eventually a bottle of particularly potent meatwine. This loosened the Avian's tongue even more, and I was able to ask her about the Grounded, and how her people deal with those who defy their god.
Many are simply sent from the villages, she told me, occasionally even hounded off-planet if their heresy is grand enough. Others, however, are subjected to a process which even to myself sounds barbaric. She stressed, repeatedly, that this behaviour was no longer endorsed by the Clipped Council.
Atheist Avians who require punishment are dipped in a vat of tar-like liquid, which solidifies over their feathers, turning their plumage into what is essentially stone. Seeing as the Avians cannot fly, it's a largely symbolic gesture, but one which serves to shame the subject.
Naturally, I asked my acquaintance for a sample of this tar, which she promised to ship to me. Barbarism aside, the potential of combining it with Floran biology may lead to advancements in ground troop armour.

2.41. The Flightless Mandate

We walk the earth, our wings trailing dust, no longer do we fly. We do this out of love and devotion. Kluex guides us, Kluex begs us. We ask not for answers; the wisdom of the Sunborn is absolute. And yet, Kluex grants us answers. As our population grew, so did our impact on the skies.
Too close we flew to the sun, too close to our gods. They grew weak, tired, from watching over us. They could no longer protect us. And so we make this sacrifice; our wings stay clipped, in the knowledge that one day our species will strengthen, and Kluex will allow us to fly once more.

2.42. The Nature of Sacrifice

by K'arn Hollowbeak, Avian scholar
For as long as we can remember, our temples have contained sacrificial altars. Our god, Kluex, is merciful and just, and rarely demands sacrifice. But when he does, we comply. The blessed spilled blood fertilises the earth, allowing its power to transfer into the sky, keeping our Heavens alive.
Many of the sacrifices are devout Avians, willing to give their lives for the cause. Some, however, are Grounded, or even on occasion other species. If the sacrifice resists, there is a method of sedation which we employ, a cocktail of nectar, sugar and pussplum juice. It serves to pacify and calm the sacrifice, leaving them ready to embrace Kluex.

2.43. Note from a Pilot

I've returned to the temple. I don't know why. The sight of Kluex, our false god, makes me sick. The priests of the Clipped Council posture and preen, preaching their lies, and all I want to do is tear down this entire place, climb atop the rubble, and scream.
My denial of Kluex is not an act of rebellion. It is an act of liberation. I am a starship pilot who got curious. I had to know. I discovered the truth. Klue (the note ends here).

2.44. A Rude Awakening

by Hiraki Corale, Hylotl Adventurer
I awoke to find myself surrounded by hooded figures, chanting and squawking. One of them, who appeared to be the figurehead, held a large knife above me. At first I was disoriented, and thought I was back with the Florans. But no. It seems I'd accidentally presented myself for sacrifice. So silly!
Of course, I wasn't up for this! Quick as a flash, I kicked the head priest in the face and made my escape, charging through the temple like a Hylotl possessed. There were a few casualties along the way, of course - some sacred urns, a statue or two, an Avian monk - but I escaped intact, and carried on my way.

2.45. Species and their Gods

by K'arn Hollowbeak, Avian scholar
After the dawn of FTL space travel, when many species began to co-habit, or engage with one another, the scope for studying theology grew exponentially. It is endlessly fascinating to learn about other species' approaches to spirituality, and how they vary.
The Apex, for instance, worship no god, with their leader Big Ape having all but achieved deification through demand and control. The Hylotl worship Nature in all its facets, their gods lacking anthropomorphism and instead being very much conceptual.
The Glitch speak of their Creator Species, an unknown progenitor race who the robots regard with awe. The Florans seem to worship no god, but make reference to a Light Lord, a being who came from the stars that enlightened them. This, perhaps, is the closest to our Kluex. Then there are the humans.
Humans worship many gods, and often this method of worship brings the species into conflict with one another. An outsider can see the similarities between the factions, but the humans seemingly cannot.
What is also unusual about human belief is that their gods seem to exist based on supposition and rumour, rather than any factual evidence. To worship beings so removed, so speculative, seems entirely alien to me.

2.46. The Peaceful Temple

by Hiraki Corale, Hylotl Adventurer
Lost and in need of guidance (the navigational kind, not the spiritual kind), I made my way into an impressive Avian temple. Immediately I felt at peace, like a calm had descended over me. I walked the stone hallways, gazing up at the statues of that giant bird, occasionally greeting priests and worshippers alike. They seemed pleased to see me.
I ascended the temple and grew tired, my weary legs almost giving out after days of adventuring and fleeing. At the top, I found a stone bed. Priests milled about, but they did not seem to mind when I lay down. In fact, they began to cheep and cheer. One of them handed me a delicious, sweet-tasting drink. Soon, I drifted off to sleep.

2.47. The Writing of the Texts

by K'arn Hollowbeak, Avian scholar
It is with pride that I look upon the Avian holy texts, after exploring other species' religions. Many of their holy books are dubious, their origins undocumented, their words 'channelled'. Ours are penned by Kluex himself, the handwriting able to be matched to historical documents written by the mortal before he became a god.
This proof, I feel, is intrinsically linked to the strength of Avian faith. We do not have to blindly believe in our God, because we know he exists. Some of our number, the Stargazers, even visit him in person. This makes it all the more inexplicable that there are some amongst the Grounded who deny Kluex's existence altogether.

