나무모에 미러 (일반/어두운 화면)
최근 수정 시각 : 2025-03-09 18:41:35


파일:상위 문서 아이콘.svg   상위 문서: 군사용어
1. #2. A3. B4. C5. D6. E7. F8. G9. H10. I11. J12. K13. L14. M15. N16. O17. P18. Q19. R20. S21. T22. U23. V24. W25. X

1. #

약어 용어 번역
6 P's Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Perfomance

2. A

약어 용어 번역
AA Air to Air 공대공
Assembly Area 집결지
Anti-Aircraft 대공
AAA Anti-Aircraft Artillery 대공포/방공포
AADC Area Air Defense Commander 지역 방공사령관
AADP Area Air Defense Plan 지역방공계획
AAGS Army Air Ground System 육군공지체계
AAR After Action Review 사후 검토
AASLT Air Assault 공중강습
AAM Air to Air Missile 공대공 미사일
AAN Army After Next 차세대 육군
ABC Atomic, Biological, Chemical 화생방
Air Boss Conference 항공 지휘관 회의
ABCCC Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center 공중 전장 지휘 통제 본부
ABCS Army Battle Command System 육군 전투지휘 시스템
ABD Air Base Defense 기지방호
ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile 대탄도 미사일
ABN Airborne
ABT Air Breathing Threat 항공기위협
A/C Aircraft 항공기
ACA Airspace Control Authority 공역통제권
ACC Air Component Command 공군 구성군 사령부
ACC Airspace Control Center 공역통제본부
ACE Airspace Control Element 공역 통제반
ACE Airspace Coordination Element 공역 협조반
ACO Airspace Control Order 공역 통제 명령
ACOM Army command
ACSIM Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management
ACTD Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrations 고급개념기술시연
ACR Armored Cavalry Regiment 기갑수색연대
ACWS Aircraft Control and Warning System 항공통제경보시스템
ACU Army Combat Uniform 미군복
AD Active Duty 현역
ADA Air Defence Artillery 방공포병
ADA Air Defense Area 방공구역
ADAM Area Denial Artillery Munition 대인용지뢰탄
ADC Aide-De-Camp 전속부관
AD & C Air Defense & Control 방공관제
ADD Agency for Defense Development 국방과학연구소
ADIZ Air Defence Identification Zone 방공식별구역
ADOA Air Defence Operation Zone 방공작전구역
ADOS Active Duty Operational Support
ADVON Advanced Echelon 선발제대
ADLP Army Distance Learning Plan 미 육군 원거리 학습 계획
AE Aeromedical Evacuation 항공의무후송
AEW Airborne Early Warning 공중조기경보
AEW&C Airborne Early Warning & Control 공중조기경보 및 통제
AEZ Air Exclusion Zone 공중배타구역
AF Assault Force 강습부대
AFAC Airborne Forward Air Controller 공중 전방항공통제관
AFFOR Air Force Forces 공군전력, CA참모
AFKN American Forces Korea Network 주한미군 방송
AFV Armored Fighting Vehicle 장갑전투차량
AFO Advanced Force Operations 선발 작전 부대
AGI Air Ground Integration 공지통합
AGL Above Ground Level
AGM Air to Ground Missile 공대지 미사일
AGOS Air Ground Operations System/School 공지작전체계/학교
AH Attack Helicopter 공격헬기
AI Air Interdiction 항공차단
AIDE Aide-De-Camp 부관, 보좌관
AIT Advanced Individual Training 후반기 주특기 교육
AIM Air Intercept Missile 공중 요격 미사일
AKAC Allied Crypto-graphic Operational Code or Cipher 연합작전용 음어
ALB Air Land Battle 공지전투
ALB-F Air-Land Battle Future 미래 공지전투
ALC American Language Course 군사영어(Military English) 교육
ALCC Air Lift Control Center 공수통제본부
ALO Air (Army) Liaison Officer 공군(육군)연락 장교
Air-Land Operation 공지작전
ALOC Air Line of Communications 공중이동로 (병참선)
ALLOREQ Allocation Request 할당요청
AM Amplitude Modulation 진폭 변조
AMC Airborne Mission Commander 공중작전 임무 지휘관
Army Materiel Command
Ammo Ammunition 실탄
AMT Aerial Mail Terminal 항공우편물 취급소
Air Mobile Training 공중기동훈련
Aircraft Maintenance Tool 항공기 정비공구
AMLS Airspace Liaison Company 공역통제연락반
AMRAAM Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile 중거리 공대공 미사일 이름: AIM-120 AMRAAM
ANG Air National Guard 주방위군 공군
ANGLICO Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company 항공 함포 연락중대
AO Area of Operation 작전지역
AOA Amphibious Objective Area 상륙목표지역
Angle of Attack 받음각
AOB Air Order of Battle 공군전투서열
AOC Airbase Operation Center 항공 작전본부
AOD Air Operations Directive 항공작전지침
AOE Area of Engagement 교전지역
AOR Area of Responsibility 책임지역
AOP Aerial Observation Post 공중감시소 / 대공관측소
AP Ammunition Point 탄약분배소
Anti Personnel 대인[1]
Armor Piercing 철갑탄
Auto Pilot 자동 조종 장치
APC Armoured Personnel Vehicle 장갑수송차량
Armored Personal Carrier
APFSDS Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot 날개안정분리철갑탄
APP Army Policy Plan 육군기본정책기획서
APPCON Approach Control 접근관제
AR Armor
Assault Rifle 돌격소총
Army regulation
Automatic Rifle 자동소총
Available Rate 가동률
Aerial Refueling 공중급유
ARCYBER U. S. Army Cyber Command
ARNG Army National Guard 주방위군 육군
ARS Automatic Replying System 자동응답체계
ARSOF Army special operations forces
ARSTAF Army Staff
ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center 항로교통 관제본부
Arty Artillery
ASA-ALT Assistant Secretary of the - Acquisition, Logistics and Technology
ASA-IE&E Assistant Secretary of the Army - Installations, Energy and Environment
ASCC Army service component command
ASD Anticipatory Self-Defense 우선적 자위권
ASG Area Support Group 지역지원단
ASM Air-to-Surface Missile 공대지 유도 미사일
ASMIS Army safety Management
ASOC Air Support Operation Center 항공지원 작전본부
A/S Authority Strength 인가병력
ASIP System Improvement Program 시스템개선 프로그램
ASP Ammunition Supply Point 탄약보급소
ASR Air Support Request 항공지원요청
ASRP Ammunition Stockpile Reliability Program 저장탄약신뢰성평가
ASRAAM Advanced Short Range Air to Air Missile 영국제 미사일 이름
ASUW Anti-Surface Warfare 대수상전
ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare 대잠전
AT Annual Training 연례 훈련[2]
Anti-Terrorism 대테러
Anti-Tank 대전차
ATACMS Army Tactical Missile System 육군 전술유도탄 체계
ATBM Anti Tactical Ballistic Missile 대 전술탄도탄
ATC Air Traffic Control 항공교통관제
ATCC Air Traffic Control Center 항공교통 관제본부
ATCCS Army Tactical Command and Control System 육군 전술지휘 및 통제 시스템
ATCIS Army Tactical Command Information System 지상전술지휘정보체계
ATD Advanced Technology Demonstrations 고급기술시연
ATDL The Army Training Digital Library 육군훈련 전자도서관
ATE Army Training Experiment 육군 훈련 실험
ATEC U. S. Army Test and Evaluation Command
ATF Amphibious Task Force 상륙기동부대
atk attack
attn attention
ATO Air Tasking Order 항공 임무 명령서
ATP Ammunition Transfer Point 탄약 전환보급소
ATT Army Training Test 육군 훈련 시험
AUM Air to Underwater Missile 공대수중 유도탄
AV Aviation 항공
AVLB Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge
avn aviation
AW Automatic Weapons 자동화기
AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System 공중경보 및 통제체제

