1. 개요2. 예술대학 (Faculty of Arts)
2.1. 예술학부 (School of Arts)2.2. 인문학부 (School of Humanities)2.3. 현대언어학부 (School of Modern Languages)2.4. 기타 전공2.5. 특별 교육기관
3. 공과대학 (Faculty of Engineering)3.1. 컴퓨터과학(School of Computer Science)3.2. 전기전자공학·공업수학부 (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Engineering Mathematics)3.3. 토목공학·항공우주공학·기계공학부 (School of Civil, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering)
4. 보건과학대학 (Faculty of Health Science)4.1. 브리스톨 치과대학 (Bristol Dentist School)4.2. 브리스톨 의과대학 (Bristol Medical School)4.3. 브리스톨 수의과대학 (Bristol Veterinary School)4.4. 해부학부 (School of Anatomy)
5. 생명과학대학 (Faculty of Life Sciences)5.1. 생명과학부 (School of Biological Sciences)5.2. 생화학부 (School of Biochemistry)5.3. 세포분자의학부 (School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine)5.4. 생리학·약리학·신경과학부 (School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience)5.5. 심리과학부 (School of Psychological Science)
6. 과학대학 (Faculty of Sciences)6.1. 화학부 (School of Chemistry)6.2. 지구과학부 (School of Earth Sciences)6.3. 지리과학부 (School of Geographical Sciences)6.4. 수학부 (School of Mathematics)6.5. 물리학부 (School of Physics)
7. 사회과학·법과대학 (Faculty of Social Sciences and Law)1. 개요
영국 브리스톨 대학교의 학과(또는 학부)와 연구소 목록. 대학 전반에 대한 자세한 사항은 브리스톨 대학교 문서 참조.2. 예술대학 (Faculty of Arts)
2.1. 예술학부 (School of Arts)
- 고고학·인류학 (Department of Archaeology and Anthropology)
- 인류학과 (BA Anthropology)
- 고고인류학과 (BA Archaeology and Anthropology)
- 영화방송학 (Department or Film and Television)
- 영화방송학과 (BA Film and Television)
- 음악학 (Department of Music)
- 음악학과 (BA Music)
- 철학 (Department of Philosophy)
- 철학과 (BA Philosophy)
- 연극학 (Department of Theatre)
- 연극공연학과 (BA Theatre and Performance Studies)
2.2. 인문학부 (School of Humanities)
- 고전학·고대사학 (Department of Classics and Ancient History)
- 고대사학과 (BA Ancient History)
- 고전연구학과 (BA Classical Studies)
- 고전학과 (BA Classics)
- 영어학 (Department of English)
- 영어학과 (BA English)
- 영문지역사회학과 (BA English Literature and Community Engagement (ELCE))[1]
- 역사학 (Department of History)
- 역사학과 (BA History)
- 미술사학 (Department of History of Art)
- 미술사학과 (BA History of Art)
- 종교신학 (Department of Religion and Theology)
- 종교신학과 (BA Religion and Theology)
2.3. 현대언어학부 (School of Modern Languages)
- 프랑스어학 (Department of French)[ML]
- 독일어학 (Department of German)[ML]
- 히스패닉·포르투갈어·라틴아메리카연구학 (Department of Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies)[ML]
- 이탈리아어학 (Department of Italian)[ML]
- 러시아어학 (Department of Russian)[ML]
2.4. 기타 전공
- 인문자율전공 (BA Liberal Arts)
2.5. 특별 교육기관
- 학술언어개발센터 (Centre for Academic Language and Development)
- 혁신기업가정신센터 (Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
3. 공과대학 (Faculty of Engineering)
3.1. 컴퓨터과학(School of Computer Science)
- 컴퓨터과학 (Department of Computer Science)
- 컴퓨터과학과 (BSc Computer Science)
3.2. 전기전자공학·공업수학부 (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Engineering Mathematics)