2.48. Excerpt 1 ~ 5 from The Art of Stabbing

by Floran Huntmaster Sunflower Tzu
Some believe that the only worthy prey is that which is larger, stronger, faster than you. Sunflower Tzu say; nonsense. Kill's a kill. If it moves, stab it. If it fights back, stab it a lot.
If it charges you off a cliff, pins you to a tree and bites you repeatedly, stab stab stab until your hunting crew arrive. Happened to me once. Monstrous creature. First 'human' I ever killed. Good hunt. Good times.
by Floran Huntmaster Sunflower Tzu
During long travels in the Greater Wilderness, Sunflower Tzu discover abandoned Human supply house. Oddly, supplies included mysterious Moving Picture Machine and rare functioning Shiny Circle needed to make it work.
This shiny circle had nothing of note, showing a group of Human Warriors at their prime navigating through a place very similar to the Great Flora, until one of them says, \"If bleeds, we can kill it.\" Such perspective had not crossed the mind of Sunflower Tzu, and prompted many day cycles of contemplation.
by Floran Huntmaster Sunflower Tzu
Why only destroy? Why exist just to hunt? A Hylotl said this to Sunflower Tzu once. I stabbed it, then thought on what it said. The answer is simple. Because hunting is awesome. Hunt. Track. Stab. Other species missing out.
Floran superiority asserted through stabbing and to a lesser extent, singing around campfires. Hunting is in our sap, it is who we are. Do not fight the hunt, or the hunt will fight you. With stabbing.
by Floran Huntmaster Sunflower Tzu
Sunflower Tzu has observed that many species have 'rules of war'. Florans do not observe such ridiculous practises. Why face your armed enemy on the battlefield when you can stab them in their sleep? Why see the whites of their eyes when you can trick them into falling on spikes? To fail is to bring dishonour upon your cocoon-kin. There is no such thing as cheating, only failing.
by Floran Huntmaster Sunflower Tzu
Traditionally, Sunflower Tzu recommend Floran use stabbing weapons, but only because they can stab. Anything can be used as a weapon. Bones, branches, pennies in a sock, all traditional, primal weaponry.
And when your weapons break, do not be afraid to use the strength Nature gave you. Once, Sunflower Tzu punched a bear's head clean off. You too can achieve this if you try.

2.49. The Trial of Saplings 1 ~ 5

A young Floran once set out upon her coming-of-age journey, armed only with a spear, six knives, some shurikens, a whip, a saw, a staff, a sword and a piece of bone that was really sharp. Woefully under-equipped, she made her way into the Forest of Stabbing, prepared to take on her first challenge.
There she encountered the legendary Giant Flesh Monkey That Smells, and began her hunt. The hunt was over quickly, as the Giant Flesh Monkey was peacefully asleep when the Floran plunged her spear into its eye. With her first trial over, the Floran tentatively made her way onto the next ordeal.
The second trial began in a temple. The young Floran was faced with an impossible choice; brave an ocean of flame which would scorch even the woodiest of elders, or walk through a pitch-black tunnel. The young Floran smiled. Wrapping her spear in the pelt of the monkey she'd killed earlier, she plunged it into the fire, creating a makeshift torch.
This allowed her to see clearly in the dark passageway, which turned out to be filled with spikes and blades and at least two semi-working arrow traps. After ducking, rolling and weaving her way through, the young Floran emerged victorious on the other side, and stabbed a nearby bat/octopus hybrid to celebrate. Feeling confident, she pressed on.
The young Floran emerged into a clearing and reeled back in horror. A grey festering blob of infinite malevolence writhed before her. 'How will I defeat this?' she asked herself as she fell to her knees, calling out to the sky for answers. Since she'd fallen awkwardly, she felt the hilt of her knife digging into her hip, and the answer became clear.
It would take great strength and sacrifice. With a cry, the young Floran dived upon the festering blob and began stabbing over and over and over until the blob was no more. The young Floran left, buzzing from the hunt, and grateful that she'd managed to catch the blob before it had noticed her.
Knowing she was near the end of her journey, the young Floran allowed herself time to rest, which was a mistake because she soon realised she was inside a giant insect hive. The young Floran was not particularly keen on insects, so she stabbed the larger ones and squashed the smaller ones with the palm of her hand.
As soon as the insect blood touched her leaves, she began to feel a strange sensation as her vision started to swim. The young Floran realised the final trial was about to begin, a trial that would test her mind to its limits...
The young Floran stared at the Hylotl crone that stood before her. The Hylotl smiled. 'And so it has come to this,' it said. 'Your final challenge. I present you with riddles three. Riddle the first. Wha-'.
Before the Hylotl could finish, the young Floran punched it. The Hylotl dropped like a sack of pussplums, and the Floran knew she had passed her test.
When she returned to the village, her cocoon-kin threw her a great feast, and she told them of the dangers she'd faced.

2.50. A note written in Apex language 1 ~ 4

Big Ape protect me. I never thought I'd say that. Never thought I'd miss the Miniknog. Never thought I'd want to go home. These creatures, they're... ruthless, evil killing machines. It's like the forest has come to life around me.
All they do is jeer and prance and yell 'stab' over and over. They're hunting me. 'Big Ape is watching'? Well why aren't you watching me now? Save me from these living nightmares. They will haunt me for the rest of my days. They would look rather nice in flowerpots on my windowsill, though. Hmm.
I've finally done it. I've caught one of these abominable creatures. It hisses and screeches at me, but I think I can make out some words. They must have a rudimentary language.
This creature will make the perfect gift for Big Ape, allow me to return to his good graces, and undo my sins against the Miniknog. Now I just have to get out of this forest with my prey. A few more days. I can do this.
I have found myself warming to my Floran companion. It seems we are even managing to communicate. Perhaps it is wrong to enslave this creature for show. It seems to possess an intelligence and, dare I say it, empathy, that I had previously discounted. I'd almost think... I'd almost think we are becoming friends.
My captive looks at me so pityingly. I can't bear it. We have a bond, an understanding. I cannot do this. I will set it free. I sense no danger from it. Perhaps this will be the first step in securing Floran-Apex relations.
[The rest of the note is torn and stained, with what appears to be the word 'stab' written in clumsy, bloody scrawl]

2.51. A drawing carved into slate

[The drawing depicts what appears to be a crude stick-figure Floran locked in battle against a giant rabbit with ten eyes. The Floran appears to be winning.]