3. B

약어 용어 번역
BAI Battlefield Air Interdiction 전장항공차단
BB Battleship 전함
BC Battle Cruiser 순양전함
BCD Battle Coordination Detachment 전투협조처
BCE Battle Coordination Element 전투협조반
BCT Basic Combat Training 기초군사훈련
Battle Command Training 전투지휘훈련
Brigade Combat Team 여단전투단
BCTP Battle Command Training Program group 전투지휘 훈련단
BDA Battle Damage Assessment 전투피해평가
Bomb Damage Assessment 폭격피해판정
BDAR Battlefield Damage Assessment & Repair 전장응급정비
bde brigade
BDU Bomb Dummy Unit 모의탄
BECS Battlefield Electric CEOI System 전장 통신전자운영체계
BEQ Bachelor Enlisted Quarters 독신 부사관숙소
BHL Battle Handover Line 전투이양선
BL Basic Load (Ammunition) 기본휴대량
BM Ballistic Missile 탄도 미사일
BMD Боевая машина десантная, БМД 공수전투차, 러시아제 공수장갑차의 약자
BMP Боевая Машина Пехоты, БМП 보병전투차, 러시아제 보병전투차의 약자
BMNT Beginning of Morning Nautical Twilight 해상박명초
bn battalion
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand 생화학적 산소요구량
BOQ Bachelor Officer Quarters 독신장교숙소
BOS Battlefield Operating System 전장 관리 체계
BP Battle Position 전투진지
BSC Battle Simulation Center 전투모의센타
BTCS Battalion Tactical Computer System 대대전술 사격지휘체계
BUR Bottom Up Review 아래로부터의 검토
Brass 탄피

4. C

C2: Command and Control

C3: Command, Control and Communications

C4: Command, Control, Communication and Computer

C/S: Chief of Staff (참모장)

C/S: Call of Sign(호출부호)

C4I: Command, Control, Communication, Computer and Intelligence (지휘, 통제, 통신, 컴퓨터, 정보 체계)

C4ISR: Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (지휘, 통제, 통신,
컴퓨터, 정보, 감시, 정찰 체계)

CA: Heavy Cruiser/Cruiser, Armored(Armoured) (중순양함, 장갑순양함)

CA: Civil Affairs (민사)

CA: Coordination Altitude (협조고도)

CAR: Chief, Army Reserve

CAL: Caliber (구경)

CALO: Combined Air Lift Office (연합공수 사무소)

CAP: Combat Air Patrol (전투공중초계)

CASEVAC: Casualty Evacuation (사상자 후송)

CAS: Close Air Support (근접항공지원)

CASIC: Combined All Sources Intelligence Center (연합정보 종합상황실)

CATS: Combined Arms Training Strategy (제병협동 훈련전략)

CATF: Combined Amphibious Task Force (연합상륙기동부대)

CAV: Cavalry

CBRN: Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclearal (화생방)

CBRS: Concept based requirement system (소요제기체계)

CBU: Cluster Bomb Unit (확산탄)

C2, CC: Command and control

CCC: Command and Control Center (지휘통제본부)

CCIR: Commander's Critical Information Requirement (지휘관 중요첩보요구)

CCP: Communications Check Point (통신확인점)

CCT: Combat Control Team (전투통제반)

CDR: Commander (지휘관)

CENTCOM: U.S. Central Command (미국 중부사령부)

CEOI: Communication Electronics Operating Instructions (통신전자운용지시)

CEWI: Combat Electronics Warfare Intelligence (전투전자전정보)

CF: Command Facility (지휘시설)

CF: Conventional Forces

CFA: Covering Force Area (엄호부대 경계지대)

CFC: Combined Forces Command (연합군사령부)

CFL: Coordinated Fire Line (사격협조선)

CFX: Command Field Exercise (지휘조 야외기동연습)

CG: Commanding General (사령관)

CGCC: Coalition Ground Component Command (연합지상구성군사령부)

CH: Cargo Helicopter (수송헬기)

Challenge: 암구호를 묻다.

Chop: Change of operational control (작전통제권 이양)

CIA: Central Intelligence Agency (미국 중앙정보국)

CIB: Combat Infantryman Badge(전투보병휘장)

CIC : Combat Information Center (전투정보실)

CID: Criminal Investigation Department (범죄수사단)

CIO: Chief Information Officer (수석정보관)

CIWS: Close In Weapons System (근접방어체계)

CJCS: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (합동참모의장)

CJMD: Combined Joint Manning Document (연합인원편성편제)

CL: Light Cruiser (경순양함)

CLF: Combined Landing Force (연합상륙군)

CLS: Combat Lifesaver Course

CLGP: Cannon - Launched Guided Projectile (레이저 유도포탄)

CMCC: Combined Marine Component Command (연합 해병구성군사령부)

CMEF: Combined Marine Expeditionary Force (연합해병원정군)

CMFC: Combined Marine Forces Command (연합 해병사령부)

CMOC: Civil Military Operation Center(민사작전본부)

CMTC: Combat Maneuver Training Center

CNCC: Combined Naval Component Command (연합 해군구성군사령부)

CO: Command Officer (지휘관)

co: Company

COA: Course of Action (방책)

COC: Council of colonels

COCOM: Combatant command

CODA: Combined Delegated Authority (연합권한위임사항)

COE: Chief of Engineers (수석 엔지니어)

COMSEC: Communication Security (통신보안)

CONUS: continental United States (미 대륙)

Coord: coordinating

COP: Combat Outpost (전투전초)

COP: Command Observation Post (지휘관측소)

CP: Check Point (확인점)/Command Post (지휘소)/Contact Point (접촉점)/Control Point/Post (통제점/소)

CPA: Chief, Public Affairs

CPMX: Command Post Maneuver Exercise (지휘조 기동연습)

CPOTF: Combined Psychological Operations Task Force (연합심리전사령부)

CPX: Command Post Exercise (지휘조 연습)

CQB(CQC): Close Quarters Battle/Combat.