- 전기전자공학 (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- 전기전자공학과 (BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- 공업수학 (Department of Engineering Mathematics)
- 공업수학과 (BEng Engineering Mathematics)
3.3. 토목공학·항공우주공학·기계공학부 (School of Civil, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering)
- 항공우주공학 (Department of Aerospace Engineering)
- 항공우주공학과 (BEng Aerospace Engineering)
- 토목공학 (Department of Civil Engineering)
- 토목공학과 (BEng Civil Engineering)
- 기계공학 (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
- 기계공학과 (BEng Mechanical Engineering)
4. 보건과학대학 (Faculty of Health Science)
4.1. 브리스톨 치과대학 (Bristol Dentist School)
- 치의학과 (BDS Dentistry)
- 치위생치료학과 (BSc Dental Hygiene and Therapy)
4.2. 브리스톨 의과대학 (Bristol Medical School)
- 인구보건학 (Department of Population Health Science)
- 인구보건학협회 (Population Health Science Institute)
- 통합역학팀 (MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit)
- 국립보건의료연구소 산하 건강보호연구팀 (NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Evaluation of Interventions)
- 1차의료센터 (Centre for Academic Primary Care)
- 아동보건학술센터 (Centre for Academic Child Health)
- 공중보건센터 (Centre for Public Health)
- 연구종합결정분석센터 (Centre for Research Synthesis and Decision Analysis)
- 브리스톨 보건경제학그룹 (Health Economics at Bristol)
- 국립보건의료연구소 산하 브리스톨 임상실험센터 (NIHR Bristol Trials Centre)
- 아동화상연구센터 (Scar Free Foundation Centre for Children’s Burns Research)
- 브리스톨 외과연구센터 (Bristol Centre for Surgical Research)
- 의료윤리센터 (Centre for Ethics in Medicine)
- 임상통합연구팀 (Qualitative Research Integrated within Trials)
- 말기환자고통완화의료팀 (Palliative and End of Life Care)
- 노화운동연구그룹 (Ageing & Movement Research Group)
- 브리스톨 기술평가그룹 (Bristol Technology Assessment Group)
- ConDuCT-II 임상시험방법연구네트워크 (The MRC Network of Hubs for Trials Methodology Research: ConDuCT-II Hub)
- 브리스톨 연구평가회 (Bristol Appraisal and Review of Research)
- 의료통계센터 (Centre for Medical Statistics)
- 영국 임상연구협력연구소 산하 공중보건향상복합해결발전평가센터 (UKCRC Centre for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions for Public Health Improvement)
- 중개보건학 (Department of Translational Health Sciences)
- 근골격연구팀 (Musculoskeletal Research Unit)
- 류머티즘학그룹 (Academic Rheumatology Group)
- 정형외과그룹 (Orthopaedic Surgery Group)
- 브리스톨 백신센터 (Bristol Vaccine Centre)
- 브리스톨 신장연구소 (Bristol Renal)
4.3. 브리스톨 수의과대학 (Bristol Veterinary School)
- 수의과학과 (BVSc Veterinary Science)
- 수의간호반려동물행동학과 (BSc Veterinary Nursing and Companion Animal Behaviour)
4.4. 해부학부 (School of Anatomy)
- 응용해부학과 (BSc Applied Anatomy)
5. 생명과학대학 (Faculty of Life Sciences)
5.1. 생명과학부 (School of Biological Sciences)
- 생물학과 (BSc Biology)
- 동물학과 (BSc Zoology)
- 식물과학과 (BSc Plant Sciences)
5.2. 생화학부 (School of Biochemistry)
- 생화학과 (BSc Biochemistry)
- 의료생화학과 (BSc Biochemistry with Medical Biochemistry)
- 분자생명기술생화학과 (BSc Biochemistry with Molecular Biology and Biotechnology)