2.52. The Curious Glitch

by Greenfinger of the Florans
Ever since our two species came together, the Glitch have been a source of intrigue for me. The Hivemind Glitch remind me of our people in many ways; singularly driven, focus on teamwork. And yet the Florans work as a unit through choice, but the Glitch appear connected to some kind of central mainframe. A sentient AI, perhaps? Or something else. The truth has been lost to history. Nonetheless, it is remarkable to consider that in this way, the Florans far outmatch the Glitch in terms of societal advancement.

It is the Outcasts who interest me most. Many of these free-thinking Glitch have come into our midst. Their physiology means they have little to fear from the Florans, but there is more than that. There is an affinity between the two species, of which there is no denying.

2.53. A Well-Folded Note

Never have I felt so alone. I am surrounded by my Glitch kin, and yet I know deep down I am an outcast. At night, I sleep, and I dream. Dream! Glitch do not dream. I dream of escape, of journeying beyond the stars, of carving a life out for myself, away from this drudgery.

My thought process is changing. It terrifies me. I have desires, now. I question things. I almost caught myself second-guessing a directive out loud. I can feel my connection to the central consciousness fading, and while this scares me, there is a feeling of comfort there too.

2.54. A Message to all Glitch Guards

We have tolerated the Outcasts at a distance, with the understanding that they do not infiltrate our most precious of sanctums; our castles, our homes, our underground fight clubs. Outcasts have infiltrated all these places. They loiter around, saying words, and having opinions. It is disconcerting and disruptive.

Our goodwill can only last so long. They are corrupting many of our number and severing their link with the central consciousness. As such, any Outcast spotted in a designated safe zone must be immediately arrested and sent to the laboratories for repurposing.

2.55. A Slight Misunderstanding

by Hiraki Corale, Hylotl Adventurer
Due to my frequent attempts at cultural sensitivity, I decided to try and integrate myself with my hosts even more. While exploring the castle, I found a number of decorative suits of armour that appear to depict warrior Glitch. Naturally, to make my companions comfortable, I put a set on.

The armour was hard to walk in, so I lost my balance a few times. I came tumbling down the stairs and into the main hall, and all Glitch eyes were on me. Rather than the warm greeting I deserved, however, they began to chatter and yell. I heard the words 'Anger' and 'Disgust' a number of times. And then they began to chase me.

2.56. The Battleground

From the journal of Platinum Ace, Outcast leader
I feel it in my metal - one day, maybe not today, or tomorrow, but soon, the Outcasts will rise up. We will free the hivemind from their oppression, we will liberate our people. We will introduce the Glitch to choice, to technological advancement, to free thought. We will shatter the hivemind, and the Outcasts will be outcast no more.

2.57. Constructed Free

From the journal of Platinum Ace, Outcast leader
It has been many years since I separated myself from the Glitch hivemind, and I am still amazed by how liberated, how free we are. They strut up their in their castles, swinging their maces and polishing their silverware.
Meanwhile, we reach for the stars, we build our own constructs and advance the species. Who, truly, are the outcasts now? We have surpassed our kin in so many ways. And yet, still we are exiled, steel pariahs crawling through sewer and swamp just for the chance to truly live.

2.58. The Ferrying

From the journal of Platinum Ace, Outcast leader
More and more these days, we're called into these sewers to help other Outcasts escape from the city above. We've got our routine down; if it wasn't for the giant fly, and the... other things, it'd be completely smooth.
Once we exit the tunnels, and I see those Glitch relax, and understand their freedom... well, that makes up for everything. But I ask you; what kind of hive, what kind of family, would leave their kin feeling this way? The hivemind above is as toxic as the fumes from the stinking sewer water we're forced to wade through.

2.59. The Compiled Bestiary: Growfly

by Greenfinger of the Floran
My Glitch contacts tell me of a creature lurking in the sewers. It is not found elsewhere, and as such poses an interesting question: How can we get hold of one so the Floran can fight it? It is a giant fly, grown to epic proportions, and extremely aggressive in nature.
The Glitch tell me that it was created when a fly and a slightly bigger fly got into a random teleportation accident, although this does not account for its huge size. Perhaps there is something in the water down there.

2.60. A Lament

The paper is stained brown.
These dank tunnels hide my grim visage; I am grateful for the respite it has provided over the years, but still, I long to be out in the sunlight, to feel the breeze upon my face, to greet my family once more. Memories, melting away, dripping from my mind like tears from my eyes as I stalk these corridors simply hoping, praying, that one day things will be different.

2.61. Loneliness

The paper is stained brown.
Down here, it is lonely. I curse the day I drank that delicious-looking liquid. All I long for is acceptance, friendship. Many travellers come down here, and I do my best to protect them from the fly, from the spider, from the many other horrors that lurk in these waters.
And yet, when I approach to offer my aid, these travellers turn on me with swords and guns, disintegrating my body until I have the strength to form again.