CRAC: Combined Rear Area Coordinator (연합후방지역 조정관)

CRC: Control and Reporting Center (중앙관제소)

CRM: composite risk management

CRP: Control and Reporting Post (지방관제소)

CRTOC: Combined Rear Tactical Operations Center (연합후방 전술작전본부)

CS: Combat Support (전투지원)

CS: chlorobenzalmslononitile (riot control gas, tear gas)

CSA: Chief of Staff, Army

CSB: Contracting Support Brigade (계약지원여단)

CSC: Command & Staff Course (고급지휘관 참모과정)

CSAR: Combat Search And Rescue (전투탐색구조)

CSRP: Chemical materials Stockpile Reliability Program (저장 화생방물자 신뢰성 평가)

CSCT: Combat Support Coordination Team (전투지휘협조반)

CSG: Chief of the General Staff (참모총장)/Corps Support Group (군단지원단)

CSI: Cooperative Security Location (협력안보대상지역)

CSOC: Combat Service Operations Center (전투근무 작전본부)

CSR: Controlled Supply Rate (통제보급률)

CSS: Combat Service Support (전투근무지원)

CSSOC: Combat Service Support Operation Center (전투근무지원 작전본부)

CTB: Combined Targeting Board (연합표적위원회)

CTC: Combat Training Center (전투훈련 센터)

CTCD: Combat Training Center Directorate

CUWTF: Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force(연합특수전사령부)

CV: Cruiser Voler (항공모함)

CVN: Cruiser Voler Nuclear (핵추진 항공모함)

CVE: Cruiser Voler Escort (호위항공모함)

CVL: Cruiser Volet Light (경항공모함)

CVT: Cruiser Volet Training (연습항공모함/항공모함 훈련함)

5. D

DA: Department of the Army
DAG: Division Artillery Group (사포군)
DA PAM: Department of the Army Pamphlet
DARNG: Director, Army National Guard
DASC: Direct Air Support Center (직접항공지원본부)
DATE: Decisive Action Training Environment
DAIS: Defense Ammunition Information System (국방 탄약 정보 체계)
DAL: Defended Asset List (방어자산목록)
DBA: Deep Battle Area (종심전투지역)
DBSL: Deep Battle Synchronization Line (종심 전투통합선)
DCA: Defensive Counter Air (방어제공)
DCA CAP: DCA Combat Air Patrol (방어제공 전투공중초계)
DCA INT: DCA Interception (방어제공 요격)
DCG: Depute Commanding General (부사령관)
DCS: Deputy Chief of Staff
DD: Destroyer (구축함)
D3SOE: Denial, Degraded, Disrupted Space Operational Environment
DEAD: Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses (적 방공체계 파괴)
DEFCON: Defense Readiness Condition (전투준비태세)
DEFPAT: Defensive Patrol (방어 초계)
DELIIS: Defense Equipment Logistics Integrated Information System (국방 장비 정비 정보 체계)
DLIS: Defense Logistics Information System (국방 군수 정보 체계)
DMIS: Defense Material Information System (국방 물자 정보 체계)
DIMA: Defense Imagery and Mapping Agency
DIME: Diplomatic Informational Military Economy (외교 정보 군사 경제)
DIRLAUTH: Direct Liaison Authorized
DMZ: DeMilitarized Zone (비무장지대)
DO: Duty Officer (당직장교)
DOD: Department of Defense (국방부)
DOT: Director of Training
DOTMLPF–P: Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and education, Personnel, Facilities, and policy
DP: Dual Purpose (이중목적)
DP: Decision Point (결심지점)
DP-ICM: Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munition (이중목적개량탄)
DRU: Direct Reporting Unit
DS: Direct Support (직접지원)
DST: Decision Support Template (결심지원도표)
DT: Dynamic Target (긴급표적)
D/L: Description Logistic (군수품목현황)
D/L: Distribution List (분배표)
D/L: Dead and Loss (손망실)
D/L: Dead Line Equipment (불가동 장비)
DTAQ: Defense Agency for Technology and Quality (국방기술품질원)
DTG: date time group
DUSTWUN: Duty Status Whereabouts Unknown (실종자)
DZ: Drop Zone (투하지역)

6. E

E: Extremely high
E2D: Employ to Deploy (운용 후 전개)
EA: Electronic Attack (ECM) (전자공격)
EA: Engagement Area (교전지역)
EAB: Echelons Above Brigade
EAM: Emergency Action Message (긴급조치전문)
EASI: East Asia Strategic Initiative (동아시아 전략구상)
EBO: Effect Based Operations (효과중심작전)
EC: Electronic Combat (전자전)
ECM: Electronic Counter Measures (전자 방해 기술)
ECCM: Electronic Counter-Countermeasures (ECM 방어대책)
ECAS: Emergency Close Air Support (비상 근접항공지원)
ECOA: Enemy Course of Action (적 방책)
EDRE: Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercise
E&E: Escape and Evade (탈출 및 대피)
EEFI: Elementary Element of Friendly Information (우군첩보 기본요소)
EEI: Essential Elements of Information (첩보기본요소)
EENT: End of Evening Nautical Twilight (해상박명종)
EFA: The European Fighter Aircraft (차세대 유럽형전투기)
EH: Explosive Hazards (위험성폭발물)
EHCT: Explosive Hazards Clearing Team (위험성폭발물 처리반)
EMERGCON: Emergency Condition (긴급/비상상황)
ENG: Engineer Joint/UNC (연합/유엔사 공병참모)
EOB: Electronic Order of Battle (전자전투서열)
EOD: Explosive Ordnance Disposal (폭발물 처리반)
EP: Electronic Protection (ECCM) (전자보호)
EPW: Enemy Prisoner of War (적 포로)
eq: equipment
ERC: Engineer River Crossing (공병도하)
ERL: Economic Repair Limits (경제적 수리 한계)
ERV: Emergency Rendezvous (비상시 합류지)
ESC: Expeditionary Sustainment Commands
ETA: Estimate Time of Arrival (도착예정시간)
ETIC: Estimated Time in Commission (예상 복구 완료시간)
ETD: Employ to Deploy (운용 후 전개)
EUSA: Eighth United States Army (미 8군)
EW: Electronic Warfare (전자전)
EWS: Electronic Warfare Support (전자전 지원)
EXORD: Execution Order