5.3. 세포분자의학부 (School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine)
- 세포분자의학과 (BSc Cellular and Molecular Medicine)
5.4. 생리학·약리학·신경과학부 (School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience)
- 신경과학과 (BSc Neuroscience)
- 약리학과 (BSc Pharmacology)
- 생리과학과 (BSc Physiological Science)
5.5. 심리과학부 (School of Psychological Science)
- 심리학과 (BSc Psychology)
6. 과학대학 (Faculty of Sciences)
6.1. 화학부 (School of Chemistry)
- 화학과 (BSc Chemistry)
- 화학물리학과 (BSc Chemical Physics)
6.2. 지구과학부 (School of Earth Sciences)
- 환경지구과학과 (BSc Environmental Geoscience)
- 지질학과 (BSc Geology)
- 지구물리학과 (BSc Geophysics)
- 고생물진화학과 (BSc Palaeontology and Evolution)
6.3. 지리과학부 (School of Geographical Sciences)
- 지리학과 (BSc Geography)
6.4. 수학부 (School of Mathematics)
- 수학과 (BSc Mathematics)
- 통계수학과 (BSc Mathematics with Statistics)
- 금융통계수학과 (BSc Mathematics with Statistics for Finance BSc)
- 데이터과학과 (BSc Data Science)
6.5. 물리학부 (School of Physics)
- 물리학과 (BSc Physics)
- 천체물리학과 (BSc Physics with Astrophysics)
- 수리물리학과 (BSc Mathematics and Physics)
- 물리철학과 (BSc Physics and Philosophy)
- 전산물리학과 (BSc Physics with Computing)
7. 사회과학·법과대학 (Faculty of Social Sciences and Law)
7.1. 경제학부 (School of Economics)
- 경제학과 (BSc Economics)
- 계량경제학과 (BSc Economics and Econometrics)
- 금융경제학과 (BSc Economics and Finance)
7.2. 교육학부 (School of Education)
- 교육연구학과 (BSc Education Studies)
- 교육심리학과 (BSc Psychology in Education)
7.3. 정책연구학부 (School of Policy Studies)
7.4. 사회학·정치학·국제학부 (School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies)
- 정치학·국제관계학 (Department of Politics and International Relations)
- 국제관계정치학과 (BSc Politics and International Relations)
- 계량정치학과 (BSc Politics with Quantitative Research Methods)
- 정치학·사회학 융합 전공 (BSc Politics and Sociology)
- 경제학·정치학 융합 전공 (BSc Economics and Politics)
- 철학·정치학 융합 전공 (BSc Philosophy and Politics)
- 사회정책학·정치학 융합 전공 (BSc Social Policy and Politics)
- 사회학 (Department of Sociology)
- 사회학과 (BSc Sociology)
- 계량사회학과 (BSc Sociology with Quantitative Research Methods)
- 사회정책학·사회학 융합 전공 (BSc Social Policy and Sociology)
- 사회학·철학 융합 전공 (BSc Sociology and Philosophy)
- 신학·사회학 융합 전공 (BA Theology and Sociology)
7.5. 브리스톨 대학교 비즈니스 스쿨 (University of Bristol Business School)
- 금융회계학 (Department of Accounting and Finance)
- 금융회계학과 (BSc Accounting and Finance)
- 금융학과 (BSc Finance)
- 경영학 (Department of Business and Management)
- 경영분석학과 (BSc Business Analytics)
- 경영학과 (BSc Business and Management)
- 국제경영학 (Department of International Business Management)
- 국제경영학과 (BSc International Business Management)
- 마케팅학 (Department of Marketing)
- 마케팅학과 (BSc Marketing)
7.6. 브리스톨 대학교 로스쿨 (University of Bristol Law School)
- 법학과 (LLB Law)
[1] 직장인들을 대상으로 직장 생활과 학업 생활을 병행할 수 있는 학과.[ML] 현대언어학과라는 명칭으로 전공.[ML] 현대언어학과라는 명칭으로 전공.[ML] 현대언어학과라는 명칭으로 전공.[ML] 현대언어학과라는 명칭으로 전공.[ML] 현대언어학과라는 명칭으로 전공.