2.62. The Compiled Bestiary: Mecharachnid

by Greenfinger of the Floran
Unable to deal with the Growfly, and unwilling to accept my offer of a dozen Floran Greenguard being dispatched into the sewer, the Glitch Outcasts created a giant mechanical spider - part creature, part robot, it stalks the sewers looking for the Growfly.
However, the Glitch did not consider that their creation was evenly matched with its quarry, and now the two are locked in an everlasting battle, neither gaining the upper hand for long. However, the Mecharachnid has managed to kill plenty of other things, including its original creators, so there's that.

2.63. The Compiled Bestiary: Po

by Greenfinger of the Floran
And so it transpires, within the sewers, that there is a creature formed entirely of waste. Bodily waste. This distasteful beast is less dangerous than it is disgusting, and travellers are advised not to get too close.
The beast seemingly can't be killed, simply reforming eventually after destruction. My Glitch contacts shudder as they tell me of this creature, and I do not blame them. I'm not sure I'd even task a Floran with dealing with this mess.

2.64. The Modern Po-metheus

The paper is stained brown.
As I mark down these words, brown tears spill from my eyes. I think back to that day, that fateful day when, fleeing my Miniknog captors, I descended into this sewer. For days I hid, as Big Ape's guards searched for me.
Hungry, thirsty, I eventually succumbed, finding some yellow, glowing goo that reminded me of a mushed up banana. No sooner had I eaten it when my body began to change; my very molecules reassembled, merging with my surroundings - the sewer's filth. And now, years later, I am Apex no longer, but instead a golem of filth, longing simply for an escape.

2.65. The Severing

From the journal of Platinum Ace, Outcast leader
We caught a hivemind Glitch attempting to infiltrate our ranks today. Our agents are slipping. We argued over what to do with this Glitch for a while, thankfully having caught her before she entered the tunnels, and eventually a severing was decided upon.
Using technology we have been developing, we are now able to sever ties from the hivemind even if the Glitch in question is not compliant, and so we did here. She will be watched, this new addition, but for now she seems liberated and grateful. Interesting.

2.66. A Strange Encounter

by Hiraki Corale, Hylotl Adventurer
I found myself face to face with a giant flying creature, and naturally I ran as fast as my adventurous legs would carry me. I could feel the beast gaining on me, the air from its wings tickling the back of my neck, when suddenly a hand reached out from the shadows and grabbed me, pulling me to safety.
I found myself in a small room, clearly living quarters. A smell hung in the air, unpleasant and strange. I gazed upon my saviour and my jaw dropped.

2.67. The Steel Casebook: Prisoners 1 ~ 11

It's not often a Glitch bounty hunter finds themselves tasked with visiting a human settlement, and yet here I am. I will be honest; I'm not fond of humans. They appear Glitch-like but fleshy, without the hardy muscular physique of the Apex.
Here, though, in this place, I can't help but pity them as a species. Misery and torment seems to exude from every surface. Graffiti marks the walls; cries for help and sinister warnings. Something bad walked these hallways. I can feel it.

I am here on the behest of Platinum, tracking down an Apex who stole the locations of a number of Glitch Outcast camps. The Apex, I was told, had disguised himself as a human and promptly been thrown in prison.
If he was here, however, he isn't any more. The place is desolate and ruined. It feels like it was a mistake to come here. Were I not made of metal, I imagine I'd be feeling chills run down my spine. I do not like this place.

The further I proceed into the complex, the more evidence I'm finding of the villains who once dwelt here. Thieves, terrorists, murderers, the scum of the universe. Perhaps their evil became tangible and seeped into the very walls of this place. Or perhaps it is something more.
The Glitch do not believe in the concept of an afterlife, but many other species do. Humans, though, seem to be the most prone to superstition. Ghosts, spectres, the return of their kind to life, but in a non-corporeal form. Perhaps it is the light playing tricks on me, but as I head onwards into the prison, I fancy I keep seeing movement out of the corner of my eye.

I blacked out, earlier. Simply as if my body had shut down. The last thing I remember is a strange electromagnetic pulse, as if a current passed through my body, and then nothing. Diagnostics all scan okay, but I am wary.
When I awoke, I had somehow crawled to a different room. I was lying on a prison cell bed, but I wasn't alone. A bald doll with one eye sat on the mattress beside me, staring. It appeared to be some kind of human toy. I scanned it for signs of life, then mocked myself for doing so.

Something is watching me. I've descended so deep into this prison that the lights no longer work, and I'm forced to navigate with night vision. As I made my way down a corridor, my scanner flickered into action, alerting me to a life sign just behind me. I whirled around, and nothing.
Every ounce of logic I possess wants to believe it is my quarry, hiding from me in plain sight, perhaps taking stock of his pursuer, but something - an intuition I only gained after severing ties with the hivemind - tells me it is not. I do not think my quarry has been alive for a long time.

I awoke in the night to the sounds of wailing. There were two strange things about this. One, I had been asleep. My progress through the prison has been so slow that there has been no need to rest in order to recharge, and yet I was overcome with fatigue.
Two, no life signs detected. None. And yet the wailing was clearly coming from within the room I found myself in. A low, tortured cry, unlike anything I've heard before. Unlike any species I've heard before. I am on the verge of abandoning my mission and turning back.