7. F

FA: Field Artillery (야전포병)
FAA: Forward Assembly Area (전방집결지)
FAC: Forward Air Controller (전방 항공통제관)
FAC-A: Forward Air Controller - Airborne ( 공중 전방 항공통제관)
FACP: Forward Air Control Party (전방 항공 통제반)
FARP: Forward Arming and Refuling Post (전방무장 및 연료 재보급소)
FASCAM: Family of Scatterable Mines (살포식 지뢰)
FAST: Forward Area Support Team (전방지역 지원팀)
FB: Forward Boundary (전방 전투지경선)
FCC: Flight Coordination Center (비행협조소)
FCS: Future Combat System (미래전투체계)
FD EX: Focus Dragon Exercise (맹룡 연습)
FDC: Fire Direction Center (화력지휘소)
FDO: Fire Direction Officer (사격지휘장교)
FDO:Flexible Deterrence Options (신속억제방안)
FE : Force Enhancement (전투력 증강)
FE: Foal Eagle Exercise (독수리 연습)
FEBA: Forward Edge of Battle Area (전투지역전단)
FF: Frigate (호위함)
FFA: Free Fire Area (화력자유지역)
FFIO: Field Artillery Intelligence Officer (포병정보장교)
FFIR: Intelligence Requirement (우군첩보요구)
FIBUA: Fighting in Built-Up Areas (시가전)
FIDO: Fighter Duty Officer (전투비행 당직장교)
FIST: Fire Support Team (화력지원팀)
FIR: Flight Information Region (비행정보구역)
FL: Focus Lens (포커스렌즈 연습)
FLOT: Forward Line of Own Troop (아군 부대 전투 접속선 / 전선)
FM: Field Manual (야전교범)
FM: Frequency Modulation (주파수 변조)
FMP: Force Module Package (전투력 증강)
FMS: Foreign Military Sales (대외 군사판매)
FN: Foreign National
FO: Forward Observer (관측장교)
FOB: Forward Operating Base (전진 작전 기지)
FOB: Friendly Order of Battle (아군전투서열)
FOC: Final Operational Capability(최종운용능력)
FOE: Follow-On Echelon (후속제대)
FOFA:Follow On Forces Attack (후속제대 공격)
FOP: Forward Orbit Point (전방대기지점)
FORSCOM: U.S. Army Forces Command
FOUO: For Official Use Only (대외비)
FPF: Final Protective Fire (최후방어사격)
FRAGO: Fragmentary Order (단편명령)
FRMS: Formation Resources Management System (편성부대 자원 관리시스템)
FRO: Flexible Response Option (신속대응방안)
FROG: Free Rocket Over Ground (프로그 미사일-지대지)
FSB: Forward Operation Base (전방배치 작전기지)
FS cell: Fire Support cell (통합화력지원실)
FSC: Federal Supply Code (연방보급식별번호)
FSCC: Fire Support Coordination Center (화력지원 협조소)
FSCL: Fire Support Coordination Line (화력지원 협조선)
FSO: Fire Support Officer (화력지원장교)
FSO:Full Spectrum Operations (전영역작전)
FTR: Fighter (전투기)
FTX: Field Training Exercise (야외 훈련 연습)

8. G

G1: Assistant chief of staff, personnel
G2: Assistant chief of staff, intelligence
G3: Assistant chief of staff, operations and plans
G4: Assistant chief of staff, logistics
G5: Assistant chief of staff, plans
G6: Assistant chief of staff, command, control, communication and computer operations
G9: Assistant chief of staff, civil affairs
GBU: Guided Bomb Unit (항공 유도 폭탄)
GCA: Ground Controled Approach (지상관제접근)
GCC: Ground Component Command (지상구성군 사령관)
GEMSS: Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System (지상살포식 지뢰)
GFAC: Groud Forward Air Controller (지상 전방 항공 통제관)
GIS: Geographic Infomation System (지리정보체계)
GLO: Ground Liaison Officer (지상군 연락장교)
GLOC: Ground Line of Communications (지상이동로 / 병참선)
GM: Guided Missile (유도탄)
G-N:The Goldwater-Nichols Act (골드워터 니콜스 법안)
GOB: Ground Order of Battle (지상군 전투서열)
GOP: General Outpost (일반전초)
GOP: Ground Observation Post (지상관측소)
GP: General Purpose (일반목적용)
GP: Guard Post (감시초소)
GPR: Global Defense Posture Review (해외주둔 미군 재배치계획)
GPS: Global Positioning System (인공위성 항법장치)
GS: General Support (일반지원)
GSR: General Support and Reinforcing (일반지원 및 화력증원)
GV: Grid Variation (도북편각, 자편각, GM각)
GWOT: Global War On Terror (전지구적 대테러전쟁)

9. H

H: Howitzer (곡사포)
HA: Holding Area (대기 지점)
HA: Humanitarian Assistance (인도적 지원)
HACC: Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Center (인도적 지원 협조본부)
HAHO: High Altitude High Open (고공 낙하산 개방)
HALO: High Altitude Low Open (고공강하)
HARM: High Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (고속 대 방사 유도탄)
HAWK: Homing All the Way Killer (호크 대공미사일)
HE: High Explosive (고폭탄)
HE-BB: High Explosive-Base Bleed (항력감소고폭탄)
HEAP: High Explosive Armour Piercing (고폭철갑탄)
HEAT: High Explosive Anti Tank (대전차고폭탄)
HEDP: High Explosive Dual Purpose (이중목적 고폭탄)
HEI: High Explosive Incendiary (고폭 소이탄)
HEI-T: High Explosive Incendiary - Tracer (고폭 소이예광탄)
HEP: High Explosive, Plastic (플라스틱 고폭탄)
HF: High Frequency (고주파)
H-Hour: H hour (작전개시시간 )
HIDACZ: High Density Airspace Control Zone (고밀도 공역 통제구역)
HPAC: Hazard Prediction Analysis Capability (화생방 위험 예측능력)
HPT: High Payoff Target (핵심표적)
HQ: Headquarters (본부사령부)
HQDA: Headquarters, Department of the Army
HRP: Highway Regulation Point (육로조정소)
HSLLADS: High Speed Low Level Air Delivery System (고속저공 공중투발체계)
HUD: Head Up Display (헤드업 디스플레이)
HUMINT: HUMan INTelligence (인간정보)
HVDP: Heavy Drop (중장비투하, 대량투하)
HVT: High Value Target (고가치 표적)

