하위 분류 R Revolver S Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band T The Piper at the Gates of Dawn "사이키델릭 팝" 분류에 속하는 문서 7 7(프린스 노래) A A Day In The Life A Whiter Shade of Pale All You Need Is Love Another One Apples and Oranges Arnold Layne B Bee Gees' 1st Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! Bike C Candy and a Currant Bun Chapter 24 Corporal Clegg Crimson and Clover Currents D David Bowie (aka Space Oddity) David Bowie(음반) Daydream Believer Diamond Jubilee Doctor Robert deja vu(올리비아 로드리고) F Fireworks(애니멀 콜렉티브) Fixing a Hole G Getting Better Good Morning Good Morning Good Vibrations Green Tambourine H Halcyon Digest Happy Together(터틀즈) Heat Waves Horizontal I I Want To Tell You I Want to Tell You I'm Only Sleeping Idea(비 지스) Incense and Peppermints It Would Be So Nice J Jugband Blues L Little Dark Age Lonerism Love Is Here and Now You're Gone Lovely Rita Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds M Matilda Mother Merriweather Post Pavilion Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz My Girls Myths 002 N Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye O Octopus Odessey and Oracle Oracular Spectacular P Parade Person Pitch Pumped Up Kicks pom pom R Raspberry Beret Reflections Regimental Sgt. Zippo Remember a Day S See Emily Play See-Saw She's a Rainbow Sign 'O' the Times Skylarking Small Faces Smiley Smile Space Oddity Strawberry Fields Forever Summer '68 Summer in the City Sunday Morning Sunflower(비치 보이스) Sunshine Superman Surf's Up Surf's Up(비치 보이스 앨범) T The Fool on the Hill The Gnome The Less I Know The Better The Now Now The Scarecrow The Slow Rush The Soft Bulletin The Who Sell Out The World of David Bowie Their Satanic Majesties Request There Are But Four Small Faces Think for Yourself Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino U Up, Up and Away Up-Up and Away W Walking on Air Wild Honey Within You Without You Y Yellow Submarine Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Younger Than Yesterday ㅅ 사이키델릭 팝 신디 리 분류 음악 장르 팝 음악 사이키델릭 뮤직