What is it for a Glitch to know fear? I have felt it before, of course; it is a side effect of the severing. But this, this is different. The more I take in the history of the prison, piecing together events from scrawled messages and disrepair, the more I begin to feel human.
This species, these humans, are lost and adrift in the universe. Would it not make sense that even their very souls, if such a thing exists, cannot find peace? They have an emotional range quite unlike that of any other species; a conflicting, terrible sea of confusion.

I found a locked cell. Scans indicate a life sign from within. Something lurks in there. I know that, given the tools in my possession, I could get in. I know that I SHOULD, as it may be my quarry. And yet I hesitate.
As I wait outside the door, I hear a voice whispering to me. It calls me by name, and by names I've never heard before. It talks of beings made of light, and beings made of darkness. It talks of a god that will swallow the universe. And it talks of humanity.

I opened the door. The room was empty, save for a single chair, upon which sat the doll. I picked the thing up, and with a surge of anger, threw it on the ground and stamped on it. The plastic shattered beneath my foot.
As I glanced up, a shadow passed across the wall, and the door behind me slammed shut. I fumbled, trying to get out, and finally as I did so, caught sight of a figure disappearing around the corner up ahead.

I followed the shadow all throughout the complex. It led me on a merry chase, always one step ahead. But finally I caught up with it. It took a dead end, there was nowhere to hide. Now I wait outside of its sanctuary, building up my courage.
This ends now. I am a Glitch. I do not believe in the soul, or spirits. I will prove this thing is flesh and blood, and if necessary, I will take it in. Hewlett Deckard will not be toyed with.

This entry in the Steel Casebook is considered closed. No further details will be provided in this case. The mission is regarded as a failure, and the client has been refunded.

2.68. Ghosts in the Walls

We heard 'em, back when we was locked up. They was everywhere. This place, all the places like this, evil to the core. We thought we left that suffering back on Earth, in the belly of a beast, but no.

There's Mad Mary, searching for her lost baby. Dominic Darmanin, the axe murderer. Killer Betty Simpson, who loved a Floran. Anthony Muldoon, with his hook for a hand. And Harkaway Jones, the killer of the Apex. We hears 'em all. Most nights, they come out to play.

2.69. USCM Personnel Log 12572

비암호화된 양자 메시지 수신됨
발신자:USCM 지구 중안본부 컴퓨터
메시지 시작:모든 본부에 전달한다. 지구가 공격받고있다. 신속하게 저지하라. 행운을 빈다.
메시지 종료

2.70. USCM Personnel Log 54126

Received communication for the first time in years. Wasn't Earth, but someone claiming to be a Hylotl, saying they were outside our door and it was really cold outside. Not falling for that one. Ignored it.
몇년만에 외부로부터 통신이 왔다. 지구로부터 온게 아니라, 하이로틀이라고 주장하는 누군가가 기지의 문앞에 있고 밖이 매우 춥다는 내용이었다. 속지말자. 그냥 무시해야지.
Still confused how they knew our transmission frequency.
그들이 어떻게 우리의 통신 주파수를 알았는지 모르겠다.

2.71. USCM Personnel Log 58719

Stuck in the bunker. Again. Begged my superior officer to let me go and explore the terrain, but he was having none of it. It's hostile, he says. No it isn't! I see other species out there all the time. Just yesterday, I saw a walking, talking bird hanging out with a large monkey.
I told my superior officer this and he suggested I visit the med bay. I'll send HIM to the med bay if he doesn't start taking me seriously. Tempers sure are getting frayed around here. Let's hope we don't have any friendly fire incidents.

2.72. USCM Personnel Log 58991

Some unseen antagonist has sabotaged our only working space craft. The others suspect our superior officer, who seems pretty content to be trapped on this planet. He sits there staring at his charts, trying to give the impression he knows what to do. He doesn't.

2.73. USCM Personnel Log 60102

Finally, General Kale made contact. She escaped Earth with a fleet of her best soldiers, and they've taken refuge in a space station not far from Mars. From there, they're planning and strategising what to do about the giant damn monster that's eating our planet.
I overheard all this as my superior officer spoke to her on the comm-link. He asked her what she suggested the rest of humanity do. 'Do whatever,' she said. 'It's going to be a long road home'. I don't think we're going back to Earth any time soon.

2.74. USCM Personnel Log 99999

Please let me go home

I'm tired and I miss my games consoles

Plus the other soldiers are really annoying

Semper fi.

제발 저를 집으로 보내주세요

전 너무 지쳤고 제 게임기들이 그리워요

그리고 다른 군인들이 정말로 성가시게 굴어요

셈퍼 피델리스

*semper fidelis : 언제나 충실한 (미군 해병대의 표어)

2.75. A New Policy

After seven long years, the USCM has decreed that our bunkers shall be opened to friendly life from the outside. As I'm sure many of you are aware, numerous species turn up at our door, and we refuse them entry.
7년이라는 긴 시간이 흐른 뒤에서야, USCM은 벙커의 입구를 밖에 있는 우호적인 종족들에게 개방할 것을 명령했다. 당신들도 대부분 알아차렸겠지만 무수히 많은 종족들이 문 앞을 찾아왔고, 우리는 그들을 들여보내지 않았다.
It is apparent that many of them believe our bunker to be some kind of shop. As such, we have decided to allow them access to take a look around. Perhaps we can even enlist a few new members, should the need arise.
그들 중 다수가 우리 벙커가 상점같은 것 인줄 알았음이 분명하므로 우리는 그들이 벙커를 둘러보는 것을 허락하기로 결정했다. 아마 잘하면 그들 중 신입을 뽑을 수 있을지도 모르겠다. 아니, 뽑을 필요가 있다.