10. I

ICAS: Immediate Close Air Support (긴급근접 항공지원)
ICBM: InterContinental Ballistic Missile (대륙간 탄도 미사일)
ICM: Improved Capabilities Missile (개량미사일)
ICM: Improved Conventional Munition (개량탄)
ID: Infantry Division (보병사단)
IED: Improvised Explosive Device (급조폭발물)
IEW: Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (정보 및 전자전)
IFF: Identification Friend or Foe (적·아식별)
IFV: Infantry Combat Vehicle (보병 전투 장갑차)
IGS: Inertial Guidance System (관성유도장치)
IIR: Imaging Infra-Red (적외선 영상)
ILL: Illuminating (조명탄)
IMCOM: U.S. Army Installation Management Command
INF: Intermediate-Range Nuclear (중거리 핵전력)
inf: infantry
INFOCON: Information Operations Condition (정보작전 방호태세)
INS: Inertial Navigation System (관성항법장치)
INT: INTerdiction (항공후방차단)
IO: Input and Output (입출력)
IOC: Initial Operational Capability(최초운용능력)
IOE: Irregular Outer Edge (불규칙 지뢰지대)
IP: Initial Point (최초진입지점)
IPB: Intelligence Preparation of the Battle Field (전장정보분석)
IPE: Individual Protective Equipment (개인보호장비)
IPIR: Initial Photographic Interpretation Report (최초사진판독)
IR: Infrared (적외선)
IRBM: Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (중거리 탄도 미사일)
IROAN: Inspect Repair Only As Necessary (아이론 정비)
ISAF: International Security Assistance Force (국제안보지원군)
ISR: Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (지능 감시 정찰)
ITADSS: Instrumentation, Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations
ITO : Integrated Tasking Order (통합임무명령서)
I&W: Indication & Warning (징후 및 경보)

11. J

JAAT: Joint Air Attack Team (합동공중공격반)
JAM: Jamming (전파방해)
JAOP: Joint Air Operations Plan (합동항공작전계획)
JCS: Joint Chiefs of Staff (합동참모본부)
JELC: Joint Event Life Cycle (합동사태주기)
JEB: Joint Effects Board (합동효과위원회)
JFCOM: Joint Forces Command (합동전력사령부)
JFLCC: Joint Force Land Component Command
JRAC: Joint Rear Area Coordinator (합동 후방지역조정관)
JRTC: Joint Readiness Training Center
JPRC: Joint Personnel Recovery Center (합동 인명구조본부)
JTAGS: Joint Tactical Ground Station (합동전술 지상작전 통제소)
JIPOE: Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (합동작전 환경정보 분석)
JMRC: Joint Multinational Readiness Center
JMS: Joint Military Strategy (합동군사전략서)
JNTC: Joint National Training Capability
JSA: Joint Security Area (공동경비구역)
JSCP: Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (합동군사전략 능력기획서)
JSEAD: Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defence (합동 적방공제압)
JSOC: Joint Special Operations Command (미국 합동특수작전사령부)
JSTARS: Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System (합동감시 표적공격 레이다 체제)
JTF: Joint Task Force (합동 임무 부대)
JUSMAG-K: Joint United States Military Affairs Group to Korea (주한미합동군사업무단)
JO: joint operation (합동 작전)
JV2010: Joint Vision 2010(합동비전 2010)
JV2020: Joint Vision 2010(합동비전 2020)

12. K

KACC: Korean Airspace Control Center (한국 공역통제본부)
KADIZ: Korea Air Defence Identification Zone (한국방공식별구역)
KALCC: Korea Air Lift Control Center (한국 공수통제본부)
KAME: Korean Air Mobility Element (한국 공중기동반)
KAMO: Korea Airlift Management Office (한국 공수관리소)
KATUSA: Korean Augmentation To United States Army (카투사: 미육군 배속 한국군)
KCOIC: Korean Combat Operations Intelligence Center (한국 전투작전정보본부)
KCRCC: Korean Combined Rescue Coordination Center (한국 연합구조협조본부)
KCTC: Korean army advanced Combat Training Center (과학화전투훈련단)
KIA: Killed In Action (작전수행중 사망. 전사)
KIDA: Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (한국국방연구원)
KIT: Personal Equiment (개인 장비)
KMAC: Korea Army Mapping Center (한국육군지도창)
KR: Key Resolve (키 리졸브) 훈련. 한미 연합 전구급 지휘소연습.

13. L

LA: Live Ammunition (실탄)
LAN: Local Area Network (근거리통신망)
LANTIFN: Low Altitude Navigation Targeting Infrared for Night
LAPES: Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System (저공낙하산 추출장치)
LATN: Low Altitude Tactical Navigation (저고도 전술비행)
LAU: Launcher Unit (발사대)
LAW: Light Antitank Weapon (경대전차화기 이름: M72 LAW)
LB: Local Battery (자석식)
LC: Line of Contact (접촉선)
LCM: Landing Craft Medium (상륙정)
LCU: Landing Craft Utility (보급상륙정)
LD: Line of Departure (출발선/공격개시선)
Ldr: Leader
LF: Landing Force (상륙부대)
LFT: Live Fire Training
LFX: Live Fire Exercise
LGB: Laser Guided Bomb (레이저 유도폭탄)
LGM: Laser Guided Missile (레이저 유도미사일)
LIC: Low Intensity Conflict (저강도분쟁)
LIMFACs: Limiting Factors (제한요소)
LIMOP: Limited Operational (작전제한)
LMG: Light Machine Gun (경기관총)
LO: Liaison Officer (연락장교)
LOA: limit of advance
LOAC: Law of Armed Conflict (무력분쟁법)
LOC: Lines of Communication(Logistic routes) (병참선)
LOE: Line of Effort (노력선)
LOGCAP: Logistic Civil Argumentation Project
LOS: Line of Sight (조준선 / 시선/ 가시선분석도)
LP: Listening Point (청음초)
LP: Loading Point (적재지점)
LPD: Landing Platform Dock (도크형 수송상륙함)
LRBM: Long Range Ballistic Missile (장거리 탄도 미사일)
LSD: Landing Ship Dock (도크형 양륙함)
LST: Landing Ship Tanks (전차상륙함)
LTP: Leader Training Program
LU: Link-Up (연결)
LUP: Lying Up Position (출발 지점)
LVC: Live, Virtual, Constructive
LWU: (the Land Warfare University)
LZ: Landing Zone (착륙지역)