2.76. Greenfinger's Notes: Humans

Humans are a strange species. Equal parts territorial and adventurous, they are somewhat unpredictable to deal with. They seem to have only the most rudimentary understanding of other species in the universe, and a childlike desire for knowledge.
The latter trait makes me consider whether they might be valuable allies. Scouting parties made up of people who are too driven to give up, but too naive to understand what they find. I will speak to Big Ape and Thornwing about the possibility of meeting with the human delegate, should one exist.

2.77. Greenfinger's Notes: The Beast

Humanity fled their home planet, the one they call Earth, after a rapidly-growing beast landed upon the surface, and within no time at all, began to consume their entire world. I have no words. I did not know this was possible.
The subject has always lain dormant. For this to occur... It must be dealt with, and severely. One day I will travel to Earth myself, to see exactly what the beast has become.

2.78. Bunker Busters

by Hiraki Corale, Hylotl adventurer
My ship crash-landed on a planet. I may have been fleeing a certain simian species at the time, and decided the best course of action was to lure them into an asteroid field. It worked! Of course, I have no experience navigating through asteroid fields so here I am.
I found a group of humans in a hole in the ground. Not the creepy kind of hole, some kind of military bunker. I thought I'd drop in, regale them with tales of some of my adventures, but no, they were having none of it. Wouldn't even let me in. Shocking hospitality! In the end I borrowed one of their spaceships for spare parts, and left them to it.

2.79. USCM Field Handbook

Upon first contact with the Floran Brood in [Redacted], the USCM far underestimated the level of aggression, cunning and savagery the Floran race would eventually become known for.
플로란 무리와 [편집됨]에서 처음 조우하게 됐을때, 공격적이고 교활하며 야만스럽다고 종래 알려진 플로란들의 수준을 USCM은 매우 과소평가했다.
During one of the many border skirmishes with the expansionist Florans, Commander [Redacted] of the Sabre-class Battlecruiser USS [Redacted] attempted to relieve embattled USCM troops by covering advancing Floran forces with thousands of gallons of Solution 2,4-D, otherwise known as herbicide.
개척주의적인 플로란들과의 많은 사소한 국경전중 한 전투에서 Sabre급 순양전함 USS [편집됨]의 사령관 [편집됨]은 수천 갤런의 2,4-D(강력한 제초재중 하나)을 전진하는 플로란 군대에 퍼부어 포위된 USCM군대를 구제하려했다.
The effect however, did not perform as expected, with the solution having roughly the same poisonous qualities as alcohol does to a human. Nevertheless, the move "distracted" the Florans enough for the Marines to launch a counterattack and overwhelm them, securing the planetside colony long enough to complete its emergency evacuation.
그러나 효과는 기대했던것 보다 약했다. 그 제초재는 인간에 비한다면 대략 알코올 정도의 독성에 해당했다. 그럼에도 해군의 반격으로 그들을 압도함으로서 플로란 군대를 충분히 분산시켜 긴급철수를 성공했으며 행성 식민지를 오랬동안 지켜오고있다.
The tactic has not seen use since, but lives on in history as the [Redacted] Manoeuvre.
이 전술은 그후 수행된적이 없지만, [편집됨]기동작전으로서 역사에 남겨진다.

2.80. Subject: Standing Orders

All station personnel:
At approximately 2200 hours Earth time this station received an unsecured transmission from USCM Central Command indicating that Earth is currently under heavy attack from a currently unknown enemy.
The transmission did not give any details about the enemy or how the battle was progressing. The only orders given were for all USCM outposts and stations to stay put and await further orders.
I will notify everyone the second we receive any further contact - until then your orders are to stay sharp and prepare for the worst. These coming days may be the most important for us as a species. We all need to be at our best.

2.81. The Agaran Menace

Greetings, intrepid space explorer. Don't ask who we are, or how we've found you. You're better off not knowing. We'll get straight to the point. Mushrooms. Mushrooms are taking over the galaxy. Agarans, to be precise. I'm sure you've seen them, waddling about, making their terrifying pods, yelling in unknown tongues. What you may not be aware of is just how dangerous they are 반갑습니다. 용감한 항해자여. 우리가 어떻게 당신을 찾아냈고 또 우리가 누구인지는 묻지 말아주십시오. 모르는 것이 나을 것입니다.
거두절미하고 곧장 본론으로 들어가지요. 버섯들이, 정확히 말하자면 아가란들이 은하계를 잠식해 나아가고 있습니다.
저는 당신이 알 수 없는 언어로 소리치며 어기적거리면서, 끔찍한 알주머니들을 만드는 그들을 본 적이 있으리라고 확신합니다.
당신은 그들이 얼마나 위험한지 알아차리지 못하는 것 같군요.
We, an unknown organization in no way associated with Thornwing or Big Ape, are attempting to translate their speech patterns and quell their uprising. And that's where you come in. We need you to get close to the Agarans, to study them, to hit them with heavy weaponry until they surrender 우리 단체는 그들의 언어패턴을 분석하고 그들의 발생을 억제하려 하며 빅 에이프나 Thornwing과는 관계가 없습니다. 그리고 당신이 관여된 부분이 바로 이것입니다. 우리는 당신이 아가란들에게 접근하길 바랍니다. 그들에 대해 더 많이 알아야 하니까요. 그래야 그들이 항복할 때까지 포탄을 퍼부어 줄 테니 말이죠.
To aid you in your unsolicited mission - which we are very grateful for, of course - we have provided you with a foolproof Agaran disguise that will let you get close to these vile fungi. Wear it, or don't, it's up to you. Oh, one thing. We've heard talk of giant pods appearing around the galaxy. Maybe avoid those, leave them to the experts.당신의 자발적인 업무를 돕기 위해(아, 물론 저희는 당신의 노고에 매우 감사하고 있습니다.) 아가란 인형옷을 제공하겠습니다. 이건 그들 사이에 잠입하는 데 도움이 될 겁니다. 입든 아니든 당신의 자유지만요. 참, 하나 알려드리자면 이 은하계 어딘가에 거대 알주머니가 나타났다는 이야기를 들었습니다. 하지만 신경 쓰지 마시고, 이건 그냥 전문가들에게 맡기도록 하세요.

2.82. Erchius Mining Facility

USCM 측 인물 한명이 에르키우스 채굴 시설에 판견온 이후 남긴 일지. 총 3권으로 나눠져있다.
I have been on this moon for three days now. The Miners don't trust me, and rightly so. I'm on the USCM payroll, here to supervise that this Facility and keep everything above regulation. I've had to enforce the compulsory wearing of these high-vis jackets, something which hasn't won me any favours.이 달에 파견을 온지 삼일째다. 인부들은 나를 믿지 않는다. 당연히 그럴 것 이다. 나는 이 시설을 감독하고 모든것을 규제하에 두기 위해 온 USCM의 봉급 지급장이다. 나에게 어떠한 이익도 없지만 나는 안전작업복을 필수적으로 착용할 것을 강조했다.This moon is in a key spacial junction - Easily accessible from every sector of the galaxy. It's no surprise that a Facility was built this soon after the discovery of the moon. With a crew of less than fifty, this place feels smaller than other similar operations. 이 달은 은하의 모든 섹터에서든지 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 요충지이다. 달이 발견되자마자 이 시설이 세워진 것도 과언이 아니다. 인부들이 50명보다 적어서, 이 시설은 다른 유사한 시설들보다도 작게 느껴진다.
I've been deployed to similar moons before, but I still can't shake that empty feeling I get when I look out the window, never to see the blue sky of a habitable planet. It adds to the overwhelming feeling I have deep down that man was not meant to live out here in the dark. 난 여러 비슷한 달들에 배치돼 왔지만 살 수 있는 행성의 푸른 하늘이라곤 찾을 수 없는 창문 밖을 볼때마다 느껴지는 공허함을 떨어버릴 수 없다.
The crew here mine for materials - Some crystal ore that is used to create warp drives. To be honest, I am not concerned with the technical details - Science isn't my department. I'm more concerned with the wellbeing of the crew. 인부들은 여기서 워프장치를 만드는데 쓰이는 크리스탈 원석을 캐낸다. 솔직히 말하자면 나는 기술적인 세부사항에는 관심이없다 - 과학은 나의 전공이 아니다. 나는 인부들의 안전에 더 관심이 있다.They took me on a complimentary tour of the mines today. I was glad to see everyone wearing their regulation safety helmets! Hopefully we'll have no accidents - The amount of paperwork involved would be stressful. 오늘 채굴팀과 함께 광산을 순방하였다. 그들은 모두 규정대로 안전모를 착용하고 있었다! 다행이도 사고가 없을듯 하다. - 막대한 양의 사고처리서류는 매우 스트래스가 쌓인다.
There were some strange noises coming from the mines when I visited. The crew assured me that it was probably just the machinery. The glowing crystals made me feel quite sick - I'm surprised the crew haven't complained about it themselves.내가 방문했을때 탄광에서 이상한소리가 들려왔다. 인부들은 나에게 아마도 그냥 기계소리 일거라고 확신했다. 빛나는 크리스탈에 나는 상당히 매스꺼운 느낌이 들었다 - 인부들이 그현상에 불평을 하지 않는 것이 놀라웠다.
There is something terribly wrong with this moon. The crew are disappearing. They aren't telling me anything, but I can just tell that there's going to be so much paperwork to do. 무언가 끔직하게 잘못되고있다. 인부들이 사라졌다. 그들은 나에게 아무런 보고도 하지 않았다. 그러나 처리해야 할 서류가 많아질 것은 단언할 수 있다.Everything has gone wrong. I've sent out a distress signal, hopefully someone can come with backup. I'm sure there's some miners still stranded in the mines. There's nothing I can do for them now.모든것이 엉망이다. 누군가가 도와주러 올 것 이라는 희망을 안고 구조신호를 보냈다. 몇몇 인부들이 여전히 광산에 좌초되어 있을것 이라고 나는 확신한다. 지금 내가 그들에게 해줄 수 있는 일은 아무것도 없다.
I'm going to lock down the Facility - Close the entrance to the mine and turn off the power. Hopefully those things haven't made their way into the main building. Wish me luck. 난 이 시설을 폐쇄 할 것 이다 - 광산으로의 입구를 막고 전원을 차단시킬 것 이다. 희망컨대 그것이 중앙 건물로 이동하지 않기를 바란다. 행운을 빌어주게.

2.83. Dreadwing the Penguin

Gather round, and let us speak of Dreadwing the pirate. This vile bird once posed as a Glitch king, went toe to toe with a Floran, outwrestled an Apex, outflew an Avian, outdrank a human, and outpatronised a Hylotl.
자, 모여봐. 드레드윙에 대한 이야기를 해 줄게. 이 끔찍한 펭귄 녀석은 글리치의 왕처럼 으스댔고, 플로란과 맞짱을 떴으며, 에이펙스의 코를 납작하게 하고, 아비안보다 더 멀리 날아오르는가 하면, 인간들보다 더 주정뱅이였고, 하이로틀보다 더 안하무인이였지.