14. M

M: Moderate
MAAP: Master Air Attack Plan (종합공중공격계획)
MAD: Mutual Assured Destruction (상호확증파괴)
MARV: Maneuverable Reently Vehicle (핵탄두 유도탄)
MAS: Mutual Assured Survival(상호확증생존)
MASP: Mobile Ammunition Supply Point (기동 탄약보급소)
MATDEV: Materiel Developer
MBA: Main Battle Area (주전투지역)
MBT: Main Battle Tank (주력 전차)
MC: Medical Command (의무사령부)
MC: Management Conversion (관리 전환)
MC: Military Committee (군사위원회)
MCA: Movement Control Agency (이동관리대)
MCA: Military Construction, Army
MCM: Military Committee Meeting (군사위원회 회의)
MCS: Maneuver Control System (기동통제시스템)
MCRC: Master Control and Reporting Center (중앙방공통제소)
MCTC: Maneuver Combat Training Center
MCTP: Mission Command Training Program
MD:Missile Defense (미사일 방어)
M-day: Mobilization-day (동원개시일)
MDEP: Management Decision Evaluation Package
MDMP: Military Decisionmaking Process
mech: mechanized
MEDCOM: U.S. Army Medical Command
MEDEVAC: Medical Evacuation (의무후송)
METL: Mission-Essential Task List
MDL: Military Demarcation Line (군사분계선)
MEF: Marine Expeditionary Force (해병 원정군)
MEPS: Military Entrance Processing Station (병무청)
METL: Mission Essential Task List (임무주요과제 목록)
METT+TC: Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops and Time available, Civil affairs (임무, 적, 지형, 부대, 시간, 민간 요소)
MEZ: Missile Engagement Zone (유도탄 교전구역)
M/F: Maintenance Float (정비대충)
MG: Machine Gun (기관총)
MI: Military Intelligence (군사정보)
M.I.A: Missed In Action (작전수행중 실종)
MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Reader (자기잉크 문자판독기)
MLRS: Mutiple Launch Rocket System (M270 MLRS 다연장로켓)
MOE: Measure of Effectiveness (효과 측정 요소)
MOP: Measure of Performance (시행 측정요소)
MOPP: Mission Oriented Protection Posture (임무형 보호태세)
MOS: Military Occupational Specialty (군사특기)
MOT: Mortar (박격포)
MOOTW: Military Operations Other Than Wars (전쟁이외의 군사작전)
MOUT: Military Operations on Urban Terrain (시가전)
MP: Military Police (군사경찰)
MP: Master Plan
MRBM: Mid Range Ballistic Missile (중거리 탄도미사일)
MRC: Major Regional Conflicts (주요지역 분쟁)
MRE: Meals Ready to Eat (전투식량)
MRE: Mission Rehearsal Exercise
MRL: Multiple Rocket Launcher (다연장로켓 발사대)
MRR: Minimum Risk Route (최소위험경로)
MRX: Mission Readiness Exercise
MIRV: Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicle (다탄두발사차량)
MOB: Main Operating Base (주요 작전기지)
MOOTW: Military Operations Other Than War (전쟁이외의 군사작전)
MSD: Minimum Safe Distance (최소안전거리)
MSEL: Master Scenario Events List (주요사태목록)
MSR: Mission Support Request (임무지원요청)
MTR: Military Technology Revolution (군사기술혁명)
MTOE: Modification Table of Organization and Equipment
MTW: Major Theater of War (주요 전쟁전구)
MTP: Mission Training Plans (부대임무 훈련 계획)
MWO: Modification Work Order (개조 작업 명령)

15. N

NAD: Not on Active Duty (예비역)
NATO:North Atlantic Treaty Organization (북대서양 조약 기구)
NAI: Named Area of Interest (중요감시지역)
NBC: Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (핵 및 화생방)
NBCRV: Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle (화생방 정찰차량)
NCA: National Command Authorisies (국가지휘기구)
NCC: Naval Component Command (해군구성군 사령부)
NCO: Noncommissioned Officer (부사관)
NCO: Network Centric Operation (네트워크중심작전)
NCOE: Network Centric Operation Environment (네트워크중심 작전환경)
NCW: Network Centric Warfare (네트워크중심전쟁)
NDS: National Defense Strategy (국가방위전략,국방전략)
NFA: No Fire Area (화력금지구역)
NFL: No Fly Line (비행금지선)
NG: National Guard (주방위군)
NGB: National Guard Bureau
NMS: National Military Strategy (국가군사전략)
NKO: Non-Kinetic Operations (비물리 작전)
NOD: Night Observation Device (야간관측장비)
NOS: Network Operating System (통신망 운영체계)
NORDO: No Radio (통신두절)
NP: Napalm Incendiary (네이팜소이탄)
NPT: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (핵확산금지조약)
NSC: National Security Council (국가안전보장회의)
NSS: National Security Strategy (국가안보전략)
NTC: National Training Center
NVG: Night Vision Goggle (야시장비)
NVS: Night Vision Sight (야간관측기)

16. O

OAC: Officer's Advanced Course
OB: Order of Battle (전투서열)
OBC: Officers' Basic Course
OCA: Offensive Counter Air (공세제공)
OCR: Optical Character Reader (광학 문자판독기)
OCIE: Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (전투장비지휘검열)
OCO: Overseas Contingency Operations
OCONUS: Outside the Continental United States
OE: Operational Environment
OEA: Operational Environment Assessment
OEF: Operation Enduring Freedom (아프가니스탄 전쟁 )
OFS: Officer Foundation System (장교 기본 시스템)
OFT: Office of Force Transformation (전력변혁실,미 국방부 조직)
OIF: Operation Iraqi Freedom (이라크 전쟁)
OIR: Other Intelligence Requirment (첩보요구)
OMA: Operation and Maintenance, Army
OMG: Operational Maneuver Group (작전기동군)
OMR: Optical Mark Reader (광학 표시판독기)
OODA: Observation, Orientation, Decision, Action (관측,판단,결심,행동)주기
OOTW: Operations Other Than Wars (전쟁이외의 작전)
ORE: Operational Readiness Exercise (작전준비태세 훈련)
ORI: Operational Readiness Inspection (작전준비태세 검열)
O/S: Over and Short (과부족)
OP: Observation Post (관측소/감시 초소)
OP: Orbit Point (선회 대기지점)
OPA: Other Procurement, Army
OPFOR: Opposing Force
OPCON: Operational Controls (작전통제)
OPLAN: Operation Plan (작전계획)
OPMS: Officer Personnel Management System (장교 인사관리체계)
OPORD: Operation Order (작전명령)
OPS GRP: Operations Group
OPSEC: Operation Security (작전보안)
OT: Observer Target (관목선)
OVM: On Vehicle Materiel (차량부수기재)

17. P

PC: Personnel Command (인사사령부)
PC: Patrol Corvett (초계함)
PC: Patrol Cap (패트롤캡)
PEO: Peace Enforcement Operations (평화강제작전)
PEO STRI: Program Executive Office for Army Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation
PGM: Precision Guided Munition (정밀유도폭탄)
PGW: Precision Guided Weapon (정밀유도무기)
PHA: periodic health assessment
PIE: Peninsula Intelligence Estimate (한반도정보판단)
PIR: Priority Intelligence Requirements (우선정보요구)
PKO: Peace Keeping Operations (평화유지활동)
PL: Phase Line (통제선)
PL: Prescribed Lord (규정휴대량)
PLADS: Parachute Low Altitude Delivery System (저고도 낙하산 투발체계)
PLL: Prescribed Load List (규정휴대량 목록)
PM: Pulse Modulation (펄스변조)
PMC: Private Military Company (민간군사기업)
PME: Peacetime Military engagement (평시군사개입)
PMESⅡ: Politics, Military, Economy, Social, Information, Infrastructure (정치, 군사, 경제, 사회, 정보, 기반시설)
P/O: Present Occupant (현재병력)
POM: Program Objective Memorandum
POL: Passage of Line (초월)
POW: Prisoner of War (전쟁포로)
PPBS: Planning Programming and Budgeting System (기획,계획,예산 제도)
PPH: Power Projection Hub (전력투사 중심기지)
PR: Programmed Requirement (계획 소요)
PRC: Portable Radio Communication (휴대용 무선 통화장비)
Pre-ITO: Prepositioned Integrated Tasking Order (기계획 통합임무명령서)
PRI: Preliminary Rifle Instruction (사격술 예비훈련)
PT: Physical Training (체력단련)
PZ: Pickup Zone (인수지대, 이륙지대)

18. Q

QR: Quarterly Review
QRT: Quick Reaction Team (신속대응팀)
QRF: Quick reaction force (기동타격대)
QDR: Quadrennial Defense Review (4년주기 국방검토보고서)

19. R

RA: Regular Army
RAAM: Remote Anti Armor Mine (원격조정 대전차지뢰)
RADAR: Radio Detection And Ranging (레이더)
RADC: Regional Air Defense Commander (지역방공사령관)
RADREL: Radio Relay (무선중계)
RAOC: Rear Area Operations Center (후방지역작전본부)
RAP: Rocket Assisted Projectile (로켓보조탄두)
RAPCON: Radar Approach Control (레이다 접근관제)
RC: Reserve Component
RCE: Regional Coordinating Element (지역 협조 기구)
RCT: Regimental Combat Team (연대전투단)
RDO: Reconnaissance Duty Officer (정찰담당장교)
RDO: Rapid Decisive Operations (신속결정작전)
RDTE: Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation
RECON: Reconnaissance (정찰)
RF: Reinforcing (화력증원)
RF: Radio Frequency (무선주파수)
RF: Reinforce (증원)
RFA: Restrictive Fire Area (화력제한지역)
RFL: Restrictive Fire Line (사격제한선)
RISTA: Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance and Target Acquisition
RJ: Road Junction (교차점)
RMA: Revolution in Military Affairs (군사혁신)
RML: Revolution in Military Logistics (군수혁신)
RO: Responsible Official
ROA/ROZ: Restricted Operations Area/Zone (작전제한구역/지대)
ROE: Rules Of Engagement (교전규칙)
ROF: Rules of the use Of Force
ROP: Rear Orbit Point (후방 선회대기지점)
ROTC: Reserve Officer's Training Corps (학군단)
RP: Release Point (분진점)
RP: Rendezvous Point (집결지점)
RPV: Remotely Piloted Vehicle (원격조정 무인정찰기)
RSOI: Reception, Staging, Onward movement and Intergration (수용,대기,전방이동및통합)
RSR: Required Supply Rate (소요보급률)
RTB: Return To Base (기지귀환)
RTU: Rotational Training Unit
RUE: Reciprocal Unit Exchange
RVA: Request for Visit Authorization

20. S

SACC: Supporting Arms Coordination Center (지원화기 협조본부)
SADC: Senior Air Defense Commander (구역방공 지휘관)
SADO: Senior Air Defense Officer (선임방공장교)
SAG: Surface Attack Group (해상전투단)
SAH: Semi-Active Homing (반능동 유도장치)
SALT: Strategic Arms Limitation Talk (전략무기제한 협정)
SALUTE: Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment
SAM: Surface to Air Missile (지대공미사일)
SAMS: School of Advanced Military Studies (고급군사교육과정,미 지참대)
SATCOM: Satelite Communication (위성통신)
SATS: Standard Army Training System (표준 육군 훈련 체제)
SCAR: Strike Coordination and Reconnaissance (타격협조 및 정찰)
SCM: Security Cooperative Meeting (한미 안보협조회의)
SCP: Surface COmbat Patrol (해상전투초계)
SCUD: Medium/Long Range Ballistic Missile(스커드 미사일)
SDI: Strategic Defence Initiative (전략방위구상)
SEAD: Suppression of Enemy Air Defence (적방공망제압)
SF: Special Forces(Ranger / Commando) (특수부대)
SHF: Super High Frequency (초고주파)
SIDO: Seior Intelligence Duty Officer (선임정보 담당장교)
SINCGARSSIP: Single Channel Ground Airborne Radio System (단일채널 지상항공 무선시스템)
SITREP: Situation Report (상황보고)
SLBM: Sea Launched Ballistic Missile (함상발사 탄도유도탄)
SLBM: Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (잠수함발사 탄도유도탄)
SLCM: Sea Launched Cruise Missile (함상발사 순항유도탄)
SLOC: Sea Lines Of Communications (해상병참선)
SN: Serial Number (일련번호)
SOCCE: Special Operations Command and Control Element
SOCKOR: Special Operations Command Korea (주한미 특전사령부)
SODO: Senior Operations Duty Officer (선임작전 담당장교)
SOF: Special Operations Forces
SOSA: System of System Analysis (복합체계분석)
SOI: Signal Operation Instructions (통신규정)
SOP: Standing Operation Procedure (부대예규)
SP: Start Point (출발점)
SPG: Special Protection Group (특별보호집단)
SPIN: Special Instruction (특별지시)
SQ: Squadron (비행대대)
SR: Special Reconnaissance (특수정찰)
SRAGM: Short Range Air to Ground Missile (단거리 공대지 유도탄)
SRAM: Short Range Attack Missile (단거리 공격용 유도탄)
SRBM: Short Range Ballistic Missile (단거리 탄도유도탄)
SRH: Semiactive Radar Homing (반능동 레이다추적)
SRT: Special Reaction Team (특수대응팀)
SS: Submarine (잠수함)
SSBM: Strategic Submarine Ballistic Missile (전략잠수함 탄도미사일)
SSBN: 탄도미사일 원자력 잠수함
SSC:Smaller Scale Contingency (소규모 우발사태)
SSGN: 순항미사일 원자력 잠수함
SSM: Surface to Surface Missile (지대지 미사일)
SSN: Ship Submarine Nuclear (원자력 추진 잠수함)
STAARS: Standard Army After Action Review System (표준 육군 사후검토체제)
STAFF: Smart Top Attack Fire and Forget (비유도 스마트탄)
START:Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (전략무기감축조약)
STOL: Short Take Off and Landing (단거리 이착륙)
STOW: the Synthetic Theater Of War (인조 전쟁전역)

21. T

TA: Table of Allowance (할당표)
TA: Table of Authorization (인가표)
TA: Target Acquisition (표적 획득)
TAA: Tactical Assembly Area (전술집결지)
TAACOM: Theater Army Area Command (전구 육군 지역사령부)
TACAN: TACtical Air Navigation (전술항법장치)
TACC: Theater Air Control Center (전구 항공통제본부)
TACP: Tactical Air Control Party (전술항공통제반)
TACS: Theater Air Control System (전구 항공통제체제)
TACON: Tactical Control (전술통제)
TADSS: Training Aids, Devices, Simulators and Simulations(훈련 교보재, 장비, 시뮬레이터와 시뮬레이션)
TASS: Total Army School System (미 육군 학교 체제)
TAI: Target Area of Interest (관심표적지역)
TAL: Tactical Action Line (전술조치선)
TAL: Theater Air Lift (전구공수)
TALO: Tactical AirLift Liaison Officer (전술공수 연락장교)
TAR: Tactical Air Reconnaissance (전술항공정찰)
TASE: Tactical Air Support Element (전술항공지원반)
TC: Training Circular
TCD: Tactical Control Director (전술통제관)
TCP: Traffic Control Point (교통통제소)
TRADOC:U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (미 육군 교육사령부)
T.S.E.C:Threat,Strategy,Environment,Capacity (위협,국가전략/의지,작전환경/국가속성,국가능력/역량의 작전술 변화 결정이론)
TD: Table of Distribution (분배표)
TDA: Table of Distribution and Allowances
TE: Table of Equipment (장비인가표)
TES-MP: Tactical Engagement System-Master Plan (전술적 교전 시스템 마스터 플랜)
TF: Task Force (특수임무부대)
TG: Tear Gas (최루탄)
TGOSC: Training General Officer Steering Committee
TGT: Target (표적)
THAAD: Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (고고도미사일방어체계)
TM: Technical Manual (기술교범)
TMD: Theater Missile Defense (전구 미사일 방어)
TMO: Traffic Management Office(r) (교통관리소)
TMO: Theater Missile Operations (전구 미사일 작전)
TNT: Trinitrotoluene (폭약의 종류 중 트리니트로톨루엔)
TO: Table of Organization (편성표)
TOC: Tactical Operations Center (지휘통제실)
TOD: Thermal Observation Device (열상관측장비)
TOD: Time Of Departure (출발시간)
TOT: Time On Target (Artillery Support) (동시 탄착 사격) or Time Over Target (Air Support)
TOW: Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided Missile (BGM-71 TOW 대전차미사일)
TP: Target Practice (표적연습용)
TPFDD: Time-Phased Force Deployment Data (시차별 부대전개제원/ 증원전력)
TR: Tactical Reconnaissance (전술정찰)
TRADOC: U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
TS: Team Spirit (팀스피리트 훈련)
TSC: Theater Sustainment Command
TSP: Training Support Package (훈련 지원 패키지)
TTP: Tactics, Techniques and Procedure (전술, 전기 및 절차)
TVD: Theater of Military Action (군사작전 전구)

22. U

UAP: Unified Action Partners
UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (무인항공기)
UCMJ: Uniform Code of Military Justice (영창, 군법)
URAR: 예비군
UH: Utility Helicopter (다목적용 헬기)
UHF: Ultra High Frequence (극 초단파)
ULO: Unified land Operations
UNC: United Nations Command (유엔군 사령부)
UO: Urban Operations
USACE: U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
USAFK: United States Air Forces, Korea (주한 미공군)
USACRC: U. S. Army Combat Readiness Command
USAR: U. S. Army Reserve
USARAF: U. S. Army Africa
USARCENT: U.S. Army Central
USAREUR: U. S. Army Europe
USARPAC: U.S. Army Pacific
USASMDC/ARSTRAT: U. S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command
USASOC: U. S. Army Special Operations Command
USFK: United States Forces, Korea (주한미군)
USMFK: US Marine Forces, Korea (주한 미해병대)
USNFK: US Naval Forces, Korea (주한 미해군)
UFG: Ul-chi Freedom Guardian (을지연습)
UXO: Unexploded Ordnance (불발탄)

23. V

VHF: Very High Frequence (초단파)
VID: Visual Identification (육안확인)
VIP: Very Important Person (귀빈)
VSTOL: Vertical and Short Take Off Landing (수직 및 단거리 이착륙)
VT: Variable Time fuse (가변시한신관)
VTT: Video Teletraining (비디오 통신망)
VTOL: Vertical Take Off and Landing (수직이착륙)
VUL: Vulcan (발칸포)

24. W

WATCHCON: Watch Condition (대북정보감시태세)
WCS: Weapons Control Status (무기통제상태)
WD: Weapons Director (무기통제사)
WEI: Weapon Effectiveness Index (무기효과지수)
WEZ: Weapons Engagement Zone (무기교전구역)
WFX: warfighter exercise
WG: Wing (비행단)
WG: Working Group (야전부대 훈련)
WGS: Worldwide Geological System (범세계 지도체계)
WHNS: Wartime Host Nation Support (전시지원)
WOC: Wing Operations Center (비행단 작전본부)
WP: White Phosphorous (백린탄)
WRSA: War Reserved Stock for Allies (동맹군을 위한 전시 예비 비축물자)
WS: Weapons System (무기체계)
W-W: Win-Win Strategy (윈윈 전략)
WMD: Weapons of Mass Destruction (대량살상무기)

25. X

X: Experimental (실험용)
XO: Executive Officer (보좌관, 부지휘관)

[1] 탄약의 경우 기존 철갑탄과 겹치기 때문에 APERS로 구분지어 부르기도 한다.[2] 사실 AT라고 하면 평소 이걸 제일 많이 쓴다.