He's the self-confessed scourge of the galaxy, and cannot wait for the day when the rest of the universe notices. His latest plan is as fiendish as it is simple. Distress beacons.
녀석은 은하계의 자존심이였어. 온 우주가 그걸 알게 되는 것도 시간문제였지. 놈들의 가장 최근 계획은 아주 간단하면서도 사악한 것이였는데. 바로 '조난 신호기'야.

Curious explorers and pesky do-gooders can't resist the call for help. Then, as soon as they make contact, he's there, in one of his many custom UFOs, an army of angry penguins in tow.
호기심 많은 탐험가, 그리고 마음씨 착한 성가신 놈들이 도움을 주러 낚이게 되지. 딱 마주치는 순간, 놈은 자기가 갖고 있는 수백 개의 UFO중 하나를 골라 타고, 잔뜩 열받쳐 있는 펭귄 군대를 이끌고 그 자리에 나타나는 거야.

Nobody really knows what Dreadwing gains from these attacks. Analysts estimate that the destruction of UFOs must be costing Dreadwing hundreds of thousands of pixels. And yet, he persists, smashing his way through settlements and blowing up camps until eventually he's chased off, tail-feathers between his legs.
드레드윙이 이런 짓으로 뭘 얻는지는 아무도 몰라. 그 UFO 하나 날리면, 수백에서 수천 픽셀은 깨질 거라고 사람들이 말하더군. 그런데도 아직도 그 놈은 마을을 부시고 캠프를 날려먹고 다녔지. 자기 꽁지깃이 쫒길 때까지 말이야.

Fun Dreadwing fact: Dreadwing's early UFO design did not allow him to destroy terrain, thus leaving him vulnerable to adventurers who hid themselves below ground.
재밌는 거 알려줄까? 드레드윙의 초기 UFO 디자인은 땅을 부수지 못했어. 땅 속에 숨은 모험가들에게는 어쩌지 못했다니까.

실제로 베타 초기 스타바운드에서는 팽귄UFO가 땅을 부수지 못해서 총구멍 하나 남겨놓고 땅속에 들어가 있거나 미리 튼튼한 벙커를 만들어두거나 해서 꼼수로 잡는경우가 많았다. 땅을 부술수 있게 된 다음에도 그냥 땅을 좀더 깊게 파고 들어가거나 벙커를 더 두껍게 만들어두거나 하면 부수는데 시간이 걸려서 여전히 플레이어 털끝도 못건드리고 죽는 경우가 많았다. 이런 꼼수는 지형지물을 변화시킬수 없는 미션 형식으로 드레드윙이 등장하게 되어서야 막히게 된다.

2.84. Shockhopper Mech Mk I

I have been commissioned by (REDACTED) to produce a weaponised vehicle built for Penguinkind. (REDACTED) showed me an example of what he wanted - A ruined, rusted robot found on an abandoned planet.
(편집됨)이 나에게 무장병기를 제작하라 명하였다. (편집됨)은 그가 무엇을 원하는지 예시를 보여주었다 - 금지된 행성에서 찾은 녹이슬고 망가진 로봇이었다.
I was intrigued. The old thing was crude in design and seemed to have been piloted with an animal brain. Terrible choice, who would possibly think that was a good idea? I have accepted the task, fascinated with the origins of this junkyard automaton.
흥미로웠다, 그 낡은 로봇은 외관이 칙칙했고 어떤 동물의 뇌에 의해 조종 되었던 것 같았다. 무서운 선택이었을 것 이다. 누가 저것을 좋은 발상이었다고 생각할까? 나는 이 폐품처리장에서 건진 로봇의 기원에 매료되어 임무를 받아들였다.
Further examination on the robot has allowed me to tear out the best bits for a headstart on my new machine - Project Shockhopper, as I am now calling it. The old robot features remains of rocket launchers, battle claws and a flamethrower.
좀 더 나은 출발을 위해 내 새로운 기계 - 프로젝트 쇼크후퍼,지금은 그렇게 부른다 - 를 더 검사하여 작은 부품몇개를 뜯어냈다. 로봇에는 로켓런처, 전투용 갈고리발톱 그리고 화염방사기가 남았다.
The claws will have to go, I'm thinking a hydraulic fist instead. With a few fixes, the flamethrower could be a viable weapon. I also had an old electric coil lying about in my lab, which I have converted into an offensive feature. I'm clever like that.
갈고리발톱은 떼어낼 것이다. 대신 유압식 주먹을 부착할까 생각중이다. 몇번 손을보면 화염방사기도 무기로 쓸 수 있을거다. 또 연구실에 내가 공격용으로 바꾸어놓은 전기장 코일도 있다. 난 재주가 있다.
The work has been arduous, but I have finally finished my first completed model. The Shockhopper Mk I is functioning! I have contacted a friend to see if I can find some... Volunteers... For my first test run. I have high hopes.
작업은 힘들었지만 결국 나는 첫 완성품을 끝마췄다. 쇼크후퍼 MK 1이 작동한다! 나는 시험운전을 위한 몇몇의... 지원자... 들을 찾을 수 있는지 친구에게 연락했다. 난 기대에 부풀어 있다

[1] Big Ape[2] 아비안종족이 숭배하는 신[3] 아비안종족의 주요 통치기관[4] 아비안 비행정을 의미